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1、课题Unit 1 Lesson 1 Im from Britain.签字认定时间教 学目 标1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:China, from, Canada, America, Britain.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“Im from”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍。重点能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where are you from?”“Im from”.难点单词America,Canada,Britain的发音及运用。教学方法课件资源情景教学法、直观教学法、TPR、听读法、情景会话、儿歌演唱、拼读规则习得法 etc. CD-

2、ROM, VCD, pictures, cards, songs etc学案导案Step 1 Warm up1. Greetings. 2. Free talk.How are you today?Where did you go?(找几个学生起来说一说假期去了哪些地方,为下面做铺垫。)Step 2 PresentationShow the word card and read the word together.“China”the letter “i”is pronounced / ai /. “from” the letter“o”is pronounced/.2. Read the n

3、ew sentences together.3. Lets listen to the tape again,and find out the answers.(1)If you are Jim ,where are you from?(2)If you are Mike,where are you from?(3)If you are Mary,where are you from?4. Then check the answers and teach the new words:Canada,America,Britain.5. Read the new words together.6.

4、 Listen and imitate.7. Read the text in groups.Step 3 Practice1.Play a game: Sharp eyes.Show four pictures of Activity 2.T: Where are you from?S: Im fromStep 1 Warm up1. Greetings. Hello,everyone!2. Free talk.How are you today?Did you have a good time for your holidays? Where did you go?(找几个学生起来说一说假

5、期去了哪些地方,为下面做铺垫。)这时在大屏幕上显示“Where did you go?I went to ”引导学生用此句型回答。Step 2 Presentation1. T: Look, this is our old friend Li Ming.T: Now Im Li Ming.(老师带上头饰)Im from China.(板书句子“Im from China.”)China is our country.Show the word card and read the word together.“China”the letter “i”is pronounced / ai /. “

6、from” the letter“o”is pronounced/.Girls read together. Boys read together.2. T: OK, class. Im from China.Where are you from?(板书) Then let Ss use “Im from China.”to answer.3. Read the new sentences together.4. T: In this class, Ill introduce some new friends to you.Watch the CD-Rom,lets see “Who come

7、s to China?”Check the answers: Jim,Mike,Danny,Mary.5. Lets listen to the tape again,and find out the answers.(1)If you are Jim ,where are you from?(2)If you are Mike,where are you from?(3)If you are Mary,where are you from?6. Then check the answers and teach the new words:Canada,America,Britain.7. R

8、ead the new words together.8. Listen and imitate.9. Read the text in groups.Step 3 Practice1.Play a game: Sharp eyes.Show four pictures of Activity 2.T: Where are you from?S: Im from2.Sing a song:Where are you from两只老虎的曲调Where are you from? Where are you from?Im from China. Im from China.Where are y

9、ou from? Where are you from?Im from Canada. Im from Canada.1)T sings. 2) Ss sing. 3)学生小组内根据歌曲自编。3.Lets do.提前给学生每人发一张代表国家的小卡片。Make a dialogue in groups.Hello!Hello! Whats your name?Im Where are you from?Im from Step 4 SummaryT:What have you learnt in this class?Then read the new words and sentences t

10、ogether.Step5 HomeworkListen to the tape and repeat it 3 time板书:(1)If you are Jim ,where are you from?(2)If you are Mike,where are you from?教学反思:本课主要学习如何询问别人来自哪个国家,涉及到了四个国家名称单词,认识了三个新的朋友,孩子们对这个话题比较感兴趣,能够正确的进行问答练习,并积极进行展示。但是,对于单词from的认读还存在一些问题,要多练习。周次:一 星期:四 节次:三课题Lesson 2 Wheres she from? 签字认定时间教 学目

11、 标1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:Australia, India, France.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Wheres he/she from?”“Hes/Shes from”“Is he/she from?”“Yes, he/she is.”重点能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Wheres he/she from?”“Hes/Shes from”“Is he/she from?”“Yes, he/she is.”难点单词Australia, India, France.的发音及运用。教学方法课件资源情景教学法、直观教学法、TPR、听读法、情景会话、儿歌演唱、拼读规则习得法 e

12、tc. CD-ROM, VCD, pictures, cards, songs etc学案导案活动一 认识新朋友。活动二 对话学习。听录音回答问题 Where is Sam from? Where is Mary from? 跟读对话,小组练习并且展示。活动三 Lets do. Step 1 Warm up复习上节课所做的Lets do活动Step2 Presentation1.学习新句型:Shes/Hes from 做完上面的对话练习后,屏幕出示上节课已学Lets talk中的四幅图,同时出示四个国家对应的人物Jim, Li Ming, Mike, Mary.2.进入文本,学习新句型:Whe

13、res he from? 新单词:Australia.操练: Wheres he from? Hes from Australia.Listen and answer (1) 请同学们先读问题,然后带着问题认真听录音。(2)请小组长组织组员交流问题答案,进行讨论。Listen and repeat (1) 请同学们模仿录音中的语音语调进行跟读. (2)课文重难点句子可多跟读几遍。小组分角色对话1.小组长安排小组内每个人大声朗读对话1-2遍,遇到不会的相互请教,互相帮助。2.小组长分好角色,大声朗读课文两遍,全员参与,相互鼓励。3.小组朗读课文展示,进行课文朗读比赛和倾听比赛。Step 3 Pr

14、actice Lets talk. 教师出示P7四幅图片,相继介绍,接着出示四个国家的人物,并让生运用句型问答 Wheres he/she from? Hes from 板书:操练: Wheres he from? Hes from Australia.教学反思:周次:二 星期:二 节次:一课题Lesson 3 I live in Beijing.签字认定时间教 学目 标1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:live, Ottawa, London, famous, Wasington D.C.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where do you live?”“I live in ”“is fa

15、mous/beautiful.”重点能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where do you live?”“I live in ”“is famous/beautiful.”难点单词Ottawa,famous,Wasington D.C.的发音及运用。教学方法课件资源情景教学法、直观教学法、TPR、听读法、情景会话、儿歌演唱、拼读规则习得法 etc. CD-ROM, VCD, pictures, cards, songs etc学案导案活动一 认识新朋友。活动二 Lets talk.活动三 对话学习。听录音回答问题 Where do you live,Li Ming? Where do y

16、ou live,Mary? 跟读对话,小组练习并且展示。活动三 Lets copy.Step 1 Warm up请学生展示搜集来的各国名人及卡通形象,并运用以下句型进行交流,复习上节课内容,如: - Wheres he/she from?- Is he/she from?Step2 Presentation1.教师将话题转向介绍自己:Im from China. I live in Linzi. Linzi is beautiful. 教授单词live 并板书句型“I live in ”,然后引导学生模仿造句。2.进入文本,学习新句型:where do you live?Listen and

17、answer (2) 请同学们先读问题,然后带着问题认真听录音。(2)请小组长组织组员交流问题答案,进行讨论。Listen and repeat (2) 请同学们模仿录音中的语音语调进行跟读. (2)课文重难点句子可多跟读几遍。小组分角色对话1.小组长安排小组内每个人大声朗读对话1-2遍,遇到不会的相互请教,互相帮助。2.小组长分好角色,大声朗读课文两遍,全员参与,相互鼓励。3.小组朗读课文展示,进行课文朗读比赛和倾听比赛。Step 3 Practice Lets talk.- Where are you from?- Im from - Where do you live?- I live

18、in Lets copy.板书:- Where are you from?- Im from - Where do you live?- I live in 教学反思:课题Lesson4 Again, please.签字认定时间教 学目 标1.复习前三课所学单词及句型,在情境中进行运用。2.能运用所学句型简单描述自己国籍及居住地等情况。3.初步了解字母j,w,u在单词中的发音规律。重点复习本单元所学知识。难点能运用所学句型简单描述自己国籍及居住地等情况。教学方法课件资源情景教学法、直观教学法、TPR、听读法、情景会话、儿歌演唱、拼读规则习得法 etc. CD-ROM, VCD, picture

19、s, cards, songs etc学案导案活动一 Lets do.活动二 对话学习。 跟读对话,小组练习并且展示。活动三 Lets read. 活动四 Fun timeStep 1 Warm up游戏:快速组句,巩固前三课知识。句子结构是:Where are you from? Im from Where is he/she from? Hes/Shes from Where do you live? I live in Step2 Presentation1.出示Lets talk 部分四个人物及四个国家名称:China, Britain, America, India.让学生观看文本动

20、画,连线。2. Listen and imitate.3.Read the text by themselves.4.Act.Step 3 Practice 1.Lets do.对同桌介绍:Hello,my names Mary. Im ten. Im from Britain. I live in London. London is famous. I like it. 2.学习Lets read 部分。教师播放录音并领读,请学生感知语音,引导学生发现字母j, w, u的发音规律。再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读,启发学生找出字母j, w, u发音相同的其他学过的单词,并朗读。Step 4 SummaryT:What have we learnt in this class?Then read the new words and sentences together.板书:Hello,my names Mary. Im ten. Im from Britain. I live in London. London is famous. I like it.教学反思:

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