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1、(完整word)新概念2一课一练31-40Lesson 31一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式.1。There are many machines in the _(车间).2。To tell the truth, he is good (帮手) of me.3。 The factory _(雇佣) a thousand workers。4。 Mr。 Weller_(退休) last month and now lives in the countryside。5。 My mother bought a _(自行车) for me as a birthday p

2、resent.6.Tom works for a computer _(公司)。7.Weve been _(积蓄)for five years to buy a house.8。 We just get our_(孙子) here and look after him on weekdays.二用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空.1. He used to _(live) in England, but now he lives in China.2. You didnt use to _(go) to school by bike, did you?3。 He has _(live) in th

3、e country for three years。4。 Tom used to _(swim) in the river, didnt he?5。 They are used to _(read) English for half an hour every morning.三单项选择。1. That girl tried every means(方法) to _money for college by herself.A. save B。 take C. spend D. gather2. Chinese women find it harder to get _at the moment

4、.A。 employ B。 employing C。 employed D. to employ3. He _ the cold weather after he lived there for two years.A. used to B。 was used to C。 uses to D。 is used to4。 _ I said on the phone, your request will be considered (考虑) at the next meeting.A。 Like B。 Because C. While D。As5. He had many interesting_

5、 while travelling in Africa。A。 experiences B. experience C。 experienced D。 experiencing6. To my surprise, that 18year-old body has a shop _his own.A. on B。 by C。 in D。 of7. He was a very good teacher in his _.A.40 B.40 ages C。 age 40 D。 forties8。 Have you visited the farm _Helen once worked?A. that

6、B。 where C。 which D。 when9. Working hard is the only road_ success。A. to B。 at C。 for D。 with10. As she _the newspaper, her grandmother _asleep.A。 read; was falling B。 was reading; fell C。 was reading; was falling D。 read; fellLesson 32根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1.I _(包裹) the book in brown pap

7、er before I mailed it.2。She had several _(物品) of clothing in her bag.3.The thief has been _(逮捕) by the police.4.Its difficult to get interesting materials which are _(简单地) written。5。 Dont give in to _(诱惑).6. He _(曾经) knew her, but they are no longer friends.二用括号中所给形容词的正确形式填空。1。 Tom is one of the _(c

8、lever) boys in our class。2。 Who is _(strong), Li Lei or Wu Tong?3。 It was very hot yesterday, but it is even _(hot) today.4。 Jone Smith is the _(tall) one if the two young men.5。 It takes _(little) time to go there by plane than by train .三单项选择。1。 This book is the most interesting _the three.A. in B

9、。 of C。 at D. for2。 _he lived in America, but now he lives in England.A。 Before B. Ago C。 Once D。 Ever3. Many people find it hard to resist(抵抗) the temptation_ the computer games。A. playing B。 play C. in playing D。 to play4. We can jump _on the moon than on the earth。A。 more high B. much C. high D。

10、much high5. Computers can make learning_.A。 easier and more interesting B. is easier and interestingB。 being easier and interesting D. to be easier and interesting6。 Nothing is _that you make friends with him。A. more dangerous than B。 dangerous thanC。 the most dangerous than D. as more dangerous as7

11、. To my surprise, he walked past me without _。A. speaking B。 spoken C。 speak D。 to speak8。 Jane didnt do _in the exam, but her exam results are _ than last years。A。 bad; worse B。 good; better C。 well; better D。 well; worse9. There are 14 members_ in that team.A。 of all B. all at C. at all D. in all1

12、0。 As I was setting out that afternoon, there was only _thing to do. I had to send _email.A. a; an B. one; an C。 the; one D. a; theLesson 33一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1。 The passengers went on_(海岸).2.We just entered the room when a _(暴风雨)came.3。He _(解释) that he had been cheated。4。 Two people

13、were _(在前面) of us, and travelling fast.5.The old man has been _(挣扎)with the illness。6。A new _(医院) is being built in my hometown.7. Jean moved _(朝) the door。8. The room was in complete _(黑暗)。9.It takes much strength to climb up these _(悬崖)。10。Turn off the _(灯) when you leave。二请用适当的介词填空,完成下列句子。1. Mayb

14、e the keys are just _ your bag.2. The old man jumped_ the cold river and swan fast。3。 Mike has been living in China for two years。 He comes _ America。4。 Aunt Liu will arrive _the small town the day after tomorrow.三单项选择。1。 Do remember to check it carefully_ you hand it in.A。 before B. after C. until

15、D。 while2. The boy _us that he had never heard of the story before.A。 talked to B。 spoke to C。 explained to D。 said to3。 Im afraid we will be caught _the rain on the way.A。 in B。 by C。 with D. for4。 As we all know, Japan lies_ the east of China。A. to B. in C. on D. at5. He wants to _100 miles before

16、 it goes dark。A. pass B. go C. cover D. get6. On _it, the woman said she did not like it。A。 seen B. being seen C. see D。 seeing7. He _to understand why the plan had failed。A。 set out B. set about C. set of D. set up8。She _to the shore and then was saved by a fisherman。A。 escaped B。 walked C. travell

17、ed D。 struggled9.Some new changes happened_ the school _ my absence。A. at; to B. in; for C. in; during D。 at; on10. All _ we have to do is practise every day。A。 that B。 which C. what D。 whetherLesson 34一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式.1.The thief was brought to the nearby police _(警察局)。2。 Of the th

18、ree questions, this is the _(最) difficult one.3. I _(收到) a letter from my sister yesterday afternoon。4。 He _(期待) to finish the work by March.5. He told _(有趣的) joker after dinner。6。 I bought a new _(自行车) several days ago。二 单项选择。1. They _my house yesterday afternoon.A。 called on B. called at C. called

19、 out D. called off2. The guests_ around the city this Sunday.A。 are shown B. will show C. were be shown D。 will be shown3。 I saw the happiness in her _face, so I _。A。 smiled; smiling B. smiling; smiled C。 smiling; smiling D. smiled; smiled 4. The boy _ the hat for the old man。A。 picked out B. picked

20、 off C. picked up D. picked at5。 Dont except him _here on time. He is always late for meetings。A. to arrive B. arrive C. to be arriving D. arriving6。 My birds_ by one of my best friends when Im away。A。 will be look after B. will be looked afterC。 be looked after D. will been look after 7。 The day _

21、I met the famous pop star was the greatest day of my life.A。 until B. that C. when D. where8. The boys often _ themselves by drawing caricatures(漫画) of other people.A. interest B。 surprise C。 worry D. amuse9. Please let me know _ you want to go to the cinema with us or not。A. whether B. what C. why

22、D. that10. Lesson Three is _very difficult text, but not _ most one.A。 the; the B. a; a C. the; a D。 a; theLesson 35一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. She says she is going to New York _(很快)。2。 Go _(径直) down the road and then turn left。3. I _(后悔) the loss of her friendship.4。 He will be back in a

23、_(一段时间).5。He _(冲) to the street to see what was happening。6。 She nearly died of _(害怕) at the sight of the escaped tiger。7. _(以后) they had lunch in the garden。8. We should _(行动) immediately.9. It turned out _(非常) better than I expected.10。 The ship was _(撞坏) against the rocks.二 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空.1 We t

24、hen listened to the child read the article_(write) on the blackboard.2. These are all the questions _(give) to you.3。 He is a _(retire) worker.4。 We can see the _(rise) sun in the east。5。 There is nothing _(interest)。三单项选择。1.When we got to the station, we found him_ for us there。A。 to wait B. being

25、waiting C。 waiting D。 to be waiting2。 I enjoyed it very much. It was _ than I had expected。A. far more interesting B. far interestedC。 ever more interesting D. ever interested3. Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists。A。 being invited B. inviting C. invited D. to be invited4。 Linda

26、heard his brother _TV in the living room.A. watched B. to watch C。 being watching D。 watching5.As we _ for that small mountain village, it _to small。A, set off; began B. were setting off; beganC. were setting off D. set off; was beginning6。 The meeting _at the moment is sure to be a great success。A。

27、 taking place B. to be taken place C. taken place D。 being taken place7. He is _that all his pupils like him.A。 such good teacher B。 such a good teacher C。 so a good teacher D。 so good teacher8。 I regret _ that I am unable to help you.A. to say B。 said C. saying D。 being said9. They got there _late

28、to catch the early bus.A. very B. enough C. too D. so10。 Even on holidays Mr。 Wang preferred _to _nothing。A. read; to B。 to read; do C。 reading; doing D. to read; doingLesson 36一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1。 He is_(强壮的) enough to lift that rock。2. I _(打算) to study abroad next year。3. Everybody

29、 is waiting_(焦急地) for the doctor。4.He is a very good _(游泳运动员).5. If you work hard, you will _(成功).6。 She holds the world _(记录)for long-distance swimming。7. We _(训练) them to make use of English dictionaries.8. When water freezes, it becomes_(固体的)。二用will或者be going to 的正确形式填空。1. Im tired。 I think I _ g

30、o to bed soon。2。_you come in and have a drink?3。 Look! It _rain!4.I _come to help you if you need me.5. I think Smiley _become a good singer。三单项选择。1。 He says he hopes_ you and your family soon.A. see B。 to see C. seeing D。 sees2. The government _ a monument(纪念碑) for him in his hometown。A。 set up B。

31、set out C. set off D. set about3. Dont worry。 She is sure _back soon。A. coming B。 comes C。 to come D. of come4. Dont phone me between 8:00 and 10:00。 We _ classes then。A。 will have B。 are going to C。 will be have D. will be having5。 I intended _ the early train, but I didnt get up in time.A. to catc

32、h B. to catching C. catch D. catching6. He goes to see his uncle_ two weeks。A. each B. other C。 both D. every7. My mother and I _ our garden tomorrow afternoon。A。 will have cleaned B。 will cleanC。 will being clean D. will cleaning8. The letter is from my sister,_ is working in Beijing.A。 which B. th

33、at C. whom D. who9. to his joy, he successes _ that job at last.A. to get B。 in getting C. to getting D. in get10. The old lady was _ him from head to foot。A。 looking at B。 hearing C。 noticing D。 seeingLesson 37一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1。We all know that Beijing is the _(首都) of China。2. The

34、y will_(召开) a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow。3. The Atlantic Ocean is _(巨大的)。4。 Your recent work has been below _(标准)。5. This house was _(设计) by my father.6. The “ Birds Nest” is really a _(巨大的) and beautiful building。7。We will go to the _(露天体育场) to watch a football match。8. He is now work

35、ing for the _(政府).二 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1. By the time you arrive in London, we _(stay) in Europe for two weeks。2. Please come to our meeting if you _(be) free tomorrow.3. I hope that they _(repair) the road by the time we come back.4. She _(be) to the Great Wall several times.5。 When he comes to my hou

36、se tomorrow, I _(type) the letter。三单项选择。1。 Thank you very much for your help and I look forward to _you in the near future。A. meeting B. meet C. be meeting D. have met2. John says that he will arrive here _ half an hour.A。 for B。 at C. on D. in3. We didnt know what to do _ we here just visiting ther

37、e.A. because of B. as C. due to D. why4. When we got there, they were _ a meeting。A。 lifting B。 setting C。 holding D。 putting5. What _ you _ at this time next Monday?A。 will; do B。 will; be doing C. are; doing D。 were; doing6. The workers will have repaired all the machines _ the end of next week.A。

38、 by B。 at C。 in D. during7。 To my surprise, this beautifully _ garden belongs to the little boy.A。 designing B. to design C。 designed D。 being designed8. You should _ the right pronunciation(读音) of this word in the dictionary.A. look after B. look out C. look for D。 look up9。 _ the students _ the te

39、acher were invited to the party。A。 Both; and B。 Not only; but also C。 Either; or D. Neither; nor10。 As you can see, new factories are _ everywhere.A. going away B. going up C. going down D. going out Lesson 38一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. He _(抱怨) to me about the food yesterday。2. That boy is

40、 crying _(不断地).3. She sat in the garden enjoying the _(阳光).4。 We got there every day _(除了) Sunday.5。 It is _(刺骨地) cold today。6. She _(做梦) that she could fly last night.7.My father will _(退休) next year.8。 My legs were so weak that I could _(几乎不) stand.二用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1。 I _ no sooner _ (get) to the

41、bus stop than the bus stand。2. Andrew _(leave) as soon as he had drunk his coffee。3。 He _ hardly _ (finish) the article when the light _(go).4. They had already had breakfast before they _(arrive) at the hotel.5。 He said that he_ never _(see) such a beautiful bird before。三单项选择.1。 He dreamed of _ a movie star when he was young.A. to become B。 becoming C。 become D。 having become2。 To tell you the truth, I really have nothing to complain _。A。 to B. on C. about D。 at3. He _ to play _ before he was eleven years old。A。 had learned; piano B。 had learned; the piano

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