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4、利用调侃和嘲笑,使我们的发言更加吸引人。谢谢大家!Dear distinguished guests, dear friends,It is an honor to stand on this stage and share my insights on how to use humor and mockery in a speech. Humor and mockery, as a form of humorous expression, can make speeches lively and interesting, increasing the audiences engagement

5、 and memorability. However, when using humor and mockery, we must pay attention to the appropriate scale and goodwill, to avoid offending others. In the following, I will discuss how to use humor and mockery in a few aspects to make our speeches more attractive.Firstly, humor and mockery can be used

6、 to ease tense atmospheres. In formal or tense situations, using humor can break the stiff atmosphere, making everyone feel relaxed and at ease. For example, we may encounter technical failures at a conference. In such cases, we can make a joke and say, It seems like technology is obedient to our co

7、mmand, just like smart devices knowing when to attack us! This way, people will laugh, and the tense feeling will be eased.Secondly, humor and mockery can generate audience resonance and attention. When we use humor, it is easier for people to resonate and desire conversation. Through humor and mock

8、ery, we can express our views on trivial matters, things that we have all experienced, thereby triggering the audiences resonance. For example, we can talk about common problems such as getting lost, dropping things, etc. This way, the audience will laugh and feel a sense of connection with us.Howev

9、er, there are also some things to keep in mind when using humor and mockery. First, we must ensure that our humor is good-natured. We should never use humor and mockery to insult or hurt others feelings. We must learn to use harmless humor and try to avoid offensive or embarrassing jokes. Secondly,

10、we need to consider different cultural backgrounds and values. Some humor may be very interesting in one cultural group, but may cause misunderstandings or conflicts in another group. Therefore, when using humor and mockery, we need to judge and choose carefully based on specific situations.Finally,

11、 we need to pay attention to the appropriateness and frequency of our language. Overusing humor and mockery may have the opposite effect, making the audience lose interest in our speech or even be repulsed by it. Therefore, we need to find the right timing and degree to use humor. Not every situatio

12、n requires humor, but rather we should use humor to clarify and make our point more interesting when appropriate. Of course, we should also control the frequency of humor based on the seriousness of different occasions.In summary, using humor and mockery can make speeches lively and interesting, inc

13、reasing the audiences engagement and memorability. However, when using them, we must pay attention to the appropriate scale and goodwill, to avoid offending others. By easing tense atmospheres, triggering resonance, and paying attention to appropriateness and frequency, we can better utilize humor and mockery to make our speeches more attractive. Thank you all!

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