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七年级英语上unit 7 How much are these pants.pdf

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1、Vnit 7 How much are these pants,Section J?Period Onea blue cap0a yellow mapblack bagsorange hatsa sweatera T-shirta shirt a skirtshoes shortspants socksCan yousweaterremember them?skirtshirtT-shirtshoesshortspantssocksthe things in、the picture.二Match the J-y words with How much isow much arey5re two

2、2ZT 咚-hese socks?/月 s&g;fclTth、dr2.T-shirt g3.shorts a 火和、4.sweater d5,bag C6.hat f7.pants e8.shoes h9.skirt iMake conversations.$3428How much is.?工 ts.dollars.How much are.?Theyre.dollarsA=uenAPractise in pairs.A:How much is your.?B:If s.A:How much are your.?B:They are.言Save money/节的用钱/Spend money

3、property!合理消赛/Unit 7 How much are these pants?Section Apants sweater(s)shirt(s)shorts shoe(s)skirt(s)saleHow much is this T-shirt?Its seven dollars.How much are these socks?They5re two dollars.Listen and circle the things in the picture you hear.Write down their names.Complete the sentences.shorts s

4、ocks skirt1,-How much are these pants?-Two dollars.2-What color is it?-Blue.3.-You can see the T-shirt on s ale.Choose the right answers.1.How much B these apples?A.is B.are C.beSentence pattern2.trasformation.A is this hat?Two dollars.A.How much B.How manyC.How old1.The bag is$9(对画线部分提问)How much is

5、 the bag?2.The pants are black.(对画线部分提问)What color are these pants?(Play a game.S)JOl|Sseoqsyiqs-i ejaieaMS e8Z先1叫edeo esyoqsJ3163MS esiuedesyposHomework.1.Write a new conversation in your exercise books.(Necessary)2.Prepare the rest of SectionA.(Necessary)3.Make a survey about how much sth.isin a s

6、hop.(Not necessary)the things in、the picture.二Match the J-y words with How much isow much arey5re two2ZT 咚-hese socks?/月 s&g;fclTth、dr2.T-shirt g3.shorts a 火和、4.sweater d5,bag C6.hat f7.pants e8.shoes h9.skirt iPractise in pairs.A:How much is your.?B:If s.A:How much are your.?B:They are.言Homework.1.Write a new conversation in your exercise books.(Necessary)2.Prepare the rest of SectionA.(Necessary)3.Make a survey about how much sth.isin a shop.(Not necessary)

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