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1、 吉林国投万信高中17级高中英语导学案 编号: 使用时间:2019年2月 日 班级: 小组: 姓名: 组内评价: 编 写 白 雪 学 案 装 订 线 M7U1 Living wellWords and expressions 学习目标:熟练运用以下词汇、短语和句型;能用恰当的英语表达被要求表达的内容。 学习指导: 课前阅读本单元教材内容,回顾重点词汇、短语、句型的具体运用;课堂上小组讨论并由教师指导、确认知识的准确性并适当举一反三。1. 重点单词1_ n伤残;无力;无能_ adj.伤残的2_ n雄心;野心 _ adj. 有雄心的;有野心的3_adj.适合的;适宜的_ v适合;使适宜4_adj.

2、有益的;受益的_ v. & n利益5_ vt.使适应;改编_ n适应;改编_ adj.能适应的;可改编的_ n.适应;改编本_ n.适应者;改编者6 _ n缺席;不在某处_ adj.缺席的;不在的7 _vt.使不悦;惹恼_ adj.颇为生气的_ n烦恼8 _n鼓励;奖励_ v鼓励_ (n) 勇气_adj 令人鼓舞的 _adj 受鼓舞的9 _ vt.祝贺;庆祝_ n祝贺10. _n(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性_ adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的11. _n.行为;品行 vt.指挥;管理_ n. 管理人;指挥;售票员12. _ n. 帮助_ v. 帮助_n.助手13. _呼吸;气息 _ vt

3、.呼吸_ adj.屏息的II. 词汇拓展(请查字典完成)1. be ambitious for sth/to do sth对(做)某事怀有雄心/热切的希望2. A benefit B 有益于.3. B benefits from/by A 受益于4. be of benefit to 对有益5. for the benefit of 为了 的利益6. be beneficial to 对有益7. in other words=that is to say 换句话说in a / one word beyond words break ones word eat ones word have a

4、word with have words with8. be clumsy with sth / at/in doing sth在方面不灵巧 9. adapt sth from根据改编某物adapt (oneself) to使(自己)适应adapt sth for使某物适应;使某物适合;改编某物10. cut out切下、停止省略 剪下cut off 切断、隔绝cut down 砍倒、削减、减少cut in 插话 out of breath上气不接下气 11. hold ones breath不出声;屏息 lose ones breath喘不过气来;呼吸困难 take a deep breat

5、h作一次深呼吸 take sbs breath away使某人大吃一惊12.absence of mind 心不在焉;神不守舍be absent from 缺席;不在in/during my absence13.annoy sb with sth / by doing sth因使某人生气 be annoyed with sb. for/at (doing)sth. 对(某人)为(某事)而生气 be annoyed at / about / by sth 因而生气14. all in all总而言之 above all首先;最重要的是 after all毕竟;终究 first of all首先

6、not at all根本不;别客气 for all虽然;尽管 in all总共;总之15. make fun ofmake fools of sb.laugh at sb. play a joke on sb.tease sb about sth. 16.resign from 从辞职: resign oneself to 使(自己)听任,顺从17.congratulate sb on sth/doing sth祝贺某人 18.access to 进入/到达的通路/方法; 拥有的机会have /gain (no) access to sth give sb access to sth. 让人得

7、到;进入 have access to sth.= be accessible to sb.M7U1 Living Well Langue points 1.Glance at the title and picture, then discuss with a partner what kind of thing you think people would write about and why disabled people find the website beneficial.翻译:_.beneficial adj _ benefit n. _ v. _ _A benefit B =

8、 B benefits from/by A_for the benefit of 为了的利益阳光对植物有益 Sunshine _ plants.Sunshine _ plants.Sunshine _ plants.Plants _ sunshine.2.Unfortunately, the doctors dont know how to make me better, but Im very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.翻译:_a. We have had to adapt quickly to the new s

9、ystem.b. Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.c. Some animals can adapt themselves to the change of climate quickly.d. The play is adapted from a short story.e. (2017江苏)Human beings will continue to adapt to the changing climate in both ordinary and astonishing

10、ways.f. (2015浙江)Instead, we are diurnal creatures, with eyes adapted to living in the suns light. 翻译:_.adapt vt.&vi. _adapt (oneself) to. _(其中to是介词)adapt.to. _ adapt sth.for sth. _ adapt.from. _ adapt 与 adopt 仅有一个字母之差,要注意它们含义的区别:3. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was

11、behind the others.翻译:_a.(2017全国)In the absence of gray wolves, the deer population grew quickly.b. (2017全国)Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent.归纳拓展: absence of mind _ be absent from_ in/during my absence_.4. My life is a lot easier at high school because my fellow students

12、 have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed.翻译:_.annoy vt _.a. It really annoys me when you dont listen to what Im saying.b. I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily.c. Everyone is annoyed by the amount of traffic in the city.d.(2016天津)It

13、was really annoying; I couldnt get access to the data bank you had recommended. e. (2017天津)It is without doubt the most annoying of all.归纳拓展: (1) It annoys sb.that/when/how etc.(2)annoy常用于被动语态be annoyed 某事使某人恼怒be annoyed _ sb _sth.对某人生气(3)_ n恼怒,烦恼,烦扰,不高兴;烦恼的事情_ adj.使人不高兴的,恼人的,使烦恼的_ adj.恼怒的;烦恼的 同类辨析:

14、 annoy,bother,disturb a. Im annoyed that he didnt show up when he said he would come.b. Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.c. The problem has been bothering me for weeks.d. If you get up early,try not to disturb someone else.5. Why has his fellow students conduct change towards Mar

15、ty?a. Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do.b. The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.c. He conducted himself far better than expected.d. The government conducted a research into the river pollution.e. His conduct disagrees with his words.conduct vt. _ nU _归

16、纳拓展 :conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey_conduct a concert_ conduct sb.in/out_conduct oneself_ under the conduct of_6. Adequate access for wheelchairs. 翻译:_a. The only access to the town is across the bridge.b.20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.c. A manager s

17、hould be accessible to his staff.d. The documents are not accessible to the public. e. (2017北京)This magazine makes complex ideas attractive and accessible to children. f. (2016四川)Thus I have been allowed to gain access to their living environment.归纳拓展 (1)give access to _have/gain/get/obtain access t

18、o. _the access to. _(2)accessible adj. _ be accessible to. _ .单句语法填空1. (2017江苏)When it comes to _(adapt), it is important to understand that climate change is a process.2. People are _(annoy)by what the driver did to the little girl.3. I hope we can get your technical _(assist)in the project soon.4.

19、 On the long journey, Peter proved to be a most interesting _(company)5. (2015湖北)His latest book The Social Animal, however, is more _(ambition)and serious than his earlier book.6. (2015陕西)The production of coffee beans is a huge, _(profit)business.7. We all _(congratulate)Tom on being elected chair

20、man of the committee.8. (2015陕西)Parental involvement is not so _(benefit)as expected.9. The remote desert area is _(access)only by helicopter.10. People are social creatures by nature, and so it is hardly surprising that part of their self-respect comes from the _(approve) of others.11. She lay in b

21、ed, _(stare)at the last leaf on the tree.12. Although he was well aware of the danger to his own health, he found _ difficult to quit smoking.13. So far we _(conduct)a variety of activities on English learning.14. The library in the city is _(access)to people at weekends.15. Please accept my sincere

22、 _(congratulate)on your marriage.II考题对接1.单句语法填空。It was the culture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt _ the new environment abroad.The film is said _(adapt) from a very famous novel.(2017江苏)More ordinary forms of _(adapt)are happening everywhere.2.单句语法填空或完成句子。If you are _

23、_ _ _(在缺乏情况下)social skills, it can lead to many problems.这个士兵没有请假就离开营地三天。The soldier _ _ _ his camp for three days without asking for leave.His _(absent)from the conference made the situation even worse.3. 用annoy的适当形式填空。Brown said he was by no means _; on the contrary, he was glad to be able to make

24、 himself clearly understood.The way he speaks to us is really _To her _, the stranger did not go away.It _ me that I didnt have time to do more reading.4.用conduct的适当形式填空。The guide _ Tom and Mary around the places of interest.Its really a great honor that the band will be _ by the great conductor.A l

25、ongterm study _ by the medical school shows that babies of smoking mothers will be less healthy than those of nonsmoking mothers.A lot of research is _ in this area now.5. (access)单句语法填空。Every student has free access _ the library.All the public transport will be _(access)to both ordinary people and

26、 the disabled6.( congratulate/celebrate)完成句子。周围的人们都祝贺莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖。People all around _ Mo Yan _ winning the Noble Prize in Literature.请接受我对你们婚礼的诚挚祝贺。Please accept my sincere _ _ your marriage.Lets hold a party to _your birthday and at the same time _you on your passing the examination.7. 与cut 相关短语填空It

27、is impolite to cut _ when other people are talking.He wanted to cut _ the story in the newspaper, for he liked it very much.After his wifes death, he almost cut himself _ from the rest of the world.He cut _ on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.(2016浙江)When their children lived far away

28、from them, these old people felt cut _ from the world. 当孩子们远离他们生活的时候,这些老人觉得与世隔绝了。8. 与breath 相关短语完成句子。汤姆没敲门就进来了,上气不接下气地坐在了椅子上。Tom entered without knocking and,very _ _ _ , sank into a chair.你能屏住呼吸多久?How long can you _ _ _ for? When he gets upset, he _ _ _(深呼吸)to calm himself down.9. 用于as well 相关结构完成句

29、子她弹得好,唱得也好。 She sings _ _ _ she plays. 著名的音乐家及其学生受邀在2012年台北花博会开幕式上表演。The famous musician, _ _ _ his students, was invited to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.既然我们还没走远,不妨回去取地图。Since we havent gone very far, we _ _ _ _ turn around to get the map.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空adapt to; a

30、s well as; cut out; in a word; used to; out of breath; be beneficial to; after all1. The old man can _ beautiful flowers with paper and stick them onto the wall.2. I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers _ good friends in my life.3. The good thing about children is

31、 that they _ very easily _ new environments.4. To be honest, I was _ after running for the bus.5. I _ be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed.6. As we all know, sunshine _ plants.7. _, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligen

32、ce is what Im all about.8. _, it was through hard work and innovation that Lei Jun became successful in his field. M7U1 Summary根据所给汉语填空1. cut_切掉2. It is difficult to know what the future _. 难以断定未来的样子3. _ breath 上气不接下气4. My education _. 我的教育受到影响。5. my _ students 我的同学6. all _ all 总之7. work for a _ 为一家

33、公司工作8. _ computer softwear 开发电脑软件9. with no time _ 没有时间闲坐着10. find_ worthwhile 发现很值得11. make _ 取笑12. They each _ a disability. 他们每个人都有残疾。13. _ a record 打破记录14. be _ for 适合15. _ earth 究竟16. be supposed _ 被认为做过17. get _ work 开始工作18. _ from government 从政府辞职19. read_ the newspaper 在报纸上得到20. _ particular

34、 特别21. _ sets of earphone 安装成套的耳机22. overcome these _ 克服这些困难23. an _ on a website 网站上的一个词条24. _ young people _ disability 有残疾的普通的年轻人25. one_ million 百万分之一26. in other _ 换句话说27. _ into 撞到28. at_ time 每次29. _ my country 代表我的国家30. meet with your _ 得到你的许可31. make _ 获得利润学 案 装 订 线 英语复习课学案选修7 Unit 1 Living

35、 well学习目标:熟练运用以下词汇、短语和句型;能用恰当的英语表达被要求表达的内容。 学习指导: 课前阅读本单元教材内容,回顾重点词汇、短语、句型的具体运用;课堂上小组讨论并由教师指导、确认知识的准确性并适当举一反三。 课本回归根据所给汉语完成句子并回答相应的问题:1. Do you know anyone with a mental or physical disability? What have they done to_ (克服这些困难)?2. Look at the pictures and read what these people have achieved _(即使每个人都

36、有残疾).3. She is proud_(参加过比赛) and to have _(打破记录)by running two laps this year.4. Sally_ (过着忙碌的生活). When shes free, she goes to the movies. She thinks_(适合她的情况).5. Last year, he_(扮演主角)in the school play. After school he _(上声乐和舞蹈课)after school.6. I guess you could say that I am “_(万分之一)”. _(换句话说) There

37、 are not many people like me. _(此外), sometimes Im very clumsy and drop things or _(撞到家具).7. I am very outgoing and have learned to_(适应) my disability. My motto is:. _ (活好每一天)8. Until I was ten years old I was _(和其他别的人一样). I used to dream about _(和专业的足球队比赛) and possibly _(代表我的国家) in the World Cup.9. I had_(至少) a billion tests, _(包括一次) in which they _(切掉) a piece of muscle from my leg and10.Even after all that, no one could give my disease a name and it is difficult to know_

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