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七年级英语上unit 3.pdf

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1、oneorangetwo pearssix pearssix computersfive cups two clocksthree applesfour bananasnine applesthree boystwo girlsone dogone cat two catsthree cars four bikesfive birds six pensseven apples eight orangesnine boxes ten busesWhats this?Its a banana.What are these?They are bananasWhats that?Its an oran

2、ge.What are those?They are orangesWhats that?Its a watch.What are those?They are watches.史不规贝!1变化:manmen,woman-women,photo-photos,footfeet,a Chinese-three Chinese,child-children可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。名词 的复数形式的部分规则如下:一般情况加Smap-maps,desk-desks,tree-trees boy-boys,girl-girls以s,sh,ch,x 等结尾的加esclass-classes watc

3、hwatches,以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i,在加esdictionarydictionaries family-familiesWhafs this?Its a pen.They are pens.What are these?A郎咏第L且This is Jims friend.These are his friends Do it together.This is his sister.These are his sisters.That is a baby.Do it together.That is a dog.Those are dogs.Whats this?Its a ma

4、pWhat are these?They are maps你看出规律了吗?jeeps,bikes,apples,pens,bags.1.一般直接在名词后面加“S”boxes,classes,buses,watches,fishes2.以s,x,ch,sh,ss结尾的单词,必须加上es baby-babies,country-countries3.以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,把Y变成i再加es tomatoes,potatoes4.以辅音字母+O结尾的单词,后加es(photo|5knife-knives,leaf-leaves5.以f或fe结尾的单词。把f变v再加esWhats that?Its

5、 an English book.What are those?They are English books.Ask and answerH-viah J.1-_q f 一,-J L:心泄加圾,蟒心加以心加以必4a”加终What are these?They are.What are those?They are JThis is a map.q A These are maps.That is a clock.*工Those are clocks.、I am a teacher.“a We are teachers.g He is a boy.They are boys.thisthat t

6、hoseI wetheseIIyou-a you人称代词(主格)第一人称(单数)第二人称(单数)第一人称(复数)第二人称(复数)第三人称(复数)弟番M1youhe she itweyouthey第三人称(复数)第二人称(复数)第二人称(单数)第一人称(复数)第一人称(单数)ei thu you 10 tse h Is hlu yo形容词性物主代词y m形容词性物主代词+名词(nJ 名词所有格(The possessive case of nouns)1.单数名词加,s o Mike9s father Jims class my mothers name2.两个或两个以上的各自所有,则每个名词都

7、要加s,后面 的可数名词要用复数形式。Jims and Tom5s books3.两个或两个以上的共同所有,则只在最后一个加s,后面的 可数名词用单数或复数形式要根据情况而定。Jim and Tom5s ruler Mary and Kates cases4.以s结尾的复数名词加,the teachers5 room5.不以s结尾的复数名词加,s men5s shoes Womens Day2。入*Those are erasersThose are not erasers.Are those erasers?-AYes,they are-/No,they arent.J They are g

8、irls.They are not girls.Are they girls?Yecthey are1Oydheyafen5t.看谁做得快(单)This is a book(复)These are books.(单)That is his brother.(复)Those are his brothers.用am,is或are填空 1.This is my brother,these are mv parents.2.Is that your sister?No,it isnt.3.This is my mother.Mom,this is Lin Hai.4.And these are mv

9、 grandparents.5.Is Guo Ping your sister?Yes,she is,6.Hello am Lucy,And thafs Paul.He is my brotherFill in the blanks:I.Lucy is a girl.She is her fathers daughter.2.Jim is his fathers son.3.My fathers sister is my aunt.4.Kates fathers brother is her uncle.5.Tims father is my uncle5 so Tim is my cousi

10、n 6.His parents are his father and mother7.My grandparents are mygrandfatheiandgrandrnothersix computersfive cups two clocksThis is Jims friend.These are his friends Do it together.This is his sister.These are his sisters.Whats that?Its an English book.What are those?They are English books.Ask and a

11、nswerH-viah J.1-_q f 一,-J L:心泄加圾,蟒心加以心加以必4a”加终What are these?They are.What are those?They are 第三人称(复数)第二人称(复数)第二人称(单数)第一人称(复数)第一人称(单数)ei thu you 10 tse h Is hlu yoy m形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词(nJFill in the blanks:I.Lucy is a girl.She is her fathers daughter.2.Jim is his fathers son.3.My fathers sister is my aunt.4.Kates fathers brother is her uncle.5.Tims father is my uncle5 so Tim is my cousin 6.His parents are his father and mother7.My grandparents are mygrandfatheiandgrandrnother

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