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七年级英语上册unit 12 my favorite subject is science.pdf

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1、TUCOOCWMy favorite subject is sciencell KT 31 KT VkPeriod 3Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaySee a Flash根据句意填入合适的词。1.The first day of a week is Sunday.2.The sixth day of a week is Friday.3.The third day of a week is Tuesday_.4.The carrmd day of a week is Monday.5.The fourth day

2、 of a week is Wednesday.6.The fifth day of a week is Thursday.7.The last day of a week is Saturday.1ainto the correct order._ 个 4?*1 b Pair worka.art b.science c.musicd.math e.RE.f.ChineseB:I study math,Englishand,school scheduleMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1234567A:When do you have.?B:I have

3、.on.5.and.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1MathEnglishEnglishChineseMath2ChineseMathMathEnglish jEnglish3EnglishP.E.Self-studyPoliticsChinese4sciencePoliticsGeographyMathChemical5BiologyChineseComputerPhysicshistory6GeographyChemicalBiologyP.E.Physics7HistoryClassMeetingArtMusicGeographyListenin

4、gWrite down the school subjects you hear.1.biology 2.history3.art 4,science2Listen and complete the chart.Favorite subjectWhy?When?MinghistoryfunFridaySelinaartrelaxingMon.&Wed.Kenscienceinterestingthis afternoonA:Whafs Ken5s favorite subject?B:Science.A:Why does he like science?B:Because it5s inter

5、esting.Make a reportMings favorite subject is.Because its.Selinas favorite subject is.Because its.Period 43a Read the following letter.Underline the thingsLin Mei likes.the things she doesnt like,bear Jane,Its Tuesday 5 November 11.I5m really busy!At 8:00 I have math.I dont like(matR)Then at 9:00 I

6、have science.It s difficult 5 but interesting.Next,at 10:00,I havefrt)Its boring,but at 11:00 I have P.E.Thafs my favorite subject!I eat lunch at 12:00.After lunch,I have music.Music is relaxing.I like my music teacher,Mr Coope0isjun.My last class is at 2:00.After class I have olleybajj)for two hour

7、s.Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class.Then I have Chinese history club.It s really interesting!Love 5 7Lin MeiTuesdayCTUDTimeSubjects8:00 to 9:00math9:00 to 10:00science10:00 to 11:00history11:00 to 12:00P.E.12:00 to 1:00lunch1:00 to 2:00music2:00 to 4:00volleyball4:00 t

8、o 5:00Chinese HistoryMake a reportOn Tuesday,from 8 to 9,Lin Mei has/math.From 9 to 10,she has.令 My favorite school dayTimeSubjects8:00 to 8:459:05 to 9:5010:00 to 10:4510:55 to 11:4013:30 to 14:1514:30 to 15:1515:25 to 16:10ReportMy favorite school dayTalk about your favorite school daySurveyNameFa

9、vorite dayWhyDaveMondayBecause I have art.A:Whafs your favorite day5 Dave?B:My favorite day is.A:Why?B:Because I have.Report:Daves favorite day is Monday because he has art.He likes art.Write a letter to Zhao Jie,and talk about what subjects you like and why.i6 your favorite subject?(Ml”Wanq&咏5 me.I

10、 dont like any 见目血 I like basketball only.I like to play with my doq.Nick阴).Hte name 也 Nick.He 忸 2 yeans dd.Nick doent like subjects.&ut his subject Is only running around with me.Wc”good friends.Dear ZhaoDo you really not like school?My favorite subject to.根据句义和首字母提示,写出下列各单词。l.Whaf s your f avorite

11、 subject?2.Her favorite subject is science3.Why does he like P.E?B ecause it is fun.4.My sister has Chinese on Math.5.Whats your favorite day?W ednesdvy6.Why does she like science?7.What does Jane like?8.When do you have math?9.He isnt at school at noon.He goes for lunch10.What do you like to eat?Pr

12、actice:My favorite day is,becauseI like,because I have on Thursday morning.His favorite day is,because he has that day and he likes it best.Our favorite day is,because we all likeWrite a short passage about your favorite subject.城o HIKT UiPeriod 3See a Flashschool scheduleMondayTuesdayWednesdayThurs

13、dayFriday1234567SurveyNameFavorite dayWhyDaveMondayBecause I have art.A:Whafs your favorite day5 Dave?B:My favorite day is.A:Why?B:Because I have.Report:Daves favorite day is Monday because he has art.He likes art.Write a letter to Zhao Jie,and talk about what subjects you like and why.i6 your favorite subject?(Ml”Wanq&咏5 me.I dont like any 见目血 I like basketball only.I like to play with my doq.Nick阴).Hte name 也 Nick.He 忸 2 yeans dd.Nick doent like subjects.&ut his subject Is only running around with me.Wc”good friends.Dear ZhaoDo you really not like school?My favorite subject to.Thank you!

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