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1、_spend cost pay take的区别spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构: (1)spendtimemoneyonsth.在上花费时间/金钱例:Ispenttwohoursonthismathsproblem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。 (2)spendtimemoney(in)doingsth.花费时间(金钱)做某事。 例:Theyspenttwoyears(in)buildingthisbridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。 (3)spendmoneyforsth.花钱买。 例:Hismoneywasspentforbooks.他的钱用来买书了。 cost的主语是物或某

2、种活动,还可以表示值,常见用法如下: (1)sth.costs(sb.)金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。 例:Anewcomputercostsalotofmoney.买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。 (2)(doing)sth.costs(sb.)时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。 例:Rememberingthesenewwordscosthimalotoftime.他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。 注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。 take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有以下几种: (1)Ittakessb.时间todosth.做某事花了某人多少时间。 例:I

3、ttookthemthreeyearstobuildthisroad.他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。 (2)doingsth.takessb.时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。 例:Repairingthiscartookhimthewholeafternoon.他花了一下午修车。 pay的基本用法是: (1)pay(sb.)moneyforsth.付钱(给某人)买。 例:Ihavetopaythem20dollars forthisroomeachmonth.我每个月要付20美元的房租。 (2)payforsth.付的钱。 例:Ihavetopayforthebooklost.我不得不赔丢失的书

4、款。 (3)payforsb.替某人付钱。 例:Dontworry! Illpayforyou.别担心,我会给你付钱的。 (4)paysb.付钱给某人。 例:Theypayuseverymonth.他们每月给我们报酬。 (5)paymoneyback还钱。 例:MayIborrow12yuanfromyou?Illpayitbacknextmonth.你能借给我12块钱吗?下月还你。 (6)payoffonesmoney还清钱。习题:1用几种不同的表达方式翻译:这件外套花费了我100元。1. Ihaveto them20poundsforthisroomeachmonth.A. pay B.

5、paid C. cost D. took2. They spend too much time the reportA. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write3. -What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive .-No,they onlyl0 yuanAspent Btook Cpaid Dcost4. -Will you please for my dinner, Peter? -Sure!A. spend B. pay C. cost D.take5. It will

6、me too much time to read this book.A. take B. cost C. spend D.pay6.Thissciencebook_meagreatamountofmoney. A.tookB.costC.usedD.spent7. MayIborrow12yuanfromyou?Ill itbacknextweek.A. take B. cost C. pay D .spend8. I twohoursonthismathsproblem yesterday. A. take B. cost C. pay D .spent9. Repairingthisca

7、r himthewholeafternoon.A. took B. cost C. pay D .spent五 完成句子(1)买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。(cost)(2)他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。(take)(3)我每个月要付20美元的房租。(pay)(4)他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。(cost)(5)造这座桥花了他们两年时间。(spend)答案:I spend 100 yuan on this coat.=I spend 100 yuan to buy this coat.The coat cost me 100 yuan.=It cost me 100 yuan to buy th

8、is coat.I paid 100 yuan for this coat.It takes me 100 yuan to buy this coat.1-8AADBABCDAAnewcomputercostsalotofmoney.Ittookthemthreeyearstobuildthisroad.Ihavetopaythem20dollars forthisroomeachmonth.Rememberingthesenewwordscosthimalotoftime.Theyspenttwoyears(in)buildingthisbridge.spend,cost,take和pays

9、pend,cost,take和pay的区别是历年考试的必考内容之一,虽然它们都可以表示花费,但用法却不尽相同,讲解如下:spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time money on sth. 在上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时。(2) spend time money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间。(3)spend mon

10、ey for sth. 花钱买。例:His money was spent for books. 他的钱用来买书了。cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示值, 常见用法如下:(1)sth. costs (sb.) 金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。(2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) 时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。注意:c

11、ost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几种:(1) It takes sb. 时间to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。(2)doing sth. takes sb. 时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. 他花了一下午修车。 pay的基本用法是:(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买。例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。(2)pay for sth. 付的钱。例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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