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1、 Test on Unit 1 Free TimeTranslate the following phases into English. (1*20)1.玩魔术_ 2.一个不寻常的爱好_3.想成为一名魔术师_ 4.离远_5.国民教育课程_ 6.两三门语言_7.从.选择_ 8.例如_9.吹长号_ 10.开办一个摄影俱乐部_11.发展我们自己的兴趣_ 12.和不同_13.为照相_ 14.用喂_15.向某人告别_ 16.在午餐时_17.看杂志 _ 18.成千上万的 _19.害怕做某事 _ 20.开车去上班 _Fill in the spaces with proper words. The fir

2、st letter of each word is given. (1*5)1.Park School is an a_ school in the north-west of England.2.I like ball games, e_ cfootball.3.He often makes some plane models. He is c_.4.Julia is surfing the internet now. He wants to find some i_ about beekeeping.5. Park School has got many e _ clubs.Complet

3、e the sentences with the proper forms of the words given.(1*10)1.He is a p_ . He likes p_.(photograph)2.I spent half an hour _(draw) this picture yesterday.3.Liu Xuan is a famous _(gymnastics)in China.4.Caroline enjoys _(listen) to pop music.5.China is a _(develop) country, but Japan is a_(develop)

4、country.6.All the people like this picture because it is _( art).7.Its not easy _( learn) a new trick.8.Today is Wednesday. His parents are sure _(come) to see him.Fill in the spaces with proper prepositions.(1*10)1. My brother loves reading some interesting stories_ the magazines.2. She spends a lo

5、t of money _ clothes.3. Is Park School similar _your school? 4.Tom likes reading . He pays lots of money _ books every year.5. I have received your e-mail, I will reply_ you as soon as possible6.Japan is _ the east of China.7.She ended her Chinese speech _ a song.8.The people in South China feed _ r

6、ice.9.I love talking to my friends _ the phone.10.The cats like sleeping _ the day, but at night they often go out to catch mice.Choose the best answer.(1*20) ( )1.-Can you _the word in English? -Im sorry. I cant. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk( )2.She hates _out on cold days. What about you? A. go

7、 B. going C .am going D. goes( )3. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.A on B to C in D of ( )4. - Why do you often _ that pink skirt ? -Because it fits me well. A put on B wear C dress D in ( )5. The new student is _ quiet.A a bit B a bit of C little D bit( )6. I hope _ here tomorrow.A him B him to

8、come C he can come D he was( )7. _ the windows before going to bed.A To close B Closing C Closed D Close( )8.This dictionary _me 50 yuan A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid for( ) 9.There are _of students in our school , but only _are girls. A. hundreds; five hundred B. hundred; five hundreds C. hundre

9、ds; five hundreds D. hundreds; five hundred of ( ) 10. He with his father _ Shanghai.A live B lives C lives in D live in( )11. _ fun to join the basketball club!A What a great B How a great C What great D How great ( ) 12. -Do you like singing or dancing? -_.Yes, I like singing. B. No, I dont. C.I l

10、ike reading. D. I like dancing ( ) 13 .She always _T-shirts and jeans, but today she _a uniform.A. puts on , wears B. puts on, puts on C. wears, wears D. wears, is wearing( )14.I often help Amy _ math on Sundays.A. study B. studies C. studied D. studying( )15. She often goes shopping _ Saturday. But

11、 she will swim _next SundayA. in , in B. at , at C. on, / D. in, at( )16. This pair of glasses _ Toms. My glasses _over there.A is, is B are, are C are, is D is, are( )17.Accoding to our textbook, Mark _ A. likes practicing magic tricks . B. His friends know about his hobby. C. gives shows three tim

12、es a month. D. tells his brother how the tricks work. ( )18.About Sarah , which is not true? A. She is 14 years old. B. She thinks the clubs are a really a good idea. C. She is in the sailing club. D. Shes in the school orchestra. ( )19. It takes _ two hours _his homework every day. A. his, dong B.

13、him, does C. him, to do D. he, to do ( )20. Can you tell me _ get to the post office? A. how I can B. How to C. how can I D. how I to Cloze.(1*10) Peter and Mike were in _1_classPeter was born in a _2_familyBut Mikes father was a businessman(商人)and got _3_ moneyWhen Peter got into trouble(困难)he alwa

14、ys helped himPeter liked to have sportsHe was good at _4_He ran _5_than any others in their class It was SundayMike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnicMike took a lot of food thereIt was a_6_dayThe birds were singing and there were all kinds of flowersThey ate and drank then they went _7_in

15、the riverThey had a good timeSuddenly they heard a great noiseThey found it was a tiger behind a big treeThey were both very _8_ Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run awayMike stopped him and said:”Its no use for usThe tiger runs _9_ faster than usLets find a way”“It doesnt matter”said

16、 Peter”Im _10_ Ill run faster than you”( )1Asame Bdifferent Cdifference Dthe same ( )2Arich Bhappy Cpoor Dbad ( )3Amany Blot Cany Dmuch ( )4Aran Brunning Crun Druns ( )5Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dbest ( )6Asun Brain Crained Dsunny ( )7Afish Bto fishing Cfishing Dfished ( )8Ahappy Bafraid Csad Dexciting

17、 ( )9Amore Bmuch Cmany D1ittle ( )10Aafraid Bworried Csure D. glad。 Reading.(2*5) Jim was born in a small village ,his father, Mr Brown, has a big piece of farm and works hard on it. He often gets good harvests. Now Jim is six years old, but theres no school near the village . He is very worried. “

18、My sister works in London,” says Mrs Brown,“We can take Jim to school there.What do you think of it ? ” “ Its a good idea! Mr Brown said happily. The next day they all went to London by train. Jims aunt was glad to see them. A week later Jim came to school. “ Whats your name, little boy?” asked a te

19、acher.“ Jim Brown.” Answered the boy.“ You must be polite ,” said the teacher ,“Please say sir when you are speaking to the old. Now answer my question again .Whats your name?” “ Sir Jim Brown.”( )1.The Browns live in a small village in_A China B America C England D Australia( )2. Mr Brown is _. A a

20、 farmer B a teacher C a worker D a college student( )3. Mr and Mrs Brown took their son to London because _. A therere many nice schools in the city B they want Jim to learn a lot C theres no school near their village D they have no time to look after Jim( )4. The teacher wanted Jim _. A to be polit

21、e B to know how to say sir C to know how to speak English D to know how to speak to the old( )5. The boy called himself “ Sir Jim Brown” because_. A his name was Jim Brown B he wasnt polite to the teacher C he didnt know how to use the word “Sir” D he was born in a small village. Sentence Writing.(1

22、*5)1. My father likes reading newspapers after supper.(对划线部分提问)_?2. She is good at playing the guitar.(同义句转换)_.3. This coat costs me 200 dollars.(同义句转换)_.4. Claires bees produce about 40 kilos of honey in summer.(划线部分提问)_?5. She has to go home now.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_. . Writing.(1*10)Write an email to

23、 your e-pal, Lisa. Include the following information.( about 70 words)1. your name, nationality and age2. where you live3. your hobbies and interests4. some information about your friend(s) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Test on Unit 1 Free TimeThe keys:一 1. all-girls 2.especially3.creative 4. information5.e

24、xtra-curricular 三1. photographer ; photography 2.drawing3. gymnast 4.listening5. developing; developed 6. artistic7. to learn 8.to come四 1. in 2.on 3.to 4.for 5. to 6. to 7. with 8. on 9.on 10.during/ in 五 1-5 BBCBA 6-10 CDBAC 11-15 CDDAC 16-20 DBDCA六 1-5 DCDBB 6-10DCBBC七 CACAC八 1. What does your father like doing after supper? 2. She does well in playing the guitar. 3. I pay 200 dollars for this coat. 4. How much honey do Claires bees produce in summer? 5. Does she have to go home now? No, she doesnt.

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