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1、新目标英语七年级上册重点短语归纳Starter Units Unit 31.in English 用英语 2.what color 什么颜色3.first name = given name 4.last name = family name姓氏5.phone number/telephone number电话号码 6.an ID card 一张身份证 7.pencil box 铅笔盒,文具 8.Thank you/Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙。9.excuse me 请原谅,打扰了 10.Thank you. 谢谢你puter game 电子游戏 12.play

2、computer games 玩电脑游戏13.call sb at电话号码 拨(电话号码)找某人 14. must/can + 动原. 必须/能做15.a set of(keys) 一串(钥匙),一列/套, 16.thanks for/thank you for 为感谢 17.family photo 全家福照片18.a photo of your family 你家人的照片= your family photo19.Have a good day/time! 过得愉快。 20. What about sb /sth/doing?= How about sb /sth/doing?某人/某物/

3、做某事怎么样21. in the morning/ afternoon/evening 在上午(下午、晚上)22.middle school中学23.these/those photos这些/那些照片24.the name of my dog=my dogs name 我的狗的名字25. these two girls这两个女孩26.in the first photo在第一张照片里27. in the next picture在下一张照片里28.email sb at 地址。给某人发email29. lost and found失物招领Unit 41. under the table 在桌子

4、下 2.on the sofa 在沙发上3.in the schoolbag 在书包里 4.I dont know. 我不知道 e on 快点 6.tape player 录音机 7.model plane 飞机模型8.your grandparents room 你爷爷奶奶的房间9.this morning/afternoon/evening今天上午/下午/晚上Unit 51. have a birthday party举行生日聚会 2.Its easy for me.对于我是容易的3.ping-pong ball 乒乓球 = table tennis 4.ping-pong bat 乒乓球

5、拍5.play basketball /volleyball 打篮球/排球 6.play ping-pong/table tennis 打乒乓球 7. play computer games玩电脑游戏8.play soccer/football 踢足球 9. play baseball/tennis 打棒球/网球 10. I onlywatch them on TV.我仅在电视上看。11.That sounds good.那听起来不错 12. play/do sports做运动,参加体育比赛 13.watch TV 看电视 14.be late for 迟到15.watch on TV 在电视

6、上观看 16.every day 每天17. after class/school 下课/放学后18. in the same school 在同一所学校19.go to the same school去同一所学校20.get sb sth=get sth for sb给某人拿某物21.love/like doing/ to do sth 爱做某事22.sound + 形容词。听起来怎么样23.let sb do sth 让某人做某事24.let me get it.让我去拿它。25.Lets do sth.咱们做吧!26.That sounds interesting.听起来有趣。27.at

7、 school 在学校28.do sth with sb 和某人一起做某事29.go/come to sp.去/来某地30.love/like doing/ to do sth爱/喜欢做某事Unit 61.think about =think of 考虑 2.ice cream 冰淇淋3.eat well健康首选;吃得营养 4.healthy food健康食品5. eating habits 饮食习惯 6. after dinner 晚饭后7. want ( sb) to do sth 想要(某人)做某事 8. want to be fat 想变胖9.eat/have breakfast/lu

8、nch/dinner 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭10.after breakfast 早饭后 11.next week 下周12.eat/have/like.for breakfast/lunch/dinner早饭/午饭/晚饭吃/喜欢吃.13.ask sb about sth关于某事询问某人14. ask sb for sth向某人要某物15. ask ( sb) to do sth 叫(某人)做某事 Unit 71.how much 多少钱 2.Here you are. 给你。 3.Youre welcome. 不客气。 4. clothes store 服装店5.at agreat sale 大

9、减价 6.at a very good price=at very good prices 以合适的价格7.at three this afternoon今天下午三点 8.buy from 从买9.sell sth to sb=sell sb sth 卖给 10.have a look 看一看,瞧一瞧11.on sale 出售,廉价出售 12.buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth.为 某人买13.a pair/set of+复数作主语与pair/set一致14.A:Can I help you?=What can I do for you? B:Yes, please.I

10、want/need.否定回答,No,thanks.15.Here you are./Here it is.给你。16. It looks nice.它看起来很漂亮。17.look +形容词, 看起来怎么样。 18. Ill take it.我买了19. bags for sports运动包20. shirts for three yuan衬衣售价三元e and buy.来买22.skirts in purple= purple skirts 紫色的短裙Unit 81.Happy birthday to you.祝你生快乐。 2.have a good time/day=have fun过得愉快

11、3.how old 几岁,多大年纪 4.A:What day is it today?今天星期几?B:Its Wednesday.星期三.5.school trip郊游, 校游 6.basketball/volleyball game 篮/排球赛7.birthday party 生日聚会 8.School Day 学校庆祝日9.Art Festival 艺术节 10.See you there在那儿见11. be sure of/about+句子。确信/有把握 12.English Party 英语晚会13.year(s) old 岁(年龄) 14.Childrens Day 儿童节15. W

12、omens Day 妇女节 16.New Years Day 新年17.Lesson One=the first lesson第一课 Unit 91.favorite subject 最喜欢的学科 2.science teacher 科学老师3. Hows your day? 你过得怎样 4. the next day 第二天5. Thats for sure 那是一定的 6. difficult but interesting 既难又有趣7. finish doing sth 完成做某事 8. have math 上数学课9.on Monday (evening) 在星期一(晚上) 10.be busy doing sth/with sth忙于11.play with 和 玩耍 12.I have to go now.我现在不得不走了。 13. Is that OK with you? 那天你合适吗14.be free=have time有空15.from. to.从到16. an art lesson for two hours一节两小时的美术课

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