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1、The Intermediate Course of TranslationFinal Paper (A)Section 1 (40 points, 4 points for each sentence)1. The constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and activities. P43、34联邦宪法概括了全国政府的结构,并规定了其权利和职能。2. Students in these schools, however, as well as those

2、 in private colleges, must pay tuition, but the state schools are much less expensive than private ones, particularly for students who are residents of the state.P66但是这些学校的学生以及私立学院的学生都得付学费,不过州立学校的学费比私立学校便宜的多,对于是本州居民的学生来说,尤为便宜。3. Many aspiring to be elected as the party candidate employ top public re

3、lations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrases and set about “selling ” their man.P36, P43许多想成为该党总统候选人的人聘请顶级公共关系和宣传专家,由他们撰写别出心裁的宣传口号,“推销”他们为之效力的候选人。4. Almost every kind of climate may be found, but the country lies mostly in the temperate zone.境内有各种气候,但是美国的大部分处于温带。P10, P165. This syste

4、m is often referred to as the “free enterprise system” and can be contrasted to a socialist economy, which depends heavily on government planning and on public ownership of the means of production.美国的经济制度常常被称之为“自由企业制度”,与社会主义经济形成对照。社会主义经济在很大程度上依赖于政府计划和生产资料公有制。6. The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwa

5、n Straits are of the same flesh and blood.海峡两岸的中国人都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟7. You must submit your application by 2:00 p.m.申请书必须要下午2点前交上来8. The trouble with you is that you tend to believe everything he says.你的问题出在他说什么话你都会相信。9. Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc.地下埋藏着大量的金、银、铜、铅和

6、锌。10. 务必要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭,崇尚节约。P197It is imperative to carry on the fine tradition of hard work and encourage frugality. 11. 从长远看,入世对中国加快实现国家农业现代化将产生积极影响。P213In the long run Chinas accession to the WTO will exert positive influence in accelerating the modernization of Chinas farming sector.12. 专家小

7、组回答了向他们提出的有关教育的问题。P230A panel of experts answered the questions on education which were put to them.13. 知已知彼,百战不殆。P249Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.Section 2 (60 points,30 points for each passage)1. E-C Passage Translation (30 points )

8、unit tenChina is the worlds largest developing country. It has a population of 1.3 billion, accounting for one-fifth of the worlds population. Handling our own affair well is our most important responsibility to the international community. Since it began the reform and opening-up process more than

9、two decades ago, China has reduced number of its people living in poverty by 300 million, thereby contributing significantly to the decrease of poor people in the world, Chinas contribution in this respect has won the acclaim of the United Nations.As a founding member of the United Nations, China ha

10、s always abided by the UN Charter and international laws. China has acceded to nearly 300 international treaties and is member of more than 130 international organizations .To fulfill ones duty according to the rules is necessary for governance by law, and this is what China has been doing. As a per

11、manent member of the UN Security Council, China will of course perform the responsibilities that come with that position. China has a good record in terms of fulfilling its international duties and obligations. As Chinas overall national strength increases, its contribution will grow.Global warming,

12、 environmental pollution, natural disasters, international crime, drugs and epidemics constitute challenges that confront humankind. Take climate change for example. The whole world needs to make joint efforts to deal with it. During its 11th Five-year Plan period (2006-2010), China is determined to

13、 cut its energy consumption per unit of GDP by about 20 percent from the 2005 level and reduce the discharge of main pollutants by 10 percent. This is a demonstration of Chinas sense of responsibility as a big country.E-C Passage Translation(30 points ) unit ten中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,有亿人口,占全球的。把中国事情办好,本身就是我


15、消耗要比2005年降低左右,主要污染物排放减少,这就是我们作为一个负责任大国的表现。2. C-E Passage Translation (30 points ) unit nine和平的环境是一个国家,一个地区以至全球发展的重要前提。没有和平,没有稳定的政治局面,就但不上经济发展。历史和现实都充分说明了这一点。当今世界,国际局势总体上趋向缓和,但各种因素引发的冲突甚至局部战争此起彼伏,一些地区的紧张态势依然存在,妨碍了有关国家和地区的经济发展,也对世界经济产生了不利影响。一切负责人的政治家和政府都应该遵守联合国宪章的宗旨和公认的国际关系基本准则,为实现普遍、持久、全面的和平而努力,而不能违背

16、各国人民的利益去人为地挑起紧张态势,甚至制造武力冲突。在这个世界上仍旧有少数利益集团总想通过在这样那样的地方制造紧张态势来谋利。这是违背大多数人民的意志和时代潮流的。而且,只有不断推进和平与发展的事业,各国人民安居乐业,集中精力发展经济,创新科技,才能创造巨大的市场需求和促进经济繁荣。C-E Passage Translation(30 points )unit nineA peaceful environment is indispensable for national ,regional and even global development. Without peace of poli

17、tical stability , there would be no economic progress to speak of .this has been fully proved by both the past and the present.In todays world ,the international situation is , on the whole , moving towards relaxation. However, conflicts and even local wars triggered by various factors have kept cro

18、pping up, and tension still remains in some areas, all this has impeded the economic development of the countries and regions concerned, and has also adversely affected the world economy. All responsible statesmen and governments must abide by the purposes of the UN Charter and the universally ackno

19、wledged norms governing international relations, and work for a universal , lasting and comprehensive peace. Nobody should be allowed to cause tension or armed conflicts against the interests of the people.There are still in this world a few interest groups which always want to seek gains by creatin

20、g tension here and there.This is against the will of the majority of the people and against the trend of the times. An enormous market demand can be created and economic prosperity promoted only when continued efforts are made to advance the cause of peace and development to ensure that people aroun

21、d the world live and work in peace and contentment and focus on economic development and on scientific and technological innovation.3:C-E Passage Translation(30 points )世界博览会是全球大型的非商业性博览会,主要参展者为各国政府和国际组织。世博会是展示世界各国社会、经济、文化、科技成就和发展前景的舞台,是各国人们交流经验、相互学习、开展合作的盛会。因此,世博会享有“经济、科技、文化领域内的奥林匹克盛会”之美誉。 世博会每5年举办

22、一次。自1815年在英国伦敦第一次举办以来,一直在发达国家举行。到2010年中国将成为第一个举办世界博览会的发展中国家。中国赢得2010年世界博览会的举办权,靠的是国际社会对中国改革开放的支持和信心,它表达了全世界人民对中国未来发展的期望。2010年上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。World Expo is a large-scale,global,non-commercial expositionon. Participants are mainly governments of variouscountries and international organizations.Th

23、e World Expo constitute an arena for the participating countries to display their achievements and prospects in theirsocial, economic, cultural, scientific and technological sectors and is a grand event where people from various countries gather together to exchange their experiences, learn form one

24、 another and develop cooperation.It has been reputed as the equivalent of Olympic Games in the fields of economy, science and culture.World Expo is held every 5 years.Since its inception in London, England, in 1815 World Expo has been invariably held in developed countries. In the year 2010, China w

25、ill be the first developing country to hold World Expo.China owes its successful bid of World Expo to the international communitys support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up, which gives expression to the expectations the people of the world place on Chinas future development.The theme

26、of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China is “ Better City, Better Life”4. E-C or C-EThe Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC), founded in November 1989, is a regional economic organization for inter-governmental cooperation in Asia and the Pacific rim. Its activities focus on three key areas: tra

27、de and investment liberalization, business facilitation, and economic and technological cooperation. APEC occupies a pivotal position in global economic activities.APEC currently has 21 members. China(mainland), together with its Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region, joined the

28、organization in 1991. The only regional economic organization of which China is a member, APEC provides China with an arena in which to participate in regional and international economic activities, and also helps propel the process of Chinas oepning-up to the outside world.The APEC membership has i

29、nfluenced China in several respects. First, it has helped China to extend our own economic interests in the Asia-Pacific region. Chinas foreign economic interests mainly lie in this region, 80 percent of Chinas trade volume is conducted with countries in Asia-Pacific region, over 90 percent of China

30、s foreigh capital comes from in this region.Through APEC, China can be devoted to the common development of other member states, so China can make contributions to the economic development of both China and this region.亚太经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)成立于1989年11月,是当今亚太地区进行官方合作的一个地区性经济组织。 该组织的活动主要包括三个方面,即贸易投资自由化, 商业活动便利化和经济技术合作。这一组织在全球经济活动中具有举足轻重的地位。亚太经合组织现有成员21个。1991年,中国内地与香港,台湾地区同时加入该组织。作为目前中国参与的唯一一个区域性经济组织,亚太经合组织既为中国参与地区乃至世界经济活动提供了舞台,同时也促进了中国加快对外开放的进程。参与亚太经合组织对中国的影响是多方面的。首先,有利于扩大中国在地区中的经济利益。亚太地区是中国对外经济利益的主要所在。中国贸易额的80%是与亚太地区国家开展的, 90%以上的外资来源于亚太地区国家。借助亚太经合组织,中国可以与其他成员共同致力于亚太地区的共同发展,从而为中国经济也可为亚太经济的发展作出贡献。5

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