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1、Unit 9 Unit 9 Have you ever been to Have you ever been to an amusement park an amusement park Relaxing Relaxing TimeTime a gift box You can see many animals in it.There is one in Wenzhou.Have you ever been to Yes,I have.No,I havent.You can take a walk in it.And it is beautiful.Have you ever been to

2、Yes,I have.No,I havent.You can buy many things in it.Have you ever been to Yes,I have.No,I havent.You can see many kinds of fishand other things in the sea.Have you ever been to Yes,I have.No,I havent.You can see many old things in it.Have you ever been to Yes,I have.No,I havent.I have ever been to

3、I have never been to SheHe has ever been toSheHe has never been toInterview:采访你的一位朋友 Report:I have ever beento*,but I have never been to*.My friend has ever been to*,butheShe has never been to*.Have you ever been to Yes,I have./I have ever been toNo,I havent./I have never been toName zoo park superm

4、arket aquarium museumI My friendA space museum Have you ever been to Me neither.Me too.A water park Have you ever been to An amusement park Have you ever been to A:Have you ever been to B:A:How about you C:A:And you D:编对话编对话:Yes,I have.No,I havent.Me neither.2a ListeningConversation 1Tina went to th

5、e space musement last year.F TJone has never been to the space museum.F TThey are going to take the subway.F T2b Listen againConversation 2Linda has been to the aquarium.F TLinda went to the zoo three times last year.F TLinda is going to the zoo again next year.F TConversation 3Harvey had a great ti

6、me at Water World.F T 玩得愉快玩得愉快 Harveys friend has never been to Water World.F THarvey and his friend are going skating.F TDongtouWenzhou Amusement ParkWuma StreetYandang MountainWhat place can you see DongtouWenzhou Amusement ParkWuma StreetWhere have you ever been When did you go there How did you

7、go there What do you think of it Yandang MountainWhat did you do there 家乡知多少家乡知多少 Where have you ever been When did you go there How did you go there What did you do there What do you think of it 采访你的一位朋友 NameWhere have you been When did you go there How did you go thereWhat did you do thereWhat do

8、you think of itReport:*has ever beento*.HeShe went there*.HeShe went there by*.HeShe*.HeShe thinks its*.POSTPOSTDo you want to take a vacation?Do you want torelax yourself?Do you want to have a nicer trip with less money?Please come toHave you ever been there?Its veryAnd you can there,you also canIt

9、s a good place to have a great time.Yandang Mountainbeautifulclimb the mountainshave a picnicHomework:Write a short article about the place you have ever been to:1.Where is it 2.When did you go there 3.How did you go there 4.What did you do there 5.Do you like it,why 家乡知多少家乡知多少 Have you ever been to

10、 灵溪灵溪,宜山宜山,金乡金乡,敖江敖江,钱库钱库,玉苍山玉苍山,海口海口,炎亭炎亭,雁荡山雁荡山.When did you go there How did you go there What do you think of it An aquariumHave you ever been to Where have you ever been When did you go there How did you go there where are you going next vacation How are you going there NameWhere have you been When you went there How you went thereWhere are you goingHow are you goingInterview:采访你的一位朋友 Report:*has ever beento*.HeShe went there*.HeShe went there by*.HeShe is going to*.HeShe is going there by*.

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