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1、School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityChapter 7 Assessment in Language TeachingDr Hongying ZhengSchool of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityAims of the unitWhat is assessment?How is it different from evaluation and testing?The purposes of assessmentThe methods of assessmentTh

2、e criteria for assessmentThe principles for assessmentTests in language assessmentSchool of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityUnderstanding assessmentTask 1 The following is a list of understanding given by different teachers a bout assessment.Tick the ones that are closest to your understa

3、nding.Then compare and discuss them with your partner.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityIts to do with testing.Finding out how good you are at something.I use it to keep a check on my learners,by spelling tests,small quizzes and things like that.It is an on-going process which foc

4、uses on the whole life of our school.Finding out if we are being effective.I feel as though its a big stick hanging over our heads,teacher evaluation and all that.Finding out strengths and weaknesses of our students and ourselves.I use tests in my classroom.I also use quizzesas a way of keeping a ch

5、eck on the students learning.I also mark their work,sometimes with a grade but usually a comment.It is to do with record-keeping,collecting information about how well the students are doing.I think it has something to do with evaluation.(Adapted from Conner,1991:2)School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan

6、 Normal UniversityDifferences among testing,assessment and evaluationTesting:Testing often takes the pencil and paper form and it is usually done at the end of a learning period.The result is often expressed by a mark,a grade or a ratio.Students test scores are compared with each other and sometimes

7、 ranked for selection purposes.Assessment:Assessment involves the collecting of information or evidence of a learners learning progress and achievement over a period of time for the purposes of improving teaching and learning.It is not based on one test or one task,nor is it expressed by a mark or g

8、rade,but rather in a report form with scales or levels as well as description and comment from the teacher.Test scores may also be one source of the information.The students achievement is often measured against his/her own starting point rather than compared against the skills or abilities of other

9、 students.Evaluation:Evaluation,according to Cameron(2019:222),can be concerned with a whole range of issues in and beyond language education:lessons,courses,programs,and skills can all be evaluated.It involves making an overall judgment about one work or a whole schools work.It produces a global vi

10、ew of achievement usually based on many different types of information,such as observation of lessons,students test scores,teachers assessment reports,course documents,or interviews with students and teachers,etc.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTask 2Read the above definitions a

11、gain and draw your own diagram to demonstrate your own understanding of the three terms and their relationships.Does the diagram you created help you,to some degree,understand the relations among the three terms?Explain to each other how testing is related to assessment and assessment to evaluation.

12、School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityPurposes of assessmentAssessment in ELT means to discover what the learners know and can do at certain stage of the learning process.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTask 3What do you think are the purposes of assessment?The ch

13、art below has twelve possible purposes of assessment.Do you agree with them?If yes,choose six items that think are the most important purposes of assessment.Then add one or two assessment purposes that you think apply to ELT classroom.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityAgree/Disagr

14、ee1.To discover learners weakness2.To discover learners achievements3.To evaluate existing curriculum4.To check upon teachers performance5.To motivate learners6.To provide learning incentive7.To provide basis for further planning of teaching:what to teach next8.To qualify students for certain status

15、9.To provide basis for correction10.To provide criteria to qualify for higher level studies11.To provide learners with a sense of accomplishment12.To foster learning abilitySchool of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTask 4According to what you have understood from the above discussions,com

16、plete the following table and then discuss it with a partner.TestingAssessmentEvaluationPurposesSources of informationReport formsFor whom?School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityWhat are testing,assessment and evaluation for?Testing is for schools or parents benefits,for them to know e

17、xactly where each student stands among all the students tested and how well they do in such tests.Assessment is for teachers and for learners,for them to not only know how well they have done but also where they have done well and where they need more efforts.For educational purposes and for the pur

18、poses of improving teaching and learning,assessment is far more important than testing.Evaluation is often for authorities who would want to know whether the money they spent or the policy change has had good results.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityMethods for assessmentSummativ

19、e assessment:It is mainly based on testing.It is done mostly at the end of a learning period or the end of a school year.It focuses very much on memory work.Formative assessment:It is based on information collected in the classroom during the teaching process for the purposes of improving teaching a

20、nd learning,therefore,it is sometimes termed as classroom assessment as well.It focuses on the process of learning,that is,on assessing how well students understand concepts,perform tasks and make progress during the process of learning rather than on the final product or result of learning.School o

21、f Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTask 5Work in pairs and answer the following question:Besides testing,what are the other methods that can be used to gather information about the knowledge and performance of language learners?Please give examples if possible.School of Foreign Languages,S

22、ichuan Normal UniversityIn addition to testing,there are many other alternative ways to gather information,such as teachers observation;continuous assessment;students self-assessment;project work;portfolios;School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTeachers observationsResearch shows that

23、 the teachers knowledge about students and their strengths and weaknesses based on daily observations is more accurate and sound than testing(Law and Eckes,2019:44).Very often the teachers observations of the learners overall performance or achievement can be quite accurate and fair.School of Foreig

24、n Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityContinuous assessmentThe final grade given to the student is not his/her mark on the final exam paper;rather,it is some kind of combination of the grades the student has received for various assignments during the course.It can also include the grades that the te

25、acher has given for the students performance or participation in the class activities.It could also be a written report rather than just a grade.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversitySelf-assessment and peer assessmentThe students themselves are given the chance to evaluate their own

26、performance,using clear criteria and weighting systems agreed on beforehand.Kohonen(2019)asserts that students are able to make quite accurate assessment of their own achievements.With peer-assessment students are involved in assessing each others work.This will give them a sense of responsibility i

27、n learning and it can give them a good opportunity to become more aware of their own learning.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityProject workProject work requires students to complete a set of tasks designed to explore a certain idea or concept.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan N

28、ormal UniversityPortfolios Portfolios aim to assess students ability to apply knowledge.A portfolio is a purposeful collection of material assembled over a period of time by a learner to provide evidence of skills,abilities and attitudes related to their study.As part of the portfolio process,studen

29、ts are normally asked to think about their needs and goals,and reflect on their weaknesses and strengths in language learning.Their reflections not only help raise their awareness for learning but also provide feedback to teachers,enabling teachers to be more aware of the students interests,needs,po

30、tentials and abilities so that teachers can take necessary measures to monitor their learning(Barootchi and Keshavarz,2019).School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityWhat kind of things can be included in a portfolio?Oral performance records based on story-telling,interviewing,dialogue pe

31、rformance,etc.Collection of pictures and art works reflecting the students learningDrawings,picture story,diagram description by the student;Performance records such as role plays,reciting,music performances,etc.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityCriteria for assessmentCriterion-re

32、ferenced assessment:it is based on a fixed standard or a set criterion.Norm-referenced assessment:it is designed to measure how the performance of a particular student or group of students compares with the performance of another student or group of students whose scores are given as the norm.Indivi

33、dual-referenced assessment:it is based on how well the learner is performing relative to his or her own previous performance,or relative to an estimate of his or her individual ability.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTask 7What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of di

34、fferent assessments based on different criteria?Discuss the question in groups of 4 and note down your ideas in the chart below.AdvantagesDisadvantagesCriterion-referencedNorm-referencedIndividual-referencedSchool of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityAssessment principlesAssess authentic us

35、e of language in reading,writing,speaking,and listening;Assess literacy and language in a variety of contexts;Assess the environment,the instruction,and the students;Assess processes as well as products;Analyse patterns of errors in language and literacy;Base assessment on normal development pattern

36、s and behaviour in language and literacy acquisition;Clarify and use students when assessing reading,writing,and content knowledge;Involve students and parents,as well as other personnel such as the ESL or mainstream teacher,in the assessment process;Make assessment an ongoing part of every day.(Tak

37、en from Law and Eckes,2019:9)School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTests in assessmentA test with different formats tends to have more validity and reliability than a test that is designed in a single format,for example,multiple-choice format.Below are most frequently used test format

38、s.Questions and answersTrue or false questionsMultiple-choice questionsGap-filling or completionMatching questionsDictationTransformationTranslationEssay writingInterviewSchool of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityTask 9Work in groups and discuss these questions:What are the usual formats o

39、f the tests that you have taken in your experiences of English learning?Is there any particular format that you like or dislike?Why?School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityReferences1.Conner,C.(1991).Assessment and Testing in the Primary School.Hampshire:The Falmer Press.2.Law,B.&Eckes,M.(2019).Assessment and ESL:On the Yellow Big Road to the Withered of Oz.Winnipeg,Man.:Peguis Publishers.3.王蔷.2019.英语教学法教程.高等教育出版社.School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Normal UniversityThank you!

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