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1、六年级下册1-4模块月考试题一、 按顺序写出26个大小写字母。(10分)二、 根据汉语写单词。(20分)1.看上去 2.鸭子 3.像.一样 4.哭 5.奶牛6.美元 7.云 8.保持,维持 9.人人,每人 10.气球三、 读一读,连一连。(10分)( )1.Who can help the girl? A. A cola, please.( )2.What is he doing? B.Yes, I am.( )3.Can I help you? C. He can.( )4.Will she help him? D.Hes walking to the blackboard.( ) 5.Ar

2、e you watching TV? E.Yes, she will.四、 读一读,选一选。(20分)1. -_(How manyHow much) is the hot dog?-Its two dollars.2. _(How manyHow much) bananas do you want?3. They are going to have dinner_(at on)six oclock.4. Can I_(eat to eat) a hamburger.5. I want_( have to have) a cola.6. Who can help_(himhe)?7. Hes t

3、rying to get_(byon) the bus.8. What_(aan) mess!9. Here is a present_(to for) Tom.10. Listen! That girl_(singis singing) there.五、读一读,填一填。(10分)windy rain sunny snow cold1. You should wear more clothes, because its very_outside.2. It is_today. Lets have a picnic.3. It will be_,so we are going to fly a

4、kite in the park.4. It will_tomorrow, so we can make a snowman.5. It will_tomorrow, so Im going to take an umbrella.六、 连词成句并翻译句子。(20分)1. what,weather, is, the, like, today(?)_2. pupils, singing, the, in, are, classroom, the(.)_3. our, the, eating, ducks, picnic, are(.)_4. interesting, I, on, had, Saturday, a, very, day(.)_5.looks, like, it, are going to, stay, you, hungry(.)_七、作文(10分)下面是芳芳的一家,介绍他们在干什么。提示词:watch TV, read a book, play football, talk to her friend, do taijiquanFather Fangfang brother mother grandpa_

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