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1、(完整word)商务英语口语8000句商务英语口语8000句商务会议对话Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。Its an honor to meet. 很荣幸认识你。Nice to meet you . Ive heard a lot about you。 很高兴认识你,久仰大名。How do I pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么读?How do I address you? 如何称呼您?Its going to be the pride o

2、f our company。 这将是本公司的荣幸。What line of business are you in? 你做那一行?Keep in touch. 保持联系。 Thank you for coming。 谢谢你的光临。Dont mention it。 别客气Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅我打扰你.Im sorry to disturb you. 对不起打扰你一下。Excuse me a moment。 对不起,失陪一下.We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot busi

3、ness with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP. 请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only。 Is there anything you are particularly

4、interested in。 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look。 你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。We regret that the goods you in

5、quire about are not available。 很遗憾,你们所询货物目前无货。This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in。这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?出差用语I cant miss the ten oclock train。 Im going to Beijing on business。我不能错过10点钟的火车。我要出差去北京。Im sure its with the boss

6、again this time。我确定这次还是和老板一起.Nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss。和我们老板一起出差让人非常有压力。They scheduled the negotiations for nine tomorrow morning.他们把谈判安排在明早9点。There are still several things that havent been decided yet for the trip.关于出差的事情有些仍没有决定。Last time I went on a bus

7、iness trip with the boss, I didnt even have enough to eat.上次我和老板一起出差,我甚至没吃饱。The first thing you will do is to look for a comfortable hotel。你首先要做的就是找一个舒适的旅馆.You dont know how tight the schedule is for this business trip.你不知道这次出差行程安排的有多紧张.Quite often we have to play host to them though it is their hom

8、e territory.尽管是在他们的地盘上,我们还是得常常做东。Nothing has been decided yet. Why the hurry?什么都还没有决定呢。干嘛要着急呢?The company is sometimes very cheap with the travel expenses.公司有时在出差费用上非常小气.I like to take an occasional business trip for a change.我喜欢偶尔出差一次,来点改变。On this trip I have to visit several important customers。这次

9、出差我要拜访几位重要客户。Every time Im back, I have to write a detailed report of the business trip。每次出差回来,我都要写一份详细的出差报告。She always gets some presents for other people in the office when she is back from a business trip。她出差回来总要给办公室里的其他人带些礼物.Business trip is tiring to me.在我来看,出差真是个苦差事。 面谈客户接机后的次日,Brian在公司里,为John

10、athan 介绍自己的老板Mr。 Sun。B: Mr. Sun, Id like you to meet Mr。 Jonathans Mitchell, sales manager forNortern Reflections of Canada。 (Sun extends hand first; Sun and Mitchell shake hands) Mr。 Mitchell, Mr。 Steven Sun, general manager of ApexTrading。孙先生,让我为你介绍加拿大Northern Reflections的业务经理Jonathan Mitchell先生。(

11、孙先生先伸出,两人握手)Mitchell先生,这是Steven孙先生,Apex贸易公司的总经理.S: Its very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Mitchell after so many phone calls and faxes。 (offers his business card first) Id like you to havemy business card。多次电话、传真往返之后,非常高兴终于见到您,Mitchell先生(先递出名片),请收下我的名片。J: Thanks very much, Mr. Sun。 Please accept min

12、e。 (offers his own card) andplease, call me Johnathan。 (both look at cards for a few seconds, then put them in wallets-not pockets.)谢谢您,孙先生。也请收下我的名片(递上自己的名片),叫我Johnathan就行了。(两个人都看了一下对方的名片,放入皮夹而非口袋中)B: If you dont mind, Johnathan, while you and Mr. Sun get acquainted, Id like to check the arrangement

13、s for the meeting.如果你不介意,Johnathan在你和孙先生互相认识时,我先失陪,看看会议安排得如何.J: Youre certainly on top of things, Brian.Brian,一切当然在你掌握之中!S: (looking at Brian) Youll find Mr。 Tayler-Brian - is a force to be reckoned with at Apex Tradig.(看着Brian)Talyer先生,您会发现Brian是Apex贸易公司的大将。B: Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mr.

14、 Sun. Ill be right back。 (leaves room)孙先生,谢谢你的信任票,我马上回来。(走出房间)J: He appears to be a topnotch young man, Mr. Sun. Talent and enthusiasm like that are hard to find。孙先生,他看起来是个有为的青年,难找到像他这样有才干、有热忱的人。S: Dont I know it。 Hes doing a great job for us。 And please, call me Steven.我完全同意,他在公司表现不凡,请叫我Steven就行了.J

15、: Steven, can you tell me in a nutshell what the retail market is like in Taiwan?Steven,你可以简单地告诉我台湾零售市场的现况吗?S: Well, as per capita income goes up and up, the growth sector seems to be in the to-end。唔,由于每人的平均收入不断地增高,市场的发展领域似乎偏向于高价位商品。J: Retail is going upscale here? Taiwan is certainly growing more q

16、uickly than I had imagined。此地的零售走入高价位了?台湾的发展比我想象得要快多了.S: Yes。 Things certainly have changed since I was a boy. Weve developed very quickly.没错,现在的台湾和我小时候完全不一样了,这里发展得非常快速。J: Do you think the trend will continue?你想这种趋势还会维持下去吗?S: I dont see why not. We do have some problems, but we are still willing to

17、work hard-and wages arent too high at this point。我不觉得有什么不行!虽然是有一些问题,但我们仍愿意勤奋工作,而且现阶段工资仍不算太高。J: Everything Ive seen so far is very impressive. Very impressive indeed.到目前为止,我所看到的一切都令我印象深刻,真的十分深刻。面谈客户情境短语1. get acquainted (with。.。)(和)认识,熟悉这个常用的短语暗示双方从不认识到熟识,“get”可换“become”。若是短语之后,要加上被认识的对象,以介系词“with”连接

18、.例:Our boss got acquainted with a couple of real estate agents in the golf Club。(我们老板在高尔夫俱乐部里结识了几位做房地产的商人.)2。 on top of things 完全掌握字面的意思是将问题克服,高高踩在上面,引申为“控制全局”。例:The new manager was always worried he wasnt on top of things.(新经理一直担心自己无法掌握全局。)3. (a) force to be reckoned with 值得注意的人物“(a) force,“力量”,可以指

19、一个团体、事物或个人;“reckon”在此的意思为“认定”.“a force to be reckoned with”是形容“有成功的条件而值得注意的人物、团体”。例:The new company will be a force to be reckoned with in the future.(这家新公司未来值得大家注意。)4。 Dont I know it。 我完全同意!当此句型以句点(.)而非问号结尾时,表示完全同意对的方意见,为口语用法,强调的是肯定的含意。意思为”我怎会不知道!?;我当然明白这一点!”.例:You say the discount rate is too low?

20、 Dont I know it!(你说这折扣打得太少?我完全同意!)5。 in a nutshell 简言之“nutshell”原为“坚果壳,又指“极小的容器,故“in a nutshell 这个副词短语的意思是“简言之”。例:Bob told us in a nutshell what happened in the managers meeting.(Bob简略地告诉我们经理们开会的情形.)6。 growth sector 成长领域这个经济学上的名词是指经济成长特别快速的领域,“sector是“区域;部门的意思.例:The leisure and entertainment industr

21、y is a growth sector in Taiwan。(休闲娱乐业是台湾目前的成长领域。)赞成的表达法我赞成I agree. 比较生硬的说法.I think its very important. (我认为这个问题很重要。)I agree。 (我同意.)I agree with that。Im with you。 ”对,对、很好嘛”、我赞成”、”OK”。Im for it。I dont agree。 (我反对。)我也这样认为.I think so, too. *更口语的说法.Tokyo is too expensive。 (东京的物价太贵。)I think so, too。 (我也这样

22、认为。)好哇!Anything you say!Lets see a movie。 (我们去看电影吧。)Anything you say! (好哇!)Im with you.Okay, lets.Youre in charge。Youre the boss。I agree with you.没有异议。No objection!论坛我不反对.I dont have any objection to it. *objection 异议、反对”、不服从”、”反对理由.What do you think of my proposal? (你觉得我的建议怎么样?)I dont have any obje

23、ction to it。 (我不反对.)I have no objection to it.I dont object to it。No problem here。Sounds alright to me.我觉得那样很好。Thats fine with me.Hows tomorrow? (明天怎么样?)Thats fine with me. (我没问题。)That sounds good。Sounds like a good idea to me.很好!Fine。 这是种常用的表达方式,表示带有无可挑剔的”、”不错的、”好的等语感.How was the proposal? (这个建议怎么样

24、?)Fine。 (很好!)Hows everything? (一切都好吗?)Fine。 (很好呀!)Good。Its acceptable.Okay。那就行了。来源:考试大Thats fair。 用于听到对方给予妥协性的回答时,就对方的意见或行为作出答复,含有这样才公平、公正”的语气。How does that sound? (那样行吗?)Thats fair. (那就行了。)Fair enough。我也有同样感觉.来源:考试大You can say that again. 表示我的看法和你完全一致,带有同情的语感。That meeting was awful。 (那个会开得真糟糕。)You

25、can say that again。 (我也有同样感觉.)Ill say。Definitely.好像挺有意思.Sounds like fun。 接受别人的邀请或建议时。Lets go out! (我们出去玩吧。)Sounds like fun。 (那一定很有意思。)当然!/一定!You bet! 完全赞成对方所说的事的语气.Did you study for the test? (快考试了,你准备了吗?)You bet. (当然!/一定!)That is for sure.You know it.Id bet on it。来源:考试大You can bet on it。Bet on it。O

26、f course.It goes without saying.That goes without saying.You betcha. *俚语。你是反对还是赞成他的主意?Are you for or against his idea好!Good. *用来向对方表达愉快、批准、同意、满意等心情。 How is it? (这个怎么样?)Good. (好!)Its good。太棒了!Great! 比good更要强烈地表示吃惊的、终于可以松一口气的心情,还带有”得意洋洋”、心满意足的语感。The boss approved my proposal. (老板同意了我的建议。)Great! (太棒了!)

27、Thats great!好主意。Good idea。Lets do this part first。 (我们先做这部分吧!)Good idea. (好主意.)Good thinking.来源:反对的英语表达我反对.I dont agree。 比I cant agree.的语气还要强烈,给人一种直接反对的印象。I know Im correct。 (我认为我是正确的。)I dont agree。 (我不这样认为。)I dont agree with that。I dont agree with you。I agree。 (同意.)我不能同意。I cant agree。 ”我不能同意你的意见”,比

28、较礼貌的说法。All politicians are liars。 (所有的政治家都是骗子。)I cant agree. (我不能同意.)I cant agree with that。I cant agree with you.(wwwcom)我怀疑。I doubt it.Do you think its true? (你觉得那是真的吗?)I doubt it. (我怀疑。)I dont think so。Its not likely to happen。 (才不会发生呢!)我反对。Objection!We found out that he wasnt there。 (我们发现他没有在那儿.

29、)Objection! (我反对.)I object!你不是这么说的.Thats not what you said.You didnt say that。含糊其辞的回答也许吧.Maybe. *虽然有可能性,但较接近于No, 概率只在40左右,让人听上去是否定的语气。与perhaps同义.possibly更拘泥于形式,但同样含有消极的语感。probably的可能性较大,语感积极,概率在80到90左右,给对方以肯定的,即Yes的感觉。Can you finish the report by Friday? (星期五之前你能写完那篇报告吗?)Maybe。 (也许吧.)It may possibly

30、 rain, but it will probably be sunny again. (也许下雨,但可能过会儿又会晴了。)Possibly.Perhaps.Probably。不完全.Not exactly. *”不能说完全是那样”、”不能断定就是那样的意思.Do you agree? (你同意吗?)Not exactly。 (不完全同意。)Not quite.可能是吧。I guess so。 *不能明确断定,”好像是”、”是吧”等推测的表达方式.Dont you think Japanese people are healthier? (你不觉得日本人更健康些吗?)I guess so。 (

31、可能是吧!)I suppose so。也许是真的吧。It might be true. 听上去是不太肯定,接近于No (不)的感觉。Do you think its true? (你觉得那是真的吗?)It might be true. (也许是真的吧.)Its possible.可能会吧。It could be. *听对方说了许多之后,自己也觉得”可能会吧时使用.What do you think? (你觉得怎么样?)It could be true。 (也许吧!)That could be.That could be true.我不太清楚。Im not sure。 *没把握说时,或不知道时。

32、Is he in the office now? (他现在在办公室吗?)Im not sure. (我不太清楚.)Im not certain.I cant say for sure.但愿是这样.来源:考试大I hope youre right.Itll be sunny tomorrow。 (明天是个好天吧.)I hope youre right。 (但愿是这样。)有那么点儿.Sort of。Is your dog big? (你的狗大吗?)Sort of. (说大也大吧!)Kind of。差不多吧!Its something like that.Is this it? (是这个吗?)Yea

33、h, its something like that. (嗯,差不多吧.)Thats about it。Thatll do。Thats about right.那得看情况.It depends。论坛Dont you think you can save more money in Tokyo? (你不觉得在东京能攒更多的钱吗?)It depends. (那得看情况.) on a case by-case basis ”基于具体情况”.That depends.也许是,也许不是。Maybe yes, maybe no。 虽然有话要说,但又不想让对方明白时。Are you going to ask

34、 him? (你打算去问他吗?)Maybe yes, maybe no。 (也许问,也许不问.)但愿如此.Hopefully. *表达虽然无法约定,但仍渴望能够实现的心情.Can you play tomorrow? (明天能去比赛吗?)Hopefully。 (但愿能去。)I hope so。不能保证。来源:市场行情描述市况上扬:The market advances/ gains /rises/ improves / picks up。The market is strong / firm/ exciting / advancing / healthy。市况活跃:The market is

35、booming。The market is exciting.The market becomes active.The market becomes brisk.市况走势上扬,市况攀升走高:The market is on the up swing。The market is on an upward trend.The market trend is upward.市况暴跌停滞:The market is slumping。The market becomes dull。The market breaks down.市况走势下跌,市况下滑走低:The market is on the do

36、wnswing.The market trend is downward.The market falls down。市况下挫:The market declines /falls/loses.The market is weak / soft / easy.市况狂跌:The market collapses / relaxes。市况暴涨:The market jumps/advances/soars.市场复苏:The market revives / rebounds / regains / rallies。行情波动:The market fluctuates.市场平稳:The market

37、 is quiet/ calm / unchanged / steady/ supported.有关送礼物这是送给你的。 This is for you。This is for you。 (这是送给你的.)Thats very nice of you。 (太谢谢你啦.)Heres something for you.I got this for you. 这是你的那份。 This is your share. share“(一个一个分开的)分成的份儿,分开”.This is your portion.This is your part.This portion is for you。 过生日想

38、要什么礼物? What do you want for your birthday?What do you want for your birthday? (过生日想要什么礼物?)I want gloves。 (我想要副手套。)噢,来喽! Tadah! *把礼物等送到别人面前时的一种表达方式。Here you are! (请收下.)Here you have it!有关生活习惯我经常下班以后运动。 I usually work out after work. work out“训练,运动”。I usually go to the gym after work.I usually exercis

39、e after work。 我开始慢跑锻炼. Ive started jogging.Ive started jogging. (我开始慢跑锻炼。)Since when? (什么时候开始的?) 我戒烟了。 I quit smoking. *quit“辞职,改变习惯”。No, thanks. I quit smoking. (不,谢谢,我已经戒了。)Good for you。 (你真伟大。)I stopped smoking。I dont smoke anymore.Ive become a nonsmoker。I no longer smoke。 你常做梦吗? Do you dream oft

40、en?Do you often have dreams?Do you dream a lot? 最近我总是丢三落四的。 Ive been forgetful lately.Ive been forgetful these days.有关理财什么时候到期? When is this due? *due“必须支付”、“支付期限到了”。日常生活中常使用带有due的表达方式.Heres the phone bill. (这是电话费通知单。)When is this due? (交费截止到什么时候?)When is the rent due? (房租截止到几号?)When is the paper du

41、e? (交论文的时间截止到几号?)When is the last day I can pay for this?How long is the pay period?When do I have to pay this by?When does this have to be finished by? 交费日期截止到30号。Its due on the thirtieth。 能帮我换一下零钱吗? Could you give me change? * change 也有“零钱”的意思。Can you change this?Could I have change? 能帮我换开100日元吗?

42、Do you have change for one hundred yen? *change 除了“交换,兑换”的意思之外,还有“零钱,破开的钱”。Do you have change for one hundred yen? (能帮我换开100日元吗?)Sure。 (可以。)Can you change this? (能帮我破一下吗?)Can you break a onehundredyen bill? (能帮我破开100日元吗?)Can you break a hundred?Id like to change a hundredyen note. (我想破开100日元。)Heres

43、one hundred yen。 Could I have change? (这是100日元,能帮我破开吗?) 我要存5000日元(在我的账户上。) I need to deposit five thousand yen (in my savings account)。 deposit“在银行存钱.savings account “账户,户头”.I need to put ¥5,000 into the bank。我要取5000日元(从我的账户上)。 I need to withdraw ¥5,000 (from my savings account)。 *withdraw“(从存款中)取出,

44、拿出”。I need to take out ¥5,000 from the bank. 我是自己掏的腰包。 I paid out of my own pocket。 直译是“从自己的口袋里拿出钱来支付.”是“自己掏腰包的固定说法。 我没带现金. Im out of cash。 我现在没有多少现金.I dont have much money on me now。May I borrow some money? (能借点儿钱吗?)I dont have much money on me now。 (我现在没有多少现金。)I didnt bring very much money with me。 (我身上没带多少现金。)Im a little short of money now. (我现在钱不够用。) 身无分文。 Im broke。May I borrow ten dollars? (能借给我10美元吗?)Sorry, Im broke。 (对不起,我现在身无分文。)I have no money。Im out of money.Im flat broke. * 强调的说法。 现在我有很多现金。 I have a lot of money on m

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