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1、最新星火英语英语四级(CET4)7天专项突破目录第1天写作复习资料.1第2天快速阅读复习资料.14第3天 听力短对话及长对话复习资料.22第4天 短文听力及听写复习资料.34第5天仔细阅读复习资料.43第6天 完形填空复习资料.59第7天翻译复习资料.68729打印室整理,打印QQ:252789169第1天写作复习资料 JQ题型透析写作部分所占分值比例为15%,考试时间为30分钟 选用考生所熟悉的 话题,要求考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等写出一篇 不少于120词的短文。要求表达准确、意义连贯、无重大语法错误。评分标准CEIM作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring

2、)方法。阅卷人员就总的印象 给出分值(Reward Scoring),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分从内容和语言 两方面对作文进行综合评判。与作文分类及高分模板通过时近几年四级真题作文的统计和分析,从题材上来看,四级作文主要 可以分为校园生活、学习类和社会热点话题类;从体裁上来看,大致可以分为议 论文和应用文,而议论文写作乂可以分为原因分析型、对比选择型、观点论证 型、说明利弊型和问题解决型。其中,应用文写作近几年基本没有考查,在此不 再详细阐述。以下是五大类型的议论文常用的写作模式和真题范文。|(一)原因分析型 这类作文多为提纲式作文或图表式作文,要求考生对某一社会现象进行阐 述,分析产生该现

3、象的原因并加以评论例如:Due Attention Shoukl Be Given to Spelling(2010.6);What Electives to Choose(2007.12)o1.写作模式Q第一段描述现象;第二段 解释这种现象产生或存在的原因;第二段提出解决问题的建议或总结观点。2.真题范文 x/Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entilledDue Attention Should Be Given to Spelling.You should ivrite

4、at least 1 729打印室整理,打印QQ:252789169120 words fol I ouing the outline given below.1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写2.出现这种现象的原因是3.为了改变这种状况,我认为Due Attention Should Be Given to SpellingNowadays,an increasing number of sludents seem to allach less importance lo spelling in English learning.Thus,iminerous misspellings a

5、ppear in their papers,and whals worse,a we 11-organized essay is therefore totally impossible.rhere are various reasons responsible for this embarrassing situation.For one thing,much more sludents give priorities to oral English at the cost of doing less spelling exercises,let alone reflect on what

6、they learned the oilier lay.For another,many teachers put so much emphasis on communication and grammar in teaching that they seldom highlight spelling,and occasionally worse still,they themselves are caught in spelling.To change this situation,as far as I am concerned,studrnls and teachers should w

7、ork together.On the one hand,students should stop complaining about spellings,and they should realize correct spelling is a must in learning English.On the other hand,teachers should pay more attention to spelling in teaching,for example,focusing on pronunciation and word formation.Only via joint ef

8、forts can students gain much ground in spelling.|(二)对比选择型 这类作文多为提纲式作文,议论文体裁。通常首,先论述相反的两个观点.或分析评论某一社会现象的优缺点,然后给出自己的见解和看法。例如:Spring Festival Gala on CCTV(2006.12)o1.写作模式 /第一段论述一些人对某-事物或现象的看法;第二段论述另一些人对此事物或现象的看法;第三段 表明自己的观点并给出理由,,2.真题范文Directions:For this part,you(ire alloived 30 min ides to ivrile a s

9、hort ess(iy entitled Spring Festival Gala on CCTV.You should write at least 120 words follouing the outline given belou.2 729打印室整理,打印QQ:252789169i.许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节联欢晚会2.有些人却提出取消春节联欢晚会3.在我看来Spring Festival Gala on CCTVFor many years,ihe Spring Festival Gala on CCTV has been a very iinporlant pcirl of our

10、 enlerlaiiiinenls during Spring Festival.Most of Chinese people,especially the elder people,are accustomed to watching the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV over the family reunion dinner.To some extent,the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV has been a unique culture symbol of Spring Festivcd.But during recent

11、 years,some people put forward the opinion that the Spring Festival(iala on CCTV should be called off.They complain that the programs of I he Spring Feslival Gala are always fixed in form and nionoLonous,and CCTV has monopolized all the programs during that eve.hi order Lo watch more programs that t

12、hey would like to wal(h and have more different choices,they require canceling the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV.In my opinion,everybody has the right to choose,no matter if he or she likes or believe that a green campus will be achieved in I hr near future.|(四)说明利弊型 这类作文多为提纲式作文,议论文体裁,通常要求考生针对某种有争议的

13、现象或某个热点话题分析其利弊,并阐述自己的看法或建议。例如:Online Shopping(201 1.6);Free Admissions to Museums,/(2009.6);Kecreational Aclivi-ties(2008.6)。1.写作模式/第一段说明某现象或事物带来的好处/弊端;第二段 说明该现象或事物可能带来的问题/利益;第三段 阐述自己的看法或建议。_.4 729打印室整理,打印QQ:2527891692.真题范文、/Directions:For this part,you are aHoived 3()minutes to ivrite a short essay

14、 entitled Online Shopping.You should write at least J20 words following the outline given below.1.现在网上购物已成为一种时尚2.网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题3.我的建议Online ShoppingOnline shopping is gaining increasing popularity recenlly and it promises to be further imbedded into our daily life.Online shopping is beneficial to

15、 customers and retailers alike in more than one way.For consumers,il is time-and energy-saving to purchase whatever they want over the Internet with much lower prices.For retailers,they can save much cost without having to rent a house in the downtown and spending much on employees compcired with tr

16、aditional market sale.However,despite many benefits from online shopping,there are still some defects that cannot be ignored.For one thing,lack of face-lo-face comnninication makes online shopping less reliable and I rust worthy.For another,some dishonest merchants may provide false infornuition,whi

17、ch renders it lime-consuming to idenlify the commodity.From my perspective,the benefit of online shopping dues outweigh its defects,and to refuse lo eat for fear of choking is always an unwise choice.Whal we should do is regulate the relative laws to bind the online trading activity.Only when a harm

18、onious Internet environ men I is established can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping.|(五)问题解决型 这类作文一般为提纲式作文,多为说明文。通常首先提出一个有待解决的 问题,然后要求考生就该问题提出解决方法、途径,有时还要求考生谈论适合自 己的方法口 例如:How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?(2010.12)o729打印室整理,打印QQ:2527891691.写作模式第一段描述现象,提出问题;第二段

19、分析问题可能产生的后果;第三段 提出解决问题的方法或建议,2.真题范文,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 3()minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?You should write at least 12()words folloiving the outline given beloiv.1.目前不少父母为孩子包办一切2.为r让孩子独立,父母应该How Should Parents Help Chil

20、dren to Be Independent?Il is beyond reproach that children are always considered I he apple of parents1 eyes,which is especially true in single-child families.However,many parents go so far as to take over eveiything for their prince or princess,from their life and study even to their future.It is n

21、ot unusual to witness that an increasing number of children are accompanied by parents on their first day in college.I declare in no uncertain terms that it wi 11 encl up with the childrens ku k of independence.In such a world full of fierce competition,being independent becomes essential for a wouk

22、l-be success.Thus,what should parents do?In my humble opinion,on the one hand,parents should raise chiklren in a free-range way instead of being helicopler“parents,who always seem lo hover over their children;on the other hand,parents should teach children Lo be responsible for their own behaviors i

23、nstead of monopolizing everything.1 cling to the belief that only when parents realize what is better for their chiklren and care for them in a right way,can they help chiklren develop independence.高分技巧|(一)开篇 开头精彩的作文会给阅卷老师留下较好的第一印象。在写议论文时,考生 应避免老套的模板句式,建议使用以下两种方式开篇:1.弓 I 用名人名后,如:As a famous saying g

24、oes,knowledge is a treasure,but 729打印室整理,丹.印QQ:252789169practice is the key to it.2.运用数字统计,如:Acconlii唱to a recent survey released by sitia.corn,pressure from the conflict between classmates or roomniales is doniinanl in causing anxiety,and ci majorily of students commil suicide oul of setbacks in lo

25、ve.|(二)主体段 1.巧用连接词 观点总结:as far as 1 ani concerned,in my opinion,in brief,in conclusion,to sum up-等;先后顺序:first and foremost,to begin with,besides,furthermore,in ad(li-tion,finally,Iasi hui not least 等;举例说明:for instance,for example,like,such as,a case in point 等;对比转折:unlike,in contrast to,on the conlr

26、ary,different from,however,nevertheless,nonetheless 等;2.善用短语使用适当的短语不仅可以为文章增色,还可以增加文章字数如:I fimily support the first option.nJ 替换 为 I finnly applause for the first option.3.运用失衡句失衡句常为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、状语从句等的变形Q适当运用 失衡句可以凸显文章的闪光点,使作文锦上添花。如:We need streiiglhening tlir enviroinnenlal awtireness.nJ 替换为:Whal

27、we need is slrenglheiiing I he enviroinnenlal awareness.4.运用同位语或插入语合理运用同位语和插入语也是为文章增色的方法,这样不但能增加文章 字数,还能使文章看起来更地道。如:The environmenkil problem becomes increasingly serious.-J 替换为:h is an undeniable facl ihal the eiivironrneiilal problem becomes increasingly serious.The(omprlition on consumption,in ih

28、e lei里 run.will lead to distortion of minds and erosion of values.|(三)结尾段 考生在结尾部分需要再次点题,明确自己的观点,而针对问题解决型作文,在结尾处提出建议或呼吁也非常重要。较好的建议性结尾如:h is high time that we made joint efforts to solve the problem.729打印室整理,打印QQ:252789169 Accordingly,I recommend that some actions such as.be taken.Consequently,to solv

29、e the problem,steps below should be laken.(g,预测作文Topic 1:Is It Feasible to Build a College in Every County?I.一些人认为在每个县城都开办大学是可行的2.有些人则认为这一观点不现实3.我的观点Is It Feasible to Build a College in Every County?Nowadays,someone proposes that it is possible Lo build a college in every county.The current local hu

30、man and financial resources as well as the effective demand all provide convenience for the practice.However,this proposal has hit a brick wall.Opponents indicate that either the limited financial resources or the uneven regional development makes the proposal of building up a college in every Chine

31、se county only a dream.Besides,those who have taken aim al this proposal contend there is more lo setting up a college than simply building a cainpus.Qualified teachers and a support system are esenlial,loo.It really sounds a fashionable idea to set up colleges in all counties across Chiiui,but in m

32、y opinion,this is an improper and unrealistic suggestion.Financial support,administrative lestrictions and college operation patterns are all the boltle-necks.Thus,it is infeasible lo build a collegr in every counly yet.Topic 2:The Dropping Number of College Entrance Exam Takers,Good or Bad?1.很多人认为参

33、加高考的人数减少不是一件坏事2.但也有人认为高考仍是学生脱颖而出的最好途径3.我的看法The Dropping Number of College Entrance Exam Takers,Good or Bad?In recent years,quite a few students decide to give up the college enhance examination.Many people believe the declining candidate number is no I a bad thing,and it actually reflects students c

34、hanged attitudes-they no longer cling to this examination for a betler future.Moreover,il is good to relieve the employnient pressure.However,there are differenl voices.()pponents believe ihaL the declining exam729打印室整理,可印QQ:252789169candidate number is not necessarily a good thing.Strictly speaking

35、,the national college entrance examination remains the best way for students to stand out.One more thing which deserves consideration is that the fl Topping number of college entrance exam takers is nol the radical solution to I he problem of employment.To my mind,I he drawbacks ovenveigh I he advan

36、tages.Undoubtedly,the college entrance examination in China is still I lie principal approach for talent selection.The drop in candidate number will bring many negative impacts on the countrys full!re development other than guarantee less employment pressure.Consequently,the dropping number of(colle

37、ge entrance exam takers is truly not a good thing.Topic 3:Should Urban Parks Charge an Entrance Fee?1.有人认为市区公园应该免费开放2.也有人认为免费开放市区公园会带来很多问题3.我的观点Should Urban Parks Charge an Entrance Fee?The question whether urban parks should charge an enhance fee or nol has been a sourer of controversy for a long t

38、ime.Supporlers claim that urban parks,supposed to l)e places where people have leisure and enlerlainmeiil,are public establislunenls that licive been created vvilli lax)ayers*money and thus should be free.On the other hand,opponents maintain that,considering Chinas large population and lack of a sen

39、se of civic duty,once the parks are free of charge,they will not be properly managed and will i nevi lai ly be damaged.For instance,ihe problem of parks bearing capacity,seen ri ly and service qualily issues will be obvious.So its nol the lime lo open urhaii parks G)r free.When considering opinions

40、of both sides,I am inclined to the latter view.Its certain that free entry lo urban parks should proceed with economic development,as it needs financial suppoil.Hence,the current economic level in China reflects ihal free entry to parks can only be realized gradually.Topic 4:Live a Low-carbon Life1.

41、低碳生活日渐成为热门话题2.低碳生活的意义3.如何做到低碳生活729打印室整理,.打.印QQ:252789169Live a Low-carbon LifeAs more and more people are concemed about climate and environment issues,low-carl)on life has become an increasingly hot topic.Actually,low-carbon life is nol only a fashionable term,but also a slialegic choice concerning

42、 the future of liuman beings.Effectively reducing I he carbon emission,low-carbon life constiliiLes energy co-servalion and environment protection means,which is helpful to slow down the pace of global warming and environinental worsening,bringing benefit to the future generations.Then how to live a

43、 low-carbon life?Everyone can interpret il in their own way in every delciil of daily life,but publit*awareness and passion for saving energy is the key lo the success of this campaign.FiirllitMinore,energy-saving habits should also be cidvocaled and promoted,for example,substituting a bicycle for a

44、 car,using recyclable bags for shopping,climbing the stairs instead of taking I he elevator and so on.hs certain that if enough people live a k)w-carl)on life,everyday and everywhere,it could change history.Topic 5:Starting Career in a Big City or Small Town?1.很多大学生毕业后留在大城市工作2.也有人选择到小城镇开始自己的职业生涯3.结合

45、实际情况谈谈自己的想法Starting Career in a Big City or Small Town?Want to be a snuiil fish in a big pond or llie oilier way round?Every graduate faces this question when skirting career.A large number of diem will choose lo stay in a big city,which means more opportunities,more space for career developmenl and

46、 naturally higher salary.But in recent years,some other graduates intend lo star!their careers in small towns,where I hey will bear lower stress and face less fierce conipelitiou.In addition,they can he a big fish in a small pond.They can easily get the employers al-Irntion and may win promoLion ear

47、lier.As far as I am concerned,I prefer to start career in a metropolis,for I believe that a good start is half the battle.Staring in a big city,I can leam more,experience more and obtain more.729打印室整理,.打印QQ:252789169Topic 6:Should Passengers Be Responsible for Drunk Drivers?I.一些人认为乘客也应该为醉驾司机的行为承担责任2

48、.但多数人则认为让乘客为醉驾司机的行为负责没有法律依据3.我的看法Should Passengers Be Responsible for Drunk Drivers?Some people are of I he opinion that passengers sharing a car with a drunk driver but not preventing drunk driving should also be punished,for passengers,a part of the transporlation activity,are imdoubledly licible

49、for ensuring public*safely.If someone knowingly rides in a car with a drunk driver,they are aiding a crime.Hence,it is necessary and rational to impose certain punishment on passengers for drunk driver.However,a majority of others tire opposed to a penalty for passengers.For a citizen lo be penalize

50、d,lie or she must have violated I he law.As far as passengers go,they share a car with a diunk driver,but are not driving themselves,nor have they encouraged anyone to drive under the influence*.Therefore,lo punisli them is legally groundless.To my point of view,altliougli I he proposal reflects the

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