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1、2021届高三英语模拟试题052021届高三英语模拟试题05年级:姓名:28(新高考)2021届高三英语模拟试题05 (建议用时:100分钟)第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Sally Tam is interviewing Amy Baines, a working mom who uses the Internet at work to watch her three-year-old son while he is at his day care. Sa

2、lly: How do you get to see Harry during the day? Amy: The day care center has a video camera that is connected to a special website. When I want to see him, I can call up the website on my computer and see the center on my screen. Sally: How does that make you feel? Amy: Wonderful. For example, when

3、 I dropped Harry off at the center yesterday, he started to cry. I felt bad, but I needed to get to work. Then at work, I was so worried. I kept thinking about Harry. So I went to the website. I could see Harry playing a game, as happy as he could be. It made me feel better. What a relief! I could g

4、o on with my work. Sally: Do the day care workers like it? Amy: At first, they felt self-conscious(难为情的). But now, they dont seem to notice. The activity in the day care center goes on as usual. Sally: Is this a good system for the day care center to have? Amy: I think so. Its good because I can fin

5、d out whether the center is doing good work with Harry. I can see whether he is happy and getting enough attention from the teachers. Sally: Are there any other benefits to this system? Amy: Yes. My parents, who live 2, 000 miles away, can see their first grandchild learning to do all of those activ

6、ities: reading and writing for the first time. One time, Harry wrote, “Hi. Grandpa. ” and held it up to the screen. My father was so happy. With the Internet, its as though we were living in the same house.1. What can we learn about Amy?A. She is addicted to the Internet.B. She works at a day care c

7、enter.C. She lives separately from her son.D. She is busy with her work and family.2. How do day care workers react to the video system now?A. They feel uneasy about it.B. They have got used to it.C. They carefully avoid it.D. They often turn it off.3. What do Amy and her parents think of the video

8、system?A. It is convenient.B. It needs improvement.C. It makes them nervous.D. It disturbs their privacy.B Children from four Buckinghamshire primary schools visited Epilepsy Society to plant a hedge(树篱) as part of a Plant-for-the-Planet project. The children from these schools were planting a hedge

9、 in the garden of the Queen Elizabeth House at the charity in Chalfont St Peter. Plant-for-the-Planet gives children across the globe the opportunity to learn about the threats of global warming to the environment, and then put their new knowledge into practice as they plant new trees. The day was o

10、rganised by Bob Sherren who showed the children how to plant the planet-friendly line of trees in protective chambers(防护室) to shield them from hungry wildlife as they settle in their roots. Bob said, “The day really was that Thinking Globally, Acting Locally was put into action. The children learned

11、 about the importance of planting trees as a way of helping to bring about climate justice for many living in poorer nations and of course enjoyed planting the trees too.” The eventual hedge, which will grow to full size over ten years behind the Queen Elizabeth House, is made up of trees such as oa

12、ks, silver birches and so on. Bob added, “The children were also able to help people living at Epilepsy Society because they will gain some well-needed privacy from the hedge in time. The natural wildlife benefits too from the fruits and nuts that a hedge made from native species can provide as well

13、 as the possibility for any number of nesting sites.” Emma Darlington, Epilepsy Societys volunteer officer, said, “I think its so important to encourage the younger generation that the future is in their hands and that they can make a difference, whether it is through taking part in projects like th

14、is or spreading awareness. We hope they learn a little bit about the work we do at Epilepsy Society toothe trees they planted will be enjoyed by everyone here for years to come.”4. What is the purpose of the Plant-for-the-Planet project?A. To help children learn more about society.B. To offer childr

15、en colourful after-school activities.C. To raise childrens awareness of global warming.D. To teach children how to protect natural wildlife.5. What does the underlined word “shield” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Separate.B. Take.C. Get. D. Protect.6. How did Bob Sherren feel after organising this

16、activity?A. Tired. B. Proud. C. Discouraged. D. Peaceful.7. What can we learn from Emma Darlingtons words in the last paragraph?A. She hopes to popularize volunteering work.B. She tries to drive the children to study hard. C. She expects the children to take positive action.D. She believes the young

17、er generation are promising.【语篇解读】来自Buckinghamshire四所小学的学生参加Plant-for-the-Planet项目的种树活动, 为遏制全球变暖贡献自己的力量。C She leads a short life, but a very rich one. She wears many beautiful and expensive dresses and wonderful furs, and she is seen in the best stores. She has people to dress her and keep her face

18、pretty. Still, even though she has thousands of admirers, she rarely smiles. Although she is beautiful, she rarely meets men of her own kind. She is, as you might have guessed, the mannequin(人体模特) who looks dreamy from the windows of stores. Some of the people who design window displays think of man

19、nequins only as objects to work with, but most of the people who make use of the figures call them by name. Although a mannequin has a number given to it by the producer, it is very often known by the name of the woman who modeled for it. What the stores look for these days is interesting, rather th

20、an perfect faces. Like Sara Kapps, for example. She is a professional model whose lookalike, produced by the Adel Rootstein company, is now popular. Saras long nose and her green eyes make her face unusual rather than beautiful. As fashions change, not only are there changes in faces, but changes in

21、 poses too. The figures have become more realistic. Until a few years ago, mannequins were made without toes. But now that open shoes have become popular, toes are necessary. “When trousers were very popular, mannequins stood differently, ” says Candy Pratts, who directs window designers at Blooming

22、dales, a large New York store. “Now they stand in a more relaxed way that is better for dresses.” Even though a mannequin gets excellent care, her life in a good store is not likely to be more than two years. Bloomingdales has 160 mannequins in use, and Candy Pratts says her department buys some new

23、 ones every two months. And that, she adds, is why its best not to get used to any particular mannequin. “When I get a favorite, I hate to see her go.”8. How do most window display designers refer to a mannequin?A. By its sex.B. By its number.C. By the name of its designer.D. By the name of the mode

24、l it was based on.9. What kind of mannequins do stores look for nowadays?A. Fashionable. B. Economic. C. Beautiful. D. Special.10. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. Mannequins stand in various poses.B. Mannequins follow the change in fashion.C. Mannequins are made to look like real persons.D. Ma

25、nnequins are designed to be useful rather than attractive.11. What does Candy Pratts suggest by “When I get a favorite, I hate to see her go.”?A. Take mannequins seriously.B. Never focus on one mannequin.C. Dont buy too many mannequins.D. Grow a deep relationship with mannequins.D The 1993 movie Jur

26、assic Park wasnt the first film to show dinosaurs in the modern world. But it did a good job of bringing the idea of cloning dinosaurs into popular culture. It represented dinosaur cloning in a way that made sense to a lot of people, and it was a successful film, making more than $900 million worldw

27、ide. Jurassic Park built on the idea of getting DNA from mosquitoes kept in amber. While this might seem possible at first sight, its highly unlikely that scientists could find usable dinosaur DNA in mosquito fossils. Scientists would need a very specific sample a female mosquito that had taken lots

28、 of dinosaur blood immediately before being trapped in amber. Since fossilization in amber is a relatively rare event, the chances of this happening are pretty small. The lack of possible samples isnt the only problem. Most insect fossils found in amber are also too young to contain dinosaur blooddi

29、nosaurs were gone by the time the insects became trapped. Many insects went bad from the inside out after they were trapped, leaving nothing inside for scientists to try to find. Finally, the sample would have to be very dry, since DNA can break down quickly in the presence of water. But if research

30、ers did find a perfectly kept mosquito with a body full of dinosaur blood, bringing back its DNA would still be difficult. The blood with the dinosaur DNA would be surrounded by the body of an insect, which has its own DNA. There could also be DNA from other cells trapped in the amber. Then, of cour

31、se, theres the DNA in the laboratory itselfand in the body of the scientist.12. Why is the film Jurassic Park mentioned at the beginning?A. To lead in the topic of cloning dinosaurs.B. To encourage scientists to clone dinosaurs.C. To give a simple introduction to dinosaurs.D. To stress the possibili

32、ty of cloning dinosaurs.13. The key to cloning dinosaurs is to gain . A. insect fossilsB. dinosaur DNAC. dinosaur bloodD. mosquitoes in amber14. What is the authors opinion on cloning dinosaurs?A. It is a step away from success.B. It will be a fruitless attempt.C. It requires further research.D. It

33、lacks creative work.15. What can be a suitable title for the passage?A. Why Was Jurassic Park Successful?B. Reasons for Dinosaurs Dying outC. Can Scientists Clone Dinosaurs?D. Ways of Cloning Dinosaurs第二节 (共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 When you were a child you

34、had a pure mind, which was free from worries and anxieties. As time passed, you were influenced by several crises 16 . Below are some techniques which can help you keep a peaceful mind: Mind your own business. Focusing on things which are not related to you often results in negativity 17 . So next t

35、ime an unnecessary thought comes to your mind, think about whether this is really something you should be worried about. If it isnt, avoid it right away and focus on something positive. 18 . Stay away from negative people. When someone is negative, he spreads negativity and you get affected. Always

36、staying with such people will have long-term influence on your character. So think about your company.Dont think about others too much. Remember the great saying: 19 ; Average minds discuss events; Higher minds discuss ideas and great minds act in silent. Dont allow your brain to compare yourself to

37、 others. Dont be jealous. This harms your soul and takes away your mental peace. Ignore your thoughts about being unlucky. Bad luck happens to everyone. Time, whether good or bad, passes quickly. 20 . Believe in the power of now. Believe in your skills. Work hard and you will get what you feel youre

38、 worthy of. With these suggestions, I believe you can bring major changes in your lifestyle and attain back your mental peace.A. Small minds discuss peopleB. It will disturb your mental peaceC. Surround yourself with positive peopleD. Bring positive energy with you wherever you goE. It is hard to ke

39、ep your mind away from bad thingsF. Develop the power of not looking back into your pastG. Now your pure mind becomes impure when you are stressful第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Do people make campfires anymore? Im a campfire girl at heart. It

40、all began with a 21 in a park in New York City. When I was a little skirt-wearing five-year-old, my family 22 in New York for a summer. My father and I would go out early to walk the dog. One morning, as my father threw sticks for the dog, I started 23 sticks of my own. Always ready to play and teac

41、h, my dad showed me how to 24 a campfire. He took my sticks and helped me 25 many different twigs(小树枝). He started with a tepee shape(圆锥帐篷形), 26 placing sticks on top of the others. He warned me not to pack the sticks too tightly together, so the air could 27 and feed the fire. While I worked on the

42、 “A” structure of tepee and others, the sounds of the city died away. Several years later, at summer camp, we had a(n) 28 : who could make a campfire the fastest? My lessons in the park in New York City were 29 . I used the “A” structure and blew gently, giving the flame 30 air to grow and light the

43、 larger sticks. When I grew up, I still took special 31 in building campfires. Then I would get it burning, making a small fire to 32 . Dad and I ate lots of 33 over our firespotatoes and just-caught fish. The thickly leafed trees of the park gave way to pines, but the kinship(血缘关系) I experienced wi

44、th my dad remained the 34 . I was his campfire girl, sharing his love of the outdoors and his skill with a(n) 35 . We were building something to warm us then and now. 21A. picnic B. partyC. show D. walk22. A. explored B. livedC. performed D. hid23. A. running after B. checking withC. handing over D.

45、 picking up24. A. build B. findC. use D. design25. A. replace B. borrowC. collect D. count26. A. strictly B. correctlyC. carefully D. nervously27. A. flow B. goC. rise D. remain28. A. task B. interviewC. celebration D. competition29. A. hard B. helpfulC. interesting D. expensive30. A. no B. onlyC. a

46、ny D. enough31. A. pleasure B. practiceC. pride D. part32. A. light B. observeC. cook D. share33. A. meals B. fruitsC. meat D. bread34. A. first B. bestC. same D. biggest35. A. experiment B. fireC. trip D. holiday第二节 (共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Most of us might think tha

47、t the worlds oldest colour is black or dark grey. However, 36. (scientist) have discovered that bright pink is the oldest 37. (know) colour. Researchers looked at 1. 1-billion-year-old rocks deep beneath the Sahara Desert. 38. (make) powder from the rocks, they found a bright pink colour. Dr Nur Gueneli 39. came from the Australian National University led the research. She said the colour was produced by ancient organisms(有机体) that lived in old oceans that are so old and no longer exist. At that time, tiny organi

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