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1、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. Miss ZhuWork harder, and you will makemuch more progress. Miss ZhuNo pains, no gains. I hope youwill make more progress In thefuture. Miss ZhuThe harder you work, the sooner you will improve. Miss ZhuYou have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of s

2、uccess. Miss ZhuGoals determine what you are going to be. Miss ZhuVictory wont come to you unless you go to it. Miss ZhuLiving without an aim is likesailing without a compass. Miss ZhuNever put off till tomorrow what you can do today! Miss ZhuNothing is impossible to a willingheart. Miss ZhuThe shor

3、test answer is doing. Miss ZhuWell begun,half done. Miss ZhuYou never know what you can do till you try. Miss ZhuOne today is worth two tomorrows. Miss ZhuWhere there is a will, there is away. Miss ZhuArt is long, but life is short. Miss ZhuA young idler, an old beggar. Miss ZhuAn idle youth, a need

4、y age. Miss ZhuDiligence is the mother of success. Miss ZhuHeaven never helps the man whoWill not act. Miss ZhuNo cross, no crown. Miss ZhuA man becomes learned by askingquestions. Miss ZhuCare and diligence bring luck. Miss ZhuNothing seek,nothing find. Miss ZhuAs a mansows, so he shall reap. Miss

5、ZhuA good beginning is half done. Miss ZhuLost time is never found again. Miss ZhuThe greatest talkers are always least doers. Miss ZhuSuccess belongs to the persevering. Miss ZhuNo man is born wise or learned. Miss ZhuEvery man is the architect of his own fortune. Miss ZhuNot to advance is to go back. Miss Zhu

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