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1、Unit 4 No Place Like HomeInside viewConversation 1 31.120/1002. two/three3.120/1104. at home/outside business hours5. flat/job6. use the phone/make private calls Conversation 2 5 1(d) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5 (b)61. living abroad2. round the corner3. convenient4. fairly cheap5. more fashionable6. the transp

2、ort7. large living room8. five minutes9. 100 poundsEveryday English7 1(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Outside view1 1(d) 2(f) 3(b) 4(c) 5(a) 6(e)3 7-4-2-6-3-5-141).there are as many semi-datached houses as terraced houses2).Lots of people live in flats3).because builders use local materials4).used to make ro

3、ofs5).”An Englishman s home is his castle”51). houses or flats2). got a few houses3).Sixty per cent4).Some detached houses5).can look very different6).differences in age7. traditional thatched cottages8.spend a lot of time and money9.into a castleListening inPassage 1News report 1 1). d 2).a31.nine

4、2. early 30s 3.100000 4. 483 5. male 6.40-50 per cent41. next spring 2. and hospitals 3. the next four years 4. three quarters 5.Charities; 26and 45 6.family or friendsPassage 27 Man 2,3,6,7,9 Woman 1,4,5,881(d) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(d)9 1) In their 20s.2). Jobs are hard to find,students have fees to pay back and rents are high3). They are adult kids because they dont seem to mind moving back with their parents4). His mum cooked and he saw his friends5). He is a scriptwriter6). She worked in a supermarket7). The pay was low and she had no chioce8). She is a department manager

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