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1、(完整版)八大时态标志词一 般现在时标志词:every day, evry Sunday, often, always, usually, sometimes , on Sundays, on weekdays等等。一般过去时标志词:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/year/night/month。.。, in 1989, just now, at the age of , one day, ago, long ago, once upon a time,(从前,很久以前) then(那时), on that day(在那

2、天),一般将来时标志词:soon, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow(后天), this evening/afternoon/year before long(不久以后), next year/month/week/summer, in the future, some day(将来的某一天) , in two weeks/days/years现在进行时标志词:now。 Look. Listen。 these days , at that time. at that moment. this time , yesterday evening过去进行时标志词:at

3、 that time. at that moment. this time yesterday evening等;或者与when, while, as引导的过去时间状语连用。现在完成时标志词:already(用于肯定句), yet(用于否定,疑问句), just, before, recently, still, lately, never, ever, never, twice, on several occasion, in the past few days/weeks/months/years, (up to)these few days/weeks/months/years, thi

4、s morning/week/month/year, just, up to present, so far, up to now, till now, since+时间过去完成时标志词:by, by the time (of), by the end of + 过去时间 ; when。 before。 after.+过去时间 ; up till then (直到时); up until last night(直到昨晚)等; already, just, ever, yet 等。过去将来时标志词: the following month (week), the next time/ Friday/ term/ month

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