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1、四、词汇练习根据括号里的英语或汉语提示填写正确的英语单词 1. Most Chinese people have a strong _(believe)in the Communist Party.2. The more the young students worked, the more _(energy)they became.3. The _ (arrive) of the train was delayed.4. We will host an evening of _ (celebrate) in honor of the retirement of the chairman.5.

2、 Hans was a simple, deeply _ (religion ) man.6. Ill never _ (原谅) you for the wrong you have done to your parents.7. The autumn _ (丰收,收获) is about to start. 8. Indeed, there are many _ (明显的, 显而易见的) advantages to a five-day week.9. I _ (道歉) to her for stepping on her foot.10. This country gained its _

3、 (独立) in 1960.11. Everybody _ (钦佩, 羡慕) her for her bravery.12. A crowd _ (聚集,集合) to see what was happening.13. People in Wenchuan have a great need for _ (农业的, 耕种的) products.14. Hugging each friend is the _ (风俗, 习惯) of the local people.15. Charlie Chaplin was _ (把.奖给, 授与) a special Oscar for his out

4、standing work in films in 1972.16. She is full of _ (energetic) and seems never to be tired.17. A _ (balance) diet can make people live longer.18. His answer did not satisfy my _ (curious) at all.19. The decision has been made after_ (consult) with some businessmen.20. My time is more _ (limit) now

5、that I have a baby.21. Only when he climbed to the top of the pole did he find the _(标志), reading “Wet paint!”22. Dont _ (怒目而视) at me! Im not the one to blame.23. The new highway will _ (受益) the village people.24. You cannot _ (同时干/ 做) studying for your exams with a wild social life.25. He pushed ag

6、ainst the rock with all his _ (力量).26. Tom was fired because he often made his _ (顾客) angry.27. I need to pay off all my _ (债务) before I leave the country.28. Chewing carefully helps you _ (消化) well.29. We are grateful for your _ (合作) in clearing the hall as soon as possible.30. This information is

7、only _ (未加工的) data and will need further analysis(分析).31. Marianna listened to his story with great _ (patient).32. It is _ (believe) that a human being has been living in a lonely mountain cave for as long as ten years.33. Time _ (permit), Ill explain it to you.34. Though it was _ (pay), many volun

8、teers took an active part.35. There is little water and few trees. But the desert also has _ (scene) of great beauty.36. He is very tall and can be easily _ (认出) in the crowd.37. He couldnt afford the _ (旅费) so he was turned away.38. Do it in a businesslike _ (方式).39. Virginia is famous as the _ (出生

9、地) of several US presidents.40. A friend in need is a friend _ (真正地).41. It was the first time for Lily to go abroad, which was a real _ (冒险).42. According to their custom, they have some _ (甜食) before the main course.43. The little girl suddenly _ (尖叫) loudly at the sight of the snake.44. This ring

10、 is _ (真的) gold.45. He found himself _ (身无分文的) in a strange city.46. When the operation was finished successfully, all the doctors and nurses burst into _.(欢呼) 47. He is fond of the _(气氛)of peace and calm in the country.48. There is wood _(漂浮)on the water in he distance. 49. Anything that is dropped

11、 falls towards the center of the earth because of the pull of _(重力). 50. He was in a _ (粗暴的) temper and began throwing things about. 51. There is a big underground railway _(系统)in London. 52. We cant _(生存)without water and food. 53. In old times people had a _(理论)that the world was flat.54. When he

12、was young, he was interested in _ (天文学)55. She is very _(虔诚的)and goes to church four times a week. 56. Moderate exercise is _(基础的)to good health57. Freezing winter is _(有害的)to orange trees58. Our fears _(增加)as we went deeper and deeper into the cave59. _(全球的)warming is a serious problem we face nowa

13、days.60. He was quite _(迷惑)about what to do next61. His words are strongly_(impressive) on my memory.62. The animals were_(使恐怖)by the storm.63. Mother_(测量) me to see what size of dress I should have.64. There are seven _ (大陆)and four oceans in the world.65. China is a _ (多元文化的) country, with more th

14、an fifty ethnic (民族) groups living together.66. My employer will_(证实)that I was there on time.67. As a child, I was _(包围着)by love and kindness.68. They climbed to the top of the hill to admire the beautiful _(景色).69. The job will take _(大约) three weeks, and cost $1,000.70. Lily was born in the count

15、ryside but was brought up in the _(市区).71. We lived near the _(边界) between France and Germany.72. Youre always _(mixture) me up with my twin brother.73. I am _(please) with your success, and your mother will be much happier.74. Try to keep _ (不超出) the law.75. When I drive in the _(mist) morning, I c

16、ould see nothing but the maple trees beside the road.Keys:1. belief 2. energetic 3. arrival 4. celebration 5. religious.6. forgive 7. harvest 8. obvious 9. apologized 10. independence 11. admires 12. gathered 13. agricultural 14. custom 15. awarded 16. energy 17. balanced 18. curiosity 19. consultin

17、g/ consultation 20. limited 21. sign 22. glare 23. benefit 24. combine 25. strength 26. customers 27. debts 28. digest 29. cooperation 30. raw 31. patience 32. unbelievable 33. permitting 34. unpaid 35. scenery36. spotted 37. passage 38. manner 39. birthplace 40.indeed 41. adventure 42. dessert 43.

18、screamed 44. genuine 45. penniless46. cheers 47. atmosphere 48. floating 49. gravity 50. violent51. system 52. exist 53. theory 54. astronomy 55. religious56. fundamental 57. harmful 58. multiplied 59. global 60. puzzled61. impressed 62. terrified 63. measured 64. continents 65. multicultural 66. co

19、nfirm 67. surrounded 68. scenery 69. approximately 70. downtown71. border 72. mixing 73. pleased 74. within 75. misty二.单词填空1. The article introduces to us some women of great _(成就)2. She _ (奉献)her life to the _(福利) of the nation.3. Lin Qiaozhi was a _ (专家) in womens illnesses.4. I wonder if there is

20、 a_(联系)between what we eat and how we develop physically.5. Hilary Clinton is determined to win the presidential _(运动,战役)6. She spent years _(观察) chimps daily activities.7. Since her _-(童年), she had wanted to work with animals.8. She _(不同意,反驳) that wild animals should not be used for _ (娱乐) or adver

21、tisements.9. Her success _(鼓舞,启发) those who want to cheer the achievements of women.10. What made her succeed later on was the _ and _ she showed to all her patients.11. I must thank my parents for their _-(支持). Without them , I wouldnt be what I am today.12. You need to earn _(尊敬) from others, not

22、demand it.13. Today some other teachers come to _(观摩) our English class.14. When you write, you need to consider who your _-(观众) is.15. He announced that he will stay away from the_-(娱乐) business.单词拓展:Achieve-n_ special-adv._Connect-n._ entertainment-v._inspiration-v._ observe-n._Organ-n_ behavior-v

23、._Argue-n_ consideration-v._三.短语填空1. She is _ a busy _. (过着.生活)2. People _ _ when the door opened.(涌进)3. _ _ I _ _ an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi.(碰巧, 遇见)4. The medicine _ not _ _children under the age of 12.(为。.而设)5. Lin Qiaozhis story inspires me to _ _ her good work.(献身)6. The one-c

24、hild policy has helped _ _ (减少) the _ _(出生率) in China.7. Elizabeth _ not _ _ her easy life and her growing family.(对满意)8. In the past, poor people _ often _ _ _ by others.(被。.看不起)9. If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you should _ _ a dictionary.(参考)10. After eating, the chimps start

25、ed to _ _.(离开)Keys:I. achievement welfare project institute specialist connectionhuman being campaign campaign organization behave behaviorshade shade worthwhile nest bond observe observation childhoodoutspoken respect argue argument entertainment crowd crowd in inspirationII 1.dress (up) as 2. Driv

26、e out of 3. Be put to death be sentenced to death4. Prison conditions 5. Be concerned about 6. A specialist in 7.Devote ones life to sth.8.rather than 9. be given a prizeIII.1.Achievements 2. devoted, welfare 3. specialist 4.Connection 5 campaign 6 observing 7 childhood 8 argued/argues, entertainmen

27、t 9 inspires/inspired10 kindness, consideration11Support12.respect13observe14audience 15 entertainment单词拓展: Achievement specially Connection entertain inspire observation Organization behave Argument considerate IV.短语填空1 leading , life 2.crowded in 3.By chance, came across 4.is not intended for 5.ca

28、rry on6.cut down, birth rate 7.was, content with 8.were, looked down upon 9. refer to10. move offUnit 2 Working the land一、单词拼写1. H _ is one of the biggest problems in developing countries.2. The o_ of grain has doubled in China in the last ten years.3. Are you s_ with your exam result?4. The America

29、n people _(斗争)to get independence from Britain.5. His skin is black because he got _(日晒) in his holiday.6. China is rich in _(矿产) resources.7A d_ is equal to ten years.8. If you have any _(评论), please send them to the above address.9. After finishing reading the text, give a _ (概括)of it without only

30、 30 words.10. The business has _ (扩大)greatly over the last year.11. Blood _ (循环)through the body.12.Would you please give me a _ (摘要)of your speech.13. When I said some people were stupid, I wasnt r_ to you.14. The soldiers were well _(装备) with weapons(武器) and ready to start.15. Theyve _(降低) the pri

31、ces in the shop, so its good time to buy.*词汇拓展(按要求写出对应的形式)disturb _(adj) satisfied_(v)free _(n) chemistry _(adj)bacterium _ (pl) produce_(n)discover_(n) 一单词拼写 1.Hunger 2. output 3. satisfied 4.struggled 5. sunburnt 6. mineral 7. decade 8. comments 9. summary 10. expanded11. circulates 12. summary 13

32、. referring 14. equipped 15. reducedUnit 3 A Taste of English Humour.单词拼写:1、I felt so full that I couldnt eat another m_.2、Success always comes after many f_.3、The disease soon spread t_ the country.4、The famous actor Jackie Chan has s_ in many excellent films.5、He often provides food to the h_.6、He

33、 is an _(杰出的) writer and everyone knows about him.7、They _(低声地) to each other, so I couldnt hear what they said.8、He gave no _(解释) for what he was doing yesterday evening.9、The car rushed at the bridge at _(惊人的) speed.10、For my own part, being nice about appearance keeps me _.(自信).完成句子:1、The top fiv

34、e students _ _ _ to take part in the national English contest. (挑选出来)2、The electricity _ _ _ because of the earthquakes.(切断)3、Her life has run smoothly _ _ _. (到目前)4、The richest person is the one who _ _ _ what he has.(满足于)5、_ _ _ the small boy swam across the river. (令我们吃惊的是)6、Mark has lost his job

35、 and is _ _ than ever. (更糟)7、I noticed her clothes _ _ , because she was dressed in such unusual color. (特别的)8、The helicopter began to fly south _ _ _ the crashed plane. (寻找)9、It feels _ _ it is going to rain. (好像)10、By visiting schools, they hope to _ children _ put on their own production. (鼓励)Key

36、s:一、单词拼写1. mouthful 2. failures3. throughout 4. starred5. Homeless6. outstanding 7. Whispered 8. explanation 9. Astonishing 10. confident二、完成句子1.Were picked out 2. was cut off3. Up to now 4. is content with5. To our astonishment 6. worse off 7. In particular 8. in search of 9. As if 10. inspire/enco

37、urage; to三、单词默写1.Astonish 2.Content 3.Difficulty 4.Entertain 5.Mouthful 6.Overcome 7.Snowstorm10. mountainous11.Whisper12. Ordinary13. Direct14. Unfortunately15. Occasion16. Convince17. Budget18. Moustache19. Explanation20. reactUnit5 Healthy Eating一、单词拼写1.A _to Chinese universities depends on exami

38、nation results.2.In big cities, there are theatres, films, football matches and many other a_.3.The crocodile is a strange- looking c_.4.How much do you c_ for mending this pair of shoes?5.He bought me some _(纪念品) on his travel to Hainan.6.He was elected monitor of the class; only a_ (少数人)are agains

39、t it.7.He had great difficulty in learning the _ (高级的)English course.8.The _ (设备) in this factory was expensive.9.A new _(品种) of wheat was introduced to China.10.Whats your favorite _ (牌子)of shoes?11.You can find the most _ (多种多样的)information on this subject on the Internet.12.You will make a _ (收费)

40、by selling it now; if you wait, the price may fall.13.No one wanted to get _(卷入)in the quarrel.14.Anne _ (助兴)us by dancing.15.Men _(创造)a social and economic position of advantage for themselves over women.*词汇拓展(按要求写出对应的形式)valuable_ (n) amuse_(adj)amuse_(n) creature _(v)athletic _(n) pass _(n)satisfy

41、 _ (n) variety _(adj)entertain _(adj) equip _(n)四、完成句子1.他经常玩游戏消遣.He _ _ _ playing computer games.2.中华民俗村为游客人提供了各种各样的娱乐项目.Chinas Cultural Theme Park offers its visitors _ _ _ amusement.3.他不仅仅是我们的老师,还是我们的朋友.He _ _ _ my teacher. He is my friend as well.4.这双鞋他向我要了$100.He _ _ $ 100 _ that pair of shoes.5.他失败是有些原因的.There _ _ _ why he failed.6.所有的孩子都参加了学校的彩排All the children _ _ _ the school play.7.The film My Fair Lade _ _ _ Pygmalion.(根据.改编)8.They were very happy that they had chances to _ _ _the famous singer.(靠近)9.When I saw pictures, the past _ _ _.(呈现眼前)10.The children there _ _ _ their gra

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