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1、 高三英语作文范文演讲稿Dear teachers and students, Good morning. Im Li Hua from Class 1, Senior 3. Today I am going to give you a speech about reducing the waste on campus.Nowadays, its common to see students wasting things on campus. Many students have formed the habit of wasting things. For example, some lea

2、ve the lights on in the daytime, or let water running after washing. Some leave over much food on the table. Besides, white paper and notebooks that are not completely used are often thrown away. As we all know, these bad habits will have a bad influence on our character and behavior. They not only

3、increase our cost at school and add financial burden to our parents, but also waste the limited resources.In my opinion, its high time that we dealt with this problem. And above all, we should start with ourselves and take action in reducing the waste on campus.1. What I want to talk about today is

4、今天我想讲的是2. Working together, we can make the future better.一起努力,我们会把未来变得更美好。建议信Dear Wang Lin,Im glad to know that you are going to be a senior high school student this September. As a senior 3 student, I have so much experience to share with you. High school life is full of challenges. Making good us

5、e of your time will be of great benefit to efficient study. It is also helpful to preview your lessons before class and take notes in class. High school life can be very colorful as well. I suggest that you participate in some meaningful activities, such as sports and voluntary work to develop yours

6、elf properly and thoroughly. The coming three years will be the most beautiful time in your life. I believe that with your efforts, youll make it fruitful and wonderful.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 家书Dear parents,The hardest time of my life is coming, and I know that you both are very concerned about my s

7、tudies and my life. I can say nothing but thanks to your care and love. These days I have been studying hard and have performed to the best of my abilities in the tests. Ill try my best to accomplish my assignment in the days to come. Everything is going well with me. It is no need for you to worry

8、about me.After the college entrance examination, I intend to help you do some housework, which I have seldom done before. And I want to learn cooking in order to prepare a dinner personally for you both. If you are not too busy with your work, I look forward to more family activities in the summer h

9、oliday.Love,Your son道歉信Tom, I am very sorry that I cant go to Beijing with you next weekend, which I have promised. I feel sorry for it and want you to know what happened. Just now, my cousin, Li Qing, who left home for Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he would return this

10、 Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family. You know, we havent seen each other for nearly a year. I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing. Once aga

11、in, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. All the best. Li Hua1. Much to my regret, I was unable to keep my appointment to do .很抱歉我不能遵守做的约定。2. I will try to make up for my fault.我会尽力弥补我的过错。活动介绍Dear American guests, On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. We are luc

12、ky to have you here in the middle of our English Week activities. As scheduled, we have English Talent Show today. The purpose of this program is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. The program consists of the following activities: recitatio

13、n, singing, word spelling, story-telling and so on. The Show will begin at two oclock this afternoon at the Student Centre. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence. I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us. Thank you. 申请信De

14、ar Sir, I sincerely hope that my family can have the honor to be a host family. My parents are caring and friendly. Our home is next to the city center where easy shopping access and convenient transportation are available. We can offer one separate room for the student. My good command of English m

15、akes me free to communicate with foreigners in daily life. So I believe I will be a qualified host. If given the chance, Ill invite our guest to join in my family get-together. Besides, we can show him/her around the city, getting the student to know more about real life and culture in China. In a w

16、ord, Im eager to provide an impressive trip for the foreign visitors. Hope you can take my application into consideration. 1. I am writing to tell you that I am suitable for the job you are advertising.我写这封信告诉您我很符合您招聘广告中的要求。2. I will be much grateful / I will appreciate it if you can offer me a prec

17、ious opportunity to an interview. 如果您能给我一个珍贵的面试机会,我就不胜感激。3. I hope I will be accepted as a member of 我希望我可以成为的一员。投诉信Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Hua, a passenger of your airline. Im writing to express my discontent about your service yesterday. First of all, my flight was delayed for 8 hours and

18、nobody provided us passengers with meals. Whats worse, the attendants on the plane were unfriendly and impolite to me. At last, what I cannot put up with is that when I arrived at my destination, your airline lost my luggage, in which there are important papers of my company. I think it is your airl

19、ines duty to deliver my luggage to the place where I travel to. I do hope that you could see to this issue and get my luggage back to me as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Hua1. I hate to bring this up, but. 我不想提起这件事,但是2. I am writing to complain about. 我写信向你投诉3. To improve the situation, you

20、can take the following measures. 为了改进这种情况,你们可以采取以下建议。4. Now this problem keeps worrying me, and I hope you will give due attention to this matter. 现在这个问题仍然困扰着我,希望你能对此事给予足够的重视。感谢信Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I am now back to China safe and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks

21、to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in Britain. Your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my summer camp into a beautiful memory. And I will send the key to your house back to you, which I forgot to return befo

22、re I left. I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience it may cause you. I do hope that your whole family pay a visit to China in future, so that I could have the opportunity to repay your friendship. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home. I feel obliged to thank you on

23、ce more.Love, Li Hua1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for我从心底里感谢你,因为2. My true gratitude is beyond any words.任何语言都不能表达我真挚的谢意。邀请信Dear Lucy, Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our

24、culture. Well go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. Well also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 oclock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and well

25、 wait for you at the school gate at 9 in the morning. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua1. It is my pleasure / a great honor for me to invite you to非常荣幸地邀请您参加2. Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation? 如果你能接受我的邀请能否今早让我知道?3. I am sure that you will enjoy yourself here. 我保证你在这儿会玩得很尽兴。4. We will feel much honored if you could come.如果你能来我们就感到不胜荣幸。

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