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1、(完整word版)牛津译林版2017-2018学年8A英语期末模拟试卷牛津译林版2017-2018学年8A期末模拟测试 姓名 得分 一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1. Do you play _ piano in your free time? No, I like sports. I often play _ soccer with my friendsA. /; the B. the; / C. the; the D. a; a( ) 2. I wear blue brown. I only like white clothes. A. not only; B. both;

2、and C. neither; nor D. either; or( ) 3. Most women go shopping watch sports.A. prefer; to B. like; better than C. would rather; to D. would rather; than ( ) 4. of them was so happy when they each given a gift. A. Every one; were B. Everyone; were C. Every one; was D. Everyone; was( ) 5. We all think

3、 Suzy is the most suitable person this position. A. for B. to be C. as D. at( ) 6. Geography is _ too difficult for me. I cant learn it well. Dont give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard. A. seldom B. never C. always D. sometimes( ) 7. _ do you walk your dog? Twice a day. A. How long B. How s

4、oon. C. How often D. How far( ) 8. Shall we have a picnic tomorrow?_ the weather is fine, we will go. A. If B. As C. When D. Because( ) 9. My cousin has poor eyesight _ too much computer work at night.A. because B. as C. since D. because of( )10. Ill try to speak English as _ as you do, so everyone

5、can understand me.A. clear B. clearly C. happy D. happily( )11. Wild animals have _ living areas. Instead, the farms are getting _.A. less and less; more and more B. fewer and fewer; more and moreC. less and less; larger and largerD. fewer and fewer; larger and larger( )12. The group of trees _ some

6、 shade _ us.A. provided; forB. provided; withC. offered; forD. offered; with( )13. What shall we do now? _ its raining hard, lets stay at home.A. So B. Since C. Though D. Otherwise ( )14. Let me introduce myself. Im Albert. _. A. Thats very nice B. Its nice of youC. Nice to meet youD. How nice( )15.

7、The sentence structure of “Eddie is watching Hobo work”. A.S+V+O B.S+V+PC.S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO+OC二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Harry was thinking about the coming evening when he was driving home. “My son is ten years old today! I bought a nice 1 for him. He will be very happy to wear it. I must drink some whisk

8、y (威士忌) for his birthday. Oh, what luck. There is a bottle of whisky in the car.” He looked at the nice green bottle of whisky on the seat and smiled.Harry was busy 2 his sons birthday and didnt notice (注意到) that the traffic lights were turning 3 . He didnt stop his car in time 4 his car hit the car

9、 in front of him. An old man got out of the other car, walked up to Harry and said 5 : “What are you doing? You nearly killed me!”“Im very sorry,” Harry answered. “Please calm down!” He 6 the bottle of whisky out of his car and said: “Drink some, and then youll feel better.” He gave it to the old ma

10、n and the man drank some. But, again, the old man said: “You nearly killed me!”Harry asked him to drink 7 , and the old man did. He drank more and more. At last, he drank too much. Then the old man 8 and said to Harry: “Thank you. I feel much better now. But 9 arent you drinking?” “Oh, well,” Harry

11、answered, “I dont want to drink any whisky now. Im going to sit here and 10 the police.” ( ) 1. A. car B. bottle C. magazine D. present( ) 2. A. driving with B. talking about C. thinking about D. preparing for( ) 3. A. black B. yellow C. green D. red( ) 4. A. because B. and C. when D. but( ) 5. A. a

12、ngrily B. happily C. quickly D. quietly( ) 6. A. made B. found C. poured D. took( ) 7. A. someB. muchC. moreD. little( ) 8. A. criedB. smiledC. agreedD. returned( ) 9. A. why B. what C. how D. when( )10. A. care for B. look for C. ask for D. wait for 三.阅读理解(每小题1分,共15分)AYou may know the English lette

13、rs A, B and C. But do you know there are people called ABCs? Do you know there is such a thing as “a banana person”? How strange! ABC means American-born Chinese. An ABC is a Chinese, but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people call an ABC a “banana person”. A banana is yellow outside. So,

14、when a person is a “banana”, he or she is white insidethinking like a Westerner and yellow outsidelooking like a Chinese.Usually, ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language. Some of them dont speak Chinese. But if ABCs cannot speak Chinese, can we still call them Chinese people? Yes, of co

15、urse. They are overseas(海外的)Chinese. These people may be citizens(公民)of another country like the US, Canada or Singapore. But they have Chinese blood. Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China. They all have black eyes and black hair.But they are not Chinese citizens. Th

16、ey are people of the Peoples Republic of China. For example, we all know the famous scientist C. N. Yang(杨振宁). He got the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957. Chinese people love him. But he is an American citizen.( )1. “ABCs” in this passage means .A. three English lettersB. a kind of banana C. Chinese

17、 born in AmericaD. Americans born in China( )2.Chinese in Western countries are called “banana persons” because .A. their bodies are white inside but yellow outsideB. they think like Westerners but look like ChineseC. they were born in China but go to study in AmericaD. they like to eat bananas( )3.

18、 This passage mainly talks about .A. different kinds of bananasB. overseas ChineseC. the Nobel PrizeD. the story of C.N. YangBLast year Jim was going to join the army( 部队) and had to take a medical examination (体检). The doctor was sitting at a desk when he went in. He said to the man, “Take your coa

19、t and shirt off, and sit on that chair.”Jim did so. The doctor looked at him for a moment without getting up from his chair and then said, “All right. Put your clothes on again.”“But you havent examined me at all.” the young man said in surprise.“There is no need to do so,” the doctor said with a sm

20、ile. “When I told you to take your coat and shirt off, you heard me all right, so there is nothing wrong with your ears. You saw your chair, so your eyes are good. You could take your clothes off and sit on the chair, so you must be in good health. And you understood what I told you to do and you di

21、d it without a mistake(错误), .” ( ) 4. Why did the young man take a medical examination?A. He hurt his ear. B. He hoped to join the army.C. He wanted to get some medicine. D. He was unhealthy.( ) 5. How did the man feel as soon as the medical examination was over?A. Bored. B. Pleased. C. Uncomfortabl

22、e. D. Surprised.( ) 6. Which of the following can be chosen to complete the underlined sentence?A. so I feel sorry for you B. so you are too weak to join the army C. so you need another medical examination D. so you must be clever enough for the armyCDo you want to save(节省) money when you take our t

23、rain to travel? Here are some ways.Day ReturnsThis kind of ticket can save you 45% on the fare. You have to travel before 8:00 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, but you can travel at any time on Saturday or Sunday.Big City SaversYou can save much money with these tickets. You have to b

24、uy them by 4:00 p.m. the day before you travel.Monthly ReturnsYou can use these tickets for most journeys over 65 miles(英里). Go any day and return within(在之内) a month. Monthly Returns can save you 25% on the fare.Family ReturnsYou can get a card of Family Returns for $20. After you buy it, you need

25、to pay only $3 for each of the other family members. You can travel as often as you like within two months.( )62. How many kinds of tickets are mentioned(提及) in the passage? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( )63. Which kind of ticket will you choose if you want to go to another city 75miles away

26、this afternoon and stay there for four days? A. Big City Savers B. Monthly Returns. C. Day Returns. D. Family Returns.( )9. Mr Wu has a card of Family Returns. He and his family members are going to travel. How much will he pay for the tickets for his other three family members? A. $29. B. $12. C. $

27、9. D. $15( )10. Which of the following is true? A. A card of Family Returns can only be used for two months. B. If you want to travel to Paris by air, you can use Big City Savers. C. If you travel to Tokyo for three months, you can use Monthly Returns. D. You can only use Day Returns from 8 a.m. to

28、6 p.m. at the weekend.DAlice spends her summer vacations walking back into history. Alice is 15 and she is a guide who shows visitors around the Fort(城堡) Delaware Museum in New York. This year, I spun wool(纺毛线)on a spinning wheel. Last year, I was a candle maker. My first year, I cared for the garde

29、n and looked after the animals. All the jobs Ive had at the fort have been really fun. Fort Delaware is a living-history museum that shows how life was on the American frontier(边远地区)in the mid-1700s. Reading about history cant compare to experiencing it for yourself , says Alice. The experience begi

30、ns as soon as visitors enter the fort. The smell of wood smoke fills the air. Women in petticoats (long skirts)and men in knee breeches(knee-length shorts) are busy with their chores. The guides show visitors how the settlers(移民)would have carried out everyday work. Kids are surprised when I tell th

31、em that one of their jobs would have been to make candles, says another guide, 16-year-old Jane. They dont realize that kids back then had to work hard. She also shows visitors how to play with toys and games.They are playing historical parts, so the guides cant wear shorts or T-shirts when the weat

32、her is hot. But the clothes of the past can easily change modern kids into people from the l8th century. The clothing felt strange at first, but it does make it easier to get into characters, says Jane.Working at the fort has helped Jane to appreciate her life even more. Alice agrees, The fort has t

33、aught me how hard life was and how much work there was every day. We are so lucky with everything we have now. Life wasnt always this easy.11.Fort Delaware in New York is a museum. A. living-history B. toy C. candle D. clothing12. Alice has been to the Fort Delaware museum at least . A. once B. twic

34、e C .three times D. four times13. Which of the following is TURE about the life on the American frontier in the mid-1700s? A. People couldnt make fire. B. Kids played with toys and games all day long. C. People could use a spinning wheel. D. Kids didnt feed the animals.14. Why do modern kids have to

35、 wear the strange clothing while playing historical parts? A. Because wearing the strange clothing makes kids fun. B. Because it is easier for kids to get into characters. C. Because kids like wearing the strange clothing. D. Because the weather is hot.15.The main idea of this passage is that . A. a

36、ll the jobs Alice has had at the fort have been really fun B. how hard life was and how much work there was in the past C. reading about history can compare to experiencing it for yourself D. we are so lucky with everything we have now, and then we must appreciate them四.词汇(每小题1分,共15分)A.请根据括号中的中文提示,英

37、文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. They taught how to chat online when they were 8 years old (自己).2. There is much _ (雾) these days, so please drive carefully. 3.He had quite an_ (糟糕的) day yesterday.4.We always have a great time with each other during lunchtime (聊天).5.It is necessary for everyone to know the

38、_( 重要 ) of wetlands.6.Yangzhou is in the _ (east) part of China.7. He was quite lucky to stay _ (live) after the accident.8. If we do nothing, soon there wont be any pandas _ (leave) in the world. .9. How many _(wolf) can you see in the picture? 10、My home is full of people today, because it is my f

39、athers _ (fifty) birthday.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。(travel weigh snow taste repair)11. Dont play outside. It so heavily.12.Yummy! The chicken so delicious! Dont you know I am a good cook13. He only 3 kilograms at birth, but now he is tall and strong.14.Did you see a man in black pass by ju

40、st now? Sorry sir. I my car and didnt notice that.15.I cant decide when I around the world, because it is a sweet dream.五.翻译句子。(每小题2分,共10分)1.我们最好不要为孩子们提供昂贵的学习用品。 2.太多的工作导致了他的疾病。 3.因为失去了生活领域,大熊猫们正面临严重的问题。 4.老师建议我们继续努力。 5.昨天当妈妈进房间时,我正在吃草毒。 六、缺词填空(共10空,每空1分,计10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Now

41、adays, there are many ways to learn and enjoy ourselves. But why do many people still do some r 1 every day? Firstly, it is f_2_ to read books. You can always k_3_ yourself happy if you like reading. This is especially useful when the weather is bad. It is a relaxing h_4_ too. You can really become

42、lost in a book. Next, you can read a book almost a_5_, in a car, in a waiting room, on a plane, in bed -even in the bath. A_6_ you need is a book! Reading is a convenient(方便的) hobby as it is easy to s_7_ and then start again. Another good r_8_ for reading books is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby you will get better and better at it. This means that you will read faster and will become better at u_9_ what you read. As your reading improves, you will find your school work becomes much e_10_. Many school subjects depend on good reading and as you read,

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