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1、七年级下册Unit 2 同步测试卷(测试时间90分钟,满分100分)卷I (选择题,共55分).单项选择。(共25小题,每小题1分,计25分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1.-Is there a fruit shop _ the neighborhood? -Yes,its _Center Street _the right. A. on;on;in B. in;on;in C. on;down;to D. in;down;on( )2. Bridge Street is a good place to have _. A. fun B. a fun C. funs D. funni

2、ng( )3. They take a walk _ the park every day. A. across B. throughC. past D. pass( )4. It is a small house _ a small garden. A. has B. to C. with D. have( )5. -Is there a bike in the supermarket? -_.A. Yes,it is B. No,it isnt C. Yes,there isnt D. Yes,there is( )6. My best friend sits next _ me. A.

3、to B. on C. in D. beside( )7. His home is on a _ street, so its very noisy (嘈杂的) during the day. A. quiet B. busy C. clean D. dirty( )8. Just go straight and _ left. A. go B. come C. take D. turn( )9. The girl next _ Nancy is talking to her in English. A. at B. in C. to D. of( )10. The park is acros

4、s the supermarket. A. in B. on C. from D. of( )11. The pay phone is the post office and the library.A. in B. between C. near D. from( )12. Let me tell you the way _ the bank . A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )13.There is a big supermarket _ this street . A. at B. from C. on D. between( )14. Bridge Street

5、is a good _ to have fun . A. place B. bank C. house D. way ( )15.There _ a hotel and two restaurants on this street . A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )16.Mother puts the desk _ the two beds . A. on B. atC C. between D. in ( )17. Mum likes reading , and she often goes to the _. A. classroom B. school C

6、. park D. library ( )18.Let me _ you the way _ the supermarket . A. to tell, to B. to tell, at C. tell, to D. tell, at ( )19.Please look around. What can you see your right? A. in B. on C .at D. for( )20.-Excuse me._ can I get to the airport? -Take a taxi. A. What B. When C. How D. Why( )21. Let Jan

7、e the art club. She likes drawing. A. joining B. join C. joins D. to joun( )22.The park is across the supermarket.A .in B. on C. from D. of( )23. Martin is sitting next me. We are good friends. A. to B. on C. around D. about( )24. My uncle will_ Beijing next Sunday. A. get B. arrive in C. arrive at

8、D. reach to( )25.There is a bank _. A. on my way home B. at my way home C. on my way to home D. at my way to home.完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Peter and Charly will go to the movie house. But Peter doesnt know the_26_. Charly writes the way_27_a piece of paper. Walk strai

9、ght the Sun Avenue_28_you see a restaurant. _29_ left and you are_30_the Center Street. You will go past a library. Then turn right. Go straight and you will see a park _31_ you. Go_32_ the park and turn left. After you pass_33_ shop, you will see a supermarket. The movie house is _34_ the supermark

10、et. You cant_35_ (错过) it.( )26. A. way B. road C. time D. street( )27. A. at B. on C. with D. by( )28. A. after B. while C. until D. to( )29. A. walk B. take C. turn D. round( )30. A. on B. at C. in D. for( )31. A. behind B. from C. in the front of D. in front of( )32. A. over B. through C. on D. cr

11、oss( )33. A. seventh B. seven C. five D. the first( )34. A. next B. between C. next to D. to( )35. A. see B. look C. lost D. miss.阅读理解。(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)阅读A、B两篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AIll Show You the Way Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in his car. One evening he was driving along a road

12、 and looking for a small hotel, when he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?” “Yes, ” the old man answered. “Ill show you the way.” He got into Pats car, and they drove for about twelve miles. When they ca

13、me to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here. ” Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isnt a hotel,” he said to the old man. “No, ” the old man answered, “This is my house. And now Ill show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then youll see the Sun Hotel o

14、n the left.”( )36. What was Pat looking for? A. The Sun Hotel B. The Moon hotel C. the Star Hotel ( )37. Whom did Pat meet?A. A policeman B. An old man C. An old woman ( )38. Where did the old man take Pat to? A. The Sun Hotel B. A supermarket C. The old mans house. ( )39. How far did Pat drive afte

15、r the old man got into his car? A. Five miles B. Twelve miles C. Three miles( )40. How far was the hotel from where Pat saw the old man? A. Twelve miles B. Nine miles C. Three milesB Sam lives in New York. His father has a shop and his mother is a doctor. Hes seven years old now and begins to go to

16、school this autumn. Its a little far from their shop and his father drives a car to take him to school every day. So hes never late for class and his teachers like him. Its Monday today. Miss Hunt is teaching them to count from one to ten. Sam is studying hard. Soon he can count them. Miss Hunt is h

17、appy and asks, “How many people are there in your family, Sam?” Sam stands up and says, “Two, Miss Hunt.” “Who are they?” “My father and mother.” “Oh?” Miss Hunt is surprised. She says, “Therere three people in your family.” “But now Im not at home. Im at school. You know!”( )41. Sam is_ A. an Engli

18、sh boy B. an American boy C. an English girl D. an American girl( )42.Sam is in Grade_now. _ A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )43. Sam usually goes to school_. A. on foot B. by bike C. by car D. by bus( )44. _. So Miss Hunt is happy today. A. Sam is late for class B. Sam studies Chinese C. The childr

19、en are good at English D. Sam can count from one to ten ( )45. Which of the following (下面的) is wrong? A. Sam is at school now. B. There are two people in Sams family C. There are three people n Sams family D. Miss Hunt doesnt know how many people there are in Sams family. 卷II (非选择题,共45分.任务型阅读。(共5小题,

20、每小题2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成下列试题。 Sam: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Peoples Park?Jack: Im sorry. I am new in the city.Sam: Thank you all the same. Are you American? Jack: No, I come from Canada. What about you? Sam: Im from America. I come here with my parents. But now I cant find them.Jack

21、: Do you know where theyre going? Sam: Yes. Were going to the Peoples Park.Jack: Oh, its about thirty minutes walk from here. Do you have a travel map? Sam: Yes. But I am not good at reading a map.Jack: Dont worry. Ill help you. I think its easy(容易) to read a map. Look. Were standing here, in front

22、of the shopping center. Youd better go along this street, take the first turning on the right, then take the fourth turning on your left, 继续往前走,直到你看到很多高树为止, the park is behind the trees. Sam: Oh, dear! I cant remember so much.Jack: Why not take a taxi? It can take you right there.Sam: A good idea! T

23、hank you very much.Jack: Youre welcome.46. Sam doesnt know the way to the Peoples Park., does he? _. 47. Where does Sam come from?. _. 48.将处划线部分译成汉语。 _.49.将处划线部分译成英语。 _.( )50. Sam is going there by_. A. bus B. taxi C. car D. bike.词语运用。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。51.I do

24、nt like the park because its very _ (嘈杂).52.Peter needs some money. He can go to a _ (银行)to get some. 53.The supermarket is on the_ (五) Avenue.54.Lets read from the _ (开始) of this book.55.Do you have anything to eat? Im so _. (饥饿的).基础写作。(包括A、B两部分,A部分10分,B部分15分,共计25分)A)连词成句。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)将所给单词连成完整

25、、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)56. pay, the, phone, library ,across, from ,is ,the _.57 there, a ,.is, hotel ,the, in ,neighborhood _? 58. is ,the ,this ,beginning, the ,garden ,of, tour _.59. I ,you ,are ,know ,next, arriving ,Sunday _.60. hope ,I ,you ,a ,good ,have ,trip _.Unit 2 同步测试卷 . 1.D 2. A 3. B 4.

26、 C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C 11. B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.B 25. 26.A way是指路线。27.B 28.A until,在之前 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.B through直穿 33.D 序数词要the修饰。 34.C 35. D miss在此表示错失。. 36.A 37.B 38.C 39.B 40.C 41. B 解析:第一句话说Sam住在纽约,所以判断她、42. A 解析:第三句话提到“他现在7岁,今秋开始上学”,所以是一年

27、级。43. C. 解析:他爸爸每天开车送他上学。 44. D 解析:老师高兴是因为Sam 学得快,能从1数到10了。 45. B 解析:Sam 家有3口人。 .46. No, he doesnt. 47. He comes from Canada. 48. 你最好沿着街走,在第一个拐弯处向右拐。49. walk on until you see a lot of tall trees. 50. B. 51.noisy 52.bank 53. fifth 54. beginning 55. hungry.A)56. The pay phone is across from the library

28、. 57. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? 58. This is the beginning of the garden tour. 59. I know you are arriving next Sunday. 60. I hope you have a good trip.B)A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the New Hotel?B: Sure. Go straight along the Bank Street. When you get to the first corner, turn right. Then go along Sixth Avenue, you can get to the hospital. The New Hotel is next to the hospital.A: Is it far from here?B: No, it is about ten minutes walk.A: Thank you very much. /Many thanks.

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