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1、Adorn,verb(adorns,adorning,adorned)embellish,garnish,ornament,trimFor example,if someone adorns a place,he puts decorations on it.His watercolor designs adorn a wide range of books.Magnificent,adjective(magnificently,magnificence)extraordinary,glorious,grand,splendid,superb,wonderfulFor example,if y

2、ou say that something or someone is magnificent,you mean that you think it is extremely good.It is a magnificent country house in wooded grounds.Impressive,adjective(impressively,impress,impression)awe-inspiring,grand,moving,thrilling;something that is impressive impresses you.For example,it is grea

3、t in size or in degree or is done with a great deal of skill.It is an impressive achievement.Impress,verb(impresses,impressed,impressing)affect,influence,persuade,swayFor example,if something impresses you,you feel great admiration for it.What impressed him most was their speed.Deal,noun(dealer,deal

4、ings,dealt,dealing)agreement,arrangement,bargain,contract,understandingFor example,if you say that you need or have a great deal of or a good deal of a particular thing,you are emphasizing that you need or have a lot of it.r m in a position to save you a good deal of time.Throughout,pepositionFor ex

5、ample,if you say that something happens throughout a particular time,you mean that it happens during the whole of that period.The national tragedy of rival groups killing each other continued throughout 1990.Tragedy,noun(tragic,tragically)calamity,catastrophe,disaster,misadventureFor example,a trage

6、dy is an extremely sad event or situation.They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy.Involve,verb(involved,involves,involving,involvement)comprise,consist of,contain,entail,includeFor example,if a situation or activity involves something,that thing is a necessary part or consequence of it.Runni

7、ng a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed.Run,verb(runs,ran,running)function,operate,administer,control,govern,and manageFor example,if you run something such as a business or an activity,you are in charge of it or you organize it.His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business.Disci

8、pline,noun(disciplines,disciplining,disciplined)chastisement,correction,punishment,control,moderation,restraintOrder and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.Consequence,noun(consequences,consequently)aftermath,effect,price,repercussion,resultFor example,the c

9、onsequences of something are the results or effects of it.Her lawyer said she understood the consequence of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.Step-father,nounSomeone s step-father is the man who has married a child s mother after the death or divorce of his father.Her step-father has been m

10、arried to her mother for five years.Enormous,adj(enormously)big,giant,huge,immense,jumbo,tremendousFor example,something that is enormous is extremely large in size or amount.The main bedroom is enormous.Rival,noun,verb(rivals,rivaling,rivaled)challenger,competitor,contender,adversary,enemyFor examp

11、le,your rival is a person,business,or organization against whom you are competing or fighting in the same area or for the same things.He eliminated his rival in brutal struggle for power.Compete,verb(competes,competing,competed,competition,competitive,competitively)contend,contest,rival,vie,combat,f

12、ight,strive,oppose;For example,when one firm or country competes with another,it tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to those of the other firms or countries.You can also say that two firms or countries compete.The banks have long competed with American Express s charge cards and

13、various store cards.For example,if you compete with someone for something,you try to get it for yourself and stop the other person from getting it.You can also say that two people compete for something.Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water.Preference,noun(pref

14、erences prefer,preferred,preferably)choice,desire,favorite,option,selectionFor example,if you have a preference for something,you would like to have or do that thing rather than something else.Many or these products were bought because customers had a preference for them.In preference to,noun phrase

15、If you choose one thing in preference to another,you choose it instead because it is better.Many people choose the train in preference to driving.1.Start the software,entering Welcome View2.Press the shell in the center of view,entering Unit and Group Selection View3.Choose the unit and group you wa

16、nt to practise and press the Run button,entering Main View4.Based on the red explanation in the top of view,guess the word corresponding to the text,and follow its alphabetic order to press the fish with the corresponding.5.Press?button to get help,press-button when you have made a mistakeWeb:http:/

17、 example,if you engrave something with a design of words,or if you engrave a design or words on it,you cut the design or words onto its surface.Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.Inscription,noun(inscriptions,inscribe)carving,engraving,epitaph,etchingFor e

18、cample,ai hscription$witing carved hto mething nude of Sone or metal,f)r example a gravestone or metal.Above its dooK vas a Utin hscriptionBrutal,adj(brutalize,brutality,brutally)vicious,savage,cruel,fierce,harsh,inhuman,ruthless,unmerciful,unforgiving For example,a brutal act or person is cruel and

19、 violent.He was the victim of a very brutal murder.Struggle,verb(struggles,struggling,struggled)attempt,endeavor,offer,seek,strive,undertake For example,if you struggle to do something,you try hard to do it,even though other people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed.They had to

20、struggle against all kinds of adversity.For example,if two people struggle with each other,they fight.She screamed at him to stop it as they struggled on the ground.(noun)He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming Britain.Adversity,noun(adversities,adversary,adverse

21、ly)misfortune,mischance,mishap,tragedyFor example,adversity is a very difficult or unfavorable situation.He showed courage in adversity.Awkward,adjective(awkwardness,awkwardly)bumbling,clumsy,halting,heavy-handed,hept,Umbering,uncomfortableFor example,a situation in which you feel so embarrassed tha

22、t you are not sure what to do or ay.The more she tried to get out of the situation,the more awkward it became.Make things awkward,verb phraseFor example,to cause trouble and make a situation very difficultShe could make things very awkward if she wanted to.Prison,noun(prisons,imprison,imprisoned)can

23、,cooler,lockup,pen,penitentiary,reformatory,stockadeFor example,a prison is a building where criminals are kept as punishment or where people accused of crime are kept before their trial.After being convicted of bank robbery,she was sent to prison.Favorable,adjective(favors,favorably,favorite)agreea

24、ble,good,grateful,gratifying,nice,pleasing,pleasurable,welcomeFor example,if your opinion or your reaction is favorable to something,you agree with it and approve of it.If something makes a favorable impression on you or is a favorable to you,you like it and approve of it.His ability to talk while e

25、ating fast made a favorable impression on his dining companions.Accuse,verb(accuses,accusing,accused,accusation)arraign,charge,criminalize,impeach,incriminate,inculpate,indictFor example,if you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest,you say or tell them that you believe that they did.M

26、y mom was really upset because he was accusing her of having an affair with another man.Approve,verb(approves,approving,approved,approval)accept favor,go for,accredit,certify,endorse,OK(or okay),sanctionFor example,if you approve of an action,event,or suggestion,you like it or are pleased.Not everyo

27、ne approved of the festival.Upset,adj(upsets,upsetting,and upset)agitate,bother,discombobulate,disquiet,disturb,flurry,fluster,perturb,unhinge For example,if you are upset,you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened to you.After she died,I felt very,very upset.For examp

28、le,if something upsets you,it makes you feel worried or unhappy.The whole incident had upset me and my fiancee terribl y.Incident,noun(incidents,incidentally)occurrence,circumstance,episode,event,happening,occasion,things For example,an incident is something that happens,especially something that is

29、 unusual.These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between two nations.Dispute,noun(disputes,disputing,disputed)argue,bicker,hassle,quibble,squabble,wrangle For example,a dispute is an argument or disagreement between people or groups.They have won previous pay disputes with he goernme

30、nt.(verb)If you dispute a fact,statement,or theory,you say that it is incorrect or untrue.He disputed the allegations.Allegation,noun(allegations allege,alleged,allegedly)For example,an allegation is a statement saying that someone has done something wrong.The company denied the allegation.Affair,no

31、un(affairs)business,concern,matter,shooting match,thingFor example,if an event or series of events has been mentioned and you want to talk about it again,you can refer to it as the affair.The government has mishandled the whole affair.Mishandle,verb(mishandles,mishandling,mishandled)abuse,misapply,d

32、isapprove,misuse,pervert,prostitute For example,if you say that someone has mishandled something,you are critical of them because you think the have dealt with it badly.She completely mishandled an important project purely through lack of attention.Critical,adjective(criticism,criticize,critique)acu

33、te,climacteric,crucial,desperate,dire For example,a critical time,factor,or situation is extremely important.The incident happened at a critical point in the campaign.For example,a critical situation is very serious and dangerous.The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation bec

34、omes critical.He is in critical condition after the auto accident.For example,to be critical of someone or something means to criticize them.His report is highly critical of the trial judge.Campaign,noun(campaign,campaigning,campaigned)For example,a campaign is a planned set of activities that peopl

35、e carry out over a period of time in order to achieve something such as social or political change.During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet.(verb)If someone campaigns for something,they carry out a planned set of activities over a period of time in order to achiev

36、e their aim.We are campaigning to improve the legal status of woman.Carry out administer,administrate,execute,govern,renderFor example,if you carry out a threat,task,or instruction,you do it or act according to it.Police say that they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists.Commitments

37、have been made with little intention of carrying them out.Election,noun(elections,elect,electioneer,elective)choice,alternative,option,preference,selectionFor example,an election is a process in which people vote to choose a person or group of people to hold an official position.The final election r

38、esults will be announced on Friday.Legal,adjective(legalize,legality,legally)lawful,innocent,legitimate,licitFor example,legal is used to describe things that relate to the law.He vowed to take legal action.1 sought legal advice on this.Threat,noun(threaten,threatened,threatening)danger,menace,liabi

39、lityFor example,a threat to a person or things is a danger that something unpleasant might happen to them.A threat is also the cause of this danger.Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.Secure,verb(secures,securing,secured)cover,fend,guard,protect,safeguard,screen,shieldFo

40、r example,if you secure something that you want or need,you obtain it,often after a lot of effort.Secure is used in a formal context.Federal leaders continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.Obtain,verb(obtains,obtaining,obtained)acquire,annex,chalk up,gain,have,pick up,procure,secure,winFor exa

41、mple,to obtain something means to get it or achieve it.The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain.Cease-fire,noun(cease-fires)truce,armisticeFor example,a cease-fire is an agreement in which countries or groups of people that are fighting each other agree to stop fighting.They have agreed

42、to a cease-fire after three years of conflict.Investigate,noun(investigates,investigating,investigated,investigation)explore,delve(into),dig(into),go(into),inquire(into),look(into),probe,prospect,sift For example,if someone,especially an official,investigates an event,situation,or claim,he tries to

43、find out what happened or what the truth is.Police are still investigating how the accident happened.Dispatch,verb(dispatches,dispatching,dispatched)address,consign,forward,remit,route,ship,transmitFor example,if you dispatch someone to a place,you send him there for a particularreason.The ialian go

44、ernment was preparing t)dspatch 4,000 soldiers b search he island.Replacement,noun(replace,replaced)alternate,backup,fill-in,pinch hitter,stand-in,sub,surrogateFor example,if you refer to the replacement of one thing by another,you mean that second thing takes the place of the first.Let,s investigat

45、e the problem before we dispatch replacements.the replacement of damaged or lost books.Substitute,verb(substitutes,substituting,substituted)exchange,change,swap,switch,tradeFor example,if you substitute one thing for another,or if one thing substitutes for another,it takes the place or performs the

46、function of the other thing.They were substituting violence for dialog.Vague,adjective(vaguer,vaguest)ambiguous,equivocal,opaque,uncertain,unclear,inexplicit,unintelligibleFor example,if something written or spoken is vague,it does not explain or express things clearly.A lot of talk was apparently v

47、ague and general.Apparently,adverb(apparent)ostensibly,evidently,officially,outwardly,professedly,seeminglyFor example,you use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard,but you are not certain that it is true.Apparently,the girls are not amused by th

48、e whole business.Amuse,verb(amuses,amusing,amused)divert,entertain,recreateFor example,if something amuses you,it makes you want to laugh and smile.The thought seemed to amuse him.Municipal,adjective(municipality)urban,cityFor example,municipal means associated with or belonging to a city or town.A

49、new mayor will be elected in the upcoming municipal election.Upcoming,adjectiveapproaching,coming,nearing,oncoming,forthcomingFor example,upcoming events will happen in the near future.We 11 face a tough fight in the upcoming election.Vintage,adjective(vintages)old fashioned,antiquated,antique,archa

50、ic,dated,old,outdated,outmodedFor example,you can use vintage to describe something which is the best and most typical of its kind.Are you interested in vintage automobiles?Veritable,adjectiveauthentic,bona fide,genuine,indubitable,real,sure-enough,true,undoubtedFor example,you can use veritable to

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