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1、三一口语5级自选话题稿-我爱游泳三一口语5级自选话题稿-我爱游泳 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(三一口语5级自选话题稿-我爱游泳)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为三一口语5级自选话题稿-我爱游泳的全部内容。云舟学校咨询电话51287249云舟学校网址三一口语5级自选话题稿-我爱游泳My fa

2、vorite sport-swimming云舟学员:万馨阳 考试级别:三一五级 云舟指导老师:王晓帅云舟王老师点评:三一五级的话题中,主要考察的,要求能够谈论未来,表达对事物的偏好和喜爱,并且能够描述一件事情发生的过程,而孩子们一般会就自己最熟悉和感兴趣的事情作为自选话题的主题,小作者选取了最喜欢的运动,这也是很多孩子会选择的话题。下面我们就来看看我们的小作者是如何谈论的吧.1。 Why do I prefer swimming?I Prefer swimming to other sports because swimming is good for my health and it is

3、easy to learn but other sports are difficult to learn。 Whats more I love water especially in summer. For me I think swimming is very interesting。 When I go into the water I feel relaxed and comfortable。 云舟王老师点评:这一段中小作者使用了prefer来表达取舍,还用了because来表达原因,使用得非常到位,体现了5级的语言功能。同时连词Whats more 使用的也非常棒,这可以使句子之间不

4、那么僵硬,句与句之间的联系更加紧密。Q; Do you like swimming, Sir/Madam?(反问做得也不错)2。 When did I begin to learn swimming?I began to learn swimming when I was 5 years old. Last year I got a swimming teacher at school。 He is handsome and friendly。 Also he is good at swimming and sometimes he told us some swimming skills i

5、n a humorous way. His sound is very special and always hoarse(嘶哑的). 3。 How have I learnt swimming?I have learnt swimming for 1 year but I can swim very well。 When I began to learn swimming I couldnt swim very well. For example the first time I went into the water I swallowed (吞) some water and I was

6、 scared。 Also the first time I went into water I fell down and I hurt my knee. Whats more when I began to learn breaststroke(蛙泳) I fell down to the water。 I shouted loudly but nobody heard me。 At that time I was very scared. Even though(尽管) I have met a lot of difficulty I still have learnt how to s

7、wimming。 By the way I am the fastest one to swim。 云舟王老师点评:这段中,现在完成时体现得非常好,由于现在完成时是5级的一个非常重要的语法点,所以考生在表达的时候一定把这个点体现出来.与此同时本段中举例子来表述的方法,小作者也做得非常好,运用举例子的方法来充实自己的语言.4. Who is my favorite swimming player?My favorite swimming player is Phelps who is from America and he has got many gold medals。 So he has

8、got another name flying fish(这一称号使得文章诙谐幽默). Also he is very special because has got 7(现在完成时和原因从句使用得非常好) gold medals。 I like him very much because he is good at swimming and he is very handsome。 Whats more he is very talented. 5. What have I benefited(好处) from swimming?I have benefited a lot from swi

9、mming. First, swimming is a very good sport because it can exercise my body. Whats more it can make my body flexible(灵活的)。 Second, if there is a flood I can save myself. So I think swimming is very useful。 Third, it is not tiring(累人的) and it can exercise my whole body(全身). 云舟王老师点评:这一段中小作者不仅使用了三一5级的语法点和语言功能,而且还使用了情态动词,使得文章更得成熟,饱满。本段中分点陈述的方法也值得学习,这样可以使文章思路更加清晰明了。6。 Will I continue (继续) to swim in the future?Yes, I will continue to swim in the future because swimming is useful sport.(用will表达将来的用法也是5级的语法点)云舟王老师总体点评:总体来看,小作者三一五级语法点和语言功能的使用还是很到位的,文章中不乏诙谐幽默,这一点值得其他考生学习.同时此文条理清晰,通俗易懂,是一篇不错的文章。

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