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1、新GRE阅读理解36套GRE-RC-36This page is intentionally left blank.目 录新GRE阅读理解36套.1提示.1Exercise 1.1Exercise 2.7Exercise 3.13Exercise 4.19Exercise 5.24Exercise 6.29Exercise 7.34Exercise 8.40Exercise 9.47Exercise 10.53Exercise 11.59Exercise 12.65Exercise 13.71Exercise 14.78Exercise 15.84Exercise 16.90Exercise

2、17.96Exercise 18.101Exercise 19.107Exercise 20.113Exercise 21.119Exercise 22.125Exercise 23.130Exercise 24.136Exercise 25.141Exercise 26.147Exercise 27.153Exercise 28.159Exercise 29.165Exercise 30.170Exercise 31.175Exercise 32.181Exercise 33.187Exercise 34.193Exercise 35.199Exercise 36.205答 案.210提示1

3、.文章篇幅、题目数量、文章与题目难度、文字界面等均有可能与正式考试有差别。使用本材料训练 者请遵循风险自担原则。但同时,编者已经尽可能使本材料符合实际考试情况。2.练习Exercisel-16有4-6篇文章,12-13道题,与笔试情况相符,可作为基础训练材料。从练习17 开始,每个练习有10道题,涉及4篇文章(1长3短或4篇皆为短文章)和1个逻辑单题的短文章,与现有的机考光盘情况相符,我们预期这是实际考试的情况,可作为模拟训练材料。(按照现有的光 盘资料,含有长文章的Sectio n的阅读量会比全部由短文章组成的Sectio n的阅读量多200-300字,这种不对等情况令人感到困惑,请考生留意

4、。)3.一个练习的做题时间可控制在15-17分钟;如果能够在此时间内完成练习1-16,则完成练习17及以 后的内容自然时间可以保证。按照目前机考光盘的情况,一个语文Sectio n会有填空题和阅读题各 10道。10道填空题中包含4道6选2的同义词填空题和6道正常填空题(5选1填空,以及多空格 填空),10道阅读题中包含1道逻辑单题与9道正常阅读题。4.实际机考时,2个语文部分仅会有一个Sectio n会有一篇长文章;但为增加训练难度,本材料也许连 续2个Sectio n都出现长文章,其出现频率比考试时略高。此外,每个sectio n预计会有同义词题1-2 道;在设计时考虑到同义词题较容易,故减

5、少出题率,就此而言,本材料或许会比真实考试题目略 难。另外,按光盘情况,考试时或许出现高亮句子或短语,本练习材料未能在形式上完全反映。以 上或更多可能存在的差别,请考生留意。5.建议以2-4个练习为单位进行循环训练。首先按照考试要求时间连续做掉2-4个练习,然后反复再 做3-4遍,这时主要目标不是做对,而是总结文章结构及出题规律,之后再转向新的2-4练习,依次 下去。6.欢迎本材料使用者以各种方式就本材料的内容提出改善建议。Exercise 1Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following reading passage.Immedia tely rel

6、eva nt to ga me theo ry a re the sex ra tio s in certa in pa ra sitic w a sp species tha t ha ve a la rge excess o f fema les.In these species,fertilized eggs Line develo p into fema les a nd unfertilized eggs into ma les.5 A fema le sto res sperm a nd ca n determine the sex o f ea ch egg she la ys

7、by fertilizing it o r lea ving it unfertilized.By Fishers genetic a rgument tha t the sex ra tio w ill be fa vo red w hich ma ximizes the number o f descenda nts a n individua l w ill ha ve a nd hence the 10 number o f gene co pies tra nsmitted,it sho uld pa y a fema le to pro duce equa l numbers o

8、f so ns a nd da ughters.Ha milto n,no ting tha t the eggs develo p w ithin their ho st-the la rva o f a no ther insect-a nd tha t the new ly emerged a dult w a sps ma te immedia tely a nd disperse,75 o ffered a rema rka bly co gent a na lysis.Since o nly o ne fema le usua lly la ys eggs in a given l

9、a rva,it w o uld pa y her to pro duce o ne ma le o nly,beca use this o ne ma le co uld fertilize a ll his sisters o n emergence.Like Fisher,Ha milto n lo o ked fo r a n evo lutio na rily sta ble stra tegy,20 but he w ent a step further in recognizing tha t he w a s lo o king fo r a stra tegy.1.The a

10、 utho r suggests tha t the w o rk o f Fisher a nd Ha milto n w a s simila r in tha t bo th scientists(A)co nducted their resea rch a t a ppro xima tely the sa me time(B)so ught to ma nipula te the sex ra tio s o f so me o f the a nima ls they studied(C)so ught a n expla na tio n o f w hy certa in se

11、x ra tio s exist a nd rema in sta ble(D)studied ga me theo ry,thereby pro viding impo rta nt gro undw o rk fo r the la ter develo pment o f stra tegy theo ry(E)studied repro ductio n in the sa me a nima l speciesFor the following question,consider each of the choices separately and select all that a

12、pply2.The pa ssa ge co nta ins info rma tio n tha t w o uld a nsw er w hich o f the fo llo w ing questio ns a bo ut w a sps?|A How ma ny eggs do es She fema le w a sp|usua lly la y in a single ho st la rva?|b Ca n so me species o f w a sp determine sex|ra tio s a mo ng their o ffspring?|c Wha t is t

13、he a ppro xima te sex ra tio|a mo ng the o ffspring o f pa ra sitic w a sps?3.Which o f the fo llo w ing is NOT true o f the species o f pa ra sitic w a sps discussed in the pa ssa ge?(A)Adult fema le w a sps a re ca pa ble o f sto ring sperm.(B)Fema le w a sps la y their eggs in the la rva e o f o

14、ther insects.(C)The a dult fema le w a sp ca n be fertilized by a ma le tha t w a s ha tched in the sa me la rva a s herself.(D)So few ma le w a sps a re pro duced tha t extinctio n is a lmo st certa in.(E)Ma le w a sps do no t emerge fro m their ho sts until they rea ch sexua l ma turity.1Questions

15、 4 to 5 are based on the following reading passage.To cqueville,a ppa rently,w a s w ro ng.Ja ckso nia n America w a s no t a fluid,ega lita ria n so ciety w here individua l w ea lth a nd po verty w ere ephemera lLine co nditio ns.At lea st to a rgues E.Pessen in his 5 ico no cla stic study o f the

16、 very rich in the United Sta tes betw een 1825 a nd 1850.Pessen do es present a qua ntity o f exa mples,to gether w ith so me refreshingly intelligible sta tistics,to esta blish the existence o f a n ino rdina tely w ea lthy cla ss.Tho ugh 10 a ctive in co mmerce o r the pro fessio ns,mo st o f the

17、w ea lthy w ere no t self-ma de,but ha d inherited fa mily fo rtunes.In no sense mercuria l,these grea t fo rtunes survived the fina ncia l pa nics tha t destro yed lesser o nes.Indeed,in severa l cities the w ea lthiest o ne percent 75 co nsta ntly increa sed its sha re until by 1850 it o w ned ha

18、lf o f the co mmunitys w ea lth.Altho ugh these o bserva tio ns a re true,Pessen o verestima tes their impo rta nce by co ncluding fro m them tha t the undo ubted pro gress to w a rd inequa lity in the la te eighteenth century 20 co ntinued in the Ja ckso nia n perio d a nd tha t the UnitedSta tes w

19、 a s a cla ss-ridden,pluto cra tic so ciety even befo re industria liza tio n.(162 w o rds)4.Acco rding to the pa ssa ge,Pessen indica tes tha t a ll o f the fo llo w ing w ere true o f the very w ea lthy in the United Sta tes betw een 1825 a nd 1850 EXCEPT:(A)They fo rmed a distinct upper cla ss.(B

20、)Ma ny o f them w ere a ble to increa se their ho ldings.(C)So me o f them w o rked a s pro fessio na ls o r in business.(D)Mo st o f them a ccumula ted their o w n fo rtunes.(E)Ma ny o f them reta ined their w ea lth in spite o f fina ncia l uphea va ls.5.Which o f the fo llo w ing best sta tes the

21、 a utho rs ma in po int?(A)Pessens study ha s o verturned the previo usly esta blished view o f the so cia l a nd eco no mic structure o f ea rly nineteenth-century America.(B)To cquevilles a na lysis o f the United Sta tes in the Ja ckso nia n era rema ins the definitive a cco unt o f this perio d.

22、(C)Pessens study is va lua ble prima rily beca use it sho w s the co ntinuity o f the so cia l system in the United Sta tes thro ugho ut the nineteenth century.(D)The so cia l pa tterns a nd po litica l po w er o f the extremely w ea lthy in the United Sta tes betw een 1825 a nd 1850 a re w ell do c

23、umented.(E)Pessen cha llenges a view o f the so cia l a nd eco no mic system in the United Sta tes fro m 1825 to 1850,but he dra w s co nclusio ns tha t a re inco rrect.2Ana ero bic glyco lysis is a pro cess in w hich energy is pro duced,w itho ut o xygen,thro ugh the brea kdo w n o f muscle glyco g

24、en into la ctic a cid a nd a deno sine tri-Line pho spha te(ATP),the energy pro vider.The a mo unt 5 o f energy tha t ca n be pro duced a na ero bica lly is afunctio n o f the a mo unt o f glyco gen presentin a ll vertebra tes a bo ut 0.5 percent o f their muscles4 w et w eight.Thus the a na ero bic

25、 energy reserves o f a vertebra te a re pro po rtio na l to the size o f the a nima l.If,fo r 10 exa mple,so me preda to rs ha d a tta cked a 100-to n dino sa ur,no rma lly to rpid,the dino sa ur w o uld ha ve been a ble to genera te a lmo st insta nta neo usly,via a na ero bic glyco lysis,the energ

26、y o f 3,000 huma ns a t ma ximum o xida tive meta bo lic energy pro ductio n.6.The pa ssa ges suggestio n tha t the to ta l a na ero bic energy reserves o f a vertebra te a re pro po rtio na l to the vertebra tes size is ba sed o n w hich o f the fo llo w ing a ssumptio n?(A)la rger vertebra tes co

27、nserve mo re energy tha n sma ller vertebra tes(B)la rger vertebra tes use less o xygen per unit w eight tha n sma ller vertebra tes(C)the a bility o f a vertebra te to co nsume fo o dis a functio n o f its size(D)the a mo unt o f muscle tissue in a vertebra te is directly rela ted to its size(E)the

28、 size o f a vertebra te is pro po rtio na l to the qua ntity o f energy it ca n utilize3Extra o rdina ry crea tive a ctivity ha s been cha ra cterized a s revo lutio na ry,flying in the fa ce o f w ha t is esta blished a nd pro ducing no t w ha t is a ccepta ble but w ha t w ill Line beco me a ccept

29、ed.Acco rding to this fo rmula tio n,highly 5 crea tive a ctivity tra nscends the limits o f a n existing fo rm a nd esta blishes a new principle o f o rga niza tio n.Ho wever,the idea tha t extra o rdina ry crea tivity tra nscends esta blished limits in mislea ding w hen it is a pplied to the a rts

30、,even tho ugh it ma y be va lid fo r the sciences.10 Difference betw een highly crea tive a rt a nd highly crea tive science a rise in pa rt fro m a difference in their go a ls.Fo r the sciences,a new theo ry is the go a l a nd end result o f the crea tive a ct.Inno va tive science pro duces new pro

31、 po sitio ns in terms o f w hich diverse pheno mena ca n be 15 rela ted to o ne a no ther in mo re co herent w a ys.Such pheno mena a s a brillia nt dia mo nd o r a nesting bird a re relega ted to the ro le o f da ta,serving a s the mea ns fo r fo rmula ting o r testing a new theo ry.The go a l o f

32、highly crea tive a rt is very different:the pheno meno n itself20 beco mes the direct pro duct o f the crea tive a ct.Sha kespea res Hamlet is no t a tra ct a bo ut the beha vio r o f indecisive princes o r the uses o f po litica l po w er;no r is Pica sso s pa inting Guernica prima rily a pro po si

33、tio na l sta tement a bo ut the Spa nish Civil Wa r o r the evils o f25 fa scism.Wha t highly crea tive a rtistic a ctivity pro duces is no t a new genera liza tio n tha t tra nscends esta blished limits,but ra ther a n a esthetic pa rticula r.Aesthetic pa rticula rs pro duced by the highly crea tiv

34、e a rtist extend o r explo it,in a n inno va tive w a y,the limits o f a n existing 30 fo rm,ra ther tha n tra nscend tha t fo rm.This is no t to deny tha t a highly crea tive a rtist so metimes esta blishes a new principle o f o rga niza tio n in the histo ry o f a n a rtistic field;the co mpo ser

35、Mo nteverdi,w ho crea ted music o f the highest a esthetic va lue,co mes 35 to mind.Mo re genera lly,ho w ever,w hether o r no t a co mpo sitio n esta blishes a new principle in the histo ry o f music ha s little bea ring o n its a esthetic w o rth.Beca use they embo dy a new principle o f o rga niz

36、a tio n,so me musica l w o rks,such a s the o pera s o f the Flo rentine40 Ca mera ta,a re o f signa l histo rica l impo rta nce,but few listeners o r musico lo gists w o uld include these a mo ng the grea t w o rks o f music.On the o ther ha nd,Mo za rts The Marriage of Figaro is surely a mo ng the

37、 ma sterpieces o f music even tho ugh its mo dest inno va tio ns a re co nfined45 to extending existing mea ns.It ha s been sa id o f Beetho ven tha t he to ppled the rules a nd freed music fro m the stifling co nfines o f co nventio n.But a clo se study o f his co mpo sitio ns revea ls tha t Beetho

38、 ven o verturned no funda menta l rules.Ra ther,he w a s a n50 inco mpa ra ble stra tegist w ho explo ited limits-the rules,fo rms,a nd co nventio ns tha t he inherited fro m predecesso rs such a s Ha ydn a nd Mo za rt,Ha ndel a nd Ba ch-in strikingly o rigina l w a ys.(466w o rds)4For the following

39、 question,consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply7.The pa ssa ge supplies info rma tio n fo r a nsw ering w hich o f the fo llo w ing questio ns?(A)Ha s unusua l crea tive a ctivity been cha ra cterized a s revo lutio na ry?(B)Did Beetho ven w o rk w ithin a musica l tra di

40、tio n tha t a lso included Ha ndel a nd Ba ch?(C)Who besides Mo nteverdi w ro te music tha t the a utho r w o uld co nsider to embo dy new principles o f o rga niza tio n a nd to be o f high a esthetic va lue?8.The a utho r rega rds the idea tha t a ll highly crea tive a rtistic a ctivity tra nscend

41、s limits w ith(A)deep skepticism(B)stro ng indigna tio n(C)ma rked indifference(D)mo dera te a musement(E)sha rp derisio n9.The a utho r implies tha t a n inno va tive scientific co ntributio n is o ne tha t(A)is cited w ith high frequency in the publica tio ns o f o ther scientists(B)is a ccepted i

42、mmedia tely by the scientific co mmunity(C)do es no t relega te pa rticula rs to the ro le o f da ta(D)presents the disco very o f a new scientific fa ct(E)intro duces a new va lid genera liza tio n10.Which o f the fo llo w ing sta tements w o uld mo st lo gica lly co ncluded the la st pa ra gra ph

43、o f the pa ssa ge?(A)Unlike Beetho ven,ho w ever,even the grea test o f mo dern co mpo sers,such a s Stra vinsky,did no t tra nscend existing musica l fo rms.(B)In simila r fa shio n,existing musica l fo rms w ere even further explo ited by the next genera tio n o f grea t Euro pea n co mpo sers.(C)

44、Thus,ma ny o f the grea t co mpo sers displa yed the sa me co mbina tio n o f ta lents exhibited by Mo nteverdi.(D)By co ntra st,the view tha t crea tivity in the a rts explo its but do es no t tra nscend limits is suppo rted in die field o f litera ture.(E)Actua lly,Beetho vens mo st o rigina l w o

45、 rks w ere la rgely una pprecia ted a t the time tha t they w ere first perfo rmed.Grea t co mic a rt is never o therw o rdly,it do es no t seek to mystify us,a nd it do es no t deny a mbiguity by bra nding a s evil w ha tever differs fro m go o d.Grea t Line co mic a rtists a ssume tha t truth ma y

46、 bea r a ll lights,5 a nd thus they seek to a ccentua te co ntra dictio ns in so cia l a ctio n,no t glo ss o ver o r tra nscend them by a ppea ls to extra so cia l symbo ls o f divine ends,co smic purpo se,o r la w s o f na ture.The mo ment o f tra nscendence in grea t co mic a rt is a so cia l mo

47、ment,10 bo rn o ut o f the co nvictio n tha t w e a re huma n,even tho ugh w e try to be go ds.The co mic co mmunity to w hich a rtists a ddress themselves is a co mmunity o f rea so ning,lo ving,jo yful,co mpa ssio na te beings,w ho a re w illing to a ssume the huma n risks o f a cting75 ra tio na

48、lly.Witho ut invo king go ds o r demo ns,grea t co mic a rt a ro uses co ura ge in rea so n,co ura ge w hich gro w s o ut o f trust in w ha t huma n beings ca n do a s huma ns.11.Select the sentence in the pa ssa ge tha t suggests tha t grea t co mic a rt ca n be cha ra cterized a s o ptimistic a bo

49、 ut the a bility o f huma ns to a ct ra tio na lly.12.It ca n be inferred fro m the pa ssa ge tha t the a utho r a dmires grea t co mic a rtists prima rily fo r their(A)a bility to understa nd the frequently subtle differences betw een go o d a nd evil(B)a bility to reco ncile the co ntra dictio ns

50、in huma n beha vio r(C)a bility to distinguish betw een ra tio na l a nd irra tio na l beha vio r(D)insistence o n co nfro nting the truth a bo ut the huma n co nditio n(E)insistence o n co ndemning huma n fa ults a nd w ea knesses13.Which o f the fo llo w ing is the mo st a ccura te descriptio n o

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