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1、(完整word)新概念英语一课一练2 Lesson 61-70Lesson 61一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式.1. The US made the first space_(航天飞机) in the world。2。 I saw them through my_(望远镜) from the top of the building.3. They have_(发射) a man-made satellite successfully.4。 When I gave him the chance, he _ (抓住) it at once。5。 This old

2、 man came from a very_(遥远的) place。6。 My sons dream is to be an_(宇航员).7。 The earth is only one of the planets in the _(宇宙).8. It took them more than one _(十亿) dollars to complete the work.二用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1I _(save) 50 month and I _(start) in January。 So by the end of the year I _(save) 600.2。 Wed be

3、tter wait till 15December. David _(have) his exam by then, so he will be able to enjoy himself。3. By the end of this year he _(teach) for thirsty years.4. By this time next year, we_(do) business with each other for 10 years.5。 By the time you get home I _(clean) the house from top to bottom.三单项选择1。

4、 _ Childrens Day, all the boys and girls are wearing their new clothes。A。 At B。 In C。 By D. On2。 Up to now, China has _ lots of manmade satellites.A. sent up B. sent for C. risen D. raised3. By the end of this month he _ here for ten yeas。A. will has lived B. will have been livingC。 will live D. hav

5、e lived4. It is obvious that there is trouble _ the new machine.A. in B。 with C. for D。 on5。 I have done _ work in the last few months.A。 a great many of B。 a great number of C. a great deal of D。 a great sum of6. They _ for 20 years by then.A. will have been married B。 will be marriedC。 have been m

6、arried D. have married7。 He saved his daughter from the fire but at the _ of his own life.A。 value B. price C。 honour D. cost8. I hope you can_ the mistake right as soon as possible.A. put B. make C。 take D. do9。 I like drinking tea_ he likes drinking beer.A。 when B。 as C. because D. while10。 This t

7、ime tomorrow you _ there doing some more exercise。A. will sit B. will be sitting C。 sit D。 shall sit四。完形填空The Hubble telescope was launched 1 space by NASA on April 20,1990 2 a cost of over a billion dollars。 Right from the start there was 3 with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were very 4 becau

8、se its main mirror was faulty! NASA is now going to put the telescope 5 , so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will 6 e taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A robotarm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it 7 the astronauts make the necess

9、ary repairs. Of course, the Hubble is 8 the earths atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the 9 pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen。 The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe。 9 the time you read this, the Hubbles eagle eye will 10 u

10、s thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.五根据括号中的提示,把下列句子翻译成英语1。从最开始起,他就知道自己做错了。(rightfromtherest) 2.这座大桥是去年修建的,耗资10万元。(atacostof) 3.我们的地球在太空中运行.(atacostof) 4.明天的这个时候我正在办公室里工作。(将来进行时) 5.他告诉了我许多关于埃及的事情.(agreatdeal) Lesson 62一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1。 When I called at his house, he was

11、 _(喷撒) paint on the wall.2. We have _(量) of rain this year。3. Foxes started coming in from the _(周围的) countryside.4. In 1975, the _(洪水) in that area made 233,000 people homeless。5。 We are living in the 21st _(世纪)。 6. He is _(威胁) the old lady with a toy gun。7。 Unhappiness is the _(根) cause of his ill

12、ness。8。 It will cause pollution and the _(破坏) of our seas and oceans. 9。 We saw few houses in the _(荒凉的) valley。10. The car went out of_(控制) and crashed.二用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1. He_(study) Chinese before he _(come) to Taiwan.2。 He _(drive) all day before he went to sleep。3。 I _(be) to Ireland before I _(

13、write) this book about Irelands people.4。 I _(work) hard in a company for many years before I went to college. 5。 By the time he was twelve, Edison _(begin) to make a living by himself.三 单项选择。1. You should learn to keep your temper(脾气) _ control。A. in B. over C。 at D。 under2. Up to that he _ these l

14、etters in his office alone。A. had been typing B. had typed C. typed D. was typing3。 The balloon_ slowly into the air.A. raised up B. raised C。 rose up D. rose4。 Joe had to work as a blacksmith(铁匠) _ his lazy father。A. in place of B. in case of C. in spite of D。 in need of5. The young tree finally _

15、root in its new home.A. made B. gave C. took D。 set6. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests_ when he arrived at the party.A。 left B. had left C。 has left D. was leaving7. She is _ good at mathematics, _ interested in English well。A. both; and B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either; o

16、r8. The fire was _ at the cost of a firemans life。A。 put away B。 put up C。 put out D。 put off9. He gave sweets to those poor children_ large quantities。A。 with B. on C. by D。 in10. Its getting warmer and warmer, spring is_。A. coming on B. going up C。 coming up D. going on四。完形填空Firemen had been fight

17、ing the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it1 control. A short time before, great trees 2 the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still 3 from the warm ground over the desolate hills. Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the 4 villages with destruction, for heavy rain

18、 would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods 5 . When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered 6 tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge 7 by aeroplanes。 The planes had been planting see

19、d for nearly a month 8 it began to rain. By then, 9 , in many places the grass had already taken root. In place of the great trees which 10 there for centuries patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.五根据括号中的提示,把下列句子翻译成英语1。这种药若服用过量对健康有害。(inlargequantitaties) 2。周围的村庄发生了很大的变化。(surrou

20、nding) 3。我以蜂蜜代替糖。(inplaceof) 4。一切都在控制之下。(undercontrol) 5.这东西我找了好多天才找着的.(过去完成进行时) Lesson 63一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. You may not like him, but you have got to _(钦佩) him.2。 Our school gave a _(招待所) to our new headmaster。3。 She is a _(亲密的) friend of theirs.4。 Their _(婚礼) will take place in O

21、ctober。5。 He has a large _(圈子) of friends。6. What_(种类) of book do you want?二 用as 或者 as if/ though 填空。1. I remember the whole thing_ it happened yesterday。2。 Just_ we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward(落后的) ideas from our minds.3。 They completely ignore these facts_ they never existed.4。 He

22、 looks_ he had been hit by listening。5. Always do to the others_ you would be done by.三 单项选择。1。 Most people would like to be popular_ others, but not everyone can achieve this goal(目标)。A. for B. with C。 to D. at2。 Mr Green was asked to _ a speech at yesterdays meeting。A。 make B。 take C. do D. put3.

23、When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks _ it were broken。A。 even if B. as C。 like D。 as if4。 I admire the young man_ his success in business。A。 of B. for C。 in D。 with5。 This morning I saw him _ his homework, but I dont know whether he has finished it or not。A. do B。 to do C。 done D. d

24、oing6。 The students are busy_ for the college entrance examination。A。 preparing B。 prepare C。 prepared D。 to preparing7。 Sometimes we teach our children the way _ our parents have taught us。A. which B. in that C。 that D。 by which8。 _ soldiers armed with gun were sent to guard the building.A。 The num

25、ber of B。 A great deal of C。 A large number of D。 The most of9. We were just _ the way when it began to rain.A. on B. by C. in D。 to10。 Our school is _ to an old church which was built many years ago。A. closely B。 close C. closed D. closing四.完形填空Jeremy Hampden has a large 1 of friends and is very po

26、pular at parties。 Everybody admires him for his great 2 of humour - everybody, that is, 3 his six-yearold daughter, Jenny。 Recently, one of Jeremys closest friends asked him to 4 a speech at a wedding reception. This is the 5 of thing that Jeremy loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to t

27、he wedding with Jenny。 he had 6 a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed 7 this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny 8 she had

28、enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadnt。 Jeremy asked her why this was 9 and she told him that she did not like to see so many people 10 him!五根据括号中的提示,把下列句子翻译成英语1。他按照妈妈的要求做了。(as) 2.我很钦佩她的诚实(admire) 3。是我惊奇的是,他最终放弃了比赛.(toonessurprise) 4.珍妮说她不愿意看到爸爸被那么多人嘲笑。(seesbdoing) 5。他坚持我要和他们一起去。(in

29、sist) Lesson 64一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式.1. This railway _(连接) London and Edinburgh。2. There are seven _(大陆) in the world.3。 This new library was _(正式地) opened last week.4。 Germany is a _(欧洲的) country.5。 She_(害怕) that she might not find him in his room.6。 The railroad passes under the mounta

30、in through a _(隧道).7. The factory_(烟囱) poured smoke into the air.二 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1. If he_(go) to the doctor right away, he might have been alive.2。 The secretary suggested that they _(bring) the men in at once.3。 Youre late。 I f you _(come) a few minutes earlier, you_(meet) him.4。 My father did n

31、ot go to New York; the doctor suggested that he _(not go) there。5. If I _(be) you, I _(give) more attention to English idioms and phrases.三 单项选择。1. To our surprise, that young man _ a very good suggestion at the meeting。A. put out B. put up C. put forward D。 put on2. The dentist suggested that she _

32、 another day。A。 would come B。 come C. comes D。 came3。 Our plan_ a football match was thwarted(阻挠) by the heavy rain。A。 at B. with C. on D。 for4。 We might have failed if you _ us a helping hand.A. have not given B. would not give C. had not given D. did not give5。 I t is said that the building serves

33、_ a library.A。 to B。 at C. as D。 with6. A car_ in front of the house and two men got out。A. drew up B. drew back C。 drew in D。 drew off7._ Tom, I couldnt help thinking of his brother。A。 Seen B。 To see C。 Having seen D. Seeing8。 I f I _ the money, I would have bought a much bigger car.A. possessed B。

34、 owned C。 had D。 had had9。 The heavy snow made_ for us to go to the party at night。A. it is impossible B。 it impossible C. us impossible D. that impossible10。 She told us to be quiet, _ fear of walking her grandfather。A。 to B。 in C. at D。 for 四。完形填空In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, a

35、rrived in England 1 a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel。 He said that it 2 be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel. This platform would 3 a port and a railway station。 The tunnel would be 4 if tall chimneys were built 5 sea level。 In 1860, a better plan

36、 was put 6 by an Englishman, William Low. He suggested that a double railway-tunnel 7 be built。 This would solve the problem of ventilation, 8 if a train entered this tunnel, it would 9 fresh air behind it. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun。 If, at the time, the British 10 feared inv

37、asion, it would have been completed。 The world had to wait almost 11 100 years for the Channel Tunnel. It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain 12 the European continent.五根据括号中的提示,把下列句子翻译成英语1.一个大箱子被用来充当桌子.(serveas) 2.如果你努力学习的话,你就会通过那次考试了。(if) 3.她建议派一个人去广州。(suggest) 4.那位老人

38、出了一个好主意。(putforward) 5。这部影片每天晚上都吸引大批观众.(drawin) Lesson 65一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. He carefully_(走近) the house so that he wasnt heard by anyone.2. We must help others who are less_(幸运的) than ourselves.3。 He often gave his neighbours kids little _(礼物)。4. She wished her mother to _(陪伴) her.5. To my joy, I _(重) less than I used to.6。 The big match tonight is England_(对) Spain。二用must, could, should 或者 ought to 填空。1。 They started early this

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