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1、_Moudul 4 Healthy food课型:前置语法课【学习目标】1、朗读本课所学的新单词。2、区分some,any的用法。3、区分可数名词和不可数名词,掌握可数名词和不可数名词的正确用法。4、继续巩固have/has got 的用法。【课前准备】1、读出下列单词,并能与实物或图片相匹配:apple beef carrot chichen juice melon milk Coke hamburger onion orange pork potato tomato water noodle candy ice cream2、翻译短语或句子:(1)、six apples _ two tom

2、atoes _ a carrot _ some water _ an onion _ some rice _ some bananas _ ten potatoes _(2)、They have got some milk. (3) 、They havent got any melons. (4)、Have we got any meat in the fridge? No, we havent any meat. (5)、We have got some oranges and some apples. 观察思考:可数和不可数名词: _ Have got 在肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句中的用法

3、:_ Some、any 的用法:_ _ 回顾:我们还学过哪些表示事物名称的词?它们有复数形式吗?请写出来: _ _ _ 3、精讲规则:A. 名词通常分为可数名词和不可数名词,不可数名词没有复数形式;可数名词表示单个事物时,前面通常加不定冠词a 或an, 表示两个或两个以上的数量时,通常用复数形式。观察下列单词的复数形式,说出名词复数形式的变化规则。(1)、apples oranges onions melons carrots ( ) (2)、tomatoes potatoes classes ( )(3)、libraries candies families cities ( )名词复数形式

4、的变化规则:(1)一般在名词后直接加“-s”。如:books, carrots, desks(2) 以s, x, sh, ch 结尾的名词在词尾加“-es”。如:buses, boxes, watches(3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词变y为i, 再加-es。 如:families; cities(4) 以f或fe结尾的名词变f或fe为v,再加-es。如:knives,lives(5) 以o 结尾的名词,有的加-es, 如:heroes, tomatoes, potatoes , 有的加-s, 如:radios, zoos, pianos, photos(6) 有些名词的复数形式是不规则变

5、化的。如:childchildren, manmen, womanwomen,sheepsheepB. some、any 都表示“一些”,后面都可以跟不可数名词,也可以跟可数名词的复数形式。some 通常被用于肯定句,any 通常被用于疑问句和否定句。观察并用some、any选择填空:(1)、We have got _ meat in the fridge.(2)、We havent got _apples in the fridge.(3)、Have you got _ sisters?(4)、I can read _ English words.(5)、Do you have _ wate

6、r in your cup?5、回顾:have got 表示“有”,与“There be”句型的区别。have got通常指_,而“There be”句型通常指_。试分别举两个例子。(1) _(2) _练一练:选择填空(1)、Have you got any carrots?_.A. Yes, I got B. Yes, I have. C. No, I got D. No, I havent got(2)、Look! _ some books on the desk.A. Have B. Have got C. There is D. There are(3)、I _ any money i

7、n my pocket. A. have B. have got C. dont have got D. havent got【综合运用】一、归类下面的名词,并给可数名词加上复数形式。apple beef candy carrot chichen Coke fish hamburger ice cream juice melon milk noodle onion orange pork potato rice tomato 不可数名词:_ 可数名词及复数形式:_二、翻译下列词组:1、一些胡萝卜 _ 2、三个西红柿 _3、一些桔汁 _ 4、十二个甜瓜 _5、五个土豆 _ 6、一些面条 _三、选

8、择正确的答案( )1. Have you got _ oranges?. A any B some C. an D. a( )2 . I have got a _ .A. juice B. chicken C. bread D. hamburger( )3 . Have you got any _in your cup?A. water B. waters C. juices D. milks( )4 . There _some rice here.A. are B. is C. isnt D. arent( )5. Whats your favorite drink?Its _.A. bee

9、f B. noodles C. melon D. milk( )6. Have you got _ fruit?A. some B. any C. a D. an( )7. There is no milk in the bottle.A. an B. a C. some D. any( )8. Have you got any juice? _.A . Yes, we have got any juice. B. Yes, we have got some juice.C. No, we havent got some juice.D. No, we havent got a juice.四

10、、翻译下列句子:(1)、你们有橘子汁吗?_ you got _ _ _?(2)、在冰箱里,我们有一些牛肉和鸡肉。 We have got and .(3)、他们没有香蕉和橘子。 They got _ _ _. Unit 1 Weve got lots of apples课型:听说课【教学目标】1、会用本课所学的新词汇。2、学会分辨可数名词与不可数名词,并会给可数名词加复数形式。3、some、any 的用法。【课前准备】1、 用英语写出你所知道的食物和饮料名称,越多越好 _ _2、在课文中划出下列新词汇:healthy orange drink fruit vegetable beef carr

11、ot chichen juice melon milk onion pork potato tomato, 注出音标和词义,并试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈出来。3、语言点导学:在课文中找出含有some、any句子。观察:Have we got any juice? 我们有果汁吗?Yes,weve got some juice. We havent got any milk. 是的, 我们有些果汁。我们没有牛奶。Have we got any carrots? 我们有胡萝卜吗?No, we havent got any carrots. We have got some apples. 不, 我们没

12、有胡萝卜。我们有一些苹果。思考:1、为什么some、any后的名词有的用了原形,有的加了“-s”?2、some、any都表示“一些”,看看它们在用法上有什么区别。some用于_句, 后面跟_(可数名词单复数形式/不可数名词)。any用于_句, 后面跟_(可数名词单复数形式/不可数名词)。3、have got意为:_,变疑问句和否定句时,怎么用_?(have got的位置,一般疑问句如何回答)尝试:A、按要求改写下列句子:(1)、They have got some water.(并否定句) (2)、They have got some onions.(变一般疑问句) (3)、Have they

13、 got any melons? (做肯定和否定回答) B、你能分出下列名词是可数名词还是不可数名词吗?是可数名词的给他们加上复数形式。 apple beef carrot chichen juice melon milk onion orange pork potato tomato water不可数名词:_可数名词及其复数形式:_C、用some、any选择填空。(1)Is there _ orange in the bottle?(2)I cant see _ birds in the tree.(3)There are _ boys in the room.(4)We have got

14、_ carrots and tomatoes.回顾:have got 和There be 在在用法上有何不同?请分别举一个例子进行说明。 _ _问题准备:通过预习,你还有哪些词句存在问题,请在书上作记号或记录下来: 【课堂活动】一、交流检查课前准备部分,师生互相探讨,解决问题。二、听说练习1、Listen to Activity 4 and check the food and drink they have got. 听后辨别所给的词哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。并让学生说出可数名词的复数形式加法规则。 2、Listen to Activity 5. 听后两人一组练习下列句型: Have

15、 you got any ?Yes, weve got some . We havent got any No, we havent any .We have some .3、Listen again and do Activity 6.4、Work in pairs. Choose six words to ask and say what youve got.注意some 、any 和have got 的用法。5、同桌练习,说出你自己的句子,越多越好。 _ _ 学习成果展示:相互讨论我们所知道的食品和饮料,说出哪些对我们的身体有益,哪些对我们有害。 练习巩固一、单项选择。( ) 1. Ca

16、rrots and onions are _. A. fruit B. fruits C. vegetable D. vegetables( ) 2. Have you got _ fruit?A. some B. any C. a D. an( ) 3. Here is a _.A.banana B.fruit C. salad D. ice cream ( ) 4. I cant see _ water in the bottle.A. some B. only C. much D. any( ) 5. Is there _ in the cup?A. any orange B. some

17、 oranges C. two oranges D. any oranges( ) 6. Which _ do you like best? -Potatoes.A . fruit B. vegetable C. sport D. colour( ) 7. There _ much juice in the bottle.A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 8. She wants to eat some _A. breads B. rice C. cake D. meats( ) 9. Have you got _ juice? - Yes, weve got _

18、juice. We havent got _ milk.A. some; any; any B. any; some; anyC. any; some; some D. some; some; any( ) 10. I want to eat some _.A. beef B. beefs C. milks D. waters二、补全对话,每空一词。Li Lei: Welcome you to our home, Peter.Peter: Thank you very much. Oh, there _ many things (东西)on the table.Li Lei: Please e

19、at some fish. By the way(顺便问一下), _ your favorite food?Peter: My favorite food is rice.Li Lei: Whats your favorite _?Peter: I like drinking Coke best but it isnt a _ drink.Li Lei: Dont _ much Coke because(因为) its bad(不好的)for your health.Peter: I think so.三、找出下面句子中的一处错误并加以改正。1、Are there any juice in t

20、he glass? _ _2、They havent got some carrots. _ _3、There have some melon in the glass. _ _4、I want three glasses of milks. _ _5、I have got two tomatos. _ _四、按要求改写下列句子。1、Tom has a lovely dog.(改写同义句) Tom _ _ a lovely dog.2、- _ you _ a watch?(完成一般疑问句) - No, I havent. 3、She has got some flowers.(改为否定句)Sh

21、e_ _ _ flowers.4、I have got a big desk in my room. (改写同义句) _ _ _ big desk in my room.Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?课型:读写课【教学目标】1、熟记并会用本课所学的新词汇。2、能写出有关食品的短句,会用连词but。3、能发表自己对食品的看法。【课前准备】1、用英语写出你所知道的食物和饮料名称,越多越好 _ _2、朗读下列新词汇:favorite 最喜欢的 noodle 面条candy 糖果 Coke 可口可乐hamburger 汉堡包 ice cream 冰激凌un

22、healthy不健康的注出音标, 将不会读的圈出来。3、在课文中找出下列词组并给出其汉语意思。(1). in good health (2) my favorite food (3). healthy food and drink (4). eat noodles (5). eat some meat (6). unhealthy drink _(7). to be healthy _4、读课文,回答并翻译下列问题:(1)Whats your favorite food? _(2)Are they healthy food and drinks? _(3)Meat and fish are h

23、ealthy food but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food. _5、在课文中找出下列句子,并翻译。 说出连词but 的用法。(1)、Fruit and vegetables are healthy food but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food. (2)、Juice, water and mlik are healthy drinks but Coke isnt a healthy drink. _ 6、问题准备:通过预习,你还有哪些词句存在问题,请在书上作记号或记录下来: 【课堂活动】新课导

24、入1、交流检查课前准备部分,采用小组互查的形式,出现问题让学生改正。2、复习听说课的学习内容,让学生谈论所学食品和饮料的名词,哪些是健康的,哪些是不健康的。先让学生小组内交流,然后叫几个学生在班内交流。3、读说练习:通过给图画贴标签的形式,分别给出图片和candy Coke fish hamburger ice cream noodles rice等单词。然后看看这些单词哪些和eat 连用,哪些和drink连用。同时建立动宾搭配关系。 eat_ drink_泛读训练:1、学生独自阅读短文,了解大意,完成Work in pairs. 判断部分习题。2、再读短文,明白哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食

25、品。和同桌练习下列句型。To be healthyEat noodles or rice and some vegetables.Drink juice, water and milke, not Coke.Eat some meat, not hamburgers.Eat some fruit, not candy or ice cream.练习之后,和同桌讨论and, not的用法。然后同学们在班内讨论,教师可以给予适当点拨。 精读足练:精读课文,完成下列表格。小组内交流,不明确的问题,班内交流或教师指导。填入你所知道的食品和饮料健康的不健康的 根据表格中所填内容,与同桌讨论Whats y

26、our favorite food and drink? Are they healthy food and drinks?两个问题,把答案记下来。语言点导学观察:Meat and fish are healthy food. Hamburgers and candy arent healthy food. Meat and fish are healthy food but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food. Juice, water and milk are healthy drinks. Coke isnt a healthy drink.J

27、uice, water and milk are healthy drinks but Coke isnt a healthy drink. 让学生完成Activity 5和Activity 6 . 在小组内讨论核对答案,全班范围内教师加以指点。写作训练:结合例句,写一篇小短文,介绍自己喜欢和不喜欢的食品与饮料,并说明它们是否健康的。综合练习题:一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词: 1、Fruit and v_ are good for our health. 2、We havent got any meat o_ fish. 3、Have you got beef or p_? 4、Th

28、e boy likes fruit, for example, apples, bananas and o_ . 5、(汉堡包)_and candy arent healthy food 6、(面条)_ are Chinese food.二、单项选择: ( ) 1、Coke isnt a healthy drink _ children like it . A、and B、but C、or D、with ( ) 2、Meat and fish _ healthy food . A、 be B、 am C、is D、are ( ) 3、There _ a lot of beef in the fridge, but there _ any tomatoes . A、 are; arent B 、is; isnt C 、is; arent D 、are; isnt ( ) 4、 Which _ do you like best ?

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