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1、_小学趣味英语汇总一. 根据句子上下文判断划线部分的意思.( ) 1. Pingping is a lovely girl in her family. They all love her. Shes the apple of their eye.A. 脸像苹果 B. 掌上明珠 C. 幸运之神 D. 核心人物( ) 2. -Can you help me to draw this picture? Thats a piece of cake. I can do it. A. 小事一桩 B. 行, 给一块蛋糕 C. 画一块饼吧 D. 看情况吧( ) 3. -You look blue this

2、morning. Whats wrong with you?A. 脸色发青 B. 脸上肿了 C. 闷闷不乐 D. 患青光眼( ) 4. The students are going out of the classroom in threes and fours.A. 说三道四 B. 三言两语 C. 各奔东西 D. 三五成群( ) 5. - I have a new computer. - You dont say. How nice!A. 您别说了. B. 别刺激我 C. 是真的吗? D. 胡说八道( ) 6. -Its my pleasure to see you home . You s

3、ee, its so late. -No, thanks. My husband goes with me every day.A. 拜访您家 B. 送你回家 C. 帮你看家 D. 去你家认认门( ) 7. -Can you do this work? -Let me have a go at it, all right?A. 试一下 B. 去看看 C. 跑一趟 D. 问一下( ) 8. The letters USA stand for the United States of America.A. 站着看 B. 可用在 C. 等待着 D. 代表( ) 9. We are all in th

4、e dark about their plan. Can you tell us? A. 在黑暗中 B. 对-正在探索 C. 对-一无所知 D. 在晚上讨论( ) 10. You work hard today. Lets call it a day and go home.A. 互相问候 B. 打个电话 C. 大喊一声 D. 今天到此为止( ) 11. Does he run out of the money? A.跑去取 B. 取出 C. 跑出去 D. 用完( ) 12. He isnt really ill. He is just putting on.C. 假装 B. 上演 C. 挂上

5、 C. 穿上( ) 13. He is a green hand.A. 有经验的人 B. 绿手 C. 老手 D. 没经验的人( ) 14. Like father, like mother.A. 像父亲, 又像儿子 B. 父子一样 C. 有其父必有其子 D. 喜欢父亲, 也喜欢儿子( ) 15. Youre a lucky dog.A. 幸运狗 B. 幸运儿 C. 可爱的狗 D. 人见人爱( ) 16. He is the black sheep of his family.A. 害逡之马 B. 黑马 C. 老黄牛 D, 领头羊( ) 17. I dont like your uncle. H

6、e is an old woman.A. 老太婆 B. 没有妻子的老头 C. 喜欢罗嗦的老头 D. 老人( ) 18. Dont be in a family way at the table!A. 不拘礼节 B. 宾至如宾 C. 没有礼貌 D. 跟在家一样( ) 19. Johns bedroom is at sixes and sevens.A. 七上八下 B. 六伸无主 C. 乱七八糟 D. 整整齐齐( ) 20 Love me, love my dog.A. 爱我和我的狗 B. 爱屋及屋 C. 要爱我, 必须爱我的狗 D. 爱我还是爱我的狗( ) 21. Hes as strong a

7、s a horse.A. 与一匹马一样 B. 壮得与马一样 C. 壮得像头牛 D. 与马一样快( ) 22. Two heads are better than one.A. 两头比一头大 B. 两头比一头好 C. 三个臭皮匠赛过一个诸葛亮 D. 两个头换一个头( ) 23. Shes a homely woman.A. 家庭妇女 B. 做仆人的妇女 C. 有家的妇女 D. 朴素的妇女( ) 24. - Nice forget to look the door. - Its an old story.A. 老生常谈 B. 过去的事 C. 古老的故事 D. 司空见惯 ( ) 25. When y

8、our mother sees your dirty trousers, youll be in for it.A. 道歉 B. 吃苦头 C. 洗干净 D. 脱去( ) 26. If I go to see my uncle, I can read his books. Its in two twos.A. 一分为二 B. 一文不名 C. 三心二意 D. 一举两得( ) 27. He is know-little. I cant speak to the wind.A. 白费口舌 B. 纸上谈兵 C. 随风而逝 D. 和风交谈( ) 28. We dont want it. Its “ a w

9、hite elephant”. What is it?A 一件无用而累的东西 B. 一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色的馅饼( ) 29. What is the Chinese for “talk big”?A. 吹牛 B. 说谎话 C. 骂人 D. 很大( ) 30. He is a yes-man. I dont like him.A. 唯唯诺诺的人 B. 总有理的人 C. 坚强的人 D. 说一不二的人二、填空。1. Whats the end of the world? _2. There are not 26 letters in “English”. How many lett

10、ers in it? _3. What letter is a kind of drink? _4. What letter is an insect? _5. What letter is a vegetable? _6. What letter is a question? _7. What letter can test(测试) your eyes? _8. I have a mother. I am not their son. Who am I? _9. If your uncles sister is not your aunt, who is she? _10. What do

11、we have in “December”, but we never have in other months? _11. I am a bird. But I have no heart(心脏). I dont eat. What am I? _12. What room can no one go into? _13. It has legs but it cant walk? _14. its half past one now. What time is it twenty hours later? _15. There are three men on a train. Mr. A

12、 speaks English and Chinese. Mr. B speaks French (法语) and English. Mr. C can only talk with Mr. A. What language(语言) does Mr. C speaks? _16. What has cities without houses, forest without trees, rivers without water? _17. What has three hands but one face?18. Kate is an English girl. Her father and

13、mother have six children. Half(一半) are boys, half are girls. She has _ sisters and _brothers.19. If two cats are in front of a cat, and two cats are behind a cat, and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all (一共)?_20. China will hold(举办) the _ Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008?三、选择。1 He

14、 is a yes-man. I dont like him. A说一不二的人 B唯唯诺诺的人 C总是有理的人 D坚强的人2 The boys mother often says her son is the best(最好的) boy under the sun. A 太阳下 B 世界上 C在家里 D 孩子中3 He is not at home today. Things are at six and sevens.A 七上八下 B 五花八门 C 乱七八糟 D 七拼八凑4 Like father like son.A 喜欢父亲,喜欢儿子 B既像父亲,又像儿子 C 有其父必有其子 D父子很像

15、5 My uncle has a brother. He is not my uncle. Who is he? Hes my .A friend B teacher C brother D father6 Four and three and five is .A twelve B eleven C eight D thirteen7 My face is big and black. Teachers write on me. Im on the front or back(后面的)wall in your classroom. What am I? I am a .A map B bla

16、ckboard C pencil D book8 There are two policemen is the room. One is old and the other is young. The young policeman is the old policemans son, but the old policeman is not the young policemans father .The old policeman is the young policemans father. The old policeman is the young policemans .A unc

17、le B sister C brother D mother 9 Why is the letter“A”like 12oclock? Because it is in the middle of .A bag B day C cap D cat10 My name is Tom. My father and mother have six children. Half(一半)are boys and half are girls. How many brothers and sisters have I? I have brothers and sisters.A 3;2 B 3;3 C 2

18、;3 D 2;411 Theyre in your desk or your bag. There are words and picture in them. they can tell you many things you want to know. They are your good friends and teachers. What are they? .A Maps B Boxes C Books D Pictures12 How many triangles are there in the picture? .A 8 B10 C16 D 1813 Hello. How ol

19、d is this little baby? Oh, he is just over 36 months old. How old is the baby? . A 2.5 B 3.25 C 3 D 3.514 Mary Johns is an American girl. She married(嫁给)a man named charlies Smith. What is the girls name after she was married(婚后)? .A John Smith B May Smith C Mary Char lies D Johns Char lies15 Its fi

20、rst(第一个)letter is in “book” but not in “look”. Its second is in“ink”but not in“thank”.Its third is in both “ink”and “book”.And its last letter is not in “ship”but in “jeep”.What is it?A DESK B CAKE C BIKE D LOOK四、读故事,帮帮他们的忙吧!1. Alan goes out for a walk from his home. He walks 12km east, 15km south,

21、and 12km west. How far is he from his home now? ( ) A. 5km B. 29km C. 17km D. 12km2. There are ten red balls and 4 black balls in a bag. You cant see them. They are only different in color. Make sure (确保) you can get 8 balls of the same color from the bag. You must take out _ ball at least(至少) at a

22、time. A. 13 B. 12 C. 11 D. 103. All the students in our class have an English and a Chinese test(测试). Only 12 students get 100 in the English test and 10 students get 100 in the Chinese test. 3 students get 100 in both English and Chinese tests. 26 of the students get 100 in neither( 两个都不) of these

23、two tests. How many students are there in our class? _.4. Three teachers are talking in the classroom. They are a Chinese teacher, a moths teacher and an English teacher. A speaks Chinese in class. The English teacher is a good woman teacher. C is the maths teachers sister. Who is the moths teacher? A. A B. B C. C D. We dont know.5. Two fathers and two sons go to take pictures. When they see the photo, there are three men on the pictures. Why? Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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