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1、Unit 1Women of achievement成就卓越的女性核心词汇1Where is it that you want to_(庆祝)Christmas this year?2Is this the sister you_ (提及)to in your last letter?3The CCTV concert was i_ to call on more people to help the refugees of Yushu in Qinghai.4. Greatly_ (激发;鼓舞)by the teachers words,I have made up my mind not

2、to give up my goal.5Trees can provide_ (树荫)from the sun,so they can reduce cooling costs in summer.6Small shops were _ (挤满)out by supermarkets during the economic crisis.7The railway being built aims to _(连接)the small town to the big city.8Out of _(尊重),he accepted the idea that the old professor put

3、 forward at the meeting completely.9Much to my surprise,he _ as if nothing had happened.In general,I was quite pleased with his _.(behave)10I hold the firm belief that you are bound to _ your dream of being admitted to a key university,which will give you a wonderful sense of _.(achieve)1.observe2.r

4、eferred3.intended4.inspired5.shade 6.crowded7.connect8.respect9.behaved;behaviour,10.achieve;achievement高频短语1_献身于;专心于2_ 离开;起程;出发3_ 过着的生活4._ (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海5_ 蔑视;瞧不起6_ 查阅;参考;谈到7_ 碰巧;凑巧8_ (偶然)遇见;碰见9_ 专为而设计,专供而用10_ 继续;坚持1.devote to2.move off3.lead a.life4.crowd in 5.look down upon/on6.refer to7.by ch

5、ancee across9.be intended for10.carry on重点句式1_ her mother came to help her for the first few months _ to begin her project.她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。2_ I stop,it all comes _ and I remember the chimps in laboratories.我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。3Further reading made me realize that _ hard work

6、and determination _ her gentle nature_ got her into medical school.进一步阅读使我了解到,是苦干、决心和善良的天性使她走进了医学院的大门。4Suddenly _ how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.我突然想起,在那个年代一个女子去学医是多么困难啊。1.Only after;was she allowed2.Once;crowding in3.it was;as well as;that4.it hit meUnit 2Work

7、ing the land耕作土地核心词汇1The course is so hard that my colleagues and I have been_(拼搏) with it.2Those who_(渴望)for a chance to study abroad can be trained in our company.3I do not wish to listen to his_(评论) on my hair.I think it good.4The old woman is determined to learn how to use the Internet to_(扩大) h

8、er business and reach a global market.5It was considerate of her to speak to me in whisper so as not to_(打扰)the sleeping child.6My performance was perfect in the English contest.Our teacher expressed her_(满意) with what I had done.7He has made a_(总结)of the main points in the Secretary Generals speech

9、.8Judging from his_expression,he didnt understand the_problem referring to teenagers mental health.(confuse)9.用 occupy 的适当形式填空(1)_with the preparation for the important meeting,he forgot to have lunch.(2)If you want to apply for the job,fill in the blanks.Remember to state your true name,age and_.10

10、用 equip 的适当形式填空(1)Well_with modern weapons,the soldiers set out to fight the enemies.(2)The basic_you need for hiking is simple:good shoes,durable clothes,and a backpack.1.struggling2.hungerments4.expand5.disturb6.satisfaction7.summary8.confused;confusing 9.(1)Occupied(2)occupation10.(1)equipped (2)

11、equipment高频短语1_ 幸亏;由于;因为2_ 摆脱;除去3_ 对感到满意4_ 宁愿;宁可5_ 逐渐增强;建立;开发6_ 导致;造成(后果)7_ 集中(注意力、精力等)于8_ 盛产9_ 使免受(影响、伤害等); 使不含(有害物)10_ 选择(而不是)1.thanks to2.rid.of3.be satisfied with4.would rather5.build up6.lead to7.focus on8.be rich in9.keep.free from/of10.prefer.to.重点句式1_,what did you do to grow them?如果这样的话,你做了些

12、什么来种植这些植物?2Dr.Yuan Longping grows_super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种。3This special strain of rice_possible_onethird more of the crop in the same fields.这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。4Using his hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests_.用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出的粮食比以前多了一倍。5Over the past half century,using c

13、hemical fertilizers_in farming.在过去的半个世纪里,在耕作中使用化肥已经非常普遍。6He_much_keep time for his hobbies.他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。1.If so2.what is called3.makes it;to produce 4.twice as large as before5.has become very common6.would;ratherUnit 3 A taste of English humour感受英语的幽默核心词汇1Dont be_(挑剔的)about your friends,or youll

14、end up not having any.2Considering his age,I am quite_(满意的)with his performance in the play.3Success is not measured by the position you attain,but by the difficulties you_(克服)4. The thief_(溜进)into the house without anyone noticing him.5The_(手势)that involves making a circle with ones thumb and index

15、 finger has different meanings in different cultures.6Seeing my arrival,he came over and_(低语)something in my ear.7At first it looks quite_(普通的),but there is something special about it.8As a musician he was a _(失败者),but as an artist a great success.9用 convince 的适当形式填空(1)We took their suggestion becau

16、se their explanation was_.(2)I need to be_of the point of doing this before I do it.10用occasion;occasional;occasionally填空(1)I call on him_.That is to say,I dont visit him frequently.(2)Its really awful of you to dress so casually on such a formal_.(3)An_accident is part of the course of a day.1.part

17、icular2.content3.overcome4.slid5.gesture 6.whispered7.ordinary8.failure9.(1)convincing(2)convinced10.(1)occasionally (2)occasion (3)occasional高频短语1_直到现在2_ 对满足3_ 穷的;缺少的4_ 挑出;辨别出5_ 切断;断绝6_ 担任主角;主演7_ 寻找8_ 对挑剔9_ 破门而入10_ 突然(起来)1.up to now2.feel/be content with3.badly off4.pick out5.cut off6.star in7.be i

18、n search of8.be particular about9.break into10.burst into/out重点句式1Unfortunately his father died,_,so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.不幸的是他父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加贫困,因此查理的童年是在照顾生病的母亲和弟弟中度过的。2_they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountain during a snowstorm_.

19、相反,他们被暴风雪困在山边的一个小木屋中,没有任何东西可吃。3Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them_they were spaghetti.查理首先挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意大利面条一样。4The acting is_it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!卓别林的表演是那么有说服力,以至于你会相信这顿饭是他吃过的最美味的一顿!1.leaving the family even worse off2.Instead;with nothi

20、ng to eat3.as if4.so convincing thatUnit 4Body language身体语言核心词汇1Usually in an interview,the interviewee is asked to _(陈述,说明)his or her name,age and previous occupation.2Chinese people often exchange _(打招呼)by shaking hands with each other.3Its natural that tourists would want to see interesting place

21、s that _(代表,象征)the city.4. Dont_(靠近)that fierce tiger.Its too dangerous.5After waiting for a long time,I caught a glimpse of a taxi around the corner and made a_(猛冲)for it.6The brain performs a very important_(功能)for it controls the bodys nervous system.7Dont believe all ads as many of them include

22、f_information.8When you travel to a foreign country,culture shock may lead to cultural m_9用associate的适当形式填空(1)It has been proved that cigarette smoking is _with lung cancer.(2)We are working in_with a local company to raise money for the homeless.10.用defend的适当形式填空(1)She stepped back appearing surpri

23、sed and put up her hands,as if in_.(2)The law allows people to _ themselves against a charge.1.state2.greetings3.represent4.approach5.dash 6.function7.false8.misunderstandings9.(1)associated(2)association10.(1)defense(2)defend高频短语1_ 保卫以免受2_ 很可能;有希望3_ 总的来说;通常4_ 舒适;快活;自由自在5_ 丢脸6_ 背对;背弃7_ 相反地8_ 以相同的方式9

24、_ 以为基础10_ 小心1.defend.against2.be likely to3.in general 4.at ease5.lose face6.turn ones back to7.on the contrary8.in the same way9.base.on10.watch/look out重点句式1_was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.第一个到达的是来自哥伦比亚的托尼加西亚,紧随其后的是来自英国的朱莉娅史密斯。2_greet each other the same

25、 way,_comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的程度也并不一样。3However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and _touch them.不过,来自西班牙、意大利和南美等国的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且可能会(用身体)接触对方。4_,though,studying interna

26、tional customs can certainly _in todays world of cultural crossroads!但总的来说,在当今文化交融的世界,学习不同国家的习俗肯定能帮助我们避免交往中的困难。5Looking away from people or yawning will,_,make me appear to be uninterested.在多数情况下,把眼光从人们身上移开或者打个哈欠,会使我看上去(对此人或此事)不感兴趣。1.The first person to arrive2.Not all cultures;nor are they3.are mor

27、e likely to4.In general;help avoid difficulties5.in most casesUnit 5Theme parks 主题公园核心词汇1The method you thought out just now is really very good,but I know this is not a(n)_(独一无二的)method to solve the problem.2The_(主题)of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo is “Better City,Better Life”3The dog waiting at the

28、 gate began_(摇摆)its tail when it saw the boy returning.4. You can have either the double room or the family room,_(无论哪一个)you want.5His grandma spent her life doing good_(行为),and was respected by everyone in the village.6.Much to everyones_(娱乐),Mr.Smith came to work dressed as a clown.7The Silk Road

29、has a_(长度)of more than 4,000 kilometers and a history of 2,000 years.8The injury to his foot may end his career as an_(运动员)9用various的适当形式填空(1)Children can choose from among a _of activities in this park.(2)They arrived late for_reasons,disappointing the host.10用admit的适当形式填空(1)Only athletes who have

30、reached the agreed standard for their event will be_as competitors.(2)A few days after the interview,I received a letter offering me_to the university.1.unique2.theme3.swinging4.whichever5.deeds 6.amusement7.length8.athlete9.(1)variety,(2)various10.(1)admitted(2)admission高频短语1_以而闻名2_ 对熟悉3_ 根据模仿;仿造4_

31、 参加5_ 提前6_ 实现7_ 难怪;不足为奇8_ 玩得高兴9_ 面对面10_ 接近11_ 活跃起来1.be famous for2.be familiar with3.be modelled after 4.take part in5.in advancee true7.no wonder,8.have fun9.face to face10.get close toe to life重点句式1_you like,there is a theme park for you!无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园!2With all these attractions,_

32、tourism is increasing_there is a Disneyland.有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼公园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。3_in 1987,Futuroscope is_spaceage parks in the world.“观测未来”于1987年开放,是世界上最大的太空时代主题公园之一。4Futuroscope is_for individuals,_is_the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.“观测未来”主题公园不仅仅适合个人,也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。1.Whichever and whatever2.no wonder;wherever,3.Opened;one of the largest4.not only;but;also

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