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1、2020-2021学年高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Period 2课时作业外研版必修42020-2021学年高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Period 2课时作业外研版必修4年级:姓名:课时分层作业 十Module 3Period 2. 单句语法填空1. The gestures(gesture)are highly stylized and symbolic. 2. I was on the point of communi

2、cating(communicate)with him by paper. 3. All day long, thoughts are swirling around inside our head and we need to be conscious(consciousness) about this. 4. A second grade wind makes the tips of the branches tremble slightly(slight). 5. During the other boys interrogation, one questioner repeatedly

3、 slams a clenched fist into his own palm in a threatening(threaten)gesture. 6. We have an informal(informally) agreement to ride to school together. 7. The spread(spread) of economic calculation is basic to income maximization. 8. Griers citizenship, like his football, is aggressive(aggression), joy

4、ous, tough and catching. 9. Any large task, such as driving to the office, involves(involve) many smaller tasks. 10. The quantity of precipitation(降水) varies(vary) greatly from year to year in these regions. . 完成句子1. I think we could undertake to make a deal(做交易) with the firm. 2. Hindus join their

5、hands and bow their heads in respect(尊敬地). 3. In summary, creating a successful product requires more than(不仅是) delivering useful functionality. 4. Be on guard(保持警惕) against those who are jealous of your success. 5. The only way you can motivate people is to communicate with(交流) them. 6. Many people

6、 pressed forward to shake hands with(握手) him. 7. Women hold up(举起) half the sky. 8. They give away(暴露) the fact that they havent the instincts of a womanly woman. 9. The police has took out a summons(传票) against the driver of the car involving in(卷入) the accident. 10. It is easy for you to talk(你说起来

7、容易) ; you havent got to make the decision. . 单句改错(每句只有一处错误)1. The temperature in this mountainous area vary from day to day. (varyvaries)2. Using gestures in a correct way will help you communicate for others in a foreign country. (forwith)3. The news spreaded through the school very quickly. (sprea

8、dedspread)4. I ask you not to get involved this kind of matter. Its none of your business. (involved后加in)5. Her glasses broke, she couldnt see the words clearly on the blackboard. (brokebroken)6. Communicate in the mountains is very hard in the old days. (CommunicateCommunication)7. The woman didnt

9、want to get involve in the quarrel and said nothing. (involveinvolved)8. If you have any questions, please hold on your hand. (onup)9. Luckily, he was consciously of the danger and saved himself. (consciouslyconscious)10. This piece of music is relaxing listen to. (relaxing后加to). 完形填空I had just arri

10、ved in this Asian country for a one-year teaching position. One day, I took the subway to visit some ancient palaces and temples in the downtown. The following account of what happened to me has taught me much about culture 1. Since all the 2 were taken, I stood. Suddenly, I felt someone pulling on

11、my bag. 3 I probably was in someones way, I moved over slightly. But in one quick motion(动作), I felt my bag removed from my back, and in a flash it was 4. I turned around to see who the thief was. I looked at the people standing behind me, but didnt see my bag or any 5 person. My heart sank and I be

12、gan to 6. I glanced around the car only to find directly across from me was an elderly lady, and sitting on her lap was my 7. I tried to get it back from her lap. But as I began to 8 it up, she quickly grabbed(抓住) it back and held onto it. I looked around at the people standing beside me, and those

13、sitting beside her, but no one took any 9 of the situation. Trying not to cause a(an) 10 , I tried to negotiate through gestures. I used my hands as best as I could, but she 11 my requests for my bag and pointed to my back. She picked up my bag, showing how 12 it was. I finally began to understand.

14、She was holding my bag to 13 me. At the next stop, a middle-aged woman got on the crowded subway. Another elderly woman sitting down took her bag, 14 it on her lap. They didnt talk; 15 this older woman was more than pleased to sit with this strangers bag on her lap throughout her journey. As the sub

15、way pulled into the main downtown station and I was getting ready to get off, the woman 16 handed me back my bag. But 17 I had a chance to thank her, she had disappeared into the crowd. Sadly, this considerate custom was more 18 to me than if I had been robbed. Everyone back home had heard of being

16、robbedthat was 19 city behaviorbut having a stranger hold onto someones bag out of 20 , in a city of twelve million peoplethat was truly unusual. 【语篇概述】本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了作者旅游时在地铁上, 由于文化差异而引起的一场误会。由于座位已满, 作者只能站着。后来发现自己的包被人拿走了, 一开始以为是被人偷走了。但是作者发现自己的包在一位老妇人的膝盖上, 并想要将其拿回。老妇人示意包很重, 所以想帮忙拿着包。作者理解了她的善意, 而后作者发现这

17、种出于善意的行为在当地是很常见的, 也意识到自己误会了老人。1. A. lossB. aimC. cause D. difference【解析】选D。loss亏损; aim目的; cause原因; difference差异。本文讲述的就是一场由于文化“差异”引起的误会。故本题选D。2. A. carsB. seatsC. busesD. stations【解析】选B。car汽车; seat座位; bus公共汽车; station车站。根据后面的“I stood”可知, 我之所以站着, 是因为“座位”都被坐满了。所以B选项是正确的。 3. A. DecidingB. AssumingC. Adm

18、ittingD. Expecting【解析】选B。decide决定; assume假如; admit承认; expect期待。根据句意, 假如我挡了别人的路, 我会稍微移开点。所以B选项是正确的。4. A. brokenB. emptiedC. openedD. gone【解析】选D。broken坏掉; emptied掏空; opened打开; gone离去。根据前面的“I felt my bag removed from my back”我觉得包从我的背上移开, 可知我的包丢了。所以D选项是正确的。 5. A. suspiciousB. nervousC. cautiousD. danger

19、ous【解析】选A。 suspicious可疑的; nervous紧张不安的; cautious小心的; dangerous危险的。根据句意, 我向后看, 并没有找到我的包, 也没有发现任何可疑的人。所以A选项是正确的。 6. A. panicB. screamC. leaveD. regret【解析】选A。 panic恐慌; scream尖叫; leave离开; regret遗憾。 当作者发现自己的包丢了, 开始慌了。所以A选项是正确的。7. A. bookB. bagC. moneyD. map【解析】选B。 book书本; bag包; money钱; map地图。作者发现自己的“包”在一

20、个老妇人的膝盖上。所以B选项是正确的。8. A. pullB. bringC. checkD. wrap【解析】选A。 pull拉; bring带来; check检查; wrap包。根据“I tried to get it back from her lap”可知, 作者打算将自己的包拉回来。所以A选项是正确的。 9. A. advantage B. chargeC. noticeD. photo【解析】选C。 advantage优势; charge费用; notice注意; photo照片。 take notice 注意到。 句意: 没有人注意到这种情况。所以C选项是正确的。10. A. a

21、ttack B. sceneC. accidentD. change【解析】选B。 attack攻击; scene情形; accident事故; change变化。 与前面的“situation”有相同意思的词是“scene情形”, 所以B选项是正确的。11. A. receivedB. handled C. consideredD. ignored【解析】选D。 received收到; handled使用; considered考虑; ignored 忽略。 作者认为老妇人“忽视”自己的请求, 不打算将包归还。所以D选项是正确的。12. A. smallB. usefulC. heavyD.

22、 special【解析】选C。 small小的; useful有用的; heavy沉重的; special特别的。根据老妇人的动作“She picked up my bag”可知, 她是想说这个包很沉重。所以C选项是正确的。 13. A. remindB. tease C. help D. warn【解析】选C。 remind提醒; tease取笑; help帮助; warn警告。 作者明白了老人不是想将包占为己有, 而是觉得包太沉了, 想要帮忙拿着包, 是要帮助自己。所以C选项是正确的。 14. A. dropping B. tapping C. closingD. setting【解析】选

23、D。 drop落下; tap轻拍; close关闭; set使处于某种位置。在下一站, 也有一个老人把别人的包“放在”自己的腿上。所以D选项是正确的。 15. A. yet B. so C. orD. because【解析】选A。 yet但是; so所以; or或者; because因为。 该空前后两句是转折关系, 句意: 他们没有交谈(互不相识), 但是, 这个老人更加愿意在旅途中将这个陌生人的包放在腿上。所以A选项是正确的。16. A. angrilyB. gratefully C. anxiouslyD. gently【解析】选D。 angrily愤怒地; gratefully感激地;

24、anxiously不安地; gently温柔地。由前文可知, 老人是在帮我, 所以当我到站了, 要下车时, 老人温柔地将包归还给我。所以D选项是正确的。17. A. untilB. onceC. beforeD. while【解析】选C。 until直到; once一旦; before在之前; while然而。 根据“she had disappeared into the crowd”可知, 在我道谢之前, 老人就已经消失在人群中了。所以C选项是正确的。18. A. amusingB. surprising C. annoyingD. disappointing【解析】选B。 amusing

25、有趣的; surprising意外的; annoying讨厌的; disappointing令人失望的。 根据前文的描述可知, 这种体贴周到的风俗习惯令作者感到意外。所以B选项是正确的。 19. A. usualB. harmfulC. practicalD. suitable【解析】选A。 usual平常的; harmful有害的; practical实际的; suitable适当的。 根据前文提到, 在下一站, 也有一位老人帮陌生人拿包, 可知老人的行为在当地是很“平常的”, 是司空见惯的。所以A选项是正确的。20. A. curiosity B. pityC. kindness D. d

26、esperation【解析】选C。 curiosity好奇; pity遗憾; kindness好意; desperation绝望。 out of kindness出自好意。这种帮助陌生人的行为是出自好意。所以C选项是正确的。. 阅读理解(2019滁州高一检测)Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partners

27、hip (伙伴关系) which is good for both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although

28、 they can manage without each other, they do better together. Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals(珊瑚) of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants which act as “dustmen”, taking some

29、of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are even prevented from receiving light so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die. 【语篇概述】本文是一篇科教类阅读。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了自然界中有的动物和动物之间的关系以及植物和动物之间的关系。1. Some birds

30、 like to sit on a sheep because_. A. they can eat its parasitesB. they enjoy travelling with the sheepC. they depend on the sheep for existenceD. they find the position most comfortable【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据“This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites on sheep. ”可

31、知鸟喜欢坐在羊的身上, 是想吃羊身上的寄生虫。2. The underlined word “they” in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to_. A. birds and parasitesB. birds and sheepC. parasites and sheepD. sheep, birds and parasites【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据“The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So a

32、lthough they can manage without each other, they do better together. ”可知此处“they”指的是鸟和羊。3. We learn from the text that corals depend on plants for_. A. comfortB. lightC. foodD. oxygen【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据“This is so in the corals of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants which act as “dustmen”, taki

33、ng some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. ”可知珊瑚需要植物提供的氧气才能生存下去。4. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss? A. Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence. B. Some animals and plants develop their relationship easi

34、ly. C. Some plants depend on each other for food. D. Some animals live better together. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据“Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. ”可知一些动物和植物之间是相互依存的关系。【教师点评】推断性考查题包括事实推断、指代推断、逻辑推断和对作者意图与观点的推断。除了事实题可直接从文中找出答案外, 其他诸如对条件变化、因果关系以及作者意图等较为深层逻辑推断题, 则必须要建立在对全文的理解基础上, 通过文章所提供的线索, 加以综合分析, 才能做出正

35、确的推断。. 完形填空Most people are poor listeners. Even when we think we are listening carefully, we usually 1 only half of what we hear, and we remember even less. Improving your listening skills can be 2 in every part of your life. The most important 3 of poor listening is giving in to distractions (分心的事物

36、) and letting our thoughts 4. Sometimes, however, we listen too 5. We try to remember every word a speaker says, and we lose the 6 message by concentrating on details. In other situations, we may jump to conclusions and 7 a speaker without hearing out the message. Finally, we often judge people by t

37、heir 8 or speaking manner 9 listening to what they say. You can 10 these poor listening habits by taking several steps. First, take listening 11 and commit yourself to becoming a better listener. Second, work at being a(n) 12 listener. Give your undivided attention to the speaker in a genuine effort

38、 to 13 her or his ideas. Third, 14 distractions. Make a conscious effort to keep your mind on what the speaker is saying. Fourth, try not to be 15 by appearance and other elements. 16 preconceived(事先形成的) judgments based on a persons looks or manner of speech. Fifth, suspend (延缓) judgment 17 you have

39、 heard the speakers entire message. Sixth, 18 on your listening by paying attention to main points, to evidence, and to the speakers techniques. Finally, develop your note-taking skills. When done 19, note taking is an excellent way to improve your concentration and to keep track of a speakers 20. I

40、t almost forces you to become a more attentive and creative listener. 【语篇概述】本文是说明文。文章介绍了如何才能成为一名好的倾听者。1. A. graspB. realizeC. believeD. choose【解析】选A。根据上文的poor listeners及下文的remember even less可知, 即便认真去听, 我们通常也只能“领会(grasp)”所听到的一半内容。2. A. difficultB. helpfulC. possibleD. practical【解析】选B。下文介绍的是提高听力技能的方法,

41、 所以此处指提高听力技能对生活的方方面面都有“帮助(helpful)”。3. A. roleB. factorC. functionD. cause【解析】选D。容易受干扰是听力差的最重要的“原因(cause)”。4. A. passB. wanderC. stopD. stay【解析】选B。根据上文的giving in to distractions可知, 此处指思绪“乱飞(wander)”。5. A. longB. clearlyC. hardD. passively【解析】选C。根据下文的We try to remember every word可知, 有时, 我们听不好是因为听得“过于

42、认真(hard)”了。6. A. mainB. newC. usefulD. hidden【解析】选A。根据下文的concentrating on details可知, 此处指没抓住“主要(main)”信息。7. A. prejudgeB. ignoreC. doubtD. leave【解析】选A。根据下文的without hearing out the message可知, 没听完对方说什么, 就“妄下结论(prejudge)”。8. A. wordsB. speedC. behaviorD. appearance【解析】选D。此处指通过人们的外表(appearance)进行评价。9. A.

43、 due toB. along withC. instead ofD. except for【解析】选C。根据speaking manner可知, 人们经常通过外表或说话方式, “而不是(instead of)”对方所讲的内容来评价一个人。下一段的looks or manner of speech也是提示。10. A. pick upB. give upC. take upD. put up【解析】选B。下文提到的方法都是帮助大家“改掉(give up)”不良听力习惯的。11. A seriouslyB. naturallyC. personallyD. wrongly【解析】选A。根据下文的

44、commit yourself可知, 听别人说话时应该“认真(seriously)”。take sth. seriously严肃认真地对待某事。12. A. cleverB. activeC. freeD. powerful【解析】选B。此处指做一个积极的(active)倾听者。13. A. testB. supportC. understandD. discuss【解析】选C。根据本句中的undivided attention和genuine effort可知, 我们应该做一个积极的倾听者, 努力去“听懂(understand)”对方要表达的意思。14. A. considerB. shar

45、eC. watchD. resist【解析】选D。根据下文的keep your mind on what the speaker is saying可知, 倾听时需要“抵制(resist)”干扰。15. A. affectedB. puzzledC. replacedD. persuaded【解析】选A。此处指不要被外表等因素影响(affect)。16. A. Set asideB. Set downC. Set offD. Set out【解析】选A。根据上一段及下文中的judgments based on a persons looks or manner of speech可知, 此处是

46、说不要被外表等因素影响, 把那些事先形成的判断都“抛到一边(set aside)”。17. A. thoughB. whenC. untilD. since【解析】选C。要“一直等到(until)”对方说完再下结论。18. A. checkB. focusC. organizeD. monitor【解析】选B。根据下文的main points可知, 此处指要“集中(focus)”精力去听。19. A. eagerlyB. secretlyC. slowlyD. properly【解析】选D。只有记笔记的方法“得当(properly)”, 它才能在提高注意力中发挥积极的作用。20. A. questions B. plansC. ideasD. changes【解析】选C。记笔记当然是为了记录说话者的“观点(idea)”。. 阅读理解AThere are two main types of nonverbal communication. Body language is the first. Body language is body movements that depend on a persons attitude or feelings. Body language includes

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