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1、宾语从句练习题一改写句子1. He can finish the work in two hours. He says. (复合句) He says _ he can finish the work in two hours. 2. Does Mr. Brown enjoy living in China? Could you tell us?(复合句) Could you tell us _ Mr. Brown _ living in China?3. Does the girl need any help?” he asked me.(复合句) He asked me _the girl

2、_ _ help.4. I think that is a good idea. (否定句) I _ a good idea. 5. When does the train leave? I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) I want to know _ the train _.6. He does not tell the truth , I think. (变为含宾语从句的复合句) I _ think that _. 7. Did Peter come here yesterday? Li Lei wants to know. (改为含宾语从句的复合句) Li Le

3、i wants to know _ Peter _ here yesterday.8. He cant go to school. I think. (变为复合句) He _ think he _ go to school. 9. I dont know what I should do next. (变为简单句) I dont know _ _ _ next. 10. What did you do ? he asked me . (变为复合句) He asked me _I _. 11. He cant work out the problem. I believed. (同义句转换) I

4、 _ _ _ _ work out the problem.12. How can we get to the plane? I dont know. (同义句转换)I dont know _ _ _ get to the plane. 13. Can you tell me ? Where is the post office? (变为含宾语从句的复合句) Can you tell me _?14. Where did you find the book? Could you tell me? (复合句) Could you tell me _ _ _ the book?15. Who ha

5、s left for Haikou? Nobody knew. (复合句) Nobody knew _ _ _ _ Haikou.16. The earth goes around the sun . The teacher told us. (变为含宾语从句的复合句) The teacher told us_. 17. We noticed that they were playing football when we went home. (简单句)We noticed _ _ football when we went home.18. “keep the door open .”He

6、said to me . (简单句)He _ _ _ _ the door open. 19. “Dont play with fire.” I said to him. (简单句) I _ _ _ _ with fire. 20. Can you tell me ? who will you go with ?(连成复合句) Can you tell me _ you _ go with ?或 Can you tell me _ _ you _ go ?二选择。I从下列A、B、C、D中选择一个正确选项填空。1. I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. _ h

7、e comes, Ill tell you A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If2. I dont know _ the day after tomorrow. A. when does he come B. how will he come C. if he comes D. whether hell come3. Could you tell me _ the nearest hospital is? A. what B. how C. whether D. where4. Could you tell me _

8、the radio without any help? A. how did he mend B. what did he mend C. how he mended D. what he mended5. I want to know _. A. whom is she looking after B. whom she is looking C. whom is she looking D. whom she is looking after6. Do you know where _ now? A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did

9、he live7. Do you know what time _? A. the train leave B. does the train leave C. will the train leave D. the train leaves8. I dont know _. Can you tell me, please? A. how the two players are old B. how old are the two players C. the two players are how old D. how old the two players are9. The small

10、children dont know _. A. what is their stockings in B. what is in their stockings C. where is their stockings in D. what in their stockings10. I cant understand _. A. what does Christmas mean B. what Christmas does mean C. what mean Christmas does D. what Christmas means11. A: Could you tell me _ sh

11、e is looking for? B: Her cousin, Susan. A. that B. whose C. who D. which12 I want to know_. A. what is his name B. whats his name C. that his name is D. what his name is 13. Could you tell me_? A. when did Tom come back B. when does Tom come back C. when Tom will come back D. when Tom comes back14.

12、A: Could you tell me _? B: Im not sure. A. how many people have been out of hospital B. when is Thanksgiving Day C. which animal does he like best D. what time will the dolphin show start 15. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _ Christmas Day. A. is B. was C. has been D. which 16. I wond

13、er _ you would like to come to my birthday party. A. that B. whether C. that if D. that whether 17. A: Im waiting for the mail. Do you know _ it will arrive? B: Usually it comes by 4:00. A. how B. where C. when D. what 18. Do you know _ during the coming holiday? A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom

14、do C. what Tom will do D. what Tom did 19. The teacher told us that light _ much faster than sound. A. travels B. traveled C. would travel D. had traveled 20. Do you know if _ back next week? If he _ back, please let me know. A. he comes, will come B. will he come, comes C. he will come, comes D. wi

15、ll he come, will come 21The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun . A. go B. goes C. went D. gone 22. She doesnt know _ to go or stay. A. if B. whether C. what D. that 23. Tell me _ youd like to play football or not . A. if B. whether C. that D. when 25. Do you remember _ you went to Shanghai in 1980? A. when B. how C. if D. where

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