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1、单句改错专练1.A few thiefs broke in and took many valuable things away.2. To my sad, he didnt survive the fire.3.There is many traffic appearing on the street.4.Thank to your help, he finished the task at once.5. Mr. smith, of whom I have learned a lot, is a famous scientist.6.In 1980s, few families could

2、 afford TV sets.7.We all call him as Xiao Wang.8. We take turn to do the housework at home.9.There is not enough rooms for your desk.10.He is intelligent and hard-working, so he does well at all the subjects.11.The twins sister didnt go home all night, it made their family feel worried.12.He has ret

3、ired after nearly forty years of service in teaching.13.Two weeks past. They ran out money.14.The computer system broke up suddenly while I was playing games.15.Then came the total dark of the polar winter.16.The college attracts students of all nationality.17.It was with great sad that I left my ho

4、metown forever.18.She came towards me with a cheer smile on her face.19.It will take time and patient to get these changes accepted.20.Hearing his encouraging speech, everyone felt hopeless about the future.21.Last week, I went to a movie, which was very touching.22.His mother was very poor that she

5、 had to send him to a rich family.23.The boy accepted a very good education.24.She could hardly afford for the school fees.25.They are sure that they can make that possible for their model cars to run without electricity.26.Toms mother always told him not to smoke again, but which didnt help.27.I ca

6、n never forget the day that we worked together.28.The waiter greeted me with a smile and seating us by the window.29.The approach of the problem hasnt been found yet.30.It was the song that made him out a pop star overnight.31. The machine has been worked all night.32. The problem was he couldnt wor

7、k out an effective plan.33.The young man decided to mend his ways when he put into prison.34. Nowadays, farmers are increasing going to the town in search of a good job.35.All three of them shared the task of carrying water in return.36.A dog ran into the road, caused Mr. Wang to stop his car sudden

8、ly.37.The letter Tom had been looking forward to arriving at last this morning.38.This morning my friend Mary and me went shopping.39.She thought it is a good chance to practice Chinese.40.Lily was happy to talk to the salesgirls, so did they.41.All of us laughed include Mary.42.Mary became embarras

9、sing and realized she had made a mistake.43.How an interesting shopping experience.44.We were caught in storm.45.In the end the flower what I painted looked like a wheel.46.Being able to work out conflicts are an important skill in getting along with others.47.We have a very tired day. Lets go to be

10、d.48.This is my first visit to Great Wall.49.After a long train ride, we reached to Hang Zhou at last.50.Which impressed me most was that her explanation was very clear.51.You dont have to apologize to the boss of the failure.52.The young man explained to the boss that he had overslept because his a

11、larm clock didnt ring off that morning.53.We can see that his patience was running out little by little.54.I still stand by that I said yesterday.55.Great changes have been taken place in our city, which encourages us a lot.56.In addition to the equipments, the company also provides a train course.5

12、7.Do not go to computer rooms, or youll get into the trouble.58.The government must find solutions with the pollution problems.59.The family were running from street to street in search for the lost child.60.They should have arrived at 8:30, but they didnt take up. 单句改错(二)参考答案1.thiefsthieves 2.sadsa

13、dness 3.manymuch 4.ThankThanks 5.offrom6.in后加the 7.去掉as 8.turnturns 9.roomsroom 10.atin 11.itwhich 12.ofto 13.out后加of 14.updown 15.darkdarkness 16.nationalitynationlities 17.sadsadness 18.cheercheerful 19.patientpatience 20.hopelesshopeful 21. touchedtouching22.veryso 23.acceptedreceived 24.去掉for25.

14、thatit 26.whichit 27.thatwhen 28.seatingseated 29.ofto 30.outinto 31.workedworking 32.was后加that 33.he后加was 34.去掉the 35.returnturn 36.causedcausing 37.arrivingarrived 38. meI 39. iswas 40.didwere 41. includeincluding 42.embarrassingembarrassed 43.HowWhat 44.in 后加a 45.whatthat 或which 去掉what 46.areis 47.tiredtiring 48.to后加the 49.去掉to 50.whichwhat 51.offor 52.ringgo 53.去掉of 54.thatwhat 55.去掉been 56.equipmentsequipment 57.去掉the 58.withto 59.forof 或in后加the 60.taketurn

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