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1、完美 WORD 格式编辑六年级上册语言知识点归纳 ( 单词)一单词1. 国家:Australia 澳大利亚 Australian 澳大利亚的the USA(America )美国 American 美国的the UK(England) 英国 English 英国的China 中国 Chinese 中国的;中国人;汉语2. 奥运会有关单词:Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 Summer Olympic 夏季奥运会Winter Olympic 冬季奥运会 the 29th Olympic Games 第 29 届奥运会ring 环 hold 举办world 世界 dream 梦想3. 家

2、务:make the bed 整理床 pick up the toys 拾起玩具water the flowers 浇花 wash clothes 洗衣服4. 服装:dress 连衣裙 shorts 短裤trousers 裤子 schoolbag 书包socks 短袜 cap 鸭舌帽a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜5. 食品:fruit salad 水果色拉 hot dog 热狗candy 糖果 corn 玉米学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑soup 汤 beef 牛肉vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉6. 宇宙:sun 太阳

3、 moon 月亮star 星星 earth 地球7. 节日:Thanksgiving dinner 感恩节晚餐 National Day 国庆节Tree Planting Day 植树节 Teachers Day 教师节8. 生活物品:basket 篮子 washing machine 洗衣机plant 植物9. 动词:pass 传递 catch 接住bring 带来 keep 保持walk 步行 water 水;浇水10. 房间:bedroom 卧室 toilet 卫生间floor 地板11. 其他类menu 菜单 strong 强壮的12. 动词词组类walk to school 步行上学

4、 take a taxi 打的学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑六年级上册语言知识点归纳 (句子)13. They take place every four every years. 他们每四年举行一次。14. China held the 29 th Olympic Games in Beijing. 中国在北京举办第 29 界奥运会。15. Does he often play basketball? 他经常打篮球吗?Yes, sometimes he also plays football. 是的,有时候他也踢足球。16. They are cheering for their

5、class team. 他们在为自己班队加油。17. Bring me a basket, please. 请给我一个篮子去。18. Take an umbrella with you. 请带一把伞。19. Can I help you, madam ? 女士,我能帮助你吗?Yes, I need a dress. 好,我需要一件连衣裙。20. Whose schoolbag is this? 这是谁的书包?It s Lily s. 它是丽丽的。21. First make the bed. 首先整理床铺。Then pick up the toys on the floor. 然后捡起地板的玩

6、具。22. Wang Tao usually gets up at half past six. 王涛通常六点半起床。23. But this morning he got up at half past seven. 但是今天他七点半才起床。24. What did you do last night? 你昨晚做了什么?I watched a football game. 我看了一场足球比赛。25. When did you go to bed? 你什么时候去睡觉?At half past eleven. 11 点半。学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑26. Pass me the c

7、orn, please. 请把玉米递给我。Here you are. 给你。27. Would you like some soup? 你要一些汤吗?Yes, please. 好,请。28. Are there any trees on the moon? 月亮上有树吗?No, there aren t. 不,没有。29. Is there a rabbit on the moon? 月亮上有一只兔子吗?No, there isn t. 不,没有。学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑六年级上册语言知识点归纳 ( 单词练习)一看图片写单词1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9.二.

8、根据图片完成单词。1. 2. 3. 4.b sk d ty w k tr s s5. 6. 7. 8.学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑s l d pl t s p t let三根据汉语完成单词。1. 浇水 2. 座位 3. 保持 4. 梦想w t s t k p dr m5. 菜单 6. 世界 7. 锻炼 8. 举办m n w ld ex c se h d四、看汉语写英语。8. 小时 2. 盒子 3. 坏的 4. 环2. 牛肉 6. 强壮的 7. 游戏 8. 食物五. 补全单词,完成句子。6. P me the fish, please. Here you are.7. Bring m

9、e a glass of water. I m very t .8. Take an umbrella with you. It may r in the afternoon.9. Where are you from? I m from C .10. Candy is bad for your t .六根据题意,完成句子。1. Spring is . It s getting warm.2. The sun shines and .3. Fruits and vegetables are for us.学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑30. Thanksgiving is an ho

10、liday.31. Tree Planting Day is on .六年级下册语言知识点归纳词汇工作(job )职业famer 农民 cook 厨师nurse 护士 dancer 舞蹈演员police officer 警察 driver 驾驶员singer 歌唱演员 worker 工人doctor 医生 scientist 科学家疾病类:fever 发烧 headache 头疼wrong 不正常的 medicine 药toothache 牙痛 ill 病的,不适的地点类dining room 餐厅 lab 实验室middle school 中学 teachers office 教师办公室co

11、mputer room 电脑室 music room 音乐室科目 subjectphysics 物理 chemistry 化学geography 地理 history 历史lesson 功课 math 数学反义词类学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑thin 瘦的 fat 胖的light 轻的 heavy 重的tall 高的 short 短的动词类词travel 旅行 show 给 看cross 横穿 open 张开break 摔断 feel 感觉到carry 携带hope 希望hear 听见kiss 亲吻love爱grow 种植learn 学习 study 学习miss 想念动词词组go

12、 back 回到 have a cold 感冒have a fever发烧 have a toothache 牙疼名词词组the Yangtze river 长江Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节year book 毕业留念册其它类street 街道 address 地址information 信息 surprise 惊喜a lot of 大量的 soon 不久true 确实的 famous 著名的学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑六年级下册语言知识点归纳重点句型Unit 1 Winter ActivitiesDid you go anywhere in winter?

13、冬天你有去哪里吗?I climbed a mountain. 我去爬山了。I traveled along the Yangtze River. 我沿着长江旅行。I listened to music. 我听音乐。I went back to my hometown. 我回我老家。It s short and fat. 它又矮又肥。It s tall and thin. 它又高又瘦。A: Show me the dress, please. 请给我看那件连衣裙。B: Which dress? 哪一件?A: The long one. 长的那件。Unit 2 Helping Each Other

14、Wang Tao broke his leg. 王涛摔伤了他的腿。I am sorry to hear that. 听到这个我很遗憾。He didn t do well in high jump. 他跳高没跳好。The basket is heavy. 篮子很重。Let me carry it. 让我来提它。I can help you with your math. 我帮你补数学。I am worried about my lessons. 我担心我的功课。学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑Unit 3 Seeing a DoctorWhats wrong with you? 你怎么了

15、?I have a headache. 我头痛。I have a cold. 我感冒了。I have a toothache. 我牙疼。I have a fever. 我发烧了。You must take the medicine. 你必须吃药。You must drink a lot of water. 你必须多喝水。You mustnt go to school. 你不能去上学了。Unit 4 Mothers DayWhat will you do for your mother? 你要为你的妈妈做些什么?I will make a card for her. 我要为她制作一张贺卡。I w

16、ill give her some flowers. 我要给她一些花。I will give her a big kiss, 我要给她一个大大的吻,and say “I love you ”. 并说“我爱你”。What an interesting book ! 多有趣的一本书呀!What a surprise! 多么令人惊讶呀!Unit 5 OccupationWhat does he do? 他是做什么的?He is a doctor. 他是一名医生。What does she do? 她是做什么的?She is a worker. 她是一名工人。Whats his job? 他的工作是什

17、么?学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑He is a basketball player. 他是一名篮球运动员。Whats her job? 她的工作是什么?She is a dancer. 她是一名舞蹈家。What are their jobs? 他们的工作是什么?他们从事什么职业?They are police officers. 他们是警察。Unit 6 Dream JobsYou are very good at music. 你擅长音乐。What do you want to be? 你想要成为什么?I want to be a taxi driver. 我想要成为一名出租车司

18、机。Singers can make people feel happy. 歌手能让人们感到快乐。Will you be a scientist? 你要成为一名科学家?Yes, I will. 是的。No, I want to be a PE teacher. 不,我想成为一名体育老师。Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle SchoolWhere are the teachers offices? 教师办公室在哪里?They are on the 6th floor. 它们在六楼。You will lean chemistry soon. 你们很快就要学习化学了。History

19、 will be my favorite subject. 历史将会是我最喜爱的科目。Unit 8 FarewellWhy not make a year book? 为什么不做一份毕业留念册?Why not invite her parents to the party? 为什么不邀请她的家长来参加派对?学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑Why not make a DVD for our class? 为什么不为我们班级做一张 DVD?Do you remember this photo? 你还记得这张照片吗?We gave her a rabbit. 我们给了她一只兔子。六年级下册

20、语言知识点归纳单词练习一、根据汉语完成下列单词32. 胖的_ 2. 重的_ 3. 携 带 _6. 功课_ 5. 工作_ 6. 听 见 _9. 亲吻_ 8. 药_ 9. 街道_3. 瘦的_ 11. 轻的_ 12. 不久_11. 不适_ 14. 学习_ 15. 地址_4. 想念_ 17. 历史_ 18. 地址_二看图完成下列单词。d_ _ _ _ _ n_ _ _ _ d_ _ _ _ _w_ _ _er s_ _ _ _ _ _ f_ _ _ _ _学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑police_ _ _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ f_ _ _ _sc_ent_st c_ _

21、p _ _ _er l_ _h_st_ry ch_m_stry _ _ _sics三根据提示 ( 中文意思、首字母、图片 ) 完成下列单词中文提示33. I traveled _ ( 沿着)the Yangtze River.34. I had a lot of fun in the winter vacation. I _( 爬) a famousmountain.35. I went_ (回来)to my hometown.36. Did you see the _ and _ Festival?( 冰雪节) Yes, I did.37. _ (给. 看)me the photo, ple

22、ase.38. I _( 希望) I can go back to school.39. What a_!( 多么令人惊讶! )40. She is my _ ( 表姐).41. Sally will go to _ _ ( 中学) in the USA.学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑42. Why not make a _ _? (毕业纪念册)43. Where are the _ _( 教师办公室 )? They areon the 1st floor,首字母提示44. We can help him with his l_.45. The basket is heavy. Le

23、t me c_ it.46. This box is not h_. It s light.47. I am w_ about my lessons. Dont worry.48. I can h_ you with your English.49. O_ your mouth and say ah.50. You have a fever. You m_ go to school.51. You are ill. You must drink a d _ of water. I will giveyou some m_.52. Whats the d_ today? It s Sunday.

24、53. I will give her a big k_ and say I l_ you.54. They have a farm. They can g_ corn.55. Singers often w_ on holidays.56. Doctors can make people s_and h_.57. Thats Edison. He is a great i_.图片提示58.学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑Look at this man. Look at the snowman.He is _ and _. It is _ and_.59.I can _ you with your _. I can_you with your_.60. Whats _ with you?I have a _. I have a _.I have a _. I have a _.学习指导参考资料完美 WORD 格式编辑61.You mustnt_ You mustnt _ inthe_. the_.学习指导参考资料

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