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1、一、在下列每题的四个字母中有一个是元音字母,请把它选出来。(10分) 1.( )A. Cc B. Ii C. Dd D. Vv 2.( )A. Ff B. Kk C. Yy D. Aa 3.( )A. Oo B. Ll C. Ss D. Nn 4.( )A. Hh B. Qq C. Uu D. Xx 5.( )A. Ee B. Pp C. Mm D. Rr二、把下面的图片与相应的单词连接起来。(10分)黑板图一幅图灯图蜡笔图窗户图1. 2. 3. 4. 5. crayon light picture board window三、根据括号中的中文找出相应短语,并将代表答案的选项填在横线上。(10

2、分) Miss White: Lets clean the classroom. Please (擦黑板), (扫地) and (挂上图片).Mike: Sarah! (请开门).John: Amy! (请打开灯). A. Please open the door B. Please turn on the light C. Sweep the floor D. Clean the board E. Put up the picture四、选择填空(20分)( )1. This my classroom A. am B. is C. are D. /( )2. Whats the classr

3、oom? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. A. on B. in C. under D. near ( )3. We have 6 new A. light B. lights C. nights D. night( )4. go and have a look. A. Lets B. Let C. let us D. lets( )5. Amy: Wheres your seat? Mike: A. It near the door. B. Lets go and have a look! C. Its the door. D. Its

4、 near the door.( )6. Mike: Miss White: Thank you!A. Let me clean board. B. Lets me clean the board. C. Let me clean the board D. Let clean the board( )7. Lets clean the window. A. Yes. B. OK. C. Sorry. D. Excuse me.( )8. Where is the milk? you know? A. Do B. do C. Are D. are( )9. Let clean the fish

5、bowl. A. my B. I C. me D. our( )10. Where the twenty desks? A. be B. am C. is D. areA. Open the door. B. Turn on the light. C. Clean the desk.D. Sweep the floor. E. Open the book.五、选出与图意相符的短语,并将其序号填在括号内。(10分)打开书图扫地图开灯图1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )擦桌子图开门图 4. 5. ( ) ( )六、请将代表各图的字母填在相应的英语句子前。(10分)一块黑板图。一个风扇图。一台

6、电脑图。一张讲桌图。 一个转笔刀图。 A B C D E( ) 1. This is a teachers desk.( ) 2. This is a computer.( ) 3. This is a sharpener.( ) 4. This is a fan.( ) 5. This is a blackboard.七、连词组句。(10分) 1. new, my, is, desk, this .2. day, every, fun, have, we . 3. window, the, let, clean, me .4. near, door, Its, the .5. compute

7、r, the, green, is .八、读一读,将相对应的句子连线。(10分) A B1. Wheres my pen? a. Many books.2. Lets clean the window. b. Oh, its nice.3. Whats in the desk? c. Its in your pencil-case.4. Thank you. d. All right.5. Look at the picture. e. You are welcome. 九、阅读理解并判断正误。(5分)A clock房间里有一个表,时间为2点。This is a clock. Its on t

8、he wall of my room. May-be you dont know it. Now let me tell you somethingabout it. It has two hands. One is long, the other isshort. The long hand is minute hand and there are60 minutes in an hour. The short hand is the hour hand and there are 24 hours in a day. What time is it now? Its two oclock.

9、 I must do my homework now. Goodbye!( ) 1. The clock is on the wall of my room.( ) 2. The long hand is the hour hand.( ) 3. There are 60 hours in a day.( ) 4. There are 1440 minutes in a day.( ) 5. You may know the time from the clock. Unit Two My Schoolbag一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的划,不相同的划(10分)( ) 1.

10、 A. bed B. bag( ) 2. A. pen B. pencil( ) 3. A. lamp B. fat( ) 4. A. picture B. fifty( ) 5. A. cat B. car二、将下面的英语单词与对应的图画连接起来。(12分)笔记本卷笔刀尺子图语文书英语书书包图1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.English book Chinese book ruler sharpener schoolbag notebook三、请为单词们找到自己的家,并把单词的序号填到相应的横线上。(10分)1.lion 2.nurse 3.orange 4.rabbit 5.man 6

11、.rice 7.noodles 8.pen 9.ruler 10.pear 水 果: 学习用品: 食 品: 动 物: 人 物: 四、根据情景提示,在四个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(8分)Amy 和Mike拿着书的图。1. (Mike问Amy有几本书。) Mike: Amy: I have 6.A. How many books do you have?B. How many books can you see?Am递给Mike新书包的图。2. (Mike想看看Amy的新书包。) Mike: Amy: Sure. Here you are!A. May I have a look at your

12、new bag?B. Whats in your new bag?Amy 问Mike书包颜色的图。3.(Amy问Mike书包的颜色。) Amy: Mike: Purple.A. What colour is your bag?B. Whats in your bag?Amy 向Zhang Peng问路的图。4.(Amy想知道老师的办公室怎么走,那么 她应该怎样问路呢?)A. I dont know the teachers office.B. Excuse me. Where is the teachers office?五、读一读,用a, an填空。(10分)1.I have bag.2.H

13、ere is apple for you.3.Who has English book?4.This is pen.5.Please show me orange.六、读一读,用am ,is ,are填空。(10分)1、She my sister .2、The wall white .3、I from America .4、You right .5、Itso nice .七、你能把它们从小到大排队吗?(10分) twenty ten thirty forty-two sixteen forty eight eleven twelve nineteen 八、连词组句。(10分)1、 have ,

14、 a , pen , I , new 2、what , it , is , colour 3、how , boxes , you , do , have , many 4、is , my , heavy , schoolbag 九、读一读,将相应的句子连线。(5分) 1、How much is it? A. Five yuan. 2、Whats this in English? B. Its under the desk. 3、Whos that girl? C. Five. 4、How many books do you have? D. Its a window. 5、Where is y

15、our book? E. Shes my sister.十、根据图片,排列对话的顺序。(20分)Mike 向Sarah 介绍Wu Yifan。Mike ,Sarah ,Wu Yifan三人对话。Mike ,Sarah ,Wu Yifan三人在教室里对话。Mike ,Sarah ,Wu Yifan三人在教室里找自己的桌子。 1、We have a new classroom. 6、Really? Lets go and have a look. 2、Nice to meet you, John. 7、Wheres your seat, Mike? 3、Wow! Its so big. 8、Her

16、e. Its near the door. 4、Hi, Amy. This is John. 9、We have 6 new lights. 5、Hello, Mike. 10、Nice to meet you, too.( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )十一、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,在括号内打“”或“” Mike is an English boy. Hes ten. His sisters name is Mary. Shes five. She is not a student. Mike has a new schoolbag, but not hea

17、vy. There are some books in it. Theyre Chinese book, English book and math book. There is a black and red pen in his pencil-case. He likes the pen very much. ( )1、Mikes sister is a student.( )2、Mike has a new schoolbag.( )3、The schoolbag is heavy.( )4、There are three books in the bag.( )5、Mike doesn

18、t like the pen at all.Unit Three My Friend一、读一读,写一写,译一译(10分)1. quiet 2、strong 3、science( ) ( ) ( )4、music 5、forty ( ) ( )二、 写出下列字母的前后邻居(10分)1.Cc Ee 2.Hh Ll3.Pp Rr Ss Tt Vv汤蔬菜苹果三、 请圈出下列单词中的元音字母。(10分)1、a p p l e 2、 v e g e t a b l e 3、s o u p 一盒奶电脑4、 m i l k 5、 c o m p u t e r 四、判断下列各组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的

19、打“”,不同的打“”。(10分) 1、cake name ( ) 2、bike this ( ) 3、ruler bus ( ) 4、that three ( ) 5、good go ( ) 6、box six ( ) 7、my many ( ) 8、your thirty ( ) 9、what where ( ) 10、student cute ( )五、看一看,根据图片和所给字母补全单词。(10分)地面台灯尺子风筝门 oor ite r ler amp loor短头发长头发墙男孩扇子 an bo all l ng hair sho t hair 六、找出与其他单词不同类的一个。(5分)(

20、)1、A. fish B. long C. short( )2、A. hot dog B. hamburger C. hat( )3、A. kangaroo B. monkey C. key( )4、A. eraser B. crayon C. light( )5、A. notebook B. math book C. sports七、选择填空。(5分)( )1、This is his photo. Look! is tall. A. He B. She C. Hes( )2、He short brown hair. A. have B. has C. there is ( )3、Listen

21、 music. A. to B. of C. for( )4、She is a girl. Name is Lucy. A. His B. Her C. Its ( )5、She music. A. like B. likes C. to like八、读一读,把相对应的句子连线。(10分) A B1. Whats in your schoolbag? a. Yes, I do.2. Do you like music? b. Some book.3. Whos your best friend? c. I have many friends.4. How many friends do you

22、 have? d. Zhang Qiang is.5. What colour is your eraser? e. Its green.九、读一读,连词造句。(10分)1. have, new, I, a, friend2. very, She, music, likes, much3. is, heavy, You, too, schoolbag4. do, have, How, you, bananas, many5. black, short, has, He, hair 十、根据汉语,完成句子。(10分)1. Are you a (老师)or (学生)?2. Shes a (女孩),

23、 not a (男孩).3. I have a (好朋友).4. May I use your (尺子)?5. This is my (书).6. There is a (包),a (铅笔)on the desk.十一、情景交际,选出正确的选项。(5分) ( )1、当你向同学们介绍你的好朋友留着黑色短发时,应该说:A. He has long black hair.B. He has short black hair.C. He has big eyes and long hair. ( )2、当你要告诉同学们你喜欢科学课时,应该说:A. I like math. B. I like scie

24、nce.C. I like computer games. ( )3、当你问你的同学是否会拼写新学的英文单词时,应该说:A. Can you help me?B. Can you see the words?C. Can you spell these words? ( )4、当你鼓励同学勇敢地试一试时,应该说:A. Please have a try. B. Please come in.C. Please help me. ( )5、当你告诉妈妈你有一位美国朋友时,应该说:A. Mom, I have a new friend.B. Mom, I have an American.C. M

25、on, I have a Chinese friend.十二、小作文。请以“My friend”为题,写一篇短文。字数不少于50字,并用上以下词语。(5分)Amy, a girl, 13, America, thin and short, long hair, big eyes, Small nose, like, math, like, her, very muchMy friend_Unit Four My Home一、根据汉语提示,填入所缺的字母,完成单词。(10分)1.h_me(家) 2.fr_dge(冰箱) 3.b_dr_ _m(卧室)4.kit_hen(厨房) 5.ph_ne(电话

26、) 6.st_dy (书房)7.sh_lf(书架) 8.k_y(钥匙) 9.sp_ _ts(运动)10.flo_r(地板)二、 找出每组中与其他三个不同类的单词,并把它的序号下在提前括号内。(10分)( )1. A. study B. fan C. light D. computer( )2. A. cat B. dog C. duck D. bedroom( )3. A. father B. mother C. sister D. phone( )4. A. apple B. banana C. fridge D. peach( )5. A. thin B. kitchen C. stron

27、g D. quiet三、 找出相应的答句并将其序号写在题前括号内。(10分)( )1.Where are you from? A. Yes, I do.( )2.Do you like grapes? B. No, shes my mother.( )3.How many kites can you see? C. Im from Canada.( )4.Is this your bedroom? D. No, it isnt.( )5.Is she your sister? E. Fifteen.四、 选择填空。(10分)( )1. How many _can you see?A. Engl

28、ish book B. English books C. English books( )2. She _big eyes and small ears.A. is B. has C. have( )3.-Are you in the study? -_.A. No, he isnt. B. No, Im not. C. No, I dont.( )4._clean the board.A. Lets me B. Let me C. Let us me( )5.-Is she in the living room? -_.A. No, she is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. N

29、o, she isnt.( )6. _they in the kitchen?A. Are B. Is C. Am( )7. I have _new eraser.A. an B. a C. the( )8.-Is this a reading-room?A. No, it is. B. No, they arent. C. No, it isnt.( )9.Moms in the living room. Dad is _.A. too B. to C. two( )10. Im looking for a house _this.A. likes B. like C. at五、 连词组句。

30、(10分)1. English, this, What, is, in? _2. How, are, old, you? _3. name, Jack, My, is. _4. in, box, What, is, the? _5. a ,have, I, look, May? _六、 情景会话。将正确的选项填在题前括号内。(10分)( )1.当别人说:“Your pencil is nice.”时,你应说:( )A. Thanks. B. Wow! No. C. You speak well.( )2.当你把自己的妈妈介绍给怀特老师时,你可以说:( )A. Miss White. Hes m

31、y mom. B. Miss White, thiss my mom.C. Miss White, this is my mom.( )3.当你要借别人的尺子时,你会说:( )A. Thank you. May I borrow your ruler?B. Excuse me. May I borrow your ruler? C. Youre right. May I borrow your ruler?( )4.如果你是值日生,你会:( )A. Play computer games. B. Sweep the floor. C. Listen to the music.( )5.如果你想

32、洗个澡,你会:( )A. Go to the living room. B. B. Go to the bathroom.C. C. Go to study.A girl is in the study. 图片七、 根据图片内容回答问题。(15分)1.Q: Is she in the kitchen? A: _A cat is under the chair. 图片2.Q: Is the cat on the chair?A computer is on the desk.图片 A: _3. Q: Is the computer on the desk? A: _A teacher is te

33、aching ABC. 图片4. Q: Is he a teacher? A: _A boy is putting up a story- book. 图片5. Q: What books do you have?A. _八、 阅读短文,选出最佳答案。(10分)My parents (父母) work in a shoe factory. They get up at five thirty. They first get breakfast ready. Then they go to work by bus. They work from eight to five. They come

34、home at about six and prepare (准备) supper for us. Mother washes clothes in the evening. Father often makes toys(玩具) for us. They are busy all day.( )1.What time do my parents get up?A. At five twenty. B. At five thirteen.C. At four thirty. D. At five thirty.( )2.What do my parents first do in the morning

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