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1、牛津中小学英语Unit1-Unit2测试班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出与所听单词同类的一项。(10分) ()1.A.ScienceB.subjectC.sing()2.A.tableB.timetableC.pencil()3.A.footballB.skateC.down()4.A.ourB.weC.you()5.A.dayB.MondayC.today()6.A.schoolB.twentyC.grape()7.A.comeB.funC.aunt()8.A.duckB.whereC.umbrella()9.A.breakfastB.noseC.bird()10.A.s

2、hoeB.table tennisC.lesson 二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分) ( )1. A. Its Monday.B. We have three.C. We have Chinese.( )2. A. Here you are.B. Id like a cake.C. I like English.( )3. A. We have Chinese and English.B. We have five.C. We like Chinese.( )4. A. Its five oclock.B. At five.C. It has five.( )5. A. Yes, it

3、 is.B. No, they dont.C. Yes, they are.三、听录音,填入所缺单词。(10分) 1. A: What _ is it today? B: Its _ .2. A: _ _ _ do you have on _ ? B: We have eight.3. A: Its _ for PE. Lets _ _ now. B: _ right.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译。(10分)1.我的新课程表_2.今天早上_3.一节英语课_4.三节游泳课_5.一个大操场_6.一场篮球赛_7.放学后_8.每个星期六_9.星期二怎么样?_10.真遗憾!_二、选出不同类的词,将序号

4、填在题前括号内。(5分)()1.A.table tennisB.basketballC.ballD.foot ball()2.A.whenB.whatC.welcomeD.where()3.A.herB.theyC.weD.you()4.A.SundayB.MondayC.MumD.Saturday()5.A.ChineseB.subjectsC.ScienceD.Maths三、选择填空。(10分)( ) 1. Its time _ Maths.A. to B. for C. on ( ) 2. _ is the man? Hes my father. A. What B. Who C. Ho

5、w( ) 3. We dont have _ lessons on Sunday. A. some B. any C. many( ) 4. _ you like PE? No, I _. A. Do , do B. Do, dont like C. Do , dont( ) 5. I have a _ lesson today.A. swim B. swimming C. swiming( ) 6. _ is it today? Its Thursday. A. What subjects B. What day C. What time( ) 7. _ are they? Fifty yu

6、an.A. How many B. How C. How much( ) 8. I _ Art.A. not like B. cant like C. dont like( ) 9. Welcome _ the snack bar.A. at B. to C. in( ) 10. _ the timetables? They are on the desk. A. Wheres B. Where C. Where are 四、从栏中找出与栏相对应的答句,将其序号填在题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1.What day is it? A. Its Wednesday.( ) 2. Nice to

7、 see you. B. Five .( ) 3. What subjects do you like? C. At eight.( ) 4. How many lessons do we have? D. Lets jump and run.( ) 5. Get up. E. Nice to see you too. ( ) 6. What do you have? F. I like Maths.( ) 7. Its time for PE. G. All right.( ) 8. When do you go to school? H. I have some fruit.( ) 9.

8、Can I help you? I. How nice.( ) 10. Look at my skirt. J. Id like some pineapples.五、用所给单词适当形式填空。(5分)1. This is _ (we) timetable.2. I like _( Art).3. How many _ (mango) do we have?4. Its Sunday. We _ (have ) any lessons.5. Where _ (be) your clock?六、连词成句。(10 分)1. morning, what, do, this, we, lessons, h

9、ave (?) _2. do , every, skate, when, you ,day ( ? )_3. English , we, on, and, have, Maths, Friday (.)_4. Sunday, I, have, on, any, dont, lessons (.) _5. has, this, an, lesson, Art, Mike, afternoon(.) _七、按要求改写句子。(5分)1.I have Chinese and Maths this morning.(对划线部分提问)_ _ do you have this morning?2.I lik

10、e playing football.(改为否定句)I _ _playing football.3.I have a swimming lesson today.(用she替换I)_ _ a swimming lesson today.4.I like Maths and English. (对划线部分提问)_ _ do you like?5.I get up at six. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you get up?八、根据汉语意思把句子补充完整。(5分)1.你每天早上几点起床? 我6点起床。_ do you get up every _?I get up_ six.2.你今天有什么课

11、?我有数学和英语。What _ do you _ today?I have _ and _.3.今天星期几?_ _ is it today?4.我今天有一场足球比赛。I have a football _ today.九、阅读理解。(10分)1阅读对话,根据对话内容判断句子。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(5分)Lily: Hi, Helen. What day is it today?Helen: Its Tuesday.Lily: Lets go to play basketball this afternoon.Helen: Sorry, Im busy. I have Music a

12、nd Art.Lily: What about Liu Tao?Helen: He doesnt have any lessons.Lily: All right.Helen: But he has a football match.Lily: What a pity! ( ) 1. Today is Thursday.( ) 2. Lily wants to play basketball.( ) 3. Helen has Music and Art in the morning( ) 4. Liu Tao cant go to play basketball, either.( ) 5.

13、Liu Tao has a basketball match.2阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5分)My names Nancy. Im eleven. I have a brother Tom. Hes twelve. This is my study. Its not big but very nice. My new computer is on the desk. I like it very much. Heres a big bookcase. I have many books in it. I like reading. Theres a nice toy car in the b

14、ookcase. Its Toms. I like it, too. ( ) 1. Nancy is . A. ten B. eleven C. twelve ( ) 2. There is in the study. A. a desk, a computer and a bookcase B. a desk, a computer and a TV C. a table, a computer and a bookcase ( ) 3. The toy car is . A. Nancys B. Jims C. Nancys brothers ( ) 4. Whats in the bookcase? A. Many books. B. A toy car. C. A and B ( ) 5. Which is NOT right? A. The study is big. B. The computer is new. C. Nancy likes her study.

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