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1、PEP小学英语_五_年级下册教学设计单 元Unit 2 My favorite season总课时6主备人蔡 剑教材分析本单元是义务教育PEP小学英语教科书五年级下册第二单元,围绕话题“My favorite season”引出两组情景对话、一篇小阅读和一个趣味故事,功能是运用句型询问他人最喜爱的季节以及交流喜爱的原因,并在此基础上培养学生的语言交际能力和用英语表达个人情感的能力。本单元内容与日常生活息息相关,容易激发学生的学习兴趣和思想共鸣,便于学生在学习中体验、理解、内化和运用。学情分析学生已掌握的相关知识在学习本单元之前,已经有部分学生对季节单词有所了解。大部分同学能掌握可以描述季节的比

2、如颜色、相关跟季节有关的活动等,并利用他们可以做简单的词汇练习,比如:I can _.学生可能遇到的学习问题1.询问朋友最喜爱的季节及其相关原因的回答;2.理解并运用在不同的季节做不同的事情;单元目标知识目标:1. 能够掌握本单元出现的:spring, summer, autumn, winter, go on a picnic, pick apple, make a snowman. 2. 通过对话学习能够掌握的主要功能句型,如:“Which season do you like best?” “Why?” “Because -”. “I often-.” 等询问季节的句型。 3. 能够学会

3、唱一首英文歌曲 “Whats your favorite season?” 能力目标: 通过语言学习以及多种形式的交际活动,能够掌握本单元词汇和主要句型,并运用其完成询问他人对季节的喜好以及喜好的原因的交际,形成良好的语言交往能力。情感态度: 通过本单元的学习,单元重难点单元重点1. 能听懂简单的对话,掌握单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, go on a picnic, pick apple, make a snowman ;2. 能够掌握句型“Whats your favorite season?”及其相关回答;3. 掌握why, because 在具体句

4、型中的应用;单元难点1. 掌握句型“Which season do you like best?” 及其相关回答;2. 掌握相关动词词组及其运用;课 题Unit 2 : My favorite season课时1/6主备人蔡 剑教学内容Part A : Lets try & Lets talk教学目标知识目标:A. 能够正确听、说、朗读“Which season do you like best?”并运用 运用其表达交流喜欢的季节;B. 能够正确听、说、认读词汇,如:spring, summer, winter, season.能力目标:能够听懂、会说、会表演Lets talk 的内容,并在真

5、实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用;情感目标:能够提高口语表达能力,乐于与他人交流个人喜好与情感,提高小组合作能力;教学重难点教学重点1. 能够在真实的语境中运用“Which season do you like best?” 询问他人对季节的感受;2. 能够理解并表演Lets talk 的交际内容;教学难点学生能够就“My favorite season” 这一话题进行对话;教学方法1. Cooperative learning;2. Situational teaching method;3. The whole body reaction method;4. Game teachin

6、g method;5. Game teaching method。教学准备1. Multimediacourseware.2. Teachingplan3. Studentsevaluatesmallgifts 教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1: Warming up:1. Greetings ;2. Daily activities :-How are you ?-Hows the weather today ?-What day is it ?-Whats the date today ?3. Lets sing a song ;4.设计意图: 课堂伊始,教师通过“打招呼”的方式与学生进

7、行语言沟通谈论天气如何,为学习Lets try 部分进行渗透,同时跟唱歌曲拉近师生距离,同样利用歌曲创设了学习季节的语言环境,调动了课堂气氛,为新课的学习做好了铺垫。tep2: Presentation1. Lets try :Guide students to talk and communicate on the weather ;Teacher play the tape ,show Lets try;2. Lets talkThe teacher plays the music, shows the picture of the four seasons scenery, and pu

8、ts forward the related questions; 3. The teacher guides the students to show the results of the discussion;设计意图: 新知的学习从整体感知入手,由师生间的交流对话引入今天新课的内容,由粗读、细读再到快读,辅以练习题理解对话,然后通过分角色朗读整合课文,深化、内化知识,最后做到语言流利输出。Step3: Consolidation:1. Make up a dialogue:The teacher divided the students into two groups and asked

9、 for the activities.2. Make a survey:The teacher never chose a little journalist and asked him to investigate the season and the reasons for the students favorite.设计意图:学生在Presentation 部分为学生提供的词汇和文本框架能为其顺利完成语段表达搭建一个“脚手架”,教师只需提供主题,学生便可以启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地进行语段表达。小记者的调查,以小组合作的形式完成,该话题很具体又密切联系学生的生活,学生们争先恐后

10、当小记者,对语段表达的热情尤为高涨。Step4 Summing up :1. Words:2. Sentences:1. Free talk ;2. Do daily activities ;3. Enjoy the song;1. The students review the words related to the weather ;2. Discuss the students in groups, look at the pictures carefully, and answer the questions that the teacher gives.;3. Students c

11、ollectively solve the difficulties encountered in the discussion;1. The students create a dialogue according to the teachers requirements and the text ;2. The little journalist finished the investigation and reported the results to the class.; 家庭作业1、Listen and recite the dialogue;2、Finish the releva

12、nt workbook exercises;3、Interview your parents about which season your parents like best;板书设计Unit 2 My favorite season Which season do you like best ? sping summer autumn winter 课 题Unit 2 : My favorite season 课时2/6主备人蔡 剑教学内容Part A : Lets learn & Read and match教学目标知识目标:A.能够正确听、说、朗读“Which season do yo

13、u like best?” “Summer. I can go swimming everyday.” 学会询问他人最喜欢的季节等交际用语; B. 能够正确听、说、读、写词汇和短语,如:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, go swimming 等;能力目标:能够听懂、会说Lets learn & Read and match的内容,并根据实际情况运用本课重点句型询问他人最喜爱的季节 以及在每个季节可以做的事情 ,表达内个季节的特征。情感目标:能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力,并且进行积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习能力。 教学重难点教学重点1

14、. 能够正确掌握词汇和短语:如:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, go swimming 等;2. 能够在实际语境中交流询问他人最喜爱的季节:“Which season do you like best?” 教学难点学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答小对话。教学方法1. Cooperative learning;2. Situational teaching method;3. The whole body reaction method;4. Game teaching method;5. Game teaching method。教学准备1.

15、 Multimediacourseware.2. Teachingplan3. Studentsevaluatesmallgifts 教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1: Warming up :1. Greetings ;2. Daily activities :-How are you ?-Hows the weather today ?-What day is it ?-Whats the date today ?3. Teacher play the song ;设计意图:本环节旨在以歌曲的形式复习上节课学习季节的内容,激活学生的知识储备,为新授部分进一步学习有关季节的相关话题,扫清了

16、部分语言障碍,激发了学生学习的兴趣。通过学生唱歌曲,营造了良好的英语课堂氛围,降低了教学难度,创设了语言情境。Step2: PresentationA. Lets learn 1. Talk about “What do you do in every season?”2. Teachers learn phrases through slides: swimming ;3. Game: Teachers learn phrases through slides.设计意图: 以 “季节”为主线,通过让学生交流四季都可以做哪些事情以及四季的额特点这两个问题,学习本课的新知,为学生感知学习语言创设

17、了情境,激发学生开口表达的动力以及兴趣。并设置游戏“你演我猜”以及小组对话交流,学生对这种具有趣味性的活动 非常地投入,主动积极地参与到合作交流中,尤其是在“你演我猜”的游戏中,学生有趣的表演,点燃了学生说英语的热情,也让猜出季节的额学生的成就感油然而生.BRead and match1. The teacher shows the pictures of the four seasons and guides the students to observe the characteristics of the four seasons in the picture ;2. The teach

18、er guides the students to complete the exercise on the book ;Step3: Consolidation:1. Teachers guide students in groups, communicate with each other and what they can do in each season ;2. Make a poster: 3. The teacher guides the students to introduce the poster painted by the group;设计意图:本环节通过调查,画海报,

19、小组展示表演,不仅培养了学生相互之间的合作与交流能力,以及学生英语学习的兴趣,并且将组内的交流成果创造性地以海报呈现,培养了学生的创造力与想象力,激发了学生的思维能力,学生们用英语表达的欲望高张,纷纷踊跃参与到合作表演中,获取知识的同时体验了分享的过程与快乐。Step4: Summing up :1. Summing up :2. Sentences:1. Free talk ;2. Do daily activities ;3. Enjoy the song ;1. Talk about it;2. Play the game;1. Under the guidance of teacher

20、s, students learn to understand sentences: Spring is green with flowers and songs;1. Teachers guide students in groups, communicate with each other and what they can do in each season ; 家庭作业1、Listen and recite the dialogue;2、Finish the relevant workbook exercises;3、Do a survey about your friends can

21、 do in their favorite season;板书设计Unit 2 My favorite seasonWhich season do you like best?Spring is green with flowers and songs.Summer is hot and the days are long.I can go swimming every day.课 题Unit 2 : My favorite season 课时3/6主备人蔡 剑教学内容Part B : Lets try & Lets talk教学目标知识目标:A. 能够正确听说、朗读“Which season

22、 do you like best ?” “I like_ best.” “Why?” , “Because-.”等询问他人和表达自己季节喜欢的交际用语;B. 能够正确听、说、认读词汇和短语,如:good, job, because 等;能力目标:能够听懂、会说、会表演Lets talk 的内容,并把本课所学语言运用在真实场景中交流;情感目标:能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力。 教学重难点教学重点1. 能够在真是语境中交流运用关于季节的问答句:“Which season do you like best ?” “I like_ best.” “Why?” , “Because-.”2. 内化

23、并表演Lets talk 部分的交际内容。教学难点学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答小对话。教学方法1. Cooperative learning;2. Situational teaching method;3. The whole body reaction method;4. Game teaching method;5. Game teaching method。教学准备1. Multimediacourseware.2. Teachingplan3. Studentsevaluatesmallgifts 教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1: Warming up 1. Greeti

24、ngs ;2. Daily activities :-How are you ?-Hows the weather today ?-What day is it ?-Whats the date today ?3. Teacher play the chant ;设计意图:通过chant 复习本单元第1,2课时的重点句型和词汇,不仅起到了温故知新的作用,还调动起学生的学习热情,为本课的学习创设了一个温馨、愉悦的 氛围。Step2: Presentation1. By creating a real situation, the teacher shows the students the ph

25、otos taken during the summer vacation ;2. The teacher shows the homemade card;3. The teacher instruct the students to observe the content of the “Lets talk” part and put forward the relevant questions :-Who are they ?-What are they talking about ?设计意图: 阅读前,通过创设情境突破课文中的重点句型:“Which season do you like

26、best ?” “I like_ best.” “Why?” , “Because-.” 为课文的引出扫清语言障碍,阅读中内化课文,语言点和信息,阅读后学生进行表演,输出语言知识,能够有效的提高学生的语言运用能力。Step3: Consolidation:1. Make a dialogue : The teacher divided the students into groups and arranged a good job in each group.设计意图:本环节为巩固练习部分,从给学生“固定框架“到”无框架可依”, 从简单易行的题目到略有难度,设计具有梯度性,各种层次的学生都能找

27、到自己的角色,同时创编对话也培养学生的创新精神和使用语言进行交流的能力。Step 4 Summing up :1. Words and phrase:2. Sentences:1. Free talk ;2. Do daily activities ;3. Chant together;1. Students according to the teacher show the pictures, read the new words ;2Students listen and say ;1. The students, under the guidance of the teachers, c

28、reate dialogues and perform in a group of two people. 家庭作业1、Listen and recite;2、Finish the relevant workbook exercises;3、Preview next lesson by looking up words and translating ;板书设计Unit 2 My favorite seasonWhat season do you like best ?I like spring best .Why?Because there are pretty flowers.课 题Uni

29、t 2 : My favorite season 课时4/6主备人蔡 剑教学内容Part B : Lets learn & Ask and answer教学目标知识目标:A. 能够进一步内化“Which season do you like best?” “I like -best. I often -. ” 等询问他人和表达自己季节喜好的交际用语;B. 能够正确听、说、认读词汇和短语,如: picnic, go on a picnic, pick apples, snowman, make a snowman, go swimming等。能力目标:能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力,并且进行

30、积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习的能力。教学重难点教学重点1. 能够掌握词汇和短语,如:picnic, go on a picnic, pick apples, snowman, make a snowman, go swimming等。2. 能够在实际语境中交流运用关于能力的问答句:“Which season do you like best?” “I like -best. I often -. ”教学难点学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答对话。教学方法1. Cooperative learning;2. Situational teaching method;3. The whol

31、e body reaction method;4. Game teaching method;5. Game teaching method。教学准备1. Multimediacourseware.2. Teachingplan3. Studentsevaluatesmallgifts 教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1: Warming up1. Greetings ;2. Daily activities :-How are you ?-Hows the weather today ?-What day is it ?-Whats the date today ?3. Enjoy a so

32、ng : Whats your favorite season?4.设计意图:本环节旨在以歌曲的形式活跃课堂气氛,其明快的活动节奏把学生调整到最佳的学习状态,以迎接新的学习任务。以Free talk 的形式复习上一课时的内容,为新知识的学习提供了语言储备。Step2: Presentation1. go on a picnicT: Do you want to know which season I like best ?Then, the teacher shows the pictures of their favorite season, and guides the students

33、to understand the phrases in the situation: go on a picnic .2. Teacher learn phrases by creating different situations:go swimming , make a snowman , pick apples.3. Finish the exercise on the book ;设计意图: 本环节运用多种形式导入和操练新授词汇,不仅注重了设计的趣味性,更注重了其有效性。Step3: Consolidation :1. Ask and answer. Guide students t

34、o read the sentence patterns and phrases in the 18 page of the text book .2. Write an e-mail.设计意图:本环节把email 移植到课堂中,是课堂教学生活化并且充满乐趣。学生在类似真实的场景中内化了语言知识,提升了写作技能,提高了综合语言运用能力。Step4: Summing up :1. Words and phrases:2. Sentences:1. Free talk ;2. Do daily activities ;3. Listen and sing ;1. Students under th

35、e guidance of teachers, understand and repeat phrases:go on a picnic2. Students under the guidance of teachers, understand and repeat phrases:go swimming , make a snowman , pick apples.3. Students play a role in the group .2. Students in the form of a group of two people, according to Ask and answer a new dialogue by the bedside;

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