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1、I名词1.含义用来表示人,动物,时间,地点,状态或抽象名词。名词是一种实词,名词可以做主语、宾语、定语、同位语、宾补、状语、表语、独立成分等。2分类类别意义举例专有名词表示人、时间、节日、地方、组织、机构或事物等专有的名称。专有名词中每个实词的首字母要大写。China the Great Wall March Mary Christmas the UN SARS AIDS普通名词可数名词个体名词表单个的人、物、事child teacher desk book tree accident 集体名词表集合、团体class family club group crew police team peo

2、ple machinery jewellery clothing furniture 复合名词两个或两个以上名词连在一起构成的名词boy-friend passer-by brother-in-law grown-up looker-on不可数名词物质名词表物质或材料的名称,无法判断个体的事、物water milk money silk bread tea air fire salt sugar 抽象名词表示行为、动作、品质、状态、感情等life mind peace health luck happiness value pain honesty3.名词的数1)名词复数规则变化构成方法举例单

3、数复数多数名词在词尾加-sbookballstudentbooksballsstudents以-s,-x,-sh,-ch结尾的再词尾加esbusboxwatchdishbuzzbusesboxeswatchesdishes 碟子buzzes 电铃声以y结尾的名词以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加escitybabycountrystorycitiesbabiescountriesstories以元音字母加y结尾的名词和专有名词,在词加skey Henry Mary keysHenrysMarys 以f或fe结尾的名词一般把f或fe变为v,再加esleafthiefknifewifelea

4、vesthieveskniveswives有些直接加sroofchiefbeliefroofschiefsbeliefs个别词以上两种变化都有beef-beefs/beeveshandkerchief-handkerchiefs/handkerchieve手帕以o结尾的名词,在词尾加es或者spotatoechotomatopotatoesechoes 回声tomatoesbambooradiophotobamboosradiosphotos2)名词复数不规则变化构成方法举例单数复数变内部元音字母变a为emanwomanEnglishmanGerman(特殊)menwomenEnglishme

5、n Germans 变oo为ee footgoosetoothfeetgeeseteeth完全不规则childoxmousedatumbasismediumchildrenoxenmicedatabasesmedia复合名词的变化主体词变复数armymanlooker-onrunner-upeditor-in-chiefpasser-bymather-in-lawgrand-childarmymenlookers-onrunners-upeditors-in-chiefpassers-bymothers-in-lawgrand-children没有主体词的在最后一个词的词尾加sgo-betwe

6、engrown-upboy-friendgo-betweensgrown-upsboy-friends由woman和 man构成的复合名词,前后两部分复数woman doctorgentleman-farmerman cookwomen doctorsgentlemen-farmersmen cooks4.名词单复数的一些习惯用法1)单复数同行的词Chinese li里 people Swiss瑞士人 deer means手段 series 系列Vietnamese越南人 fish mu亩 sheep yuan元 Japanese 2)常用复数形式的词arms武器 earnings挣的钱 pa

7、nts裤子socks 袜子 ashes灰烬 findings调查结果 pyjamas 睡衣裤 stairs 楼梯 belongs所有物 firewoods烟火 remains 残余 surroundings环境 clothes衣服 forces武装部队 savings储蓄 trousers裤子sweepings 扫拢的垃圾compass指南针 glasses眼镜 scissors剪刀 thanks感激 congratulations 祝贺 jeans牛仔裤 shoes鞋子 tropics热带 doings行为 mountains山脉 shorts短裤 3)形式为复数,意思为单数News消息 c

8、rossroads十字路口 physics物理 politics政治 mathematics 数学 headquarters 司令部4)表示总体意义,总用作复数police警察 people 人们,人民 clothes衣服 cattle牛群 public公众Exercise:用be动词填空1. Two hundred police_ on duty.2. A lot of people _ on the square.3. Many cattle _ kept.5) 有些集合名词既可以表示单数,也可以表示复数例词单数词义复数词义例词单数词义复数词义class team committeeclu

9、barmy 班级对委员会俱乐部军队班里成员队员委员会成员俱乐部成员军人familygroupyouth crewgovernment家庭群青年全体船员政府家庭成员一群人青年人同事们政府成员注意:集合名词若作为一个整体看待的话,谓语用单数;若作为个体看待,谓语用复数。Exercises:1 My family _ (be) a big one.2 When I came in, his family _ (be) watching TV.3 The football team _ (be) very good.4 The team _ (be) bathing.6)有些名词在中国人看来不可数,当

10、在英语表达中却可以加a/an.e.g a/an coffee/hurry/pleasure/successa/an rain/income/population/surprisea/an education/increase/rest/timea/an headache/interest/reward/tripa/an help/knowledge/ride/voice/walka/an history/salary/sight/pity/honor/whispere.g1) I had a good time at the party. 2) After supper we go out f

11、or a walk. 3) The snow that covers the top of the mountain is a beautiful sight.4) He got a good education when he was in England.5) China has a population of 1.3 billion.6) China is a large country with a long history.7). 有些名词通常用作单数,表示整体,比如hair, fruit, vegetable,但是表示若干种头发,若干水果,若干蔬菜时,则需要用复数形式。 e.g 1

12、) Mothers hair is grey. She has a few white hairs. 2)The fruit is ripening. Her daughter likes pears, apples, and other juicy fruits.8) 有些名词单复数意思不同。people人们 -peoples人民 game游戏- games运动会compass指南针- compasses圆规 interest兴趣- interests 利益 manner方法- manners礼貌 custom习惯,风俗- customs海关,关税5.名词的量1) 常表示一双,一对、一副,如

13、:a pair of shoes a pair of glasses a pair of socks2)其他的量、数、单位词 a.常搭配不可数名词:piece片、块、张、条, slice落片, cup,glass杯, lump块, bar条, block块、片, sum一笔, drop一滴, sheet片、张、页, loaf块、个, grain粒, cake块, ear穗, bottle瓶 b. 搭配可数名词:set组、套 , row排, copy本、复印本, group组、群, team队, line行, suit套, bunch捆、束, pocket包、袋, basket篮3)限定词 a.

14、 只能修饰可数名词:many, few, a number of b. 只能修饰不可数名词:much, little, a large mount of, a great deal of c. 两者都可以修饰:some, any, plenty of, a lot of, a large quantity of 6.名词所有格1.构成 1.1 s所有格类别构成形式举例一般名词+smy friends dog复数名词以s或es结尾+the students classroom以s或x结尾的专有名词+s或+Childrens day 并列名词各自所有两个名词都+sMarys and Toms ro

15、oms并列名词共同所有最后一个名词+sMary and Toms room1.1.1应用1)表示有生命的东西的所有格(如上表),但在某些习惯用语中也表示无生命的东西的所有格。e.g The beach is within a stones throw. 到海边只有一步之遥。2)表时间、距离、国家、城市、团体机构等无生命名词的所有格。e.g a ten minutes walk Chinas industry todays newspaper3)表类别、属性 mens shoes a doctors degree childrens books a summers day a workers f

16、amily4)表动作的执行者或承受者 my teachers praise childrens education5)s所有格后面的名词如果指商店、家宅、教堂、诊所等地点时,该名词常被省略。 the doctors诊所 the tailor裁缝店 the butchers肉店 the grocers食品店 the barbers理发店 my uncle我叔叔家 Queens 女王学院 Johnsons 约翰逊的家/商店6)s所有格修饰的名词,如果上文已经提到,常省略,避免重复。 e.g This is not Toms book, its his friends.1.2 of 所有格构成:名词

17、+ of+名词e.g the capital of China, the door of the room, the life of the poor, the grandpa of the children1.3 双重所有格构成:of+名词s (或名词性物主代词) 1)表整体中的部分 a friend of my fathers= one of my fathers friends a class of mine a class of Toms 2) 表示赞赏或厌恶的感情the performance of teachers- teachers performance(不欣赏,不赞成)the wife of Mr. Greens- Mr. Greens wife(带有厌恶情绪)

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