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1、6年级第二学期英语复习资料U5 What will I be like? 词组与词形转换 记忆表班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_一、重要词组:my possible future 我可能的未来stand in front of a magic camera 站在一架魔力照相机前take a photograph with it 用它拍照look for the “start” button 找“开始”按钮puts in a $20 note and presses the “start” button 放一张20元纸币,然后按“开始”按钮Her photograph comes out and K

2、itty reads the note on the back. 她的照片出来了,kitty读背面的注释This is me in 15 years time. 这是十五年后的我。In 10 years time, she will be slim, good-looking and more beautiful. 十年后,她会变得苗条,漂亮,更美丽。Peter will be 175 centimeters tall. 彼得将有175厘米高。Hell weigh 80 kilograms. 他将重80公斤。be good at singing / English 擅长唱歌/英语be poor

3、 at sports / maths / Chinese 不擅长体育/数学/语文wear glasses 戴眼镜put out fires 灭火listen to music 听音乐grow bigger 长得更大read and write a lot 读写多write a report on my future 写一篇关于我未来的报告practise English more 多练习英语learn how to make sick people better 学习如何使病人康复What would you like to be? 你想成为什么?I will be an astronaut.

4、 我想成为一名宇航员。Thats what I will be /would like to be. 那是我想成为的。fly a spacecraft 驾驶航天飞机飞行come back 回来二、词性转换:1. possible (a.) possibly (ad.) 可能地2. weigh (v.) weight (n.) 重量3. report (v. n.) reporter (n.) 记者4. bake (v.) baker (n.) 面包师 bakery (n.) 面包房5. sing (v.) singer (n.) 歌手6年级第二学期英语复习资料U5 What will I be

5、 like? 词组与词形转换 默写表班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_一、重要词组:我可能的未来_站在一架魔力照相机前_用它拍照_找“开始”按钮_放一张20元纸币,然后按“开始”按钮_她的照片出来了,kitty读背面的注释_这是十五年后的我。_十年后,她会变得苗条,漂亮,更美丽。_彼得将有175厘米高。_他将重80公斤。_擅长唱歌/英语_不擅长体育/数学/语文_戴眼镜_灭火_听音乐_长得更大_读写多_写一篇关于我未来的报告_多练习英语_学习如何使病人康复_你想成为什么?_我想成为一名宇航员。_那是我想成为的。_驾驶航天飞机飞行_回来_二、词性转换:1. possible (a.) _ (ad.) 可

6、能地2. weigh (v.) _ (n.) 重量3. report (v. n.) _ (n.) 记者4. bake (v.) _ (n.) 面包师 _ (n.) 面包房5. sing (v.) _ (n.) 歌手U5 What will I be like? 本课要点一、重要句型:A: What will you be like in 15 years time? B: In 15 years time, he will be tall and strong.A: What will you be?B: He will possibly be a reporter. A: I think

7、Peter will be a fireman in 15 years time. B: Yes, I agree.A: I think Jill will be a teacher in 15 years time.B: No, I dont agree. Shell possibly be a singer.二、知识点:1. Hell becentimeters tall. 他将有厘米高 / Shell weigh kilograms. 她将重千克。如: Hell be 170 centimetres tall. Shell weigh 58 kilograms.2. He/ She wi

8、ll beand 如: Hell be taller and heavier. Shell be slim and good-looking.3. will possibly be a /an 如:He will possibly be a baker. Shell possibly be an astronaut.4. be good at 擅长 be poor at不擅长 如:Im good at English, but Im poor at Chinese and singing.5. have to “不得不”,相当于must6. I dont agree. 我不同意。7. love

9、 helping / listening / eating love 后既可跟doing,也可跟 to do8. in years time “在年后”,用于将来时9. First, Next, Then Finally, 首先,其次,然后最后,U5 What will I be like? 补充练习( ) 1. Kitty is standing _ a magic camera. A. in frontB. at front of C. in front ofD. in the front of( ) 2. She wants _ a photograph with it. A. take

10、sB. to take C. takingD. taken( ) 3. She lost her pen and began to_ it. A. look forB. look C. look at D. look after( ) 4. This is me _.A. in 15 years time B. at 15 years time C. in the 15 years time D. in 15 years time( ) 5. Ill be _.A. 182-centimetres tall B. 182-centimetre-tall C. 182 centimetre-ta

11、ll D. 182 centimetres tall( ) 6. He enjoys _ people.A. helpsB. helpC. helpingD. to help( ) 7. Peter is good _ sports. A. onB. atC. withD. in( ) 8. Jill is good at _. A. singingB. singsC. singD. to sing( ) 9. She will _ 56 kilograms.A. weightB. weighC. weighs D. weighed( ) 10. A: I think Jill will be

12、 a teacher in 10 years time. B: _. She likes children. A. No, I dont agree. B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I agree. D. Yes, she agrees.( ) 11. A: What will you _ in 15 years time? B: An astronaut. A. doB. beC. areD. is( ) 12. Youll go with _, Kitty. A. myB. mineC. ID. me( ) 13. Joe _ eating cakes and pizza. A

13、. loveB. lovedC. lovesD. loving( ) 14. He will _ 70 kilograms. A. weightB. weighedC. weighsD. weigh1. Hell _ be an astronaut. (possible)2. She will be a _ because she loves singing very much. (sing)3. Joe is _ than his classmate, Jim. (heavy)4. Ben will grow _ in the future. (big)5. You cant pass th

14、e exam _ your teachers help. (with)6. Hell work in a _. (bake)7. We should watch _ (little) television and have _ (few) rice dumplings.8. I have to practise Chinese _ (much) because I would like to be a _. (report)9. A doctor usually makes sick people _. (well)1. She takes a photo twice a week. (划线提

15、问)_ _ _ she _ a photo ?2. She loves listening to music. (否定句) She _ _ listening to music.3. Jill wants to be a singer. (保持原意) Jill _ _ to be a singer.4. He has watched an interesting film. (一般疑问句) _ he _ an interesting film?5. Joe is good at playing tennis. (保持原意) Joe plays tennis _ _. / Joe _ _ in playing tennis.6. Peter will be tall and strong. (划线提问) _ _ Peter be _?

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