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1、外研版小学英语小升初复习题( ) 1. My little sister is only_A.three year old. B. three years old. C.three years( ) 2. I want to buy _glasses for my grandpa.A. a B. the C. a pair of( ) 3.Jim and Ron are_ about Jacks birthday.A. saying B. talking C. speaking( ) 4.What an_ game it is!A. excite B.exciting C. excited(

2、) 5. I usually_ my homework at seven oclock.A. did B. do C. does( ) 6. My VCD_ here yesterday. Where _it now?A. is ,was B. were , are C. was , is( ) 7. What_ is it today? It is Sunday.A. date B. time C. day( ) 8. What_ in the glass ? There_ some apple juice.A is , is. B. is, are C. are ,is( ) 9.My f

3、ather likes_ music after lunch.A. listening to B. listen to C. to listen( ) 10. Heres a photo of_ family for you . May I have one of ?A. yours ,my B. my ,yours C. your, my( ) 11.Ben is_ the candles on the cake . Its time for some cake.A.buying B.blow out C.blowing out( ) 12. Whens your birthday, And

4、y?A.At January B.On January C.In January( ) 13. Mary is looking _her camera.She cant find it.A. for B.at C.around( ) 14. Mr Smith looks around. Theres_ nearby.A.everyone B.no one C.some people( ) 15. Look! The birds _ our lunch.A.is eat B.are eat C.is eating D. are eating( ) 16.What do you want to _

5、? Milk ,please.A. talk B.eat C.drink( )17. How_ is the chicken?A. many B.much C.often D.far( )18.-How many _are there in the classroom now? -One.A. child B. people C. boy( )19.Its very hot _ May _August in Hainan.A. from, to B. in, on C. in, in( )20.I feel very sad _I lost my bag.A. so B. and C. bec

6、ause( )21. Who gave the bike_you?A. for B. of C. to D. at( )22.Toms little brother can_this one.A. have B. had C. having D. has( )23.I bought_a basket.A. she B. her C. his D. we( )24. Where did Lingling_ yesterday?A. goes B. went C. go D. going( )25. Helen Keller is a model _blind people.A. of B. fo

7、r C. to D. at( )26._was she famous? She wrote a book about herself.A. What B. Why C. When D. Where( )27. -_ ?-I want a dress.A. What do you want to eat? B. How much is it?C. Can I help you ? D. Whats this?( )28.- _are you going to go this summer?-Im going to go to Beijing.A. What B. Why C. When D. W

8、here( )29. Lots of children are _Chinese in England.A. learn B. learns C. learning D. learned( )30.Why are you laughing?Im_。A. happy B. sad C. tired D. afraid( )31. Lots of people saw his video _now he is very famous.A. but B. or C. and D. because( )32.This book is _spaceships.A. in B. at C. about D

9、. with( )33.I helped _yesterday and _helped me today.A. he, he B. she, her C. him, he( )34. I want to buy some clothes, lets_A. go swimming B. go shopping C. go skipping( )35.He _ up at six every morningA. get B. gets C. getting( )36.-Have some tea, Tom. -_.A. You are welcome B. Thank you C. Yes, I

10、do( )37.-How do you go to school?-_.My school is near.A. By a bike B. By plane C. By bus( )38._ is Tibet? -Its in the west of China.A. Who B. What C. Where( )39. I _ surprised.A. am B. is C. are( )40. Where would you like to _this winter vacation?A. go B. do C. does( )41. What kind of animal are wha

11、les?-Theyre _. A. fish B. reptiles C. mammals( )41. -How _is the giraffe ? Its 6 meters.A. tall B. old C. fast( )43. -Why is Mei Lanfang _?-Because he sang many Beijing operas.A. famous B. born C. Chinese( )44. -Where will you _in the future?-Ill live on the moon.A. do B. be C. live( )45. What will

12、you do in _ future?A. a B. the C. /二、用一般现在时或一般将来时填充1. I _(leave)in a minute. I _(finish)all my work before I _(leave)。2. How long _you _(study)in our country?I _(plan)to be here for about one more year.I _(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.What _ you _(do)after you _(leave)here?I _(retur

13、n)home and _(get)a job.3. I _(be)tired. I _(go)to bed early tonight.4. Marys birthday is next Monday, her mother _(give)her a present.5. It is very cold these days. It _(snow)soon.6. _ you _(be)here this Saturday?No. I _(visit)my teacher.7. _I _(get)you a copy of todays newspaper?Thank you.8. I am a

14、fraid there _(be)a meeting this afternoon. I cant join you.9. Mike _(believe, not)this until he _(see)it with his own eyes.10. Most of us dont think their team _(win)。11.Look ! It is _( rain) now.12.What do you want _ ( drink)?13. Ling ling_( want) a hot dog and a cola.14.All of the food _( be ) rea

15、dy15.A cola for_ ( I ) ,too.三、选择正确的词填空(序号)。A. happy B. nervous C. worried D. surprisedE. proud F. angry四、选择正确的答句(填序号)。( ) Where is Beijing?A. They speak French.( ) Whats Australia famous for?B. Ill be President.( ) What kind of animal are crocodiles?C. Im happy.( ) How are you?D. This is Qi Baishi.(

16、 ) Why is Andersen famous?E. She was born in 1880.( ) When was Helen Keller born?F. Theyre reptiles.( ) Whos this?G. He wrote many stories.( ) What will you be in the future?H. Japan.( ) Where would you like to go?I. Koalas and kangaroos.( ) What language do they speak in France.J.It is in China.( )

17、 What doyou want to eat?K. She wants to drink coffee.( ) What does Alice want to drink?L. Yes, thank you.( ) Can I help you?M. I want a hot dog.( ) How much are they ?N. No, it is not.( ) Is it a hamburger ?O. Seven points five dollars.五、完成句子 A.根据句意及字母提示或读音,补全下列句子中的单词,使句子内容完整、有意义。1. Helen Keller wro

18、te a book about h_ .2. Yang Liwei s_ about twenty-one hours in s_ .3. Damings mum b_ a book for Daming last year.4.Last night we ate in the r_ .5.Russia s_ the first animal into space.6. Daming is having a great b_ .7. The apples are f_ down the s_ .8.He is very_ /praud /of his father.B、连词成句,请注意大小写和

19、标点符号1. study/what/ you/ are/to/going(?)_2.rain/because /is/ it/going to (。)_3. card/ birthday/making/ am /I /Damings(。)_4.going/ we/when/to/are/eat (?)_5.me/Simons/gave/family/to/it(。)_C.句子翻译。根据汉语及英语提示将下列句子翻译成英语,注意人称,时态,大小写及标点符号。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1.在2003年10月,神舟五号载着杨利伟飞入了太空。In October 2003,_2.海伦凯勒变的又盲

20、又聋,她听不到也看不见。_。She couldnt see and she couldnt hear.3.大明正在吹小号,但是电话铃响了。_,but the phone is ringing.4.-今年9月份你将上中学吗?-是的,我真的很兴奋。-Are going to go to middle school this September?Yes._5.-我给你买了这本书。-谢谢。它看起来很有趣。-I bought you this book.-Thank you._六、完形填空根据短文内容,用方框内所给的词的适当形式填空,使短文内容完整。(每个词只能用一次)Last Sunday, Dad

21、1_ me to the park. In the park I 2_ a little girl crying.She 3_ us she 4_ not find her parents. We 5_ her to look for her parents. After a while ,we 6_ her parents. When the girl saw her parents.She 7_ to them. The girl was happy, and her parents 8_ happy ,too. At last they 9_ us. And we 10_ goodbye

22、 to each other. I 11_ very happy to help others.A. answer B. chopsticks C. finish D. difficult E. cityI met Daming here in New York. I like Chinese food and Ive got some Chinese _1._. But they are very _2._for me. I am from New York. Its a very big 3_. Please write to me and I will 4_ your questions

23、 about America. At first, I will ask you a question. When do Chinese schools start and 5_?1.-May I ask you a_? Yes, of course.2.I always get up_ in the morning.3._! You can run fast!4._! Or you will be late for school.5.There are twelve _ in a year.七、情景交际。1.根据对话内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整。(有一

24、项是多余选项)A: 1_?B: She was born in AmericaA: 2_?B: She was born in 1880A: 3_?B: She became blind and deaf. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear.A: 4_?B: Yes, she did. The teacher drew letters in her hand, she learned to speak.A: 5_?B: She wrote a book about herself. She went all over the world.A: Helen

25、 Keller is a model for all of us.2.情景交际:根据对话内容,选择方框内定的句子完成下列对话:( 10分)A:Good evening, doctor.B:Good evening,young man,Whats the matter?A:I dont know._1_B:_2_A:I helped my mother to carry many heavy boxes.B: _3_A:In the afternoon,_4_B:You are too tired and have a fever.A:_5_B: You should go to bed ear

26、ly tonight.A:Thank you.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_八、阅读理解。 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的三个选项中,选出最佳选项。Once(从前)a man stole one of Washingtons horses. Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse. But the man didnt give the horse to Washington. He said it was his horse. Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse an

27、d said t the man, “If(如果)this is your horse, you must tell us in which eye he is blind.” “In the right eye!” the man said. Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind. “Oh, I made a mistake,” said the man. “He is blind in the left ey

28、e.” Washington then took his hand from the left eye of the horse. It was not blind in the left eye, either. “I made another mistake,” said the man. “Yes,” said the policeman, “and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.”( ) 1. A man stole Washingtons_ .A. money B. horse

29、 C. monkey D. rabbit( ) 2. Washington went to get back the horse with_ .A. a policeman B. a woman C. his son D. his father( ) 3. Washington put his _on the horses eyes.A. one hand B. two hands C. one foot D. two feet( ) 4. The horse was _.A. blind in left eye B. blind in right eyeC. blind in two eye

30、s D. not blind( ) 5. The horse was_ .A. the others B. Washingtons C. the policemans D. the thiefsDear friends,Im Zha Xi. Im twelve years old. Im a student in Yushu Primary School. There was an earthquake (地震)some days ago.When it was on April 14th ,my grandparents were on the farm. My uncle worked a

31、t the airport and my aunt was in the office. My parents did housework at home.Some of the boys played football in the playground. Some of the girls cleaned the desks at the back of the classroom. My good friends and I were behind the teachers desk. My teacher was in front of the blackboard.Its very

32、lucky. My family ,teacher and classmates are safe now.We need some help .Can you help us?YoursZha Xi( ) 1. Zha Xi is_ years old.A. ten B. eleven C.twelve( ) 2. -Where were Zha Xis grandparents? -They were_.A. at the airport B. on the farm C. In the office( ) 3.What did the girls do? They_.A. played

33、football B. played basketball C. cleaned the desks( ) 4. The earthquake happened in _A. April B. August C.May( ) 5. Zha Xis teacher was _the blackboard.A.behind B.in front of C. Under短文BIt is a rainy day. Little Tom cant go out. He goes into the kitchen. Mum is at the table. She has got a large albu

34、m(相册) and some cards. “What are those, Mum?” asks Tom. “Theyre postcards,” says Mum. “Collecting postcards is my hobby.” Tom walks into the sitting room. Dad is at the desk. “What are those, Dad?” asks Tom. “This is my stamp collection,” says Dad. “I want to collect something, too.” Tom thinks and g

35、oes to his room. Hes got some picture books and some balls. But Tom doesnt like them. He opens his box. There are lots of model planes in it. Tom feels very happy. “Wow! Now I can collect planes.”( )6. Its _outside.A. rainy B.windy C. sunny( )7. Mum has got many _.A. stamps B. postcards C. photos( )8. _is Dads hobby.A. Collecting postcards B. Watching TV C. Collecting stamps( )9. Tom has got some _.A. balls B. postcards C. stamps( )10. Tom wants to collect _.A. picture books B. planes C. toys cars

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