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1、英语1(基础模块)知识点及练习Unit Two I can do it !一、词汇(一) speak, say, tell, talk几个词的区别1.speak (1)后面直接跟语言名词,例如:speak Chinese/ English(2)表示说话的能力。e.g. The baby cant speak.(3)speak可用于打电话时句型May I speak to sb. 请找xx 接电话好吗?e.g. Hello! This is Tom. May I speak to Mary? 请找玛丽接电话好吗?Speaking .我就是,请讲。2.tell, 告诉, 讲, 分辨(1)告诉。常有

2、以下四个短语:告诉某人某事tell sb. sth . 给某人讲 用tell sb. sth= tell sth to sb.e.g. 1.Can you tell me your phone number? 2.Can you tell me the way to the post office?告诉某人要做某事tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事tell sb. not to do sth告诉某人关于某事tell sb. about sth.(2 )讲。后接故事、笑话、谎言。 e.g. 1.Jack likes telling stories. 2.He often t

3、ells us interesting stories. 3, She often tell lies . (3 ) 分辨Can you tell the differences between the two books. 3.say 说(1)后面接具体内容,有引号,想表达某个人说什么具体事情的时候用say(2) 你会用某种语言说某物吗? Can you say sth in English? / in Chinese?(3)对某人说:say to sb sthMy father often says to me “Be careful when crossing roads(过马路时)4.

4、talk 动词: 谈 ; 名词: 报告,讲座(1)谈论,有词组talk about e.g. They are talking about the weather.(2)谈话 交谈。 talk to sb.= talk with sb.表示和某人说话,和某人谈话e.g. 1. Who is your mother talking to /with?2.She is talking to/ with my aunt.talk on the phone 表示在电话里谈 talk with sb face to face 译为和某人面对面谈话。即和某人面谈。Give a talk to us 给我们

5、作报告 区别特例say说 讲say it in Englishhave sth. to saysay to oneselfspeak会说发言谈话speak Englishspeak at a meetingMay I speak to ?tell告诉讲述命令tell sb. sth.tell the truth / tell a lie tell sb. (not ) to do sth.talk讲话讨论说话Stop talking!talk about sth.talk to / with sb.1,Sorry, but I cant hear what you said just now?

6、Could you _ it again more slowly, please?2,The monitor asked the classmates to stop _ because he had something important to _ them.3. The students are about the film in the room. 4. Please clearly.5. Two men are in front of the house. 6. They can a little English.8. Can you me what time it is? 9. Ma

7、ry , “What a nice idea!”10. How do you this in English? 11. Who you to do that?12. He that he couldnt come. 13. He didnt me his name. (二) 区别特例few ( fewer fewest )很少(否定),修饰可数名词few people 很少人few mistakes 很少错误a few一些 / 几个(肯定)修饰可数名词a few people 几个人a few mistakes几处错误little( less least )很少 / 几乎没有(否定)修饰不可数

8、名词小的(修饰可数名词)little money 很少钱little time 很少时间a little cat 一只小猫a little一些 / 少量(肯定)修饰不可数名词a little money 一些钱a little time 一些时间1. Hes going to borrow books from the library. 2. This cup has milk in it .Please give me more.3. I have friends in Beijing. 4. He knows only English.5. I got a letter from my f

9、riend _ _ days ago . 6. The text is difficult for you, there are new words in it.7. I have only friends, but they are all good friends.8. This question is difficult, _ _ student can answer it.9. Though this question is difficult, _ _ students can answer it.10. Dont worry, there is _ _ time before th

10、e train leaves.11. Dont worry, you still have time. 12. Hurry up, there is _ _ time left.(三) 表示人、 语言 Chinese , English, French 1, Chinese n. 中文,汉语(不可数名词); 中国人 (可数,单复同形) I am Chinese . We are Chinese. adj. 中国的,中国人的; 2, English 英语,英国人(无复数) adj. 英语的,英国人的; He is English. He is an Englishman. He is an En

11、glish boy. 3, French 法语 法国人 (无复数) adj. 法语的,法国人的;He is French. He is a French man. He is a French boy. 表示国家 : China = the PRC , England = Britain = the UK , France. (四) in, 在里面, 用, 穿 in the room. 在房间里面,in English. 用英语 , the girl in red. 那个穿红衣服的女孩二、短语Use the computer repair the computer drive a car re

12、ad in Chinese in English teach English speak Chinese serve customers play basketball play baseball ride a bike what position apply for want to be would like to do sth sales manager get upset (变得)不安 get angry 生气 三、句型 1, Do you speak English?(你说英语吗?)是问你平时说英语吗?Can you speak English?(你能/会说英语吗?)can 指能会做某

13、事2,May I have your name, please? = Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?3,How old are you? = Whats your age? 你多大了?4, Thats it. = Thats all. 好了,到此为止。5, Id like to = I would like to , would like : 想要。 后面可以接名词,不定式。 I would like a little water . I would like some apples. I would like to play basketball. I would like

14、 to ride a bike. (to后面接动词短语 )四、语法情态动词can的用法can的意思,一表示能力:能、会; 二表示许可:可以一、 can的用法:情态动词can后面跟动词原形。主语无论何种人称单复数,情态动词不能变。二、情态动词can可以引导肯定句和疑问句。1、肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分2、疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分三、can 引导的肯定句变为疑问句的方法:(一调二改三问号)1、can 提前,首字母大写。(一调)2、肯定句中主语在变成疑问句时的变化。(二改) 如:肯定句:You can see the animals. 你能看见动

15、物。 疑问句:Can you see the animals? 你能看见动物吗?3、在句尾后面加问号。(三问号)四、回答:1、肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词) + can.2、否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词) + can not (cant).专题训练一、 将下列句子变成一般疑问句并根据要求回答问题Example:Harry can run .(Yes) Can Harry run ? Yes , he can . He can run .1、 Miss Smith can play ping-pong.(No)_?_2、 Jessie can play the drum(鼓) .

16、(Yes)_?_3、 Tony can sing . (No)_?_4、 Nancy can draw a house .(Yes)_?_5、 Peter can play computer games .(Yes)_?_二、根据划线部分提问例:I can play basketball. What can you play? I can play basketball. What can you do?1, Sara can swim._2, I can play the violin(小提琴) ._3, You can get pizzas ._4, Sandy can read and write in English._5, We can wash the vegetables._二、 翻译他会打棒球(baseball)。_我不会骑自行车。_他们会讲一点英语 。_你会驾驶小车吗?_我们会用电脑。_4

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