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1、(完整版)必修二词汇练习-必修2Unit1-2Unit 1 Cultural relics一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:wonder, state, remove, remain, furniture, survive, fancy, cultural, style, design, jewel, vase, reception, vase, rare, dynasty1 Matter has three _: solid, gas and liquid.2 All the passengers should _ seated until the plane t

2、ouches down。3 It was a miracle that three persons _ that big fire.4 There are some _ differences between the east and the west.5 It was my father who _the bridge。6 Those few foreigners show great interest in this Chinese _, dating back to 800 years ago.7 Li Bai, a great ancient Chinese poet, lived i

3、n the Tang _。8 Our government has passed laws to protect the _ wildlife that are dying out.9 If you want to buy a house, you may come into the _ room for further information.10 Our company deals in kinds of _。11 The hotel has been redecorated but its lost a lot of its _.12 She didnt _the idea of goi

4、ng home in the dark。13 After moving into the new apartment we will buy a new set of _.14 Will you please _ the chair? Its in the way。15 It is no _ that he failed again, for he had never studied hard。第二组:treasure, mirror, sailor, consider, opinion, trial, evidence, doubt, prove, secretly, castle, pre

5、tend 16 Peter, what is that spot on your face? Just look at yourself in the _.17 I dont like my present job, so I am _ changing a new one.18 The murderer was finally sentenced to death after a few _。19 Do you _ that our class will beat theirs at the basketball match?20 I told her _ what had happened

6、 to him。21 When he passed by, he _ not to see me.22 Your dream is nothing but “_ in the air”.23 What he said _ that he was very honest and sincere.24 There is convincing _ of a link between exposure to the sun and skin cancer.25 If you want my _, I think you are crazy not to accept it.26 Smith used

7、to be a _ in his twenties.27 The police found buried _ in the backyard of the white house.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):-look into belong to in search of in return take apart think highly of make。into at war -1 That black suitcase on the floor _ me。2 That murder case is _ by the police。3 China was

8、_ with Japan at that time。4 I gave him a nice gift _ for his help.5 All of us _ Marys spoken English。6 Groups of people went out _ the missing child。7 Wood can be _ fine paper.8 We had to _ the engine piece by piece for transport.Unit 2 The Olympic Games一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:advertise, phys

9、ical, compete, athlete, slave, honest, poster, relate, ancient, admit1 Do you know anyone with a mental or _ disability?2 More _ than ever before will take part in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games。3 To be _ with you, I dont like the way he talks.4 Much of the crime in this area is _ to drug abuse。5 Li

10、ttle Tom _ having broken the window last night.6 In _ times, people used abacuses to calculate, which was slow.7 What is written on that _? Lets go and have a look。8 _ were often forced to do heavy physical labor without any pay。9 They are _ against each other for the new contract.10 Well _ for new

11、pupils。 Our class starts at the beginning of the summer holiday.第二组:host, stadium, silver, medal, interview, promise, replace, gymnasium, golden, magical 11 There is to be a football match at the City _ this coming weekend.12 To some players their goals is not only for a gold _。13 They arrived at 7.

12、30 as they had _。14 After work I usually go to the _ for exercise.15 Her words had a _ effect on us all.16 My _watch is not really made of gold.17 Can you find an appropriate word to _ this one?18 More than 30 people were _ for this job but only four were accepted。19 They didnt win a gold medal thou

13、gh they did their best. But luckily they got a _ medal and a bronze one。20 Five cities bid to _ the 2011 World Universiade。二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):-take part in a set of as well as one after another run against -1 The students present at the lecture asked the professor questions _.2 I bought

14、_ china, which cost me a great deal.3 He is a famous scientist _ a well known writer.4 I will _ the other 10 boys in the 10,000meter race。5 Only five students were chosen to _ the national math competition。Unit 3 Computers一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:wander, notebook, brain, technology, move, univ

15、ersally, create, artificial, material, totally, disagree, birth 1 A _ computer, or a laptop computer usually costs more than a desktop computer.2 We often talk of IT, which is short for information _.3 It is _ accepted that English is an international language in the world。4 Those _ flowers look lik

16、e real ones.5 You are _ wrong on that point.6 He was blind from _ and couldnt be cured。7 What he said sounded unreasonable, so I _ with him. 8 Why not try to find more reading _ to improve your comprehension ability?9 The Bible said God _ men。 10 Its getting late; we have to make a _.11 Teachers spo

17、tted that he had a good _ at an early age.12 Lots of girls like _ through the streets without buying anything.第二组:mop, calculate, arise, common, coach, revolution, personally, mathematical, choice, intelligence, advantage, network13 An abacus is the oldest type of _ tool in China。14 Mary is a very _

18、 English name for girls。15 It was between 1966 and 1976 that the Cultural _ took place in China.16 This maths test, including 30 problems, can assess childrens _ ability.17 This child is clever and quickminded, and he is of high _。18 The office _ allows users to share files and software and to use a

19、 central printer。19 Living in the country has also some _, compared to living in the city.20 It seemed that we had no _ but to wait for the rain to stop。21 _, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks.22 Youd better find a _ for one-to-one training to better your skills.23 We

20、 keep them informed of any changes as they _.24 Peter, please _ the floor。 It is very dirty。二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):-in common go by deal with in a way make up with the help of after all watch over - 1 Will you please _ my child while I am out?2 Those two brothers not only look alike, but als

21、o they have a lot _。3 When I am back to school from sick leave, I will _ for the missed lessons.4 _, he has been very successful.5 I cannot think of ways to _ the salesman at the door。6 I made great progress in English _ Mr. Lin。7 Look! Little Tom is in tears。 Dont scold him。 _, he is only a boy of

22、six。8 Three months _ before I knew about it.Unit 4 Wildlife protection一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处.第一组:bite, wildlife, whale, protection, affect, enemy, powerful, reserve, contain, area, insect, zone, suggest, stomach, apply1 Everyone should realize the importance of _ protection, because some animals

23、 are endangered。2 Sunglasses can be a _ to your eyes against the strong sunlight on hot summer days.3 We should be kind to friends, but never show mercy to _.4 Wolong Nature _ , Sichuan Province is one home to pandas.5 China has an _ of 9。6 million square kilometers.6 Shenzhen Special Economic _ was

24、 founded in 1980.7 Oxen have four _ while we human beings have only one.8 Many college students _ to work in the western China after graduation。9 Her pale face _ that she was sick, so I advised her to go to a doctor.10 _ are small creatures with six legs and a body divided into three parts.11 Fresh

25、fruit and vegetables _ plentiful Vitamin C.12 China is getting more and more _ in the world。13 Sex and violence in TV plays _ the development of a child。14 A _ is the largest animal in the sea.15 People say that barking dogs dont _ .第二组:rub, butterfly, effect, recently, lazy, fierce, peace, loss, mo

26、squito, drug16 The idiom “ to have _ in ones stomach” means “ to have a nervous feeling before doing something.17 I have seen little of Mary _。 18 A tiger is a very _ kind of animal。 However, it wont attack you if you dont。19 Living near an airport may cause the _ of hearing some day.20 You can buy

27、kinds of medicine at a _ store。21 Why not hang a _ net over a bed to keep them away from you?22 Although we had several quarrels, yet we made _ later.23 She is so _; she seldom tidies up and cleans her house. 24 Proper ways of educating kids will have a good _ on their character building.25 Pupils a

28、re asked to _ out the mistake if they find it wrong。二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):-die out as a result (of) in peace in danger protectfrom pay attention to come into being - 1 The new country _ only two years ago.2 He fell far behind other students _ laziness.3 The government is doing its best to _

29、 those rare animals _ being hunted.4 I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didnt _ it。5 Elephants would _ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished。6 Childrens lives are _ every time they cross the road.7 The two communities live together _.Unit 5 Music一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第

30、一组:saying, perform, form, advertisement, fan, folk, ability, stick, clap, attractive1 The doctors are _ an operation trying to save the dying man。2 Jones would move to another city so she put an _ in the newspaper to sell her house. 3 At college I majored in(主修) _ literature.4 What bad luck! My car

31、got _ in the mud on my way to the meeting。5 She is an _ woman and lots of men chase after her。6 When he was singing the sweet song everyone _ in time to the music.7 I will try to do the job to the best of my _.8 Jay Chou has lots of _ among young high school students.9 Ten years of work in the count

32、ry _ the basis of his writing.10 As the _ goes, “Practice makes perfect。” 第二组:musician, instrument, loosely, passer-by, extra, reputation, afterwards, frog, unknown, earn 11 My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical _。12 Sorry, I dont know where the post office is。 I am a _.

33、13 As soon as his first novel was published, he earned a _。14 _ have very long back legs for jumping.15 The old couple _ their living by collecting and selling used plastic bottles。16 X is often used to represent an _ number。17 After the lunch we parted, so I didnt know what happened to him _.18 I g

34、et a low salary so sometimes I work _ to earn more。19 He fastened the belt _ around his waist.20 Beethoven, a great German _, lived between 1770 and 1827。 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):-dream of be honest with play jokes on or so break up by chance sort out stick to above all -1 The watch costs 200

35、 yuan _。2 It was _ that I found the jewel。3 _, make sure you keep in touch。4 It is the kind of trip that most of us can only _.5 If you _ others, they will help you a lot。6 If you _ the truth, you have nothing to fear。7 The boys _ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldnt find them。8 Sentences can be _

36、 into phrases and phrases into words。9 Please _ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away。必修二Unit 1一 第一组:1 states 2 remain 3 survived 4cultural 5 designed 6 vase 7 Dynasty 8 rare 9 reception 10 jewels 11 style 12 fancy 13 furniture 14 remove 15 wonder 第二组:16 mirror 17 considering 18

37、 trials 19 doubt 20 secretly 21 pretended 22 castles 23 proved 24 evidence 25 opinion 26 sailor 27 treasure 二 1 belongs to 2 looked into 3 at war 4 in return 5 think highly of 6 in search of 7 made into 8 take apartUnit 2一 第一组:1 physical 2 athletes 3 honest 4 related 5 admitted 6 ancient 7 poster 8

38、Slaves 9 competing 10 advertise 第二组:11 Stadium 12 medal 13 promised 14 gymnasium 15 magical 16 golden 17 replace 18 interviewed 19 silver 20 host 二 1 one after another 2 a set of 3 as well as 4 run against 5 take part inUnit 3一 第一组:1 notebook 2 technology 3 universally 4 artificial 5 totally 6 birth

39、 7 disagreed 8 materials 9 created 10 move 11 brain 12 wandering 第二组:13 calculating 14 common 15 Revolution 16 mathematical 17 intelligence 18 network 19 advantages 20 choice 21 Personally 22 coach 23 arise 24 mop 二 1 watch over 2 in common 3 make up 4 In a way 5 deal with 6 with the help of 7 After

40、 all 8 went byUnit 4 一 第一组:1 wildlife 2 protection 3 enemies 4 Reserve 5 area 6 Zone 7 stomachs 8 apply 9 suggested 10 Insects 11 contain 12 powerful 13 affect 14 whale 15 bite 第二组:16 butterflies 17 recently 18 fierce 19 loss 20 drug 21 mosquito22 peace 23 lazy 24 effect 25 rub二 1 came into being 2 as result of 3 protectfrom 4 pay attention to 5 die out 6 in danger 7 in peace Unit 5 一 第一组:1 performing 2 advertisement 3 folk 4 stuck 5 attractive 6 clapped 7 ability 8 fans 9 formed 10 saying 第二组:11 instruments 12 passerby 13 reputation 14 Frogs 15 earn 16 unknown 17 afterwards 18 extra 19 loos

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