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1、the St Lawrence River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast, the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves.Iqaluit the frozen townThe reporter, Beth Allen, arrived in a northern community called Iqaluit in Nunavut. Nunavut was created in 1999 as a special

2、 area for Inuit people. Its name means “Our Land” in their language. It is in the farthest northeastern area of Canada, north or the Arctic Circle, and is very cold the average witer temperature in Nunavut is 35 degrees below zero.Beth said, “ I knew it would be could in January, but not this cold!

3、Maybe there is a dog sled that can take me into town.”The quiet man who had been on the plane with her said, “Ill take you into town, but I dont hace a dog sled. Most people only use the dogs for competitions, why are you visiting Iqaluit?”Beth answered, “ Im writing a story for my newspaper about I

4、qaluit wed like to advertise it as a holiday place, but I think its too cold.”The man laughed. “My name is Simon and I am Inuit,” he said. “I think its too far north here for holidays but more and more tourists are coming. They like ice fishing and photographing polar bears. I star as far away from

5、polar bears as possible. I like my warm office and my warm house.”“Im business man. My grandfather would live in ice houses when he hunted in winter, but not so many people do that now. the old men used to make one in a few hours. They used to live in skin tents in summer the tents were easy to move

6、 so the people could follow the animals.”A few minutes later they arrived in Iqaluit, a town with a population of 6000, on Simons snowmobile. It was two oclock in the afternoon, but it was already dark, and all the houses shone with bright lights. Beth said, “ Why is it so dark? Its the middle of th

7、e day!”Simon replied, “Its dark in the day because we are so far north. You should come in June. The sun shines all night in the north then. Thats why its called The Land of the Midnight Sun.” There were people on the streets and snowmobiles everywhere. There were even a few dog teams.必修四Unit 1A STU

8、DENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFEIt is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National park in east Africa.Following Janes way of studying chimps,our group are all going to visit them in the forest.Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they beha

9、ve like humans. Watching a familyof chimps waking up is our first activity of the day. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before.Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.Then we follow as

10、they wonder into the forest.Most of the time,chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family.Jane worns us that our grou is going tobe very tired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right.However,the evening makes it all worthwhile.We watch the mother chimpand her b

11、abies play in the tree.Then we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night.We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family. Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour.She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.Si

12、nce her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment.However,this was not easy.When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960,it was unusual for a woman to live in a forest.Only after her mother came to helpher for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.Her work

13、 changed the way people think of chimps.For example,one important thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat.Until then every thought chimps only eat fruit and nuts.She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other,and her study of their body language helped her work out their s

14、ocial system. For forty years Jane Goodall has beenoutspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.She has argued that animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.She has helped to set up special places where the c

15、an live safely.She is leading a busy life but she says: “Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.Its terrible.It affacts me when I watch the wild chimps.I say to myself,Arent they lucky?And then I think about small chimps in cages though they have done nothing

16、wrong.Once you have seen that you can never forget“ She has achieved everything she wanted to do:working with animals in their own environment,gaining a doctors degree and showing that women can live in the forest as men can.She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women. WHY NOT CAR

17、RY ON HER WORK?I enjyed English ,biology,and chemistry at school,but which one should I choose to study at university ?i did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China.By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin

18、Qiaozhi, a specalist in womens diseases.She lived from 1901 to 1983 .It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career ,travling abored to study as well as writing books and articles.One of them caught my eye. It was a small book explaining how to keeping babies clean,healthy and free from

19、sickness.Why did she write that?Who were the women that Lin Qiaozhi thought needed this advice?I looked carefully at the text and realize that it was intended for women in the countryside.Perhaps if they had an emergency they could not reach a doctor. Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a wo

20、man to get medical training ata that time.That was a generation when girls education was always placred decond to boys.Was she so much cleverer than anyone else?Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school.What

21、made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patiens.There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a days work,went late at night to deliver a baby for a pool family who could not pay her. By now I could not wait to find out more about her . I disc

22、overed that Lin Qiaozhi had devoted her whole life to herpatiens and had chosen not to have a family of her own.Instead she made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered.By this time I was very excited.Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?It was sti

23、ll not too late for me to improve my studies,prepare for the university entrance examinations , and ELIZABETH FRYWhen the Quaker Elizabeth married Joseph Fry,it seemed as if her life would be comfortable and peaceful.However,Elizabeth was not content with her easy life and her growing family.She saw

24、 many poor people living near her and she wanted to help them. One day she was asked to visit a prison .At first the prison officers did not want to let her visit the women prisoners because they feared the prisoners would attack her,but Elizabeth was not afraid.She realized that the prisoners behav

25、e badlly because they were treated like animals.They had no beds,clean clothes,food or heating.Any child born in prison had to stay there and had no chance of an education.This meant they would probably have to beg or steal when they grew up and then would return to prison.So the first thing Elizabe

26、th did was to provide food,clean clothes and straw for beds.Later she began a prison schoolfor the chilldren and taught the women to sew,knit and make goods to sell.In this way they able to make a little money for themselves and gain some self-respect.Her lindnesshelped her gain the friendshipof pri

27、soners and they began to try to improve their conditions for themselves.Later Elizabeth was asked to go to the leaders of Britain to discuss how to improve the conditions for prisoners。 Of course she did not do all the work on her own.Other Quaker women helped her and went around the country raising

28、 money for her wprk.Some people did not like her ideas and quarrelled with her.They said that she should spend more time with her family.Other people said she enjoyed being famous toomuch.However,her husband,Joseph,supported and encouraged her,so she continued working to help improve the lives of po

29、or prisoners tillshe died.Her ideas did not disappear after her death and her work was remembered in 1947 when the Quakers were given the Noble Peace Prize. Unit 2A pioneer for all peopleAlthough he is one of Chinas 重庆市三峡库区良种奶牛养殖及综合加工项目饲料厂建设子项目可行性研究报告北京中咨海外咨询有限公司二七年十月工程咨询证书综工咨甲2040101002the St Lawre

30、nce River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast, the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves.Iqaluit the frozen townThe reporter, Beth Allen, arrived in a northern community called Iqaluit in Nunavut. Nunavut was created in 1999 as a special area for In

31、uit people. Its name means “Our Land” in their language. It is in the farthest northeastern area of Canada, north or the Arctic Circle, and is very cold the average witer temperature in Nunavut is 35 degrees below zero.Beth said, “ I knew it would be could in January, but not this cold! Maybe there

32、is a dog sled that can take me into town.”The quiet man who had been on the plane with her said, “Ill take you into town, but I dont hace a dog sled. Most people only use the dogs for competitions, why are you visiting Iqaluit?”Beth answered, “ Im writing a story for my newspaper about Iqaluit wed l

33、ike to advertise it as a holiday place, but I think its too cold.”The man laughed. “My name is Simon and I am Inuit,” he said. “I think its too far north here for holidays but more and more tourists are coming. They like ice fishing and photographing polar bears. I star as far away from polar bears

34、as possible. I like my warm office and my warm house.”“Im business man. My grandfather would live in ice houses when he hunted in winter, but not so many people do that now. the old men used to make one in a few hours. They used to live in skin tents in summer the tents were easy to move so the peop

35、le could follow the animals.”A few minutes later they arrived in Iqaluit, a town with a population of 6000, on Simons snowmobile. It was two oclock in the afternoon, but it was already dark, and all the houses shone with bright lights. Beth said, “ Why is it so dark? Its the middle of the day!”Simon

36、 replied, “Its dark in the day because we are so far north. You should come in June. The sun shines al I watch the wild chimps.I say to myself,Arent they lucky?And then I think about small chimps in cages though they have done nothing wrong.Once you have seen that you can never forget“ She has achie

37、ved everything she wanted to do:working with animals in their own environment,gaining a doctors degree and showing that women can live in the forest as men can.She inspires 重庆市三峡库区良种奶牛养殖及综合加工项目饲料厂建设子项目可行性研究报告重庆市三峡库区良种奶牛养殖及综合加工项目饲料厂建设子项目可行性研究报告北京中咨海外咨询有限公司编制人员项目组:冯 倩高级工程师、注册咨询工程师何 毅工 程 师李 涛工 程 师刘 菲工

38、程 师于 洁 工 程 师专家组:李军国专家组组长 研究员于庆龙研究员朱绪荣高级工程师、注册造价工程师注册咨询工程师审定:鲁 静高级工程师 注册咨询工程师目 录第一章 总 论1一、项目概况1二、项目承担单位基本情况2三、可行性报告编制的依据和工作范围2四、项目概况3五、问题与建议5第二章 项目建设的必要性和可行性6一、项目背景6二、项目建设的必要性7三、项目建设的可行性8第三章 项目市场需求分析11一、我国畜牧业发展总体分析11二、我国饲料工业发展情况13第四章 项目承担单位基本情况16一、企业概况与经营业绩16二、企业专业技术水平及技术开发能力18第五章 项目地点选择分析21一、厂址选择原则2

39、1二、地址位置与占地21三、项目拟建地点自然条件21第六章 建设规模与产品方案23一、建设规模23二、产品方案23三、建设内容24第七章 生产技术与设备工程方案25一、设计规模25二、产品方案25三、建设内容25四、生产能力25五、各项技术经济指标(每条生产线)26六、总体设计26七、设计原则27八、工艺方案28九、设备方案31第八章 土建工程方案35一、建筑工程35二、配套公用工程36三、总平面布置38第九章 主要原(辅)材料、燃料供应39一、主要原料供应情况39二、燃料动力供应42三、主要原材料、燃料年需要量表43第十章 总平面布置及运输44一、总平面布置44二、厂内外运输46第十一章 节

40、水节能47第十二章 环境保护与劳动安全48一、环境评价依据和标准48二、项目环境影响分析48三、环境保护与治理措施49四、安全生产措施51五、消防52六、劳动保护53第十三章 组织机构与人力资源配置54一、机构组织54二、劳动定员55三、人员招聘计划56四、项目管理与运营机制56第十四章 项目实施进度58第十五章 投资估算与资金筹措59一、投资估算依据59二、资金筹措61三、资金使用计划61第十六章 财务评价62一、财务估算62二、盈利能力分析64三、清偿能力分析64四、不确定性分析65第十七章 风险分析67一、项目主要风险因素67二、主要防范和降低风险措施68第十八章 结论与建议69vthe

41、 St Lawrence River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast, the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves.Iqaluit the frozen townThe reporter, Beth Allen, arrived in a northern community called Iqaluit in Nunavut. Nunavut was created in 1999 as a special ar

42、ea for Inuit people. Its name means “Our Land” in their language. It is in the farthest northeastern area of Canada, north or the Arctic Circle, and is very cold the average witer temperature in Nunavut is 35 degrees below zero.Beth said, “ I knew it would be could in January, but not this cold! May

43、be there is a dog sled that can take me into town.”The quiet man who had been on the plane with her said, “Ill take you into town, but I dont hace a dog sled. Most people only use the dogs for competitions, why are you visiting Iqaluit?”Beth answered, “ Im writing a story for my newspaper about Iqal

44、uit wed like to advertise it as a holiday place, but I think its too cold.”The man laughed. “My name is Simon and I am Inuit,” he said. “I think its too far north here for holidays but more and more tourists are coming. They like ice fishing and photographing polar bears. I star as far away from pol

45、ar bears as possible. I like my warm office and my warm house.”“Im business man. My grandfather would live in ice houses when he hunted in winter, but not so many people do that now. the old men used to make one in a few hours. They used to live in skin tents in summer the tents were easy to move so

46、 the people could follow the animals.”A few minutes later they arrived in Iqaluit, a town with a population of 6000, on Simons snowmobile. It was two oclock in the afternoon, but it was already dark, and all the houses shone with bright lights. Beth said, “ Why is it so dark? Its the middle of the d

47、ay!”Simon replied, “Its dark in the day because we are so far north. You should come in June. The sun shines all night in the north then. Thats why its called The Land of the Midnight Sun.” There were people on the streets and snowmobiles everywhere. There were even a few dog teams.必修四Unit 1A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFEIt is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National park in east Africa.Following Janes way of studying chimps,our group are all going to visit them in the forest.Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much th

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