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1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学2020-2021学年高二英语下学期4月学业阶段性评价考试试题黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学2020-2021学年高二英语下学期4月学业阶段性评价考试试题年级:姓名:11黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学2020-2021学年高二英语下学期4月学业阶段性评价考试试题第I卷(选择题,共80分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共20小题;每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe best drones (无人机)you can buy right nowDJI Mavic Air 2 ($800)DJI Mavi

2、c Air 2 offers clear improvements over previous products. It can shoot 4K videos at 60 fps, along with still photos of up to 48 megapicels (白万像素),while the drones flight time has been increased to 34 minutes (up from 21). The drone itself starts at $800, but adding the Fly More Combo pack on to your

3、 shopping list gives you three batteries and some additional items for another $200.Mavic Mini ($400)Mavic Minis advantages are its size and weight, the latter of which comes in at just under the 250-gram mark. The biggest drawback is that it doesnt shoot 4K like DJIs higher-end drones, but you11 st

4、ill get some impressive 2.7K videos and 12-megapixel still images.Ryze Tello ($110)There may be a handful of clear favorites when it comes to higher-end drones, but things get quite a bit more confusing if you re just looking for a cheap flyer to try your hand with. While theres no mistaking this fo

5、r a pro-level piece of equipment, Ryze Tello benefits from a partnership with DJI that gives it some reliable capabilities for the price.DJI Inspire 2 ($3,300)What can professional movie makers get in DJI Inspire 2? A lightweight body, a flight time of 27 minutes, and an amazing 5.2K video quality.

6、Besides, it has retractable (可收回的) landing equipment, and you can turn the camera 360 degrees without anything blocking the view. To fully use DJI Inspire 2, one pilot is needed to pilot the drone and the other to control its camera.1. What has DJI Mavic Air 2 been improved?A. Its weight and flying

7、range.B. Its camera and flying time.C. Its battery and top speed. D. Its size and flight ability.2. Which of the following drones is the best choice for a beginner?A. DJI Mavic Air2.B. DJI Inspire 2.C. Mavic Mini.D. Ryze Tello.3. What is one typical feature of DJI Inspire 2?A. Its camera is able to

8、shoot 4K videos at 60 fps.B. It can fly for an hour on a single battery charge.C. It can be operated by two people at the same time.D. Its landing equipment is made of special materials.4. In which section of a newspaper would the text most likely appear?A. Entertainment.B. Health.C. Culture.D. Tech

9、nology.BWe took a rare family road trip to the Adirondacks in late August, and it was as refreshing and exhausting as family vacations tend to be. Toward the end of our long drive home, even the kids were leaning forward in their seats urging my lead foot on. At that point in a road trip, even sixty

10、-five miles per hour feels slow. We have become numb to our speed and numb to the road signs flashing by.My family lives on the edge of Lancaster County. Only thirty miles from home, I hit the brakes, and we began to roll, slowly, behind a horse-drawn carriage. We began to open our eyes again. We sa

11、w familiar green hills and the farm with the best watermelons. I rolled down the windows, and we breathed again. Just-cut hay and a barn full of dairy cattle.At five miles per hour, you remember what you forget at sixty-five. You are thinking about a place, even when you are moving from place to pla

12、ce.I am a placemaker. A homemaker, too. I am a mother of a young kid at home, and also a writer and a gardener. But, for me, those roles are wrapped up with the one big thing I want to do with the rest of my life: I want to cultivate a place and share it with others.The place I make with my family i

13、s a red-brick farmhouse built in 1880. It has quite a few nineteenth-century bedrooms and a few acres of land, and we love nothing more than to fill them with neighbors and friends. We grow vegetables and flowers, keep a bakers dozen of egg-laying chickens, and, since we moved in three years ago, we

14、 have planted many, many trees.Living with my lifes purpose does not allow for much travel. I need to be here, feeding the chickens and watering the tomatoes. Any extra in the budget, and we spend it on trees.But I learned something at the end of our family road trip. Travel can help me in the task

15、of caring for my own place. When 1 slow down and pay attention to the road between here and there, travel tells me the connections between my place and all the other places.5. What does the author try to express in the first paragraph?A .The tiredness of her past family life.B. Her disappointment at

16、 the family road trip.C. The familys eagerness to return home.D. Kids excitement at driving fast on the road.6. Why did the author slow her car some miles from her home?A. Because she made way for a horse-drawn carriage.B. Because she enjoyed the scenery along the road.C. Because she needed a break

17、after the long drive.D. Because she wanted to get rid of a fast-paced life.7. The underlined word “placemaker in the 4th paragraph refers to someone who.A. devotes most of his energy and time to building his houseB. is ready to help anyone in need in the communityC. makes a creative design for other

18、s housesD. is good at cultivating a place and sharing it with others8. What can be the best title of the passage?A. On the Way HomeB. Never Travel againC. Escape from a Family Life D. Life on the FarmCUnder the bright white lights of a central exhibition space in London, a few people are sorting the

19、mselves into groups. An instructor tells those who feel extremely worried about climate change to go to the far end of the room. Those that are less worried should stay closer to her. Moments later, she is almost alone. Thirty feet away, strangers awkwardly crowd together, signaling that they suffer

20、 eco-anxiety.This workshop, organized by Kings College London, is one of several events organized in London to help people work through the feelings of anxiety, depression and grief that arise from confronting (面对) the fact. According to the UN, we now have less than eleven years to prevent catastro

21、phic climate change.The American Psychological Association first defined the eco-anxiety as “a chronic(长期 的)fear of environmental doom (厄运)As climate protests and a series of natural disasters put climate on the news agenda, eco-anxiety has exploded across the world. Mental health studies reveal a s

22、urge in people reporting stress or depression about the climate.Eco-anxiety is not the same as the clinical disorder, though physicians say fears about the climate can worsen or trigger (激发)pre-existing mental health problems. In fact, in most cases, eco-anxiety is no more than a healthy response to

23、 climate crisis, says psychotherapist Caroline Hickman, a member of the Climate Psychology Alliance.When it comes to treatment, experts say taking action either by changing your lifestyle to reduce emissions or taking part in activities can reduce the level of anxiety. But before getting started, yo

24、u need to talk about your feelings ,“Hickman says, stressing that we need to accept our vulnerability (脆弱).9. What can we infer from Paragraph 1?A. Most people have no idea of what eco-anxiety is.B. Many people suffer from the feeling of eco-anxiety.C. People have many reasons to worry about climate

25、 change.D. Many people want to hide their worries about climate change.10. What does the word “surge in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. steady decrease B. slow growth C. rapid decline D. dramatic increase 11. What does Caroline Hickman think of eco-anxiety?A. It can give rise to new mental problems.B.

26、It can hardly be cured in a short time.C. It can be regarded as a normal feeling.D. It can solve climate crisis faster.12. What does Caroline Hickman advise people to do to deal with eco-anxiety?A. To discuss it with experts.B. To turn to doctors for help.C. To admit we have such feelings.D. To shar

27、e our feelings with friends.DThe gender gap in maths-related subjects is obvious. In almost all countries, far fewer women than men choose STEM (理工科)careers.Its not that girls and women arc bad at maths. In the UK in 2020, for example, 39% of 18-year-old girls who studied maths at A-level achieved a

28、n A or A+, compared to 42% of boys. For A-level physics, 29% of girls achieved the top two grades, compared to 28% of boys. But in both subjects, boys heavily outnumbered girls by more than 3:1 in the case of physics. So why are so many girls turning their backs on these subjects?A study published r

29、ecently in the journal PNAS suggests that the answer may in fact lie in male-female differences in academic ability, but the ability in question is reading, not maths. Thomas Breda, at Paris School of Economics, and Clotilde Napp, at Paris Dauphine University, wondered whether this male-female diffe

30、rence in reading could help explain the gender gap in STEM careers. Every three years, hundreds of thousands of 15-year-olds in more than 60 countries take part in the PISA study (国际学生评估测试).Students complete tests in maths, reading and science, and answer questions about their future career intentio

31、ns. When Breda and Napp looked at the data from PISA 2012, they realized they were onto something.“There were small gender gaps in maths performance at 15 years old, but these gaps were too small to explain the huge gender segregation in STEM, says Breda. But for reading, the tables were turned; the

32、 girls were much better than the boys. As a result, when a boy and a girl had similar scores in maths, the girl usually had an even better score in reading.When Breda and Napp compared each students scores in reading and maths, they found the greater a students advantage in reading, the less likely

33、they were to plan a career in maths, even when their maths score was also high. Notably, this was true for both boys and girls.“It makes a lot of sense,“ says Sarah Cattan, of the Institute for Fiscal Studies. It shows that what matters most when boys and girls choose their field of study is not how

34、 good they are in maths or in reading, but how good they are in maths relative to reading.” 13.What do the data in Paragraph 2 show?A. The average gender difference in maths performance is small.B. Those who are good at maths are also good at physics.C. Physics tends to be easier for girls than math

35、s.D. Girls are not better than boys at maths.14.According to Breda and Napp, who is most likely to plan a career in maths?A. Tom whose maths is worse than reading.B. Lisa whose maths is better than reading.C. Lily whose reading is better than maths.D. Jack whose reading is as good as maths.15. Accor

36、ding to Sarah Cattan, what do students value much when making further study choices?A. Their comparative strength instead of absolute ability.B. Their gender advantages in a specific academic field.C. Their future job landing possibility in an industry.D. Their particular interest in a certain subje

37、ct.16. What is the best title for the text?A. Why are we drawn to STEM careers?B. Are boys worse at reading and writing?C. Why are girls bad at maths-related subjects?D. Are good readers more likely to give up maths?EPm a professor of rhetoric and literature. Whether it is global literature or histo

38、ric literature, or pictographs (象形文字),I teach all of them. Literature is the chronicle (编年史) of the human condition over time. It shows exactly how people advance with technology and awareness of social issues. It can cultivate people with the good character and affect their lives.Why do we find pic

39、tograms or cave paintings filled with animals that lived in the area? They are the communication of location information during the nomadic eras. That is fairly nice of one group of people to tell the next tribe what to cat. Why do we have cave paintings of Nessie or other horrible monsters? Pick an

40、y piece of the cave paintings from across the globe and ask whether it is designed to share with others and warn others, and youll know it shows the prowess of the hunters or their honor to others. All of these appear in different ways during different times; they are all the foundational elements,

41、including some big events.And humans naturally move toward discovery. We look to space or observe animals and plants to better understand ourselves and the world we are living in. We write down what we have discovered, which becomes part of literature. On the Origin of Species is foundational, biolo

42、gical literature but its also literature. We find ourselves by reading classic literary works and literature can offer heartbreak or hope or both or give us a window into all of life.Functionally, think of those famous and able generals, who were written into the global history because they had not

43、only read but also understood The Art of War to the point of being able to apply it with ease. Anyhow, literature benefits us. If you are able to read it and understand it, it becomes a part of you. And you are likely to apply those emotions and intelligence in daily life without realizing it.17. Wh

44、ich is excluded from the category of literature according to the author?A. Music records.B. Cave paintings.C. The Historical Records.D. On the Origin of Species.18. What is one of the purposes of ancient people using these pictograms?A. To show what food they had eaten.B. To point out what nomadic e

45、ras are.C. To indicate where the animals were.D. To tell hunters how to hunt animals.19. What does the underlined word prowess in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Tool or weapon.B. Harvest or capture.C. Skill or technology.D. Bravery or fearlessness.20. What does the author try to show through the example of

46、 those generals?A. Literature affects our emotions.B. Generals like reading literature.C. Literature helps people become successful.D. Literature has something to do with wars.第二节(共5小题:每题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Being part of a team can be one of the most rewarding things a

47、person can do. 21 Theres no single person who can carry the rest of the team themselves. And theres nothing like watching a team come together for a big victory.A team sport includes any sport where individuals arc organized into opposing teams which compete to win. Team members act together towards

48、 a shared objective. 22 One of them is to set goals and solve problems in a supportive atmosphere in order to accomplish their objectives.23 Some types of sports have different objectives or rules than “traditional” team sports. These types of team sports do not involve teammates facilitating the movement of a ball or a similar object according to a set of rules, in order to score points. For example, swimming, rowing, sailing, dragon boat racing, and track and field among others can also be considered team sports. In other types of team sports, there

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