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2、案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先画掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。4.考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ASocial networking websites are an important tool for us to keep up with the world, make new friends, and share pictures, vid

3、eos, or bits of interesting news. But for people who have very specific interests, a comprehensive site like Twitter is not sufficient. They want to be part of a supportive online community that shares their particular passions. The following are examples of specialized websites for these people. St

4、ache PassionsIt is a social site for people who wear, admire, or have an interest in moustaches. It features photos of men with all sizes and styles of moustaches, forums for discussing the history, growing, and styling of the stache, and even a meet-up page to help you meet other moustache-lovers.

5、HoryouIt is a website for people who want to do good in the world. On the site, you can connect with other social activists and entrepreneurs (企业家), plan meetings, share fund-raising strategies, and keep up, with thousands of people who are working hard to make the world a better place. There are no

6、 funny videos here, but Horyou offers its own web-based video channel that features programs and documentaries about. efforts to improve peoples lives around the globe. Watching them will warm your heart and inspire you to work harder for a better world. PurrsonalsIt is a specialized site for those

7、who love cats, Here you can meet and chat with cat-loving friends, set up play-dates with local people and their pets, and even find a temporary home for a cat in need. If your friends dont like it when you share endless cute eat videos on your regular social site, Purrsonals is where people are sur

8、e to appreciate them!21. Which site might be useful for those who are interested in apartment? A. Twitter. B. Purrsonals. C. Horyou. D. Stache Passions. 22. What can you do on Horyou?A. Watch funny short films. B. Discuss how to raise money. C. Advertise for social activists. D. Collect ideas for ma

9、king videos. 23. Which of the following is true about Purrsonals?A. It helps people find their lost pets. B. It collects beautiful photos of cats. C. It offers a great many cat videos. D. It enables people to adopt various pets. BIn Los Angeles, UPS driver Hector Vesco noticed that while he did his

10、normal route. there was one kid who looked sad. Once Hector understood why the boy looked upset, he jumped into action. A father of Iwo himself, he knew that he would have to check in with the parents. Using a blank UPS slip, Hector wrote out a note reading, Hi, this is Hector, your UPS driver. Ive

11、seen your son plenty of times on the balcony and he seemed very sad that he didnt get any package. When he asked me if I had any package for him, I told him, Dont worry. Maybe next time. So, anyway, Ive bought something and put it in box. Just wanted to know his name. Hector also shared his number s

12、o that the parents could contact him directly. After getting all the information he needed from the mother Brooke Walbuck, lector showed up the next day and surprised the boy, Langston, with the delivery. Of course, the gesture of delivering the parcel was nice enough, but it turned out what was ins

13、ide male it even better! When Langston opened up the box, he found a collection of toy cars and a bunch of candy. It didnt get much better than that for a little boy. After the delivery was made, Brooke sent a follow-up text to thank Hector again. In his reply, Hector stated that he had two daughter

14、s himself. He kept a bunch of toy cars he had collected over the years. When he met Langston, he knew it was the perfect opportunity to put them to good use. In his message back to Brooke, he also intentioned that Langston helped him remember how many kids, along with his, had to live through the CO

15、VID-19 pandemic (疫情). “Our kids are our world and the future,” he said. I just want to show some love.”Before the pandemic, you probably didnt think too much about the people who delivered your packages. But in times of pandemic, delivery drivers like Hector have some of the most important jobs!24.

16、What do we know about Hector Vesco?A. He collected toy cars for boys. B. He worked for a delivery company. C. He was familiar with the Walbucks. D. He informed Langston of his own number. 25. Which of the following does the underlined it in Paragraph 4 refer to? A. The box. B. The gift. C. The gestu

17、re. D. The parcel. 26. How were the Walbucks influenced by the delivery?A. Brooke was grateful to Hectors kids. B. Brooke was regretful for ignoring her son. C. Langston was cheered up in the pandemic. D. Langston was disappointed with the used toys. 27. What does the author mainly intend to convey

18、in the text?A. The pandemic affects the globe. B. Children love toy cars and candies. C. Old products can serve new purposes. D. Ordinary people can be extraordinary. CWhat is the most powerful word in the English language? The. Its everywhere. We use it in English without always noticing or appreci

19、ating it. Its not much to look at. It isnt descriptive, emotive or inspiring. Technically, its meaningless. And yet this dull and harmless-seeming word could be one of the most powerful words in the English language. “The tops the lists of most frequently used words in English, accounting for 5% of

20、every 100 words used. But why is this? The answer is two-fold. The principle of least effort plays a major part. So people use it a lot. At the same time, “the” lies at the heart of English grammar, having a function rather than a meaning. Words are split into two categories: expressions with a sema

21、ntic (语义的) meaning and functional words like “the”, “to”, “for”, with a job to do. Although “the” has no meaning in itself, “it seems to be able to do things in subtle and miraculous ways,” says Michael Rosen, poet and author. Consider the difference between “he scored a goal” and “he scored the goa

22、l”. The inclusion of “the” immediately signals something important about that goal. Perhaps it was the only one of the match? Or maybe it helped a team win the championship? Context very often determines sense. This simplest of words can be used for dramatic effect. At the start of Hamlet, a guards

23、utterance of “Long live the King” is soon followed by the ghost: “Looks it not like the King?” Who, the audience may wonder, does “the” refer to? The living King or a dead King? This kind of confusion is the kind of “trick” that writers use to make us surprised and amused, a bit uneasy even. “The is

24、 doing a lot of work here,” says Rosen. 28. Which of the following describes the word “the” correctly?A. It is often overlooked. B. It is useless in practice. C. It is dull and descriptive. D. It is in every English sentence. 29. The word “the” is frequently used because it is _.A. brief and functio

25、nalB. popular and uniqueC. effective and emotiveD. meaningful and expressive30. What does the example in Paragraph 3 imply?A. “A” is not as important as “the”. B. Its impossible to understand a single sentence.B. Words should be understood in the context. D. Some words have a clearer meaning than ot

26、hers. 31. Why did the writer of the play stress “the” in “Looks it not like the King”?A. To show his confusion. B. To add drama to the scene. C. To repeat the guards words. D. To help the audience understand. DOur suits have four layers: thermal (保暖的) underwear on the inside, followed by an electric

27、ally heated bodysuit, a thick wool coat, and a half-inch-thick layer of rubber outerwear. Therere two layers of hoods, waterproof gloves and 35 pounds of weights. There are two batteries for the heated bodysuit, a backup gas container, and finally, my photography equipment. We look like astronauts m

28、inus the helmets. When we finally dive into the freezing water, were wearing 200 pounds each. The cold quickly numbs (使麻木) the few square inches of exposed skin on our cheeks, and as the dive goes on, it spreads into our suits and gloves, biting even harder. It s almost unbearable. Toward the end, a

29、s were pausing on our way up to let the pressure drop, we search for anything to distract us from the pain. When we finally drag ourselves out of the freezing ocean, I lie face down on the ice, my brain dulled, my skin hard and wrinkled, my lips, hands, and feet swollen and unconscious (无知觉的) then,

30、as my body warms and the blood starts to flow (again), the intense pain is at its worst. What could possibly make this worthwhile? The sight! Only a few species of seals, penguins, and other birds live in East Antarctica, and no land mammals at all. Below, its a rich garden. Antarctic marine (海洋的) l

31、ife has been largely isolated from the rest of the planet for millions of years, ever since the continent separated from the other continents and froze over. Since then the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current has surrounded Antarctica from west to east, creating a sharp change in temperature that

32、 prevents the spread of marine animals. The long isolation has allowed a surprising diversity of species, unique to the region, to evolve on the seafloor. The waters under Antarctic ice are like Mount Qomolangma: magical, but extremely unfriendly. Nothing short of full commitment gets you anywhere.

33、The demand is too great. But thats what makes the images you see here so breathtaking, and the experience of having photographed them and of having seen this place so unforgettable. 32. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?A. How fully prepared the divers are. B. How entertaining a

34、diver appears to be. G. How advanced modern technologies are. D. How heavy the astronauts equipment is. 33. The divers suffer the greatest pain when they _. A. dive into the waterB. begin to resurfaceC. reach the deepest spotD. regain consciousness34. What do we know about marine species in Antarcti

35、ca?A. They can be found elsewhere on the planet. B. They have unimpressive biological diversity. C. They experience sharp changes in temperature. D. They live relatively independently geographically. 35. What makes the diving experience in Antarctica so worthwhile?A. The amazing scenery and pictures

36、 taken. B. The divers devotion to the tough task. C. The long-standing reputation of Antarctica. D. The challenging circumstances of the diving. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips for Submitting a Good Letter of RecommendationIf you consider applying for any

37、 colleges abroad, one of the most important parts is the recommendation letter. Its purpose is to give universities a complete picture of you. 36 But a credible (可信的) reference saying youve consistently worked hard on u project can be the difference between getting accepted or rejected. Choose the r

38、ight referencesUniversities want to know how well you work under pressure and how you react to criticism, basically your characteristics, abilities and mentality. A good referee (推荐人) should have a solid professional relationship with you and be able to communicate your academic and personal strengt

39、hs. 37 Most universities ask for two recommendation letters. They are regularly split between a school professor and an extracurricular (课外的) source. Undoubtedly, its good to show your skills in the subject you want to study. 38 TimeProfessionals can sometimes find it hard to make time for writing r

40、ecommendations. 39 So give them plenty of time and send them a link of your universitys recommendation letter guidance page, if possible. Clear goalsDont be afraid to ask your referees to include certain qualities or examples you want to highlight. You should inform at least one of your referees abo

41、ut your career goals, grades and recent projects. They may not be referenced. But giving referees additional evidence to back up their points can make the letter more convincing. 40 Its where you can find what a university lays stress on, as well as some important information such as deadlines and s

42、o on. A. Make sure to know more about your university. B. You can write that youre hard-working yourself. C They can be quite occupied during application season. D. The more information you include, the better it may be. E. Dont forget to check each universitys guidelines for reference letters. F. E

43、xamples of how you have demonstrated them are needed to add more credibility. G. But other abilities that may not be apparent in the classroom can be equally valuable. 第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下而短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was a hot, humid summer day. I had just 41

44、 the local gas station to fill my tank. After pumping the gas, I started to walk inside to pay. That is when I 42 them. Two elderly women were standing back from their car. There was a mixture of shock and 43 on their faces. I looked and saw it: five wasps (黄蜂) building a nest around their gas cap.

45、My eyes 44 . I shared the ladies fear. Wasps had never been 45 of mine. Several times they had attacked me while I was cutting grass, giving me multiple stings each time I 46 them. Mom would have to run a cold 47 and put me in it to 48 the pain and itching. She would next give me medicine to fight a

46、ll the 49 in my body from the attacks. 50 , I knew I had to do something. I reached into my back pocket for a paper towel, tore out the 51 and stepped on it while the 52 wasps buzzed around me. The ladies thanked me, and I smiled, feeling warm within. In this life, you cant let the fear of being stu

47、ng either physically or emotionally keep you from doing what is 53 . The world needs us to share our 54 to change it for the better, and youll be rewarded with 55 . 41. A. drove by B. pulled into C. ran across D. went through42. A. caught B. expected C. noticed D. surprised43. A. joy B. sorrow C. em

48、barrassment D. panic44. A. widened B. focused C. shifted D. opened45. A. friends B. guests C. enemies D. opponents46. A. followed B. interrupted C. disturbed D. discovered47. A. towel B. bath C. test D. fever48. A. cause B. forget C. freeze D. ease49. A. disease B. tissues C. poison D. reflections50. A. Therefore B. Instead C. Then D. Still51. A. nest B. paper C. insect D. cap52. A. nervo

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