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1、UNIT1Oxford University 牛津大学Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the worlds most famous institutions of higher learning. Oxford University was established during the 1100s. It is located in Oxford, England, about 80 kilometers northwest of London.牛津大学是英国最古老的大学,也是世界最著名的高等学府

2、。牛津大学始建于12世纪。它位于英格兰的牛津,在伦敦西北约80公里处。The university has over 16,300 students (1999-2000), almost a quarter of these students are from overseas and more than 130 nationalities are represented. It consists of 35 colleges, plus five private halls established by various religious groups. Three of the five

3、 private halls are for men only. Of the colleges, St. Hildas and Somerville are for women, and the rest are for men and women. 牛津大学有16,300多名学生(19992000),其中留学生占将近四分之一。他们来自130多个国家。牛津大学有35个学院,还有5个由不同宗教团体建立的私人学院。5个私人学院中,有3个只招男生。学院中,圣希尔达和萨默维尔学院只收女生,其他均为男女兼收。At Oxford, each college is a corporate body dis

4、tinct from the university and is governed by its own head and fellows. Most fellows are college instructors called tutors, and the rest are university professors and lecturers. Each college manages its own buildings and property, elects its own fellows, and selects and admits its own undergraduate s

5、tudents. The university provides some libraries, laboratories, and other facilities, but the colleges take primary responsibility for the teaching and well-being of their students.牛津的每个学院都是独立于大学的实体,由该学院的院长和管委会成员负责管理。部分管委会成员都称为导师的学院教师,其余的是大学教授和讲师。每个学院管理自己的房产和资产,遴选自己的管委会,选择和招收自己的本科生。大学提供某些图书馆、实验室和其他设施

6、,但教学和学生生活主要由各学院负责。Each student at Oxford is assigned to a tutor, who supervises the students program of study, primarily through tutorials. Tutorials are weekly meetings of one or two students with their tutor. Students may see other tutors for specialized instruction. They may also attend lectures

7、given by university teachers. Students choose which lectures to attend on the basis of their own special interests and on the advice of their tutors. 牛津大学给每个学生指定一个导师,他主要通过辅导课监督学生的学习。导师每周和1到2名学生见面一次,学生如需专业指导,还可以去约见其他的导师,也可选听大学老师讲授的课程。学生选听什么课程是根据自己的兴趣和导师的建议而定的。The university, not the individual colleg

8、es, grants degrees. The first degree in the arts or sciences is the Bachelor of Arts with honors. Oxford also grants higher degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a wide variety of subjects.学位由大学授予,而不是各个学院。最低文科或理科学位是优等文学学士。牛津还在其他众多学科领域授予最高的学位,颁发文凭和证书。The Rhodes scholarship program enables students f

9、rom the United States, Canada, and many other nations to study at Oxford for a minimum of two years. The British government grants Marshall scholarships to citizens of the United States for study at Oxford and other universities that are located in Britain. 罗兹德奖学金面向美国、加拿大和很多其他国家的学生,为他们提供至少两年的牛津学习费用。

10、英国政府为在牛津和其他英国境内的大学里求学的美国公民提供马歇尔奖学金。The competition for scholarships and grants is, however, extremely strong and there are usually strict requirements. Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application as most of the schemes are

11、 restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs. 然而,奖学金和助学金的竞争极其激烈,而且通常要求很严。学生们在申请某一项奖学金之前应仔细核查是否有资格,因为多数奖学金对学生国籍和(或)课程都有限制。The students and staff at Oxford are actively involved in over 55 initiatives (2001), including visits to more than 3,700 schools and colleges, to encourage the brightest

12、and best students to apply to Oxford, whatever their background. 牛津师生员工积极参与主动招生的活动,2001年这种活动有55项以上,包括走访3,700所中学,以鼓励优秀学生报考牛津大学,而不管其背景如何。The university has been named the UKs most innovative university in the Launchit 2001 competition, which aimed to discover which British university has demonstrated

13、the greatest achievements in innovation and enterprise across the broadest range of activity. In the national Teaching Quality Assessment exercises for 2000, Oxford was awarded top marks in six out of ten subjects assessed. 在2001年度的创新竞赛中,牛津大学被授予英国最具创新精神的大学称号。该竞赛旨在发现哪一所英国大学在最广的领域内取得了创新和进取的最大成就。在2000年

14、全英教学质量评估中,牛津在所评估的10个科目中有6科得分高居榜首。Oxford, Stanford and Yale Universities have recently become partners in a joint distance learning venture, the Alliance for Lifelong Learning, which will provide online courses in the arts and sciences. 牛津、斯坦福和耶鲁三所大学最近合作开发了 远程学习项目终生学习联盟,该项目将提供文科和理科的在线课程。The mission o

15、f Oxford is to aim at achieving and maintaining excellence in every area of its teaching and research, maintaining and developing its historical position as a world-class university, and enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and the skills

16、 of its graduates. 牛津的使命是在教学和研究的各个领域达到并保持领先地位,保持和加强其世界名校的历史地位,通过其研究成果和毕业生的技能促进地区、全国和全球的发展。In support of this aim the university will provide the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research by responding to developments in the intellectual environment and society at large; and

17、promote challenging and rigorous teaching which benefits from a fruitful interaction with the research environment, facilitating the exchange of ideas through tutorials and small-group learning and exploiting the Universitys resources in its libraries, museums, and scientific collections, to equip i

18、ts graduates to play their part at a national and international level. 为了实现这个目标,学校将针对知识环境和整个社会发展的需要,为员工提供进行创新研究所需的设施和支持;提倡既富革新精神又严格认真的教学,使教学与研究环境卓有成效地互动从而推动教学;通过导师指导和小组学习加速思想的交流,通过开发学校图书馆、博物馆以及科学收藏方面的资源,使毕业生能在国内和国际上一展身手打下基础。UNIT2Your Dream Job: A Click Away鼠标轻点,美梦成真Less than a month from graduation

19、day, Theresa Smith of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, had yet to find the right job. The career placement center referred the liberal-arts major to JOB-TRAK, an Internet site listing 45,000 entry-level positions. 还有不到一个月就要毕业了,特里萨史密斯还没找到合适的工作,她就读于位于伊利诺州埃文斯顿的西北大学。就业指导中心建议这位文科生去查查JOB-TRA

20、K网站,该网站上列出了45,000个初级水平的职位。Smith selected four keywords: Chicago, business, marketing and full-time. Immediately she found 45 jobs meeting her criteria, including one as an assistant to an administrator at the University of Chicagos business school. Four weeks later she was hired at a starting salary

21、 of $32,000.史密斯选择了四个关键词:Chicago(芝加哥),business(商务),marketing(营销),full time(全职)。她马上就找到45个工作合乎她的标准,其中一个是芝加哥商业学院行政助理。四个星期以后,她得到了这份工作,底薪32,000美元。“I had no training,” says Smith, “but the Internet was extremely easy to use. Id never have known about this job without it.”“我没有受过任何训练,”史密斯说,“但因特网使用很简单。要是没有因特网

22、,我根本不会知道有这份工作。”Smith is one American who clicked her way into a job. Steven Tools is another. 不少美国人鼠标一点,就找到了自己的工作。史密斯是其中一个,另一个例子是斯蒂芬图尔斯。In 1996, the Rockville, Md., resident came across an employment site named CareerBuilder. He had just been promoted to director of marketing for a company that prod

23、uces tradeshow exhibits and wasnt looking for a job. But curious, he decided to “give it a try.”他住在马里兰州的罗科维尔,1996年无意中进到一个招聘网站CareerBuilder。他在一家生产商展展品的公司工作,刚被提升为营销总管,并不想换工作。但是出于好奇心,他决定“试试看”。Tools filled out a profile with the keywords marketing manager and entered his electronic-mail address. Within

24、a week his computers mailbox was filling up with available positions. Two interviews later he jumped to a new job. “The Internet is like hiring a personal assistant,” says Tools. “Effortlessly you can become aware of opportunities that may elevate your career.”图尔斯填写了一份简历,关键词是market manager(行销经理),并输入

25、了自己的电子邮箱地址。不到一个星期,他的邮箱里就塞满了可供选择的职位。他去了两家公司面试,然后就跳槽了。“有了因特网,就像雇了一个私人助理,”图尔斯说。“你可以毫不费劲地留意到一些机会,让你的事业上一个新台阶。”Even a couple of years ago, most job listings on the Internet were in high-tech fields. Today, non-technical jobs salesclerks, bank tellers, secretaries, for example are the fastest growing segm

26、ent of Internet employment opportunities. Most major newspapers and trade publications have online versions of their classified listings, enabling job-seekers to scan for work available across town, in another state, or around the world. 仅在两年以前,因特网上提供的工作绝大部分还局限于高科技领域。现在,非技术性的工作,如售货员、银行职员、秘书等,是网上招聘机会

27、增长最为迅速的部分。大型报纸和专业出版物的分类广告大多都有在线版,求职者能搜索到市内、国内甚至国外的一些工作机会。Madeline Gragg and Nedzad Dozlic are still another two who clicked their luck online.马德琳格拉格和内德扎德多兹里克也是通过轻点鼠标,在网上碰到了好运。In 1996, Madeline Gragg, a 28-year-old high school teacher from St. Louis, wanted a change. When a friend mentioned teaching

28、English in Japan, Gragg was intrigued.1996年,圣路易斯的一名高中老师,28岁的马德琳格拉格,想换个工作。有个朋友提到在日本教书的事,格拉格很感兴趣。She visited the popular Yahoo! website and typed teaching English in Japan for a list of employment opportunities. She then followed the procedure for the online application. A week later she received a ca

29、ll and set up an interview with a recruiter in Chicago and got the job. 她访问了著名的yahoo!网站,输入了teaching English in Japan(在日本教英语),找到了一个招聘机会的列表,然后按照在线申请的要求提交了申请。一星期后,她接到一个电话,与芝加哥的一名招聘人员进行了面试,得到了这份工作。Nedzad Dozlic, 27 years old, was scanning the Houston Chronicles Web site for the latest baseball trades. W

30、hile online, he decided to check out the classifieds and spotted a job for a driver at a local car dealership. A refugee of the war in Bosnia, Dozlic had had a variety of jobs but was now ready for something new. He read more about the position on the dealers Internet site and called the number list

31、ed. Two days later he was hired. “Its really funny,” he says, “I was just checking sports, and I ended up with a better job.”27岁的内德扎德多兹里克,当时在浏览Houston Chronicle网站,了解最新的棒球消息。在线时,他查看了分类广告,发现一家当地的汽车交易商招聘司机。多兹里克是波斯尼亚的战争难民,曾从事过多种不同的工作,但现在他想换个工作。他从该交易商的网站上了解了该职位的更多情况,然后拨通了上面提供的电话。两天后,他被雇用了。“真有意思,”他说,“我本来只

32、是在查看体育消息,结果却找到了一份更好的工作。”Another valuable use of the Internet is to research potential employers. When Wendy Mello started her job search in the summer of 1997, she logged on to CareerBuilder, where she learned of a human resources opening at Arbitrons, a media-information-services company in Columbi

33、a, Maryland. With a click of her mouse, Mello sent her rsum to the company via e-mail and soon received an invitation for an interview. 因特网的另一个好处在于你能够搜索到一些可能的雇主。1997年夏天,温蒂梅洛开始找工作,她登录到CareerBuilder网站,发现在马里兰州哥伦比亚的Artitron媒体信息服务公司的人力资源部有一个空缺。梅洛鼠标一点,用电子邮件把简历寄到了该公司,很快就收到面试通知。To find out more about the co

34、mpany, she clicked on to Artitrons home page and that of its parent company, Ceridian Corp., where she reviewed an annual report and the companys financial performance. 为了了解该公司的更多情况,她又点击了Artitron的主页,以及它的母公司Ceridian Corp.的主页,查看了一份该公司的年度报告及其财政状况。Mello also wanted to know how much shed have to earn to

35、maintain her present standard of living. Using an online salary calculator, she typed in her current salary, $34,000, and Baltimore (the nearest big city to Columbia). Within seconds her computer flashed $44,000. “Because of the salary calculator, I knew what to ask for,” says Mello. 梅洛还想了解,要想维持现有的生

36、活水平,自己该赚多少钱。她使用在线薪酬计算器,把自己目前的收入$34,000输进去,再输入Baltimore(巴尔的摩,离哥伦比亚最近的大城市)。短短几秒钟后,电脑屏幕上就闪现出$44,000。“因为有了这个薪酬计算器,我才知道自己该要多少薪水,”梅洛说。By accessing an online real estate service, she saw color photos of rental properties, including detailed floor plans. When Mello arrived in Columbia, she felt completely p

37、repared. The interview was a success, and the next day she was offered a job at a salary of $47,800. 通过上网进入一家在线房地产服务公司网站,梅洛看到了可供租用的房子的彩色照片,包括很详细的楼面格局图。梅洛来到哥伦比亚时,她觉得自己完全做好了准备。面试成功了,第二天,她就得到了一份工作,薪金是47,8000美元。“The Internet is easy to use and it works,” says one job seeker, “What more could you want?”

38、“因特网很容易使用,而且确实有效,”一个求职者说道,“你还要什么呢?” UNIT3The victim广告的受害者You could call me a shop-a-holic, as most of my friends do, but I call myself a lover of fashion. Sitting in my room, I look in my closet at all my belongings and wonder what else I want to buy. Abercrombie, Guess, J Crew and Ralph Lauren are

39、just a few of the name-brand items that clutter my room. And I want more. Ive never stopped to question whether Im getting what Im paying for, though Ive always been a smart shopper, a sale shopper. But, as I learn more about my future field, marketing, I realize that I am a victim of advertising. A

40、ll the things I want and buy are influenced by what magazines, television, and other advertisers tell me I need to buy. 你可以说我是购物狂,朋友大都这样说我,不过我自认为是个时尚爱好者。坐在房间里,看着衣橱里所有的东西,我总是在想还有什么要买的。Abercrombie, Guess, J Crew, Ralph Lauren,还有其他名牌产品,充斥着我的房间,但我还想要更多。我从不考虑我买的东西是否物有所值,虽然我买东西一直都很“精明”,买的都是打折的商品。然而,我对将来要从

41、事的营销领域了解越深入,就越明白自己原来是深受广告的左右。我想要的,我所买的,都受到杂志、电视或别的广告商的影响,它们在告诉我该买些什么。Everyone wears clothes. They can be a statement, a style, or a definition of who you are. They can also be a simple necessity. For me, clothing has meant different things. As a child, I wore what my mother gave me or the hand-me-do

42、wns from my sister. I never questioned how I looked, but I liked to dress up. 人人都穿衣服,衣着可以展现个性,显示品味,定义性格,也可以只是为了满足基本的需求。对我而言,衣着在不同时期有不同的意义。小时候,妈妈给什么我就穿什么,要不就穿姐姐的旧衣服。我从不考虑衣着打扮,不过我喜欢穿得漂漂亮亮的。In middle school, I became more concerned with my appearance, like most girls. But as I progressed to high school

43、, advertising became a big influence. Boys began to notice girls, and all the girls wanted to look good. The clothing in high school became something that defined you; it identified you with a certain group. Wearing Abercrombie jeans meant you were the preppy all-American girl, a Guess shirt meant y

44、ou were the snobby rich girl, and anything worse or less than that was unacceptable. 初中时,像大多数女生一样,我开始在意自己的打扮。但从高中开始,广告对我产生了很大的影响。男生开始留意女生,每个女生都想打扮得漂漂亮亮。高中时衣着界定你的身份,并将你归入某一群体。穿Abercrombie牌的牛仔裤说明你是典型的美国女生,干净利落;穿Guess的衬衫说明你是富家千金,自命不凡,任何其他差一些的衣服都是不可接受的。In college, advertising hit me in a different way.

45、College is a place where typically no one knows you at first, so you can be whoever you want to be. There are so many students and such a variety of people that clothing begins to define you less and less and your personality begins to define you more and more. Everyone is growing and changing and b

46、eginning to learn who they really are. Yet my friends and I still turn to advertising, now not only to stay in fashion but more so to find our own style. In my quest for identity, the style of clothing I choose reflects me. It shows my personality and shows what type of person I am. 上大学后,广告又用另外的方式影响

47、着我。大学里,最初通常没有人认识你,所以你想怎样穿戴都行。学生很多,而且什么人都有,以穿戴看人的情况越来越少,以个性判断人的情况越来越多。每个人都在成长、改变,开始为真正的自己定位。我和朋友们依然关注广告,不过现在不只是为了紧跟时尚,更多的是想找到自己的风格。在寻找个性的过程中,我所选择的衣服样式反映我,显示我的个性,表明我是哪种类型的人。Despite my choice to have my clothing reflect and not define me, I remain a victim of advertising. Although I look to ads for the

48、 upcoming styles, I am still affected by the underlying images behind them. Advertising reflects society and also adds to societal definitions. Advertisers show us people around us, yet they choose only a certain look. By showing us just these people, they are defining those few as the beautiful peo

49、ple. Advertising feeds off human insecurities and makes us want to be like these beautiful people. Our insecurities with wanting to be popular and wanting to be loved are used against us. Society fosters the fascination that we should not be who we are, and advertisers use this to influence us to believe certain messages. If we do not look like the models, we are not beautiful. If w

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