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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-THE ST.REGIS SHANGHAI上海瑞吉红塔大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task 任务:Suppliers File 供应商档案 Code 序号: OH-SM-CS-A003Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to know how to set suppliers file and arrange it.在培训结束之后,每位受训者都应能够建立并管理供应商档案

2、。Standard标准 : Refer to S&P standard Resources培训器材: Clip Chart, Overhead Projector, Hand Out. 白板,投影仪,培训资料 Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间Introduction介绍Discuss 讨论Prepare on the Clip Chart, show the topic of this session准备白板,写出本节内容Contents内容Lecture 讲解Group Discuss 分组讨论Lecture讲解Example举例Lecture讲解Over

3、head projector投影仪Lecture讲解5. Summary 总结Show “W.I.F.M.”(objective)表明从此课所能学到的内容(目标)Q1: Can the hotel offer all the request of catering client about the facilities? 饭店是否能为客人提供他们所需要的所有设备设施?Q2: Is anyone have the experience that hotel cant offer the facility for the guest because hotel without哪位曾经有过饭店不能提

4、供某项服务只因为饭店没有此样设备或设施?Q3: Normally what can you do when at this situation.通常情况下您是如何来解决这样的问题的。Q4: You find what is the problem?您发现这样解决的问题在哪里?Q5: How can we do better?您是否曾经想过如何会做的更好?The course should be divided into four parts: 课程可分为四部份:1. The objection of making supplier file. 建立供应商档案的目的2. How to selec

5、t the suppliers. 如何选择供应商。3. How to set up supplier file. 如何建立供应商档案4. How to arrange the supplier file. 如何整理供应商档案1. The objection of making supplier file. 建立供应商档案的目的 Perfect the sort of facility of hotel. 完善饭店服务设备、设施。 Effective suggestion for the client. 有效的为客人提供信息。 Content client the additional requ

6、est. 满足客人的额外要求。1: What is the problem when we use the supplier?当使用供应商时通常情况下会有 什么样问题?2: How will the client tread the supplier as when we suggest a supplier to them.客人将如何看待我们为其找到的供应商?3: What kind of situation need us to use supplier?什么样情况下需要我们使用供应商?2. How to select the suppliers. 如何选择供应商。 The facilit

7、y what we have not or only have a little. 饭店不具备或数量少的服务设施。 The facility what guest usually used. 客人经常使用的的设施。 The service that can keep respondence of hotel. 能与饭店服务标准保持一致的。1. Give a list of what we have not or only a little facility. (Projector, Stage, etc.)例出饭店没有或数量较少的设备、设施。(如:投影、活动舞台等设备)2. Give a li

8、st of what kind of facility is the guest used usually?(Flip Chart, White Board, Microphone, etc.)例出客人经常使用设备、设施名单。(如:活页夹、白板、麦克风等) 3. How to set up supplier file. 如何建立供应商档案 Determine the quality suppliers. 确认合格供应商。 Valid contact with each suppliers, and collect the information. 有效的与所选定的供应商进行联络,并为供应商案收

9、集相关信息。 Each suppliers file will contain the following:Business filed / Numbers of each objections / Quotation and negotiate / Employment record 每个供应商案应包含以下内容经营范围/ 可提供产品数量/ 报价及合作价 联络人Show the example form for supplier file.展示供应商档案表格。4. How to arrange the supplier file. 如何整理供应商档案 Make supplier record

10、after each event, it will obtain the followingName of use company / The nature of the eventContact person / price and number / Client feedback 应在每次使用供应商后进行记录,记录内容如下:使用公司 / 活动类别 / 公司联络人费及及使用数量 / 客人使用反馈 According to the suppliers that can not use usually, make contact whiling arrange the supplier file

11、s. 不经常使用的供应商应在整理档案时进行联络沟通。 If the client can not keep the respondence of hotel or get complain form the client, will cancel it from the suppliers file. 不合乎饭店标准,或客人使用后不满意的供应商,应取消其档案。 Take supplier used record, arrange supplier file once half a year, and report it to the DOSM. 有关供应商使用情况,应在每半年整理档案时,向市场销售总监汇报。1. Review todays content.复习今日内容。2. Emphasis the key points.强调今日重点。3. Ask some question about each point. 应重点问题提问。15min 10min5min30min5min5min5min5min5min5min15minTotal: 60min-精品 文档-

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