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1、 AbutBso Cand itDor 18She didnt like to play basketball, _ he likes singing and dancing. AorBbut CandDso 19Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, _ ? Awont youBwill you Cdont weDshall we 20“ _ have you been to Nanjing?” AHow longBHow many times CWhenDSince when 完成下列反意疑问句:1Its cold, _ _ ? 2Lucy goes to sch

2、ool by bike, _ _ ? 3The boy has a dog, _ _ ? 4The Kangs had to wait for you for long, _ _ ? 5He can read the book in the room, _ _ ? 6Mrs Brown said nothing at the meeting, _ _ ? 7 Few people hate flowers. _ _ ? 8 Theres some sugar in the box , _ _ ? 9Nobody saw the film, _ _ ? 10 Jim must be here o

3、n time , _ _ ? 11Allan nearly cut her hand, _ _ ? 12You may use his eraser, _ _ ? 13Try on the shoes, _ _ ? 14Lets sing an English song together, _ _ ? 15 Let me have a try , _ _ ? 16Im sure youre wrong, _ _ ? 17Theyll be on duty next Monday, _ _ ? 18Wed better help her, _ _ ? 19Everything has been

4、finished, _ _ ? 20He needs our help, _ _ ? 21 Theres a police car over there , _ _ ? 22 He said Mary could made the model plane , _ _ ? 23 He told us to do that but we dont know why , _ _ ? 24 She wont go to bed until she finishes her work , _ _ ? 25Somebody called me at four yesterday afternoon, _

5、_ ? 26 No one could answer the question , _ _ ?27 Everything is OK , _ _ ? 28We have never heard of that before, _ _ ? 29She can hardly believe her eyes, _ _ ? 30Theres little milk in the glass, _ _ ?31 He is too excited to speak , _ _ ? 32Dont play football in the street, _ _ ? 33Everything has bee

6、n finished, _ _ ? 34He did right , _ _ ? 35Youd better have a good rest, _ _ ? 36Neither he nor I am right, _ _ ? 37I think he can do it, _ _ ? 38Some of us are good at English, _ _ ? 39 Some of them are Young Pioneers , _ _ ? 40 None of the bread was bad , _ _ ?41 None of us knew the way , _ _ ? 42

7、Youd like some tea, _ _ ? 43 Shes read a lot , _ _ ?44Shes reading the newspaper, _ _ ? 45Everything is all right, _ _ ? 46Everbody is here, _ _ ? 47She is unhappy, _ _ ? 48There are few books in his bag, _ _ ? 49I have never been to Beijing, _ _ ?50 there is nothing in the glass , _ _ ?参考答案1D因为句中的h

8、ardly有否定含义(几乎不),故附加部分用肯定形式。2CLets句型的附加部分用 shall we. 3A4Dnever是否定词,故附加部分用肯定形式。5Blittle具有否定含义,故附加部分应用肯定形式。6Dhave(has)to的附加疑问形式用助动词do的适当形式。had better的附加疑问形式用“had/hadnt+主语”。7A在由动词原形构成的祈使句中,如果主句谓语是肯定形式,附加部分可用“will或wont加主语”,如果主句谓语是否定形式,附加部分只能用“will+主语”。8A在感叹句中,how修饰形容词或副词,what修饰名词。9B句中需强调的是形容词(beautiful),

9、固用how。10C句中强调的中心词是名词(weather),故用what,又因weather是不可数名词,故不能选 B项的 what a。11AYes/No答语前后的肯、否定语气应一致。12AHere you are. 给你。13Bor否则。14Bso是副词,起连接作用,意为“因此,于是”。15C前后两个分句是按因果关系顺接下来的,故应用and接it,因为前一分句是否定句,省略it则易产生语义分歧。16B前后语气发生“转折”,故用but。17DLets祈使句的附加部分用Shall we。18BHow many times是问次数,have been to是指“去过某处”,句中疑问词与谓语动词的

10、衔接表示非延续的动作,故不能和 How long或 since when连用。1isnt it 2doesnt she 3hasnt he /doesnt he4didnt they 5cant he 6did she7do they 8isnt there 9did he10isnt hemust表猜测,意为“一定”。11didnt he注意nearly没有否定含义。12mustnt you 13will you/wont you14shall we 15Sall I 16arent you17wont they 18hadnt we 19hasnt it20doesnt he 21isnt

11、 there22didnt he主语谓语动词是think,believe等动词时,其附加问句部分的谓语动词要与从句谓语动词一致,但其它的动词还是要和主句谓语动词一致。23do we并列句的附加部分的谓语形式要与第二个分句的谓语形式一致。 24will she同22小题。25didnt he/theysomebody (someone),anyone等复合不定代词作主语的附加问句部分的主语可用he,也可用they。26could he/theyno one作主语时。附加问句部分的主语用he或they都可,谓语动词应用肯定形式。27isnt it28have wenever是否定词,故附加部分用肯

12、定形式。29can shehardly是否定词。30is therelittle是半否定词,附加部分也应用肯定形式。31is he. tooto有否定含义,故附加部分应用肯定形式。32will youDont开头的祈使句的附加部分用 will you。33hasnt it 34didnt he 35hadnt you36arent I。 neitheror连接并列王语时,附加部分的主语和谓语形式应与nor后面的主语相对应。am的否定的缩略句形式用arent。37cant he 38arent we 39arent they40was itnone是否定词, bread属不可数名词。41did

13、we 42will you43hasnt she 44isnt she45isnt it 46isnt he/ arent they47is she带否定前缀的词做主语,谓语、表语和宾语等成分时,句子仍视为肯定句,故附加部分用否定形式。48are therefew是半否定词。49have Inever是否定词。50is therenothing是否定词。1How 2What a3What 4How5What anTV play是单数可数名词,故应在interesting前加不定冠词an6What abook是单数可数名词。7How8What9How10What11What a12How13Ho

14、w 14How1How2How3What4What a5How6How十一、特殊疑问句选择填空1- _ did you buy the new bag? -Last Monday. AWhereBHowCWhenDWho2- _ bag is this? -Its mine. AWhatBWhoCWhosDWhose 3- _ will the rainy season last? -About a month. AHow longBHow oftenCHow soonDHow much 4- _ do you watch TV? -Once a week. AHow longBHow soo

15、nCHow oftenDHow much 5- _ does he go to see Uncle Wang? -Twice a month, I think. AHow longBHow manyCHow soonDHow often 6Could you tell me _ you were late for the meeting this morning? AwhereBwhyCwhen 7“ _ and _ are we going to have the meeting?” “At half past eight in our school . ” AWhat; whereB Wh

16、en; how CWho; whereD When; where 、就划线部分提问1 Miss Chen teaches Chinese in a middle school. 2 Li Lei is a student. 3 The book cost me 23 yuan. 4 He writes to his friend three times a month. 5 We write words with our hands. 6 He has three pens. 7 His father is 78 years old. 8He cant ride a bike because

17、hes too young. 9I like the black cat best of all. 10Its about 5 kilometres away from here to the Peoples Hospital. 11Lucy and Lily are in Grade Two. 14He often goes to school by bike. 15Its Sunday today. 16His name is Liu Hai. 17 Its 830. 18It will be cloudy tomorrow 19John will be back in an hour.

18、20 I have got a bad cold. 、就斜体部分提问,在空白处填上适当的词,每空一词。1 Theyre talking with our English teacher. With _ _ they talking? 2 My penfriend lives in Canada. _ _ your penfriend _ ? 3 Yang Guomei is on duty today. _ is on duty today? 4 Kates bike is green. _ _ is Kates bike? 5 Sam will help his aunt during th

19、e. surmmer holiday._ _ Sam help his aunt? 6 The first class begins at eight. _ _ _ the first class _ ? 7 We shall borrow a dictionary from the library._ _ you borrow from the library? 8 The Whites have gone to London by air. _ _ the Whites gone to London? 9 The watch cost about Three hundred and fif

20、ty yuan. _ _ _ the watch cost? 10The woman by the shop is our headteacher._ woman is your headteacher? 11Three and four is seven. _ is three and four? 12She must take the medicine three times a day._ _ _ she take the medicine? 13The sports meeting will begin next Wednesday._ _ the sports meeting beg

21、in? 14Ive lost Lilys pen. _ _ _ you lost? 15Mr Black said he would play football that afternoon._ _ Mr Black say? 16 Bruce was late because he forgot it. _ _ Bruce late? 17 Miss Fu bought five books. _ _ _ did Miss Fu _ ? 18The city is nearly three thousand kilometres away._ _ is the city? 19His bro

22、ther has been in the league for half a year _ _ _ his brother been in the league? 20 It was June 20 , 1983 that day. _ _ _ _ _ that day? 21 Peter writes the most carefully of the three._ writes the most carefully of the three? 22Bills kite is in that tall tree. _ kite is in that tall tree? 23My gran

23、dma is a doctor. _ is _ grandma? 24 I play football with my classmates every afternoon._ _ you _ with your classmates every afternoon? 25It was June 21 the day before yesterday. _ was _ _ the day before yesterday? 26 Its raining heavily today. _ the weather _ today? 27 My blouse is black and white.

24、_ _ is your blouse? 28 Its a quarter to ten now? _ _ is it now? 29 He walks like an old man. _ does he walk _ ? 30My mother is very well. _ is your mother? 31 Mr Read went to Australia by air. _ _ Mr Read _ to Australia? 32Therere 1 , 000 students in our school. _ _ students are there in your school

25、? 33 Theres a little tea in the cup. _ _ tea is there in the cup? 34The apple is four yuan a kilo. _ _ is the apple? 35 Its one hundred metres from here to the factory._ _ is it from here to the factory? 36 I have studied English for five years. _ _ have you studied English? 37 I began to work in th

26、e hospital when I was eighteen._ _ you begin to work in the hospital? 38 He didnt go to the park because he was ill in bed._ didnt he go to the park? 39 Miss Li lives in the city of Baoji. _ _ Miss Li live? 40 The one on the left is hers. _ _ is hers? 参考答案1C根据答语 Last Monday,可知应用疑问词 When。2D根据答语中的mine

27、,可知疑问词应用whose。3A根据答语 about a month可知疑问词应用 how long。4C根据答语 Once a week可知。5D同上。6B 7因为答语既说了时间,又说了地点,故用 when and where。1Where dose Miss Chen teach Chinese? 2What is Li Lei, “What is(sb. )?”是一个问某人职业的句型,问某人职业还可用 What do(dose) sb. do?或 Whats ones job?等。3How much did the book cost you? 注意原句 cost是过去时。4How of

28、ten does he write to his friend? 5How do we write words? 6How many pens has he?/How many pens does he have? 7How old is his father? 8Why cant he ride a bike? 9Which cat do you like best? 10How far is it from here to the Peoples Hospital? 11What grade are Lucy and Lily in?如果将 Two划线, 则应用 Which grade 提

29、问。12Who often tells the boys about his stories? Who(Whom) does the old man often tell about his stories? What does the old man often tell the boys? 13Whose coat is black? What colour is Han Meimeis coat? 14How does he often go to school? 15What day(of the week) is it today? 16What is his name? 17Wha

30、t time is it? 18What will the weather be like tomormw?如果问“今天天气怎么样?”应说Whats the weather like today?如问昨天的天气应说 What was the weather like yesterday? 19How soon will John be back? 20Whats wrong with you? 1whom are. 此种以介词开头的特殊疑问较为正式,此句也可改为: Who (Whom)are they talking with? 2Where does, live 3Who 4What col

31、our 5When will 6What time doos, begin 7What will 8How have 9How much did 10Which 11What。问数学计算结果也可用 How much,但因此题只有一个空,所以只能填what. 12How often must 13When will 14Whose pen have 15What did 16Why was 17How many books, buy 18How far. 问距离用 how far, 问某物的长度用 how long. 如: How long is the yellow River?how lon

32、g还可问时间长度。19How long has 20What was the date 21Who 22Whose 23What, your 24What do, do 25What, the date 26Whats like 27What colour 28What time 29What, like 30How 31How did, go 32How many 33How much 34How much 35How far 36How long 37When did 38Why 39Where does 40Which one 十、情态动词选择填空1This key _ be Peter

33、s. His is still in the lock. Amay notBcan t CmustntDneednt 2Its cold outside. Youd better _ your coal. Anot to take offBnot take off Cto not take offDdont take off 3- _ I take the newspaper away? -No, you mustnt. You _ read it only here. AMust; canBMay; can CNeed; mustDMust; must 4- _ you like some

34、more tea, sir? -No, thanks. AWouldBMay CMustDShall 5-May I go now? -No, you _ . You _ stay here. Aneednt; has toBmustnt; have to Ccant; mustDneednt; must 6-Must I write all the words down now? -No, you _ . AmustntBcant CwontDneednt 7-May I go out and play basketball now? -No, you _ finish your homew

35、ork first. AmustBcan CmayDneed 8You _ worry about your son. He will get well soon. AneedntBcant Cmustnt 9- _ I come in, Mr Green? -Yes, come in, please. AMustBMay CWillDNeed 10He isnt in the school. I think he _ be ill. AcanBshallCmust11“Must I come here before eight oclock?”“No, you _ .”AcantBcould

36、ntCmustntDneednt 12I havent brought my dictionary with me. _ I use yours? AMustBShallCMayDNeed 13-You cant swim, can you? -_.AYes, I cantBNo, I cantCYes, you canDNo, I can 14He can hardly see anything, _ ? Acant heBcould he Ccan heDcouldnt he 15_ to have your lunch with me this afternoon? AWould you

37、 likeBIf you like CDid you likeDAre you like16-Will you come to see the film with me? -_.ANo, I dontBsorry, I cant CYes, I amDYes, I wasnt 17-I _ keep the book a little longer? -Yes, you can. AMustBNeedCCanDShould 18- _ I watch TV this evening, Mum? -Yes, you _ . AMay; mayBmust; can CMust; mayDNeed;

38、 need 19Mike must work harder at his lessons, _ ? Aneednt heBmustnt he Cdoesnt heDisnt he 20-May I go now? -No, you _ , You _ stay here. Aneednt; here toBneednt mustCmustnt; have toDneednt; has do 21Tom _ it if he doesnt want to. Adoesnt need toBneed not to do Cneeds not to doDneed not do 22Put on m

39、ore clothes. You _ be feeling cold with only a shirt on. AcanBcould CwouldDmust 23-May I keep the book for two weeks? -No, you _ . AcantBmay not CmustntDmight not 24_ take the man upstairs? AHad I better notBHad I not better CHadnt I better toDDid I have better not 25-Must I return the book this morning? -No, you _ . But you _ return it before supper. Aneednt, mustBmustnt, canCmustnt mayDcant. need 26- _ I get up at five oclock tomorrow morning?

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