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1、Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.In our daily life, the relationship between neighbors is so important that it would affect their spirit and mood for studying and working. Good neig

2、hbors could create and maintain mild relationship in the neighborhood. When facing the question that what are good characteristics of a popular neighbor, different people hold diverse opinions due to their respective angles and emotional concerns. In my point of view, I am glad to live with the peop

3、le together who are considerate, warm-hearted and respectful.To begin with, the essential characteristic of a good neighbor is consideration, which would greatly benefit the relationship among neighbors. As we all know, everybody wants to live in a quiet and agreeable environment. However, some peop

4、le always play music loudly, no matter at daytime or in evening. In such noisy circumstance, how could you concentrate on your study and finish your paper on time? This deed would disturb your normal life even affect your relationship. By contrary, considerate neighbors will not do such activities,

5、moreover, they will tell their children not to pick the flowers of their neighbors and not to litter on others drive way. Therefore, concerning others when you are enjoying life is a basic standard for a harmonious atmosphere in neighborhoods.Next one of the most important characteristics of a good

6、neighbor is warm heart. Warm-hearted neighbors will give you a hand whenever you need help. People always encounter some unpredictable situations that they are unable to deal with. For example, good neighbors would glad to take care of your kids while you are not at home for a few days. They would p

7、rovide the children with food and play games with kids until you come back. Suppose that your parent unfortunately get an acute sickness and need some medicine immediately. Good neighbors would offer you a ride to the pharmacy, even though it is pouring or snowing outside. Nobody will be unhappy whe

8、n they have such warm-hearted neighbors like their brothers and sisters.Another feature of a good neighbor is respect. They know how to respect each other and not spread a rumor. In our real life, everybody may make some mistakes. However some people like to criticize the person who did the fault. T

9、his kind of deed will definitely harm their emotion and destroy the relationship between people. In contrast, a good neighbor would help him or her to correct the mistake and pass the hard time, not just watch and talk around.Admittedly, some people may think that other characteristics are indispens

10、able, such as humor and honest. In fact, these merits could also improve the relationship and tighten the connection of neighbors to some extent. However, when all the values of those personalities are carefully compared, I think that the three characteristics mentioned above, consideration, warm heart and respect, outweigh any other qualities and greatly contribute to the relationship in our neighborhood and make our community more pleasurable.


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